4 Letter Words Starting with T (24 Words in English)

Four-letter words starting with T can often be overlooked, but they play a significant role in the English language. This reference explores the various T-words, their meanings, and how they appear in different contexts. You will discover a list of these words, accompanied by explanations and examples. By examining these T-words, you will gain a better understanding of their usage in literature and everyday conversation.

List of 4 Letter Words Starting with T

4 Letter Words Starting with T
4 Letter Words Starting with T – Created by 7ESL
  • Tuba
  • Tusk
  • Take
  • Tale
  • Talk
  • Tall
  • Tape
  • Tare
  • Team
  • Tear
  • Teas
  • Tech
  • Tell
  • Temp
  • Tend
  • Tent
  • Term
  • Tern
  • Test
  • Text
  • Than
  • That
  • They
  • Thin

4 Letter Words Starting with T with Meanings and Examples

  • Tuba
    Meaning: A large brass musical instrument with a deep sound.
    Example: He played the tuba in the school band.
  • Tusk
    Meaning: A long, pointed tooth, usually one of a pair, that sticks out of the mouth of animals such as elephants.
    Example: The elephant’s tusk was over three feet long.
  • Take
    Meaning: To grasp, carry, or bring something with oneself.
    Example: Please take this book back to the library.
  • Tale
    Meaning: A story, especially one that is imaginative or fictional.
    Example: She told a tale of adventure and mystery.
  • Talk
    Meaning: To speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings.
    Example: They like to talk about their weekend plans.
  • Tall
    Meaning: Of great or more than average height.
    Example: The tall man could easily reach the top shelf.
  • Tape
    Meaning: A narrow strip of material, typically used to hold or fasten something.
    Example: She used tape to seal the package.
  • Tare
    Meaning: The weight of an empty container or vehicle.
    Example: Subtract the tare from the gross weight to find the net weight.
  • Team
    Meaning: A group of people working together towards a common goal.
    Example: The team won the championship after a tough game.
  • Tear
    Meaning: To pull something apart or to rip; also refers to a drop of saline fluid from the eye.
    Example: She accidentally tore her dress on the fence.
  • Teas
    Meaning: Plural of tea; also, light-hearted or playful teasing.
    Example: They tried different teas from around the world.
  • Tech
    Meaning: Short for technology; refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
    Example: The company is known for its innovative tech products.
  • Tell
    Meaning: To communicate information, facts, or news to someone.
    Example: Can you tell me what happened at the meeting?
  • Temp
    Meaning: Short for temperature or temporary worker.
    Example: The temp filled in for the receptionist who was on vacation.
  • Tend
    Meaning: To take care of or look after someone or something.
    Example: She had to tend to the garden every morning.
  • Tent
    Meaning: A portable shelter made of cloth, supported by poles and ropes, typically used outdoors.
    Example: They set up their tent near the river.
  • Term
    Meaning: A word or expression used in a particular context; also, a fixed or limited period of time.
    Example: The medical term for this condition is quite complex.
  • Tern
    Meaning: A type of seabird related to gulls, typically with a slender body and long wings.
    Example: We watched the terns diving for fish by the shore.
  • Test
    Meaning: A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something.
    Example: She passed the math test with flying colors.
  • Text
    Meaning: The written words in a book, article, or other piece of writing; also, to send a message electronically.
    Example: He sent a quick text to confirm the meeting time.
  • Than
    Meaning: Used to introduce the second element in a comparison.
    Example: She is taller than her brother.
  • That
    Meaning: Used to indicate a specific thing or person referred to; also used to introduce a clause.
    Example: That is the book I was telling you about.
  • They
    Meaning: Used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
    Example: They are going to the concert tonight.
  • Thin
    Meaning: Having little thickness or being narrow in width; also refers to a small quantity or density.
    Example: The ice on the pond was too thin to walk on.

The English language is full of surprises. Even though ‘the’ is the most commonly spoken word globally, that doesn’t mean there aren’t other four-letter words starting with T that can trip people up. It’s essential to be aware of these words and how they’re used to avoid potentially embarrassing mistakes while speaking or writing. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to spot t-words like a pro!

Simple 4 Letter Words Starting with T for Kids

  • Tree
  • Talk
  • Time
  • Team
  • Tent
  • Tail
  • Tick
  • Trap
  • Toys
  • True
  • Tail
  • Task
  • Torn
  • Told
  • Tune
  • Twin
  • Tool
  • Trip
  • Tide
  • Tile

4 Letter Words Starting with T Exercises for Kids

Fill in the Missing Letters

Fill in the missing letters for these four-letter words starting with T. This game helps with learning spelling.

  • T__k (clue: a task to do)
  • T__n (clue: one of two born together)
  • T__d (clue: an animal like a frog)

Word answers:

  • Task
  • Twin
  • Toad

A worksheet like this boosts spelling practice.

Quiz on Four-letter Words Starting with T

Quizzes are a fun way to test knowledge on four-letter words starting with T. Below are quiz questions:

  1. Which word means a type of furniture?
    a. Task
    b. Table
    c. Twin
    d. Toad
  2. Which word refers to an amphibian?
    a. Twin
    b. Task
    c. Toad
    d. Table

Create simple multiple-choice quizzes to solidify their memory of these words. Quizzes are effective study tools.

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