If you are looking for 5-letter words ending in N, this reference covers a variety of categories. It includes sections like words ending in different letter combinations such as “an,” “en,” “gn,” “in,” and more. You will also find words that end in N and start with every letter from A to Z. This reference is useful if you enjoy word games like Scrabble or need to expand your vocabulary.
5 Letter Words Ending in N
5 Letter Words Ending in an
- adhan
- amban
- apian
- argan
- atman
- avian
- axman
- basan
- began
- bogan
- bugan
- clean
- cotan
- cowan
- daman
- decan
- dewan
- divan
- diwan
- dogan
- elvan
- furan
- glean
- goban
- gowan
- groan
- havan
- hazan
- hogan
- human
- ingan
- jawan
- koban
- koran
- kulan
- lagan
- lauan
- leman
- ligan
- liman
- logan
- lohan
- lowan
- makan
- mikan
- moran
- ocean
- octan
- oiran
- organ
- paean
- pagan
- pavan
- pecan
- pekan
- pocan
- powan
- prian
- pryan
- pyran
- quean
- ratan
- redan
- refan
- reman
- reran
- rewan
- rogan
- rohan
- roman
- rotan
- rowan
- ruban
- saman
- sapan
- saran
- scran
- sedan
- sewan
- skean
- skran
- sloan
- solan
- soman
- spean
- stean
- sudan
- sugan
- tacan
- titan
- tolan
- toman
- toran
- tyran
- uhlan
- ulpan
- unban
- unman
- upran
- urban
- urman
- varan
- vegan
- wigan
- witan
- woman
- xylan
- yojan
- yokan
- yulan
- zaman
- zigan
- zupan
5 Letter Words Ending in en
- alien
- arpen
- ashen
- aspen
- axmen
- baken
- boxen
- cohen
- coven
- cozen
- daven
- dizen
- doven
- doyen
- dozen
- eaten
- elven
- erven
- given
- green
- haven
- hosen
- hoven
- hymen
- kohen
- laden
- liken
- limen
- linen
- liven
- loden
- lumen
- maven
- mixen
- mizen
- numen
- oaken
- oaten
- often
- olden
- onsen
- outen
- owsen
- paren
- paten
- preen
- queen
- ramen
- raven
- remen
- repen
- ripen
- risen
- riven
- rouen
- roven
- rowen
- rumen
- samen
- semen
- seven
- sewen
- seyen
- sheen
- silen
- siren
- skeen
- soken
- steen
- syren
- taken
- tapen
- token
- tomen
- treen
- tween
- unpen
- vimen
- vixen
- waken
- waxen
- wheen
- widen
- wizen
- woken
- women
- woven
- woxen
- yamen
- yeven
- yewen
- zazen
5 Letter Words Ending in gn
- align
- coign
- feign
- reign
- thegn
5 Letter Words Ending in in
- abrin
- actin
- admin
- again
- agrin
- algin
- alkin
- aloin
- amain
- auxin
- basin
- bavin
- begin
- blain
- brain
- bruin
- burin
- buyin
- cabin
- chain
- colin
- cumin
- cutin
- drain
- elain
- elfin
- elsin
- eosin
- ettin
- gamin
- genin
- grain
- groin
- guqin
- hemin
- iodin
- kinin
- lakin
- lapin
- lawin
- layin
- likin
- linin
- login
- lupin
- lysin
- matin
- mavin
- mirin
- modin
- morin
- mucin
- nexin
- nisin
- nucin
- oggin
- olein
- opsin
- orcin
- orpin
- patin
- pilin
- plain
- porin
- quoin
- ramin
- rapin
- ravin
- rawin
- renin
- repin
- resin
- retin
- rewin
- ricin
- robin
- ronin
- rosin
- rubin
- rutin
- rypin
- sabin
- sarin
- sasin
- satin
- savin
- sdein
- serin
- sewin
- skein
- slain
- sozin
- spain
- stain
- stein
- swain
- takin
- tamin
- thein
- titin
- tiyin
- tomin
- toxin
- train
- twain
- ulmin
- unpin
- untin
- venin
- yogin
- zayin
5 Letter Words Ending in ln
- shuln
- stoln
- swoln
5 Letter Words Ending in nn
- djinn
- stonn
5 Letter Words Ending in on
- aboon
- acton
- ancon
- anion
- anyon
- apron
- argon
- arson
- ascon
- avion
- axion
- azlon
- bacon
- baron
- baton
- belon
- beton
- bidon
- bison
- boron
- boson
- canon
- capon
- caron
- codon
- cogon
- colon
- croon
- cyton
- demon
- devon
- dykon
- eikon
- ergon
- fanon
- felon
- freon
- futon
- gazon
- gluon
- gyron
- halon
- heron
- holon
- hyson
- inion
- ippon
- jeton
- jupon
- kroon
- lemon
- logon
- macon
- mason
- melon
- meson
- moron
- moton
- muton
- ninon
- niton
- nylon
- odeon
- onion
- orlon
- paeon
- pavon
- pedon
- pelon
- pheon
- picon
- pilon
- pinon
- piton
- preon
- prion
- psion
- pylon
- racon
- radon
- ramon
- rayon
- recon
- redon
- rejon
- rewon
- rimon
- roton
- salon
- sayon
- scion
- seron
- seton
- shoon
- solon
- spoon
- swoon
- sycon
- talon
- tauon
- taxon
- tenon
- tigon
- timon
- toyon
- turon
- union
- unwon
- urson
- vison
- wagon
- xenon
- yapon
- yupon
- zygon
5 Letter Words Ending rn
- aborn
- aburn
- acorn
- adorn
- bairn
- bourn
- cairn
- churn
- dearn
- inurn
- learn
- mourn
- quern
- scorn
- sharn
- shorn
- skarn
- spurn
- starn
- stern
- sworn
- thorn
- yearn
- yourn
5 Letter Words Ending un
- balun
- begun
- bosun
- cajun
- dukun
- inrun
- jotun
- korun
- repun
- rerun
- rohun
- staun
- stoun
- swoun
- tabun
- uprun
- vodun
- yamun
5 Letter Words Ending in wn
- adown
- blown
- brawn
- brown
- clown
- crown
- drawn
- drown
- flown
- frown
- gnawn
- grown
- known
- prawn
- shawn
- shewn
- shown
- spawn
- stown
- unown
5 Letter Words Ending in wn
- sdayn
- tyiyn
- womyn
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with….
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with A
- aboon
- aborn
- abrin
- aburn
- acorn
- actin
- acton
- adhan
- admin
- adorn
- adown
- again
- agrin
- algin
- alien
- align
- alkin
- aloin
- amain
- amban
- ancon
- anion
- anyon
- apian
- apron
- argan
- argon
- arpen
- arson
- ascon
- ashen
- aspen
- atman
- auxin
- avian
- avion
- axion
- axman
- axmen
- azlon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with B
- bacon
- bairn
- baken
- balun
- baron
- basan
- basin
- baton
- bavin
- began
- begin
- begun
- belon
- beton
- bidon
- bison
- blain
- blown
- bogan
- boron
- boson
- bosun
- bourn
- boxen
- brain
- brawn
- brown
- bruin
- bugan
- burin
- buyin
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with C
- cabin
- cairn
- cajun
- canon
- capon
- caron
- chain
- churn
- clean
- clown
- codon
- cogon
- cohen
- coign
- colin
- colon
- cotan
- coven
- cowan
- cozen
- croon
- crown
- cumin
- cutin
- cyton
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with D
- daman
- daven
- dearn
- decan
- demon
- devon
- dewan
- divan
- diwan
- dizen
- djinn
- dogan
- doven
- doyen
- dozen
- drain
- drawn
- drown
- dukun
- dykon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with E
- eaten
- eikon
- elain
- elfin
- elsin
- elvan
- elven
- eosin
- ergon
- erven
- ettin
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with F
- fanon
- feign
- felon
- flown
- freon
- frown
- furan
- futon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with G
- gamin
- gazon
- genin
- given
- glean
- gluon
- gnawn
- goban
- gowan
- grain
- green
- groan
- groin
- grown
- guqin
- gyron
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with H
- halon
- havan
- haven
- hazan
- hemin
- heron
- hogan
- holon
- hosen
- hoven
- human
- hymen
- hyson
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with I
- ingan
- inion
- inrun
- inurn
- iodin
- ippon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with J
- jawan
- jeton
- jotun
- jupon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with K
- kinin
- known
- koban
- kohen
- koran
- korun
- kroon
- kulan
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with L
- laden
- lagan
- lakin
- lapin
- lauan
- lawin
- layin
- learn
- leman
- lemon
- ligan
- liken
- likin
- liman
- limen
- linen
- linin
- liven
- loden
- logan
- login
- logon
- lohan
- lowan
- lumen
- lupin
- lysin
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with M
- macon
- makan
- mason
- matin
- maven
- mavin
- melon
- meson
- mikan
- mirin
- mixen
- mizen
- modin
- moran
- morin
- moron
- moton
- mourn
- mucin
- muton
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with N
- nexin
- ninon
- nisin
- niton
- nucin
- numen
- nylon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with O
- oaken
- oaten
- ocean
- octan
- odeon
- often
- oggin
- oiran
- olden
- olein
- onion
- onsen
- opsin
- orcin
- organ
- orlon
- orpin
- outen
- owsen
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with P
- paean
- paeon
- pagan
- paren
- paten
- patin
- pavan
- pavon
- pecan
- pedon
- pekan
- pelon
- pheon
- picon
- pilin
- pilon
- pinon
- piton
- plain
- pocan
- porin
- powan
- prawn
- preen
- preon
- prian
- prion
- pryan
- psion
- pylon
- pyran
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with Q
- quean
- queen
- quern
- quoin
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with R
- racon
- radon
- ramen
- ramin
- ramon
- rapin
- ratan
- raven
- ravin
- rawin
- rayon
- recon
- redan
- redon
- refan
- reign
- rejon
- reman
- remen
- renin
- repen
- repin
- repun
- reran
- rerun
- resin
- retin
- rewan
- rewin
- rewon
- ricin
- rimon
- ripen
- risen
- riven
- robin
- rogan
- rohan
- rohun
- roman
- ronin
- rosin
- rotan
- roton
- rouen
- roven
- rowan
- rowen
- ruban
- rubin
- rumen
- rutin
- rypin
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with S
- sabin
- salon
- saman
- samen
- sapan
- saran
- sarin
- sasin
- satin
- savin
- sayon
- scion
- scorn
- scran
- sdayn
- sdein
- sedan
- semen
- serin
- seron
- seton
- seven
- sewan
- sewen
- sewin
- seyen
- sharn
- shawn
- sheen
- shewn
- shoon
- shorn
- shown
- shuln
- silen
- siren
- skarn
- skean
- skeen
- skein
- skran
- slain
- sloan
- soken
- solan
- solon
- soman
- sozin
- spain
- spawn
- spean
- spoon
- spurn
- stain
- starn
- staun
- stean
- steen
- stein
- stern
- stoln
- stonn
- stoun
- stown
- sudan
- sugan
- swain
- swoln
- swoon
- sworn
- swoun
- sycon
- syren
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with T
- tabun
- tacan
- taken
- takin
- talon
- tamin
- tapen
- tauon
- taxon
- tenon
- thegn
- thein
- thorn
- tigon
- timon
- titan
- titin
- tiyin
- token
- tolan
- toman
- tomen
- tomin
- toran
- toxin
- toyon
- train
- treen
- turon
- twain
- tween
- tyiyn
- tyran
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with U
- uhlan
- ulmin
- ulpan
- unban
- union
- unman
- unown
- unpen
- unpin
- untin
- unwon
- upran
- uprun
- urban
- urman
- urson
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with V
- varan
- vegan
- venin
- vimen
- vison
- vixen
- vodun
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with W
- wagon
- waken
- waxen
- wheen
- widen
- wigan
- witan
- wizen
- woken
- woman
- women
- womyn
- woven
- woxen
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with X
- xenon
- xylan
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with Y
- yamen
- yamun
- yapon
- yearn
- yeven
- yewen
- yogin
- yojan
- yokan
- yourn
- yulan
- yupon
5 Letter Words that End in N and Start with Z
- zaman
- zayin
- zazen
- zigan
- zupan
- zygon
What Are 5 Letter Words Ending in N?
As the title itself implies we are talking about any 5 letter words which end in N, with the N counted amongst those 5 characters. Additionally, we will be discussing real words that are found in official dictionaries. Every word approached today will be completely official and agreed upon by multiple sources, which means you can use them in games, regular conversation, and professional settings alike.
5 Letter Words Ending in N with Meanings
- Bacon: A type of salt-cured pork, typically from the belly or back cuts.
- Begin: To start or commence something.
- Brain: The organ in the head that controls thought, memory, and emotion.
- Brown: A color produced by combining red, yellow, and black, often associated with earthiness.
- Crown: A ceremonial headpiece worn by a monarch as a symbol of authority.
- Often: Frequently or many times.
- Robin: A small bird with a red or orange breast.
- Siren: A device that makes a loud, prolonged sound as a signal or warning.
- Spoon: A utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used for eating or serving food.
- Wagon: A vehicle with four wheels used for transporting goods or people, typically pulled by animals or a motor vehicle.
- Alien: A being from another world; also refers to a foreigner or outsider.
- Bison: A large, humpbacked, shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe.
- Capon: A castrated rooster fattened for eating.
- Demon: An evil spirit or devil.
- Frown: A facial expression showing displeasure or disapproval, typically by turning down the corners of the mouth.
- Grain: The seeds of cereal plants like wheat, corn, or rice; also refers to a small, hard particle.
- Heron: A long-legged freshwater and coastal bird with a long neck and usually a long bill.
- Lemon: A yellow citrus fruit with a tart flavor.
- Mason: A person who works with stone or brick.
- Raven: A large, black bird known for its intelligence and often associated with omens.
- Salon: A place where people receive beauty treatments, such as haircuts, manicures, and facials.
- Satan: The chief evil spirit; the devil.
- Shawn: A variant of the name Sean, often used as a given name.
- Skein: A length of yarn or thread wound in a loose long coil.
- Sworn: Having taken an oath or vow.
- Toxin: A poisonous substance produced by living cells or organisms.
- Union: The act of joining together or the state of being united.
- Urban: Relating to, or characteristic of a city or town.
- Woven: Made by interlacing threads or strips to form fabric or material.
- Yemen: A country in the Middle East, located on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.
Why Learn 5 Letter Words Ending with N
So why are we so invested in 5 letter words ending in N? There are multiple reasons why they can come in handy and entertainment comes at the top of the list. Scrabble is one of the most popular board games out there and with a dedicated App now everybody can play on the go, meaning that having a good vocabulary selection goes a long way to winning matches.
Wordle is another massive game right now, and even a single word can completely change your odds when it comes to winning on a given day. And of course, if you have kids Crosswords and Hangman are puzzle games you’ll likely see often.
However, even beyond entertainment building a larger vocabulary is a really good idea to practice English and truly master it. There are countless words that do see common use in day-to-day life but you aren’t likely to see them in traditional textbooks or lessons. So going beyond the classroom and checking new words on your own is always a good idea.\
N is everywhere in English and even this subheading is a word that ends in n! But as we said, coming up with specific words on the spot can be hard, so we hope this article is of use to you if you ever need any 5 letter words ending in n.
So keep on reading, keep on practicing, and stay on the lookout for more helpful word tips here!
Plus, explore more 5 letter words that end in…
A | C | D | E | H | I | K | L | M | N
O | P | R | S | T | U | W | Y | Z
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