Learning new vocabulary can help you communicate more effectively in English. This reference is designed to teach you some useful words, specifically 5 letter words ending in IR. Whether you’re playing word games or trying to expand your knowledge, these words can come in handy. Read on to find a list of useful 5 letter words ending in IR, which can help you in various situations.
5 Letter Words Ending in IR
- Aegir
- Aesir
- Astir
- Blair
- Chair
- Choir
- Clair
- Dakir
- Deair
- Disir
- Eyrir
- Fakir
- Faqir
- Flair
- Glair
- Ispir
- Izmir
- Jagir
- Kafir
- Kefir
- Midir
- Mudir
- Nadir
- Nazir
- Nueir
- Ophir
- Pamir
- Panir
- Quair
- Sabir
- Speir
- Squir
- Stair
- Sweir
- Takir
- Tapir
- Thair
- Their
- Vanir
- Vezir
- Vizir
- Wazir
- Xamir
What are 5 letter words?
The five-letter words are absolutely necessary to gain success in playing word games. Aside from helping you win the game, the 5 letter words ending in IR that are listed below are so unique and interesting that you will be glad to add them to your vocabulary. From aegir to xamir, here are the 5 letter words that end in IR and their respective definitions.
5 Letter Words Ending in IR with Meaning and Examples
- a high wave caused by a tidal flood
- The fishermen were cautious as they noticed an aegir approaching the coast during the tidal surge.
- it describes an exciting movement or activity
- The city was astir with excitement as the parade made its way through the streets.
- a single seat that features four legs and a back support
- He sat comfortably in the chair by the window, reading his favorite book.
- a musical ensemble of an organized group of singers, typically one that facilitates worship in a church service
- The church choir sang beautifully during the Sunday service.
- a monetary subunit of Iceland which is equal to one-hundredth of a krona
- The price of the souvenir was just a few kronur and some eyrir.
- In Islam and Hinduism, it refers to a religious ascetic who lives solely on alms
- The fakir traveled from village to village, relying on the charity of others for food and shelter.
- a special skill or instinctive ability to perform something
- She has a flair for fashion, always knowing what outfits look best together.
- a liquid preparation made out of egg white which is typically used as an adhesive for bookbinding or gilding
- The artisan used glair to carefully bind the pages of the ancient manuscript.
- a naval base and seaport in a metropolitan city in western Anatolia
- They docked at Izmir after a long journey across the Mediterranean Sea.
- It is a sour, low-lactose beverage of fermented cow’s milk made using cultured yeasts and bacteria. The beverage originated in the North Caucasus and was typically consumed by adults who lost the ability to digest lactose.
- She drinks kefir every morning for its health benefits and probiotic content.
- In geophysics, it is a local vertical direction that points to the force of gravity at a specific location.
- The nadir of the sun marked the lowest point in the sky during the winter solstice.
- a region in southeastern Arabia that’s known for its fine gold and precious stones.
- The ancient legend speaks of ships bringing gold and treasures from the land of Ophir.
- a fresh acid-set cheese used in Indian, Iranian, and Afghan cooking
- The chef prepared a delicious curry using homemade panir, adding a rich texture to the dish.
- a variant of the word speer which means to ask or inquire
- He decided to speir about the directions before getting lost in the countryside.
- a single step in a set of stairs that leads from one floor of a building to another
- She tripped on the last stair while rushing down to answer the door.
- it is a large, nocturnal, and herbivorous mammal that is similar in shape to a pig
- We spotted a tapir wandering through the rainforest during our nighttime safari.
- of or relating to other people, especially as possessors or objects of a specific action
- They were proud of their achievements after working hard for years.
- are a group of Norse gods associated with fertility, wisdom, and the ability to see what the future holds
- The Vanir gods were revered for their knowledge of the mysteries of life and the future.
- alternative spelling for vizier which refers to a high executive officer in Islamic culture
- The wazir was trusted by the king and played a crucial role in advising on state matters.
- A small ethnic group that dwells in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia’s highlands
- The Xamir people have a rich cultural heritage and unique traditions that are cherished in their community.
Related links:
- 5 Letter Words Ending in R
- 5 Letter Words Ending in AIR
- 5 Letter Words Ending in EIR
- 5 Letter Words with I
- 5 Letter Words with R
- 5 Letter Words with I as the 4th Letter
- IR Words
- Words that End in IR
- Words that End in R
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