4 Letter Words Ending in U (175 Words in English)

When you explore the subject of four-letter words that end in the letter “u,” you’re diving into an interesting aspect of the English language. This reference will take you through various categories, including words ending in “au,” “bu,” “cu,” “du,” and many more. You’ll also find explanations for these words and a helpful picture to visualize them. Knowing the history and categories of these words can enrich your vocabulary and understanding of linguistic patterns.

4 Letter Words Ending in U

4 Letter Words Ending in U
4 Letter Words Ending in U – Created by 7ESL

4 Letter Words Ending in au

  • Arau
  • Beau
  • Esau
  • Frau
  • Luau
  • Prau
  • Unau
  • Abau
  • MSAU
  • NKAU
  • Stau
  • Riau

4 Letter Words Ending in bu

  • Babu
  • Bubu
  • Cebu
  • Ombu
  • Tabu
  • Zebu
  • Habu
  • Zobu
  • Dubu
  • Embu
  • GUBU

4 Letter Words Ending in cu

  • Docu
  • HKCU
  • Pacu

4 Letter Words Ending in du

  • Kudu
  • Pudu
  • Urdu
  • Wudu
  • Bedu
  • BrdU
  • Dadu
  • PSDU

4 Letter Words Ending in eu

  • Lieu
  • Emeu
  • Akeu
  • Bleu

4 Letter Words Ending in fu

  • Fufu
  • Gifu
  • Tofu
  • Zafu
  • CTFU
  • Kofu
  • Xifu
  • Sifu

4 Letter Words Ending in gu

  • Fugu
  • Ragu
  • Tegu
  • Degu
  • Kagu
  • Mugu
  • Pegu
  • Regu
  • Segu

4 Letter Words Ending in hu

  • Erhu
  • Oahu
  • Jehu
  • Bahu
  • Huhu
  • Bihu
  • Muhu
  • Rahu
  • Wuhu
  • Rohu
  • STHU

4 Letter Words Ending in ju

  • Jeju
  • Juju
  • Baju
  • Soju

4 Letter Words Ending in ju

  • Baku
  • Juku
  • Raku
  • Haku
  • Koku
  • Puku
  • Kuku
  • Leku
  • Suku
  • Taku

4 Letter Words Ending in lu

  • Lulu
  • Sulu
  • Tolu
  • Zulu
  • Iglu
  • Pulu
  • Aglu
  • Balu
  • Oulu
  • Tulu

4 Letter Words Ending in mu

  • Mumu
  • Namu
  • Rimu
  • Kemu
  • Khmu
  • Lamu
  • Mamu
  • Semu
  • Xemu

4 Letter Words Ending in nu

  • Ainu
  • Genu
  • Menu
  • Aynu
  • BCNU
  • Innu
  • Manu
  • Nunu
  • Minu
  • Zanu
  • Xenu

4 Letter Words Ending in ou

  • Thou
  • Chou
  • Clou
  • Meou
  • Trou
  • Vrou
  • Zhou
  • Tsou

4 Letter Words Ending in pu

  • Kapu
  • Pupu
  • Tipu
  • Bapu
  • Hapu
  • Tapu
  • AVPU

4 Letter Words Ending in ru

  • Ecru
  • Guru
  • Kuru
  • Ruru
  • Thru
  • Koru
  • Buru
  • Geru
  • Daru
  • Meru
  • Peru
  • Maru

4 Letter Words Ending in su

  • Susu
  • Masu
  • Ersu
  • Gosu
  • Jesu
  • Apsu
  • Gusu
  • Lisu
  • Otsu
  • Sisu
  • Vasu
  • Wusu

4 Letter Words Ending in tu

  • Hutu
  • Tutu
  • Vatu
  • Datu
  • Litu
  • Aitu
  • Kutu
  • Latu
  • Motu
  • Patu
  • Ratu
  • Tatu
  • Ketu
  • Putu
  • Wetu
  • SOTU

4 Letter Words Ending in uu, vu

  • Mkuu
  • CAVU
  • Kivu

4 Letter Words Ending in yu, zu

  • Anyu
  • Vayu
  • Yuzu
  • Kuzu
  • Abzu
  • Aizu
  • Mazu

What Are 4 Letter Words?

The 4 letter words that consist of only 4 letters are deemed valuable not only in expanding your vocabulary but in playing competitive word games as well. Whether you’re stuck with a bunch of letter U tiles or simply looking for 4 letter words ending in U to expand your vocabulary, here is a list of 4 letter words that end in U.

4 Letter Words Ending in U with Meaning and Examples

Meaning: A surname or name; could also refer to a place in certain cultures.
Example: Arau is known for its beautiful landscapes.

Meaning: A boyfriend or male admirer; also means a dandy or stylish man.
Example: She introduced her beau to her family at the party.

Meaning: A biblical name; the elder twin brother of Jacob in the Book of Genesis.
Example: Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a meal.

Meaning: German for “Mrs.” or “woman.”
Example: Frau Müller greeted everyone with a smile.

Meaning: A traditional Hawaiian feast with entertainment.
Example: They attended a luau during their vacation in Hawaii.

Meaning: A type of boat, commonly used in Southeast Asia.
Example: The fisherman sailed in his prau to catch fish at dawn.

Meaning: Another name for the two-toed sloth.
Example: The unau is known for its slow movements and tree-dwelling habits.

Meaning: A Papuan language spoken in Papua New Guinea; also a surname.
Example: The Abau language is spoken by a small community in Papua New Guinea.

Meaning: German slang for traffic jam.
Example: They got stuck in a stau on their way to the airport.

Meaning: A province in Indonesia located on the eastern coast of Sumatra.
Example: Riau is known for its natural resources and oil production.

Meaning: An honorific title in South Asia, often used to refer to a gentleman or government clerk; also means “baby” in some languages.
Example: The villagers called the local leader Babu.

Meaning: A type of traditional fish trap used in Southeast Asia; also used as a term of endearment in some cultures.
Example: They set a bubu in the river to catch fish for dinner.

Meaning: A province and island in the Philippines known for its beaches and diving spots.
Example: They traveled to Cebu for a beach vacation.

Meaning: A large tree native to the Pampas of South America.
Example: The ombu tree provided shade for the weary travelers.

Meaning: Another spelling of “taboo,” referring to something that is forbidden or prohibited.
Example: Discussing politics was considered tabu at the dinner table.

Meaning: A type of domestic cattle originating in South Asia, known for its hump and floppy ears.
Example: The zebu is often seen grazing in fields across India.

Meaning: A venomous snake found in Japan, especially in the Okinawa region.
Example: They were warned to watch out for the habu when hiking.

Meaning: A rare or lesser-known term; potentially a name or variation in certain languages.
Example: Zobu is not commonly found in English usage.

Meaning: A Korean word for tofu, a popular food made from soybeans.
Example: She added dubu to the soup for extra protein.

Meaning: A type of freshwater fish native to South America, related to piranhas.
Example: The aquarium had several species of pacu.

Meaning: A large African antelope with long, twisted horns.
Example: The kudu is known for its graceful movements and impressive horns.

Meaning: The world’s smallest deer, native to South America.
Example: The pudu hid in the dense undergrowth of the forest.

Meaning: A language spoken in Pakistan and India, with Persian, Arabic, and Turkish influences.
Example: He learned Urdu to communicate better with his friends from Pakistan.

Meaning: The Islamic practice of ritual washing before prayer.
Example: He performed wudu before entering the mosque.

Meaning: A term referring to Bedouins, nomadic Arab people of the desert.
Example: The Bedu are known for their traditional way of life.

Meaning: A city in Sindh, Pakistan; also a term for “grandfather” in some South Asian languages.
Example: She loves spending time with her dadu every weekend.

Meaning: In place of; instead of.
Example: He accepted a day off in lieu of extra pay.

Meaning: An alternative spelling of “emu,” a large flightless bird native to Australia.
Example: The emeu is the second-largest bird in the world after the ostrich.

Meaning: A language spoken in parts of Myanmar, China, and Thailand by the Akeu people.
Example: The Akeu language has its own unique alphabet.

Meaning: French for “blue”; also used in the culinary term “bleu cheese.”
Example: The sky was a deep shade of bleu.

Meaning: A staple food in many West African countries, made from boiled and pounded starchy vegetables like cassava, yams, or plantains.
Example: They served fufu with a spicy soup.

Meaning: A prefecture in central Japan known for its mountains and traditional crafts.
Example: Gifu is famous for its historic villages and scenic views.

Meaning: A protein-rich food made from soybeans, commonly used in Asian cuisine.
Example: She cooked a delicious stir-fry with tofu and vegetables.

Meaning: A round cushion used in Zen meditation.
Example: He sat on a zafu during his meditation practice.

Meaning: Internet slang for “cracking the f*** up,” meaning laughing very hard.
Example: The joke was so funny, I was CTFU.

Meaning: A city in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, known for its wine and hot springs.
Example: They visited Kofu to enjoy the hot springs and local wines.

Meaning: A Chinese term meaning “teacher” or “master,” often used in martial arts.
Example: The students respected their xifu greatly.

Meaning: A Cantonese term for a master or teacher, especially in martial arts.
Example: The kung fu class was led by a skilled sifu.

Meaning: A Japanese delicacy made from pufferfish, which can be poisonous if not prepared correctly.
Example: Only licensed chefs are allowed to prepare fugu in Japan.

Meaning: An Italian meat-based sauce typically served with pasta.
Example: The homemade ragu was delicious with fresh spaghetti.

Meaning: A large lizard native to Central and South America, often kept as a pet.
Example: The tegu is known for its intelligence and adaptability.

Meaning: A small rodent native to Chile, often kept as a pet.
Example: The degu is a social animal that thrives in groups.

Meaning: A rare, flightless bird native to New Caledonia.
Example: The kagu is known for its distinctive calls and endangered status.

Meaning: Slang for a naive or gullible person; also a coastal city in California.
Example: The scam targeted several mugu individuals online.

Meaning: A region and former kingdom in Burma (Myanmar).
Example: Pegu is known for its rich history and ancient temples.

Meaning: Short for “regulation” in some contexts; could also be a name or abbreviation.
Example: The team followed the new regu closely.

Meaning: A city in Mali, also known as Ségou, with a rich cultural heritage.
Example: Segu is famous for its pottery and historical significance.

Meaning: A traditional Chinese two-stringed bowed musical instrument.
Example: The musician played a beautiful melody on the erhu.

Meaning: An island in Hawaii, home to the state capital, Honolulu.
Example: They went to Oahu for their honeymoon.

Meaning: A large beetle found in New Zealand, also known as the huhu grub.
Example: The huhu beetle is an important part of the forest ecosystem.

Meaning: A set of Assamese festivals celebrated in Assam, India, marking the Assamese New Year.
Example: The villagers celebrated Bihu with traditional dances and music.

Meaning: An island in Estonia, part of the Saare County.
Example: Muhu Island is known for its picturesque scenery and quiet villages.

Meaning: In Hindu mythology, a demon who swallows the sun or moon, causing eclipses.
Example: The legend of Rahu explains the occurrence of solar eclipses.

Meaning: A city in Anhui Province, China, known for its industry and history.
Example: Wuhu is famous for its iron and steel production.

Meaning: A type of freshwater fish commonly found in South Asia, especially in India.
Example: Rohu is a popular choice for traditional Bengali fish curry.

Meaning: An island off the southern coast of South Korea, known for its volcanic landscapes and beach resorts.
Example: Jeju Island is a popular honeymoon destination in Korea.

Meaning: A term in West African cultures referring to magical objects or charms believed to have supernatural powers.
Example: The talisman was considered a powerful juju by the villagers.

Meaning: Malay and Indonesian for “clothes” or “garment”; often refers to traditional attire like baju kurung or baju Melayu.
Example: She wore a beautiful baju to the cultural festival.

Meaning: A clear, distilled alcoholic beverage popular in South Korea.
Example: They shared a bottle of soju during dinner.

Meaning: The capital city of Azerbaijan, located on the Caspian Sea.
Example: Baku is known for its modern architecture and ancient history.

Meaning: Japanese for “cram school,” where students go for extra academic study after regular school hours.
Example: Many students attend juku to prepare for university entrance exams.

Meaning: A type of Japanese pottery that is hand-shaped rather than thrown on a wheel, often used in tea ceremonies.
Example: The raku pottery was beautiful with its unique glazing.

Meaning: A Japanese word meaning “white”; also a character in Japanese folklore.
Example: The poet composed a haku on the beauty of the winter snow.

Meaning: An old Japanese unit of volume, equivalent to about 180 liters; also used historically to measure rice.
Example: The farmer’s wealth was measured in koku of rice.

Meaning: A type of antelope found in southern Africa.
Example: The puku grazed peacefully near the waterhole.

Meaning: Swahili for chicken; also used in various languages to mean “grandmother.”
Example: They prepared kuku curry for dinner.

Meaning: A term in Star Wars lore referring to the head-tails of the Twi’lek species; also a name.
Example: The Twi’lek dancer’s leku swayed gracefully as she moved.

Meaning: A Bantu ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; also used to refer to tribal affiliations.
Example: The Suku are known for their traditional wood carvings.

Meaning: A Māori word meaning “my” or “mine”; also used as a name.
Example: Taku whenua means “my land” in Māori.

Meaning: A female given name; also slang for something remarkable or outstanding.
Example: That performance was a real lulu!

Meaning: A traditional skirt worn by both men and women in Fiji; also a surname.
Example: He wore a sulu to the cultural event.

Meaning: A resin obtained from the Myroxylon tree, used in perfumes and medicines; also a name.
Example: Tolu balsam is known for its aromatic properties.

Meaning: A South African ethnic group; also refers to the language spoken by the Zulu people.
Example: The Zulu warriors were known for their bravery.

Meaning: Another spelling of “igloo,” a dome-shaped Eskimo house made of blocks of ice.
Example: The explorers built an iglu to shelter from the storm.

Meaning: A Hawaiian term for the soft fibers of the tree fern; also refers to coconut husk fiber.
Example: The artisans used pulu to stuff pillows.

Meaning: An Inuit term for a breathing hole in ice, where seals surface for air.
Example: The hunters waited near the aglu for seals to appear.

Meaning: A male given name, often used in South Asia.
Example: Balu was a popular figure in his village.

4 Letter Words Ending in U for Kids

  • Guru
  • Menu
  • Tofu
  • Iglu
  • Huhu
  • Jeju
  • Lulu

Words ending in “U” are relatively rare, so this is a smaller list, but these examples are still helpful for young learners.

4 Letter Words that End in U
4 Letter Words that End in U – Created by 7ESL

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