What are 5 letter words with ou? If you’re looking for a fun and challenging activity for your next road trip or rainy day, why not try to see how many five-letter words containing “ou” you can come up with? This can be a great way to pass the time while also expanding your vocabulary. To get you started, I put together this list of 5 letter words with “ou” that you can use as inspiration.
5 Letter Words with Ou
Some examples of 5 letter words with ou include:
5 Letter Words Starting with Ou
- Ought
- Oukie
- Oumas
- Ouped
- Ouphs
- Ousia
- Outby
- Outed
- Outer
- Outie
- Outro
- Ouzel
- Ouche
- Ouens
- Ouija
- Oulks
- Ounce
- Oupas
- Ouphe
- Ourie
- Ousel
- Ousts
- Outdo
- Outen
- Outgo
- Outre
- Outta
- Ouzos
5 Letter Words Ending in Ou
- Bayou
- Bitou
- Fogou
- Sajou
- Tatou
- Bijou
- Poyou
- Vodou
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with A
- About
- Afoul
- Aloud
- Amour
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with B
- Bouge
- Bough
- Boule
- Boult
- Bound
- Bouns
- Bourg
- Bourn
- Bouse
- Bousy
- Bouts
- Boutu
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with C
- Chout
- Choux
- Cloud
- Clour
- Clout
- Couch
- Cough
- Could
- Count
- Coupe
- Coups
- Courb
- Courd
- Cours
- Court
- Couta
- Couth
- Croup
- Crout
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with D
- Douar
- Doubt
- Douce
- Doucs
- Dough
- Douks
- Doula
- Douma
- Doums
- Doups
- Doura
- Douse
- Douts
- Drouk
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with F
- Flour
- Flout
- Fouat
- Fouds
- Fouer
- Fouet
- Foule
- Fouls
- Found
- Fount
- Fours
- Fouth
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with G
- Ghoul
- Glout
- Gouch
- Gouge
- Gouks
- Goura
- Gourd
- Gouts
- Gouty
- Group
- Grout
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with H
- Houff
- Hough
- Hound
- Houri
- Hours
- House
- Houts
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with J
- Joual
- Jougs
- Jouks
- Joule
- Jours
- Joust
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with K
- Khoum
- Knoud
- Knout
- Koura
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with L
- Lough
- Louie
- Louis
- Louma
- Lound
- Loupe
- Loups
- Lours
- Loury
- Louse
- Lousy
- Louts
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with M
- Meous
- Mouch
- Moues
- Moufs
- Mould
- Moule
- Mouls
- Moult
- Mouly
- Mound
- Mount
- Moups
- Mourn
- Mouse
- Mousy
- Mouth
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with N, O
- Nouja
- Nould
- Nouls
- Nouns
- Nouny
- Noups
- Noust
- Odour
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with P, Q
- Pious
- Plouk
- Plout
- Pouce
- Pouch
- Pouff
- Poufs
- Poufy
- Pouke
- Pouks
- Poule
- Poulp
- Poult
- Pound
- Poupe
- Poupt
- Pours
- Pousy
- Pouty
- Proud
- Proul
- Quouk
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with R
- Rouen
- Rouet
- Roufs
- Rouge
- Rough
- Rougy
- Rouks
- Roule
- Round
- Roups
- Roupy
- Rouse
- Roust
- Route
- Routh
- Routs
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with S
- Scoup
- Scour
- Scout
- Shout
- Smout
- Snout
- Sough
- Souks
- Souls
- Souly
- Soums
- Sound
- Soups
- Soupy
- Sours
- Souse
- South
- Spout
- Stoun
- Stoup
- Stour
- Stout
- Swoun
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with T
- Touch
- Tough
- Touks
- Tours
- Touse
- Tousy
- Touts
- Touze
- Touzy
- Troun
- Trout
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with V, W
- Vouch
- Voulu
- Vrous
- Vrouw
- Would
- Wound
5 Letter Words with Ou in the Middle, Starting with Y, Z
- Young
- Yours
- Youse
- Youth
- Zouks
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Five Letter Words with Ou?
Five-letter words with “ou” are words that contain the letters “ou” in them. The letters are placed side by side. For example, words like house, couch, pouch, and bound have the letter o and u places side by side.
What Are Common 5 Letter Words with Ou and Their Meanings?
Here are a few common five-letter words with “ou” that you can add to your vocabulary:
- Mount – (verb) to climb up or onto something, or to fix or attach something in position, as in “mount a picture on the wall.”
- Spout – (noun) a tube or pipe through which liquid is conveyed, or a projecting lip, as in a teapot, for pouring.
- Grouch – (noun) a habitually irritable or complaining person, or a feeling of discontent or unhappiness.
- Ounce – (noun) a unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound or approximately 28 grams.
- Bound – (verb) to go or come to a particular place, or to limit or restrict something, as in “I am bound for the beach.”
- Stout – (adjective) having a thick or strong build, or strong in body or character.
- Mouth – (noun) the opening in the face through which food and drink are taken in, or the cavity behind this opening where the tongue and teeth are located.
- About – (adverb) in the vicinity of, or approximately or roughly. Example: “The concert starts at about 7 o’clock.”
- Sound – (noun) vibrations that travel through the air or another medium, often heard as a result of their interaction with the human ear.
- Round – (adjective) shaped like a circle or sphere, or having a curved or circular edge.
- South – (noun) the direction that is opposite of north, or the region of the Earth lying to the south of the equator.
- Found – (verb) to discover or come across something unexpectedly, or to establish or create something new.
- Flour – (noun) a fine, powdery substance made by grinding grains or other foodstuffs, often used in baking or cooking.
- Touch – (verb) to come into contact with something lightly or briefly, often with the hands or fingers.
- Youth – (noun) the time of life between childhood and adulthood, or the qualities or characteristics associated with young people.
Why Learn 5 Letter Words with Ou?
So why would you want to learn five-letter words with “ou”? Here is why:
For Games Like Wordle and Scrabble
Knowing a variety of five-letter words with “ou” can be a great way to win games like Wordle and Scrabble. If you like word games, you know it can, sometimes be difficult to find a word that you can use. But if you know some of the five-letter words with “ou,” then you will have an advantage over your opponents.
Learning the English Language
If English is not your first language, studying five-letter words with “ou” can help you learn and understand the English language better. This type of learning activity is beneficial to those who are trying to become fluent in English as these words are often used in everyday conversations.
It Improves Your Vocabulary
Learning five letter words with “ou” can also help you to improve your vocabulary. Knowing these types of words can help you express yourself more clearly and accurately in conversations and written pieces.
Final Thoughts
Learning 5-letter words with “ou” will help you to expand your word knowledge, be a better player of word games, and improve your English language skills. Now that you have this list of words and their meanings, try making up sentences using them or playing a game with friends.
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