Hello and welcome to the exciting world of vowels and 5 letter words with 3 vowels! You may well have heard of them before, but do you really know what they are and why they’re so important? Vowels inject rhythm, tone and emotion into words, and allow us to communicate with variety and character. So whether you’re a language lover or simply want to communicate more effectively, this article is for you. Ready? Right, let’s dive into the magical world of vowels!
5 Letter Words with 3 Vowels
What Are Vowels?
You’ve probably heard the phrase: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y” . These are the letters in the English alphabet known as vowels; the remainder are called consonants.
Vowels are the sounds we make when allowing air to flow freely from the mouth, whereas consonants are formed by impeding or blocking airflow with the tongue, lips, or teeth. Although there are only five standard vowels in the alphabet, they can be combined in different ways to produce up to 16 distinct vowel sounds in standard American English, 21 in Australian English, and 25 in British English. F
Furthermore, vowel sounds can be divided into two categories: short vowels and long vowels. These are somewhat of a misnomer because they do not describe differing durations of the same sound, they describe completely distinct sounds. Long vowels sound like the name of the letter itself and are created by combining two vowels, one of which is usually silent. Examples of long vowels include the a in cape or the e in easy. Short vowels are more often found in short words with only one vowel present, such as bit, cot and lush.
One final takeaway: the two shortest words in the English language, the pronoun I and the article a, are both vowels.
5 Letter Words with 3 Vowels 1
List of 5 Letter Words with 3 Vowels
The following is a list of 5 letter words with 3 vowels:
- Abide
- Abide
- Abies
- Abode
- Abore
- About
- Above
- Abune
- Abuse
- Acute
- Adobe
- Adore
- Adoze
- Aeons
- Aerie
- Aeros
- Adieu
- Afire
- Afore
- Agile
- Agone
- Agued
- Agues
- Aided
- Aider
- Aides
- Aiery
- Ailed
- Aimed
- Aimer
- Ainee
- Aired
- Airer
- Aisle
- Alien
- Alike
- Aline
- Alive
- Aloed
- Aloes
- Alone
- Aloud
- Alowe
- Alure
- Amice
- Amide
- Amies
- Amine
- Amole
- Amour
- Amove
- Amuse
- Anime
- Anole
- Apode
- Aquae
- Argue
- Ariel
- Arise
- Arose
- Aside
- Aspie
- Atone
- Audio
- Auger
- Aures
- Autos
- Avoid
- Avine
- Avise
- Awoke
- Axile
- Axite
- Axone
- Azine
- Azure
- Baize
- Beaus
- Bogie
- Bogue
- Bonie
- Bouge
- Boule
- Bouse
- Cadie
- Cameo
- Canoe
- Cause
- Coate
- Coude
- Coupe
- Coure
- Couta
- Curie
- Curio
- Cutie
- Daine
- Deair
- Diane
- Diode
- Dogie
- Douar
- Douce
- Doula
- Doura
- Douse
- Dovie
- Dowie
- Duomi
- Elain
- Eliad
- Eloin
- Emoji
- Equal
- Equid
- Equip
- Erica
- Erugo
- Eupad
- Euros
- Fique
- Folie
- Fouer
- Fouet
- Foule
- Fovea
- Foxie
- Fuero
- Gauge
- Gauze
- Genoa
- Genua
- Gouge
- Guaco
- Guide
- Guile
- Guise
- Hause
- Haute
- Hoise
- Homie
- House
- Ideal
- Ideas
- Ileac
- Ileal
- Image
- Irone
- Issue
- Joual
- Joule
- Juice
- Kaies
- Liane
- Loave
- Logie
- Louie
- Louis
- Louma
- Loupe
- Loure
- Louse
- Lovie
- Lutea
- Maile
- Maire
- Maise
- Maize
- Mauve
- Mavie
- Media
- Meous
- Moues
- Mouse
- Movie
- Moxie
- Mulie
- Naive
- Noise
- Noule
- Oaked
- Oaken
- Oaker
- Oared
- Oases
- Oasis
- Oaten
- Oater
- Ocean
- Odeum
- Odium
- Oiled
- Oiler
- Oldie
- Olein
- Oleum
- Olive
- Ollie
- Omega
- Onium
- Opera
- Opine
- Opium
- Orate
- Oread
- Orgue
- Oriel
- Ounce
- Oupas
- Ousel
- Outed
- Outer
- Outre
- Outta
- Ovate
- Ovine
- Oxide
- Oxies
- Paire
- Paise
- Patio
- Pause
- Piano
- Pious
- Poise
- Quail
- Quake
- Quiet
- Quine
- Quite
- Quota
- Quote
- Radio
- Raine
- Raise
- Roate
- Rogue
- Roque
- Rouen
- Roues
- Rouge
- Roule
- Rouse
- Route
- Salue
- Sauce
- Saute
- Sepia
- Soare
- Soave
- Souce
- Souse
- Suave
- Suite
- Taupe
- Tinea
- Togae
- Togue
- Toile
- Toise
- Toque
- Touse
- Touze
- Ukase
- Ulema
- Union
- Unite
- Untie
- Urare
- Urase
- Urate
- Ureal
- Ureas
- Uredo
- Ureic
- Urena
- Urine
- Urite
- Ursae
- Usage
- Usnea
- Utile
- Uveal
- Uveas
- Vague
- Vaire
- Value
- Vaute
- Venue
- Video
- Viola
- Vireo
- Vogie
- Vogue
- Voice
- Volae
- Vouge
- Waide
- Waite
- Waive
- Youse
- Yowie
- Zaire
- Zowie
Common 5 Letter Words with 3 Vowels with Meanings
- Aeons: a very long or indefinite period of time
- Agape: an open-mouthed expression of wonder or shock. Alternatively, it means unselfish, platonic and mature love
- Afire: burning with intense heat or passion
- Beige: a pale, neutral color that is a mixture of gray, yellow and brown
- Elite: superior in power, quality, education, wealth, rank, skill or privilege
- Lease: a contract granting the right to use property, equipment, or land for a specified period of time
- Queue: a line or sequence of people or vehicles waiting for something
- Weave: to interlace threads or strands in a pattern to make fabric or textiles
What Is the Best 5 Letter Word for Wordle?
5 letter words are words that contain five letters in them. They are also known as five-letter words.
Wordle is a browser-based game. The game allows six chances to guess five-letter words. Once you begin to play Wordle, it is highly addictive, and it can be the first thing that many people check when they wake up each day.
What is the best 5 letter word for Wordle?
It can be hard to play Wordle strategically and it is often better to use your intuition. It is a good idea to use 5 letter words with 3 or more vowels as starting words when playing Wordle. For example, you can use five letter words with three vowels such as audit, adore, oread, urate, and sauce.
The letter E appears more frequently in most English words and it is also a good idea to start finding words with E, like agape, elite, queue, lease, and arise.
Related: 5 Letter Words with Most Vowels
Like all languages, English is a symphony of speech. Vowels are small and simple sounds that punch well above their weight to play a crucial role in effective communication. Bringing our words to life, they provide shades of meaning and imbue language with variety and musicality. So whenever you speak, write, read or listen, take a moment to appreciate the power of vowels because they may just be the most important part of language you never thought about: think about that!
The 5 letter words with 3 vowels are simple words that can describe a story very well. It is important to know the difference between all of the 5 letter words because this will determine if you can use them in a conversation and explain to someone else what you want them to know about your story.
Learn more with a list of 5 letter words with 4 vowels.
5 Letter Words with 3 Vowels | Images
5 Letter Words with 3 Vowels 2
5 letter words with 3 vowels when correctly used can make the stories that you tell more alive and memorable. Don’t hesitate to use many of the 5 letter words with 3 vowels in a story because, who knows, you might be able to make a statement or even tell a whole story just by using one of them.
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