4 Letter Words Starting with G (100 Words in English)

Expanding your vocabulary can be both fun and educational, especially when playing word games. Word games serve as a fantastic tool for learning and entertainment, suitable for everyone from kids to adults. This article aims to help you learn new English vocabulary by exploring a list of 4 letter words that start with the letter G. Whether you are a word game enthusiast or someone looking to enrich your vocabulary, the following words will be both useful and interesting.

List of 4 Letter Words Starting with G

4 Letter Words Starting With G
4 Letter Words Starting with G – Created by 7ESL
  • Gaze
  • Gawk
  • Gaff
  • Guff
  • Gags
  • Gain
  • Gait
  • Gala
  • Gals
  • Game
  • Gams
  • Gabs
  • Gale
  • Gall
  • Gang
  • Gape
  • Garb
  • Gasp
  • Gate
  • Gave
  • Gash
  • Gear
  • Geek
  • Ghee
  • Gibs
  • Gild
  • Gimp
  • Gems
  • Gene
  • Germ
  • Gift
  • Gilt
  • Girl
  • Gist
  • Glam
  • Glib
  • Glop
  • Glow
  • Glue
  • Glum
  • Gins
  • Give
  • Glad
  • Glee
  • Glom
  • Glug
  • Glut
  • Gnaw
  • Gobs
  • Goes
  • Gold
  • Golf
  • Gone
  • Good
  • Goon
  • Gore
  • Goad
  • Goal
  • Goat
  • Gods
  • Gong
  • Goof
  • Gory
  • Gosh
  • Goud
  • Grab
  • Gray
  • Grid
  • Grin
  • Goss
  • Goth
  • Gown
  • Grad
  • Gram
  • Grip
  • Grit
  • Grow
  • Grub
  • Gull
  • Gunk
  • Guns
  • Guns
  • Guru
  • Gush
  • Gust
  • Guts
  • Guys
  • Gyms
  • Gays
  • Gels
  • Grew
  • Gans
  • Gare
  • Gard
  • Gazy
  • Grim
  • Gyro
  • Gobi
  • Godi
  • Goer

The letter G is the seventh letter in the Latin alphabet and can be a commonly used letter in word games. While there are hundreds of words in the English language that start with G, it is important to note that each word game has its own rules and dictionary. Certain games may accept a word while others won’t. Be sure to check with the rules of the game you are playing to see if a word is accepted.

Typically, abbreviations are not allowed in most word games. Luckily there are plenty of words that can be formed with using the letter G. Words like gaze and geez are high scorings word in Scrabble with 14 points. Here is a list of 100 4 letter words starting with G that you can use while playing word games.

What Are 4 Letter Words?

There are thousands of 4 letter word combinations in the English language. Some of the most commonly used 4 letter words are: that, with, this, from, have, they, were, and been. Using 4 letter words is common with games like Scrabble, Words With Friends, Wordle, and crossword puzzles. You will probably find yourself playing more 4 letter words at the beginning and end of your word game. 4 letter words are also great because you can add a S to words to get more points. 4 letter words are also great ways to get rid of vowels while playing a word game.

4 Letter Words Starting With G with Meaning and Examples

Meaning: To look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
Example: She sat by the window, lost in a gaze at the sunset.

Meaning: To stare openly and stupidly.
Example: The tourists gawked at the tall buildings in the city.

Meaning: A stick with a hook or barbed spear, used for landing large fish; also, a mistake or blunder.
Example: The fisherman used a gaff to pull the fish into the boat.

Meaning: Nonsense; trivial or foolish talk.
Example: He ignored the guff his friends were talking and focused on his work.

Meaning: Plural of gag; something used to prevent speech or a joke or prank.
Example: The comedian’s gags had the audience laughing all night.

Meaning: To obtain or secure something desired or beneficial.
Example: She worked hard to gain respect in her profession.

Meaning: A person’s manner of walking.
Example: His distinctive gait made him easy to recognize from a distance.

Meaning: A social occasion with special entertainments or performances.
Example: They attended the annual charity gala dressed in their finest clothes.

Meaning: Informal term for girls or women.
Example: The gals decided to go out for dinner after work.

Meaning: A form of play or sport, especially a competitive one.
Example: The soccer game was intense and exciting.

Meaning: Slang for legs, particularly attractive ones.
Example: She showed off her long gams in the new dress.

Meaning: To talk or chat at length, typically about trivial matters.
Example: The two friends gabbled on the phone for hours.

Meaning: A very strong wind.
Example: The ship struggled against the powerful gale.

Meaning: Bold, impudent behavior; also, bitterness or resentment.
Example: He had the gall to ask for a raise after showing up late every day.

Meaning: A group of people, especially young people, who regularly associate together; sometimes associated with crime.
Example: The neighborhood gang was known for causing trouble.

Meaning: To stare with one’s mouth open wide in amazement or wonder.
Example: She couldn’t help but gape at the sight of the enormous skyscraper.

Meaning: Clothing or dress, especially of a distinctive or special kind.
Example: He was dressed in traditional garb for the ceremony.

Meaning: To inhale suddenly with the mouth open, typically out of pain or surprise.
Example: She gasped when she saw the price of the dress.

Meaning: A hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge.
Example: They walked through the gate into the garden.

Meaning: Past tense of give; to have transferred the possession of something to someone else.
Example: He gave her a beautiful necklace for her birthday.

Meaning: A long, deep cut or wound.
Example: He had a nasty gash on his arm after the accident.

Meaning: Equipment or apparatus that is used for a particular purpose.
Example: They packed their camping gear for the weekend trip.

Meaning: A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about a particular subject, often technology.
Example: He’s a computer geek who can fix any software problem.

Meaning: A type of clarified butter used in Indian cooking.
Example: She added a spoonful of ghee to the pan before cooking.

Meaning: Small fragments or pieces, especially of meat; also refers to mechanical parts.
Example: The cat eagerly ate the gibs left over from dinner.

Meaning: To cover with a thin layer of gold or to give an enhanced but deceptive appearance.
Example: The craftsmen gilded the picture frame, making it look more luxurious.

Meaning: A limp or hobbling movement; also, a narrow flat braid or rounded cord used for trimming.
Example: He walked with a noticeable gimp after his injury.

Meaning: Precious or semi-precious stones, especially when cut and polished.
Example: The necklace was studded with sparkling gems.

Meaning: A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring.
Example: Her blue eyes are a result of a dominant gene.

Meaning: A microorganism, especially one that can cause disease.
Example: Washing your hands helps to remove harmful germs.

Meaning: A thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.
Example: She received a beautiful gift for her birthday.

Meaning: Gold leaf or gold paint applied in a thin layer to a surface.
Example: The gilt edges of the book made it look very elegant.

Meaning: A female child or young woman.
Example: The girl played happily with her friends in the park.

Meaning: The substance or essence of a speech or text.
Example: The gist of the conversation was that they needed to act quickly.

Meaning: Short for glamour; an attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing.
Example: The actress looked glam in her sparkling evening gown.

Meaning: Fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow.
Example: His glib remarks about the situation were not well received.

Meaning: A sticky, messy substance.
Example: The mixture turned into a thick, green glop as it cooked.

Meaning: To emit a steady light; a feeling of warmth and happiness.
Example: The campfire glowed softly in the night.

Meaning: An adhesive substance used for sticking objects together.
Example: She used glue to attach the pieces of the model.

Meaning: Looking or feeling dejected; morose.
Example: He appeared glum after hearing the disappointing news.

Meaning: Plural of gin; a type of alcoholic drink, or machines that separate seeds from cotton.
Example: They sampled various gins at the tasting event.

Meaning: To freely transfer the possession of something to someone.
Example: She will give you a call later this evening.

Meaning: Feeling pleasure or happiness.
Example: She was glad to hear that her friend was safe.

Meaning: Great delight or happiness.
Example: The children shouted with glee as they played in the snow.

Meaning: To become attached to; to grab or hold onto.
Example: He tends to glom onto new ideas quickly.

Meaning: The sound made when liquid is poured from a bottle quickly.
Example: The wine glugged as it was poured into the glass.

Meaning: An excessively abundant supply of something.
Example: There was a glut of oranges on the market this season.

Meaning: To bite at or nibble something persistently.
Example: The puppy gnawed on the bone happily.

Meaning: A large amount or mass of something; often used informally.
Example: She put gobs of whipped cream on her dessert.

Meaning: Third person singular present tense of go; to move or travel.
Example: He goes to the gym every morning.

Meaning: A yellow precious metal used for coins, jewelry, and other items.
Example: She wore a gold necklace around her neck.

Meaning: A sport in which players use clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible.
Example: He plays golf every weekend with his friends.

Meaning: No longer present; having left.
Example: By the time I arrived, she had already gone.

Meaning: To be desired or approved of; having positive qualities.
Example: He is a good student who always completes his work on time.

Meaning: A thug or hired hoodlum, often working for an organized group.
Example: The goons were sent to intimidate the witnesses.

Meaning: Blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence.
Example: The horror movie was filled with scenes of gore.

Meaning: To provoke or annoy someone so as to stimulate some action or reaction.
Example: She tried to goad him into a reaction by teasing him.

Meaning: The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
Example: His goal is to become a professional musician.

Meaning: A hardy domesticated ruminant animal that has backward curving horns and a beard.
Example: The goat grazed on the hillside with the other livestock.

Meaning: Deities or supreme beings worshiped in various religions.
Example: The ancient Greeks believed in many gods.

Meaning: A large, flat, circular metal disc that makes a resonant sound when struck.
Example: The gong was struck to signal the beginning of the ceremony.

Meaning: A mistake or blunder; also, to engage in playful or foolish behavior.
Example: He made a goof on his math test by skipping a question.

Meaning: Involving or showing violence and bloodshed.
Example: The film was too gory for some viewers, with graphic scenes of violence.

Meaning: An exclamation used to express surprise or wonder.
Example: Gosh, that was an amazing performance!

Meaning: A Scottish term for gold, often used in historical contexts.
Example: The treasure chest was filled with goud and jewels.

Meaning: To quickly seize something in a rude or eager way.
Example: She grabbed the last cookie before anyone else could take it.

Meaning: A color between black and white; also refers to something dull or nondescript.
Example: The sky was gray and overcast all day.

Meaning: A network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles; often used in maps or to describe an electrical network.
Example: The city’s streets were laid out in a grid pattern.

Meaning: A broad smile, often showing the teeth.
Example: He couldn’t help but grin when he heard the good news.

Meaning: Informal term for gossip; also refers to a type of lightweight fabric (gauze).
Example: She loves to listen to the latest goss about celebrities.

Meaning: A subculture associated with dark fashion and music; also refers to a style of architecture and art.
Example: She dresses in goth fashion, wearing black clothes and heavy makeup.

Meaning: A long dress worn on formal occasions or a robe worn by certain professionals.
Example: She wore a beautiful evening gown to the ball.

Meaning: Short for graduate; someone who has completed a degree or course of study.
Example: The recent grad was excited to start her new job.

Meaning: A metric unit of mass equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram.
Example: The recipe called for 50 grams of sugar.

Meaning: A firm hold or grasp; also refers to the ability to maintain control or attention.
Example: He tightened his grip on the handle to avoid slipping.

Meaning: Small, loose particles of stone or sand; also refers to courage and resolve.
Example: The athlete showed true grit by finishing the race despite the injury.

Meaning: To increase in size, number, or strength; to develop or mature.
Example: The plant began to grow taller each day.

Meaning: Informal term for food; also refers to the larva of an insect.
Example: They stopped to get some grub before the concert.

Meaning: A seabird with long wings and a loud call; also, to deceive or trick someone.
Example: The gull swooped down to catch a fish in its beak.

Meaning: A sticky, greasy, or messy substance.
Example: There was gunk stuck to the bottom of his shoes after walking through the mud.

Meaning: Firearms or other devices designed to launch projectiles; also, large muscles (slang).
Example: He showed off his guns at the beach.

Meaning: A spiritual teacher or guide; also, an expert in a particular field.
Example: He is a guru in the field of digital marketing.

Meaning: To flow out in a rapid and plentiful stream; also, to speak with exaggerated enthusiasm.
Example: Water gushed from the broken pipe.

Meaning: A sudden, strong blast of wind.
Example: A gust of wind blew her hat off.

Meaning: The internal organs, particularly the stomach and intestines; also, courage and determination.
Example: It takes a lot of guts to stand up and speak in front of a crowd.

Meaning: Informal term for people, often used to refer to a group of men or a mixed group.
Example: Guys, let’s meet up at the café at 5.

Meaning: Plural of gym; places equipped for physical exercise.
Example: The new gyms in the city offer a wide range of classes and equipment.

Meaning: Plural of gay; people who are homosexual, particularly men.
Example: The parade celebrated the rights of gays and other LGBTQ+ communities.

Meaning: Plural of gel; a jelly-like substance used in cosmetics or other products.
Example: She uses hair gels to keep her style in place.

Meaning: Past tense of grow; to have increased in size, number, or importance.
Example: The plant grew rapidly after being moved to a sunnier spot.

Meaning: A surname; also could refer to a style of coding neural networks, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
Example: Professor Gans is known for his work in artificial intelligence.

Meaning: French term for a railway station.
Example: We arrived at the gare just in time to catch the last train.

Meaning: A department in southern France, also a surname.
Example: The Gard region is known for its beautiful landscapes.

Meaning: Characterized by gazing or staring.
Example: He had a gazy look as he daydreamed during the lecture.

Meaning: Very serious or gloomy; also, unrelentingly harsh or severe.
Example: The news of the accident left everyone with a grim expression.

Meaning: A Greek dish made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, usually served in pita bread with various toppings; also short for gyroscope.
Example: He ordered a gyro with extra tzatziki sauce for lunch.

Meaning: A large desert region in Asia, covering parts of northern China and southern Mongolia.
Example: The Gobi Desert is known for its harsh climate and stunning landscapes.

Meaning: A deity or supreme being, especially in monotheistic religions.
Example: Many people believe in a single God who created the universe.

Meaning: A person who regularly goes to a particular place or event.
Example: She’s a regular goer to the local farmers’ market.

4 Letter Words Starting with G for Kids

  • Gift
  • Game
  • Glow
  • Goat
  • Gold
  • Gate
  • Grow
  • Glue
  • Girl
  • Grip
  • Golf
  • Gulp
  • Gaze
  • Grin
  • Good
  • Gale
  • Gown
  • Gone
  • Grit
  • Glow

4 Letter Words Starting with G Exercises for Kids

1. Crossword Puzzle

Create a simple crossword puzzle with clues for 4-letter words starting with “G.” This can help kids learn new words in a fun and engaging way.

Words to include: goat, game, gift, golf, grin, etc.


  • A farm animal that gives milk. (goat)
  • Something you play with friends. (game)
  • A present you give to someone. (gift)
  • A sport played with clubs and a small ball. (golf)
  • A big smile. (grin)

2. Picture Matching

Provide pictures of objects or actions corresponding to 4-letter words that start with “G.” Kids have to match the words to the correct pictures.

Words to include: gate, germ, glue, gold, gust.


  • A large swinging door (gate)
  • A tiny microorganism (germ)
  • A sticky substance used in crafts (glue)
  • A valuable yellow metal (gold)
  • A sudden strong wind (gust)

3. Word Scramble

Create a word scramble exercise where kids unscramble letters to form 4-letter words that start with “G.”

Scrambled Words:

  • TGAE (gate)
  • RMEG (germ)
  • ULEG (glue)
  • LDFO (gold)
  • OTAG (goat)

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