4 Letter Words Starting with A (40+ Words in English)

In this reference on 4-letter words starting with A, you will learn about the importance of recognizing and pronouncing these simple words. It covers sections that explain what four-letter words are, provides a list of 4-letter words starting with A, and offers tips on how to learn these words effectively.

List of 4 Letter Words Starting with A

4 Letter Words Starting with A
4 Letter Words Starting with A – Created by 7ESL
  • Abet
  • Airs
  • Apes
  • Aunt
  • Able
  • Acts
  • Adds
  • Ally
  • Ajar
  • Alas
  • Area
  • Atop
  • Auto
  • Army
  • Avid
  • Also
  • Afar
  • Arms
  • Away
  • Amen
  • Arid
  • Aged
  • Axed
  • Awed
  • Axed
  • Axes
  • Ashy
  • Axis
  • Anti
  • Anew
  • Aims
  • Aids
  • Ahoy
  • Ants
  • Ashy
  • Asks
  • Arts
  • Amid
  • Axel
  • Alas
  • Apex
  • Acid
  • Anta

What Are Four Letter Words?

Four-letter words are words formed by four alphabets that combine both vowels and consonants. Teaching your kids the four-letter words will practically impact their educational experience. To improve the child’s learning, you must teach them positive four-letter words for them to be able to read and write them. After they have learned and mastered these words, you can have the assurance that they will form meaningful sentences that they can confidently read aloud. A great vocabulary is another advantage that will help communication, listening, writing, and reading.

4 Letter Words that Start with A with Meaning and Examples

Meaning: To encourage or assist someone in doing something wrong, particularly in committing a crime.
Example: He was accused of trying to abet the thief in his escape.

Meaning: A manner or appearance of arrogance or superiority.
Example: She put on airs as if she was better than everyone else.

Meaning: Plural of ape, a large primate; also, to imitate someone or something.
Example: The children aped their teacher’s walk in a playful manner.

Meaning: The sister of one’s father or mother, or the wife of one’s uncle.
Example: My aunt is coming to visit us this weekend.

Meaning: Having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.
Example: She is able to solve complex problems quickly.

Meaning: Plural of act; deeds or actions performed by someone.
Example: Her kind acts made her very popular in the community.

Meaning: To put something together with something else to increase the size, number, or amount.
Example: He adds sugar to his coffee every morning.

Meaning: A person, group, or nation that is associated with another for a common cause or purpose.
Example: The country became an ally during the war.

Meaning: Slightly open.
Example: The door was left ajar, letting in a cool breeze.

Meaning: An expression of grief, pity, or concern.
Example: Alas, she missed the last train and had to walk home.

Meaning: A region or part of a town, a country, or the world; the extent or measurement of a surface.
Example: The area of the park is perfect for a picnic.

Meaning: On the top of.
Example: The cat sat atop the bookshelf, watching everyone below.

Meaning: Short for automobile; a car.
Example: He drove his auto to the grocery store.

Meaning: An organized military force equipped for fighting on land.
Example: The army was deployed to defend the country’s borders.

Meaning: Having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something.
Example: She’s an avid reader who finishes several books a week.

Meaning: In addition; too.
Example: She’s a talented singer and also plays the piano.

Meaning: From a great distance.
Example: He watched the fireworks from afar.

Meaning: Limbs of the human body extending from the shoulder to the hand; also, weapons.
Example: She folded her arms and waited patiently.

Meaning: To or at a distance from a particular place, person, or thing.
Example: They moved away to a new city last year.

Meaning: A word used to express agreement, often at the end of a prayer.
Example: The congregation said amen at the end of the prayer.

Meaning: Extremely dry, especially used to describe a climate or land.
Example: The desert is an arid region with little vegetation.

Meaning: Having lived for a long time; old.
Example: The aged man shared stories from his youth.

Meaning: To have been cut, removed, or terminated suddenly.
Example: The TV show was axed after just one season.

Meaning: Filled with awe or wonder.
Example: The audience was awed by the magician’s performance.

Meaning: Plural of axe, a tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a handle, used for chopping wood.
Example: The lumberjacks carried sharp axes to chop down trees.

Meaning: Covered with or resembling ashes; pale.
Example: His face looked ashy after staying up all night.

Meaning: An imaginary line about which a body rotates.
Example: The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.

Meaning: Opposed to or against.
Example: She is anti-violence and promotes peace at every opportunity.

Meaning: In a new or different and typically more positive way.
Example: After the incident, they decided to start their friendship anew.

Meaning: To have a specific goal or purpose.
Example: She aims to become a doctor in the future.

Meaning: To provide support or assistance.
Example: The organization aids those affected by natural disasters.

Meaning: A nautical call to draw attention, often used to hail a ship.
Example: The sailor shouted ahoy as they approached the shore.

Meaning: Small insects that live in colonies and are known for their hard work.
Example: Ants were busy collecting food for the winter.

Meaning: To request information or to make a request.
Example: She asks for help whenever she needs it.

Meaning: Various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, and drama.
Example: The museum showcases both ancient and modern arts.

Meaning: Surrounded by; in the middle of.
Example: She found herself amid the crowd at the concert.

Meaning: A jump in figure skating where the skater leaps from one foot and lands on the opposite foot, having made one and a half turns in the air.
Example: She perfected the axel jump after months of practice.

Meaning: The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.
Example: They reached the apex of the mountain after a long hike.

Meaning: A chemical substance that is typically sour and can react with bases to form salts; also, sharp or biting in tone.
Example: The lemon juice had a strong acid taste.

Meaning: A slightly projecting column at the end of a wall in classical architecture.
Example: The ancient temple had a beautifully carved anta at its entrance.

4 Letter Words that Start with A for Kids

  • Able
  • Aunt
  • Area
  • Acid
  • Arch
  • Arms
  • Also
  • Atom
  • Ants
  • Aged
  • Away
  • Aqua
  • Axis
  • Avid
  • Acts
  • Army
  • Auto
  • Ally
  • Apex
  • Aide

These words can help expand kids’ vocabulary fun and engagingly.

4 Letter Words that Start with A Exercises for Kids

Activities you can engage in to help the kid learn 4-letter words that start with ‘A.’

Spelling the words

Spelling words will not be easy for your child initially, but it will be worth the effort. With constant practice, this can be done three tort four-times a day, making it easier for your child to master the spelling of these words.

Create for your exercises

A good exercise is writing these words with gaps of missing letters and then asking them to fill the missing letters. For example, you can give them the exercise below.

  1. A C _ D
  2. A _ R S
  3. A L _ S
  4. A _ E A
  5. A X _ S
  6. A B _ _
  7. A _ _ Y

Forming quizzes to test their understanding of the meaning of the 4-letters words starting with ‘A.’


1. How do you call your mother’s sister?

Answer: Aunt

2. After playing, we end the players with the word …………

Answer: Amen

3. We love sugar; our name begins with A and ends with T. We are ….

Answer: Ants

4. A piece of land is called an …….

Answer: Area

5. A battery fluid that can cause burns on the skin is called …….

Answer: Acid

As a parent or a tutor, you should always strive to see a commitment in your kid. One of the ways to get this improvement is by being there for them, encouraging them, and helping them focus on their academics by teaching.

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