What are 5 letter words ending in IE? Word games are challenging and fun. Unfortunately, sometimes you may get stuck on a word and need some help. Have no fear! Below you will find a comprehensive list of 5 letter words ending in ie to help you win the next round of your favorite word game. Continue reading for a list of 5 letter words that end in ie.
5 Letter Words Ending in IE and Wordle
What Are 5 Letter Words Ending in IE?
The English language contains thousands of 5 letter words. Here is an interesting fact: the most frequently used letter in a 5 letter word is the letter ‘a.’ The second and third most frequent letters are ‘e’ and ‘r.’ The least frequent letter in a 5 letter word? That would be the letter ‘q.’ I’m sure that comes as no surprise to anyone who has lost a game of scrabble, unable to get rid of the q’s still on their rack.
Five letter words are the fourth most common length of words (following 3 letter words, 2 letter words and 4 letter words). Though there are so many 5 letter words in the English language, we use only a small percentage of them in our daily life. The most frequently used 5 letter word in the English language (using Google books data) is the word ‘which.’ The second most frequently used word is ‘their.’
There are many 5 letter words which we never come across- not in written content nor in our day-to-day conversations. This makes word games more challenging. When you’re looking at 5 random letters, no combination seems to make sense to you. And though there may be a word in there, you might never know. That’s why it’s helpful to have a list handy sometimes, to reference the next time you are stuck on a word. Here is a comprehensive list of 5 letter words ending in ie.
List of 5 Letter Words Ending in IE
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with A
- Aerie
- Aggie
- Alkie
- Altie
- Antie
- Argie
- Arkie
- Armie
- Aspie
- Ayrie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with B
- Bagie
- Belie
- Bikie
- Bodie
- Bogie
- Bonie
- Bosie
- Bowie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with C
- Cadie
- Cavie
- Citie
- Civie
- Cogie
- Cosie
- Cowie
- Cozie
- Curie
- Cutie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with D
- Denie
- Dexie
- Didie
- Dixie
- Dobie
- Dogie
- Dovie
- Dowie
- Doxie
- Dutie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with E
- Easie
- Eddie
- Eerie
- Effie
- Eirie
- Envie
- Ernie
- Eskie
- Eyrie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with F
- Fakie
- Firie
- Fogie
- Folie
- Foxie
- Fugie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with G, H
- Genie
- Gynie
- Hokie
- Holie
- Homie
- Hooie
- Hoxie
- Hymie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with I, J
- Indie
- Jakie
- Japie
- Jaxie
- Jewie
- Josie
- Jurie
- Juvie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with K
- Katie
- Kylie
- Kyrie
- Ladie
- Lexie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with L
- Locie
- Logie
- Looie
- Louie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with M
- Mamie
- Matie
- Mavie
- Maxie
- Mobie
- Modie
- Monie
- Movie
- Moxie
- Mstie
5 Letter Words Ending in IE, Starting with N
- Navie
- Newie
- Nixie
- Nudie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with O
- Offie
- Oldie
- Ollie
- Oorie
- Oukie
- Ourie
- Outie
- Owrie
- Ozzie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with P
- Pekie
- Penie
- Petie
- Pixie
- Pogie
- Pokie
- Pumie
- Pyxie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with R
- Ramie
- Redie
- Regie
- Relie
- Retie
- Revie
- Rorie
- Rosie
- Rudie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with S, T
- Semie
- Serie
- Sorie
- Tatie
- Tawie
- Towie
- Tozie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with U
- Ulyie
- Ulzie
- Umpie
- Untie
- Uptie
- Ussie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with V
- Vegie
- Verie
- Visie
- Vogie
- Vygie
5 Letter Words that End in IE, Starting with W, Y, Z
- Wifie
- Wylie
- Yalie
- Yitie
- Yowie
- Zowie
Word games have seemed to always enjoy wide popularity. Whereas before, crossword puzzles and Scrabble dominated people’s interests, now, digital games have exploded in popularity. Games like Words With Friends and Wordle have millions of users every month. And it’s no wonder.
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