3 letter words with X can appear tricky in word games like Scrabble. They can fit snugly on game boards and score you many points. In this reference, you’ll explore various three-letter words containing X. Different sections cover what these words are, words with X in them, words starting with X, and abbreviations with X.
3 Letter Words with X
What are 3 letter words?
Three-letter words are those tiny words that no one really thinks about but are the building blocks of the English language. The past sentence alone has five three-letter words in it and the sentence wouldn’t make sense without them.
In word games, they are even more important as fillers, ways to use the last few letters you have or finish filling in the board. The more creative you can get with these three-letter words the better and if there’s an uncommon letter like v, w, z, or x in them, it becomes a real win. Here are some ideas for when you happen to pick up an x or even two. As you’ll see, there’s a surprising number of commonly used words included in the list.
List of 3 Letter Words with X
3 Letter Words with X in Them
- Axe
- Box
- Fax
- Fix
- Fox
- Hex
- Lex
- Lox
- Lux
- Max
- Mix
- Oxy
- Pox
- Rex
- Sax
- Sex
- Six
- Tax
- Tux
- Vex
3 Letter Words Starting with X
- Xat
- Xes
- Xis
- Xie
- Xin
- Xan
- Xav
- Xem
- Xer
- Xey
- Xia
- Xir
- Xor
- Xue
- Xun
- Xus
- Xyr
3 Letter Abbreviations with X
- XAP: IATA airport code for Chapecó Airport
- XAS: X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- XBL: XML binding language
- XBX: ten Basic Exercises
- XDK: Xbox Development Kit
- XDR: extremely drug resistant
- XFF: X-Forwarded-For
- XFL: Xtreme Football League
- XGA: Extended Graphics Array, a computer display standard of the 1990s, offering various resolutions and palettes and using a 4:3 aspect ratio
- XHR: XMLHttpRequest object
- XMA: Extensible Management Agent
- XMI: XML Metadata Interchange
- XML: Extensible Markup Language
- XMM: Extended Memory Manager
- XMP: xanthosine monophosphate; Extensible Metadata Platform; Extreme Memory Profile
- XMS: Extended Memory Specification
- XNA: Xinhua News Agency, the New China News Agency, the government news agency of the People’s Republic of China
- XPS: Dell XPS; XML Paper Specification
- XRD: X-ray diffraction
- XRF: X-ray fluorescence
- XRR: X-ray reflectivity
- XSD: XML Schema Definition
- XSL: Extensible stylesheet language
- XSS: cross-site scripting
- XTC: ecstasy
- XTM: XML topic map
- xtr: extra
- Xty: Christianity
- XUL: Xml User interface Language
- XUV: extreme ultraviolet; crossover utility vehicle
- XWT: XML Windowing Toolkit
- XXS: extra extra small
3 Letter Words with X with Meanings
- A machine used to send copies of documents over phone wires
- I sent the contract via fax.
- Lightly smoked salmon that’s been covered in brine
- She had bagels with lox for breakfast.
- To irritate or annoy
- His constant questioning began to vex her.
- Payments levied against property or goods being bought and sold
- She paid her property tax online.
- A number
- They have six cats.
- To stir together
- Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
- The highest amount allowed
- He reached the max level in the game.
- A carnivorous animal known for its bushy tail and pointed ears
- The fox darted across the field.
- A storage container
- He put all his tools in a box.
- An evil spell or curse
- The witch cast a hex on the village.
- A woodworking tool
- He used the axe to chop wood.
- The act of procreation
- They discussed the topic of sex education.
- A virus that manifests as a rash
- Smallpox was a feared disease.
- A cat or rabbit with very short hair
- They adopted a Rex.
- A saxophone
- He played the sax in the band.
- To solve a problem
- He needs to fix the leaky roof.
- Containing oxygen
- She used oxy cleaner for the stains.
- A unit of illumination
- The room had a low lux level.
- A nickname; short for Alexis
- Lex is very talented.
- Formal wear; a tuxedo
- He wore a tux to the wedding.
This list of 3 letter words with x are just here to get you started with the many options for using x more; whether it’s in everyday conversation or to swoop in with a win on your Scrabble game, these words will be sure to impress.
As you can see, there are quite a few common 3 letter words with x in them than you might expect. You shouldn’t be intimidated by the fact you need to use an x in your play. Just remember, it seems like an uncommon letter but there’s actually a decent number of commonly used words that contain the letter x. They may get overlooked because they’re also three-letter words but don’t forget them and they’ll be your friend in Scrabble or any other word game you enjoy playing.
Related resources:
- 3 Letter Words with J
- 3 Letter Words with Q
- 3 Letter Words with V
- 3 Letter Words with X
- 3 Letter Words with Z
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