If you’re searching for 5 letter words starting with C to either increase your vocabulary or improve your word game skills, then you have come to the right place. This reference will provide you with a comprehensive list of 5 letter words that start with “C” in the English language.
You can explore various categories such as words starting with “Ca”, “Ce”, “Ch”, “Ci”, “Cl”, “Co”, “Cr”, “Cu”, and “Cy”. This organized list will help you find the specific words you need.
5 Letter Words that Start with C
What Are 5 Letter Words Starting with C?
C is the third letter in the English alphabet which is derived from the ancient Greek gamma. The letter C was among the few letters that Benjamin Franklin, one of the leading intellectuals of the 1700s, wanted to replace in order to simplify the English language. Today, the letter C remains strong in its 3rd position in the English alphabet and there are a lot of 5 letter words that start with C.
What are 5 letter words? Those words that are composed of exactly 5 letters are referred to as 5 letter words.
5 letter words starting with C are English words that contain five letters, with the letter “C” positioned as the first letter.
5 Letter Words Starting with Ca
- Cabal
- Caber
- Cabin
- Cable
- Cacao
- Cache
- Cacti
- Caddy
- Cadet
- Cadge
- Cadiz
- Cadre
- Caeca
- Cafes
- Caged
- Cages
- Cagey
- Cahow
- Cairn
- Cairo
- Cajon
- Cajun
- Cakes
- Calla
- Calls
- Calve
- Calyx
- Camas
- Camel
- Cameo
- Camis
- Campo
- Camps
- Canal
- Candy
- Caned
- Canes
- Canna
- Canny
- Canoe
- Carat
- Cargo
- Carve
- Casks
- Cater
- Caulk
- Cavil
- Cabby
- Cabob
- Cacas
- Cades
- Cadgy
- Cadis
- Caffs
- Cager
- Caids
- Cains
- Caird
- Caked
- Cakey
- Calfs
- Calif
- Calix
- Calks
- Calms
- Calos
- Cames
- Campi
- Campy
- Canid
- Canon
- Canso
- Canst
- Canto
- Cants
- Canty
- Caped
- Caper
- Capes
- Capon
- Capos
- Caput
- Carbo
- Carbs
- Cards
- Cared
- Carer
- Cares
- Caret
- Carex
- Carks
- Carle
- Carls
- Carns
- Carny
- Carob
- Carol
- Carom
- Carpi
- Carps
- Carrs
- Carry
- Carse
- Carte
- Carts
- Casas
- Cased
- Cases
- Caste
- Casts
- Casus
- Catch
- Cates
- Catty
- Cauls
- Cause
- Caved
- Caver
- Caves
- Cavie
- Cawed
- Caaed
- Cabas
- Caboc
- Cabre
- Cacks
- Cacky
- Cadee
- Cadie
- Caese
- Caffe
- Cagot
- Calid
- Calle
- Calmy
- Calpa
- Calps
- Camos
- Camus
- Cando
- Caneh
- Canti
- Capas
- Capax
- Capex
- Capiz
- Caple
- Capot
- Capri
- Capul
- Carap
- Carby
- Cardi
- Cardy
- Carne
- Caron
- Carpe
- Carta
- Carvy
- Casco
- Caser
- Cauda
- Cauks
- Caums
- Caups
- Cauri
- Causa
- Cavel
- Cavus
- Cawks
5 Letter Words Starting with Ce
- Cedar
- Cello
- Ceres
- Cease
- Cebid
- Cecal
- Cecum
- Ceded
- Ceder
- Cedes
- Cedis
- Ceiba
- Ceils
- Celeb
- Cella
- Celli
- Cells
- Celom
- Celts
- Cense
- Cento
- Cents
- Centu
- Ceorl
- Cepes
- Cerci
- Cered
- Ceria
- Ceric
- Ceros
- Cesta
- Cesti
- Cetes
- Ceaze
- Ceili
- Celly
- Cerge
- Cerne
- Ceroc
- Certs
- Certy
- Cesse
- Cetyl
- Cezve
5 Letter Words Starting with Ch
- Charm
- Chili
- Chore
- Chads
- Chafe
- Chaff
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalk
- Champ
- Chams
- Chang
- Chant
- Chaos
- Chape
- Chaps
- Chapt
- Chard
- Chark
- Charr
- Chars
- Chart
- Chary
- Chase
- Chasm
- Chats
- Chaws
- Chays
- Cheap
- Cheat
- Check
- Cheek
- Cheer
- Chefs
- Chela
- Chemo
- Chert
- Chess
- Chest
- Cheth
- Chevy
- Chews
- Chewy
- Chiao
- Chias
- Chick
- Chico
- Chics
- Chide
- Chief
- Chiel
- Child
- Chile
- Chill
- Chimb
- Chime
- Chimp
- China
- Chine
- Chink
- Chino
- Chins
- Chips
- Chirk
- Chirm
- Chiro
- Chirp
- Chirr
- Chits
- Chive
- Chock
- Choir
- Choke
- Choky
- Cholo
- Chomp
- Chook
- Chops
- Chord
- Chose
- Chott
- Chows
- Chubs
- Chuck
- Chufa
- Chuff
- Chugs
- Chump
- Chums
- Chunk
- Churl
- Churn
- Churr
- Chute
- Chyle
- Chyme
- Chaap
- Chaat
- Chace
- Chaco
- Chado
- Chaft
- Chais
- Chana
- Chank
- Chara
- Chava
- Chave
- Chavs
- Chawk
- Chawl
- Chaya
- Cheba
- Chedi
- Cheet
- Cheka
- Chelp
- Chems
- Chere
- Chiba
- Chibs
- Chica
- Chich
- Chiko
- Chiks
- Chimo
- Ching
- Chirl
- Chirt
- Chiru
- Chiti
- Chiva
- Chivs
- Chizz
- Choco
- Chocs
- Chode
- Choil
- Choko
- Chola
- Choli
- Choof
- Choom
- Choon
- Choss
- Chota
- Chout
- Choux
- Chowk
- Chuse
- Chuts
- Chynd
Related: 5 Letter Words Starting with Ch
5 Letter Words Starting with Ci
- Circa
- Cibol
- Cider
- Cigar
- Cilia
- Cimex
- Cinch
- Cines
- Cions
- Cires
- Cirri
- Cisco
- Cissy
- Cists
- Cited
- Citer
- Cites
- Civet
- Civic
- Civie
- Civil
- Civvy
- Cided
- Ciels
- Ciggy
- Cills
- Cimar
- Cinct
- Cinqs
- Cippi
- Circs
- Cital
- Citee
- Cives
5 Letter Words Starting with Cl
- Clerk
- Cloak
- Clach
- Clack
- Clade
- Clads
- Clags
- Claim
- Clamp
- Clams
- Clang
- Clank
- Clans
- Claps
- Clapt
- Claro
- Clary
- Clash
- Clasp
- Class
- Clast
- Clave
- Clavi
- Claws
- Clays
- Clean
- Clear
- Cleat
- Cleek
- Clefs
- Cleft
- Clepe
- Clept
- Clews
- Click
- Cliff
- Clift
- Climb
- Clime
- Cline
- Cling
- Clink
- Clips
- Clipt
- Clits
- Clock
- Clods
- Clogs
- Clomb
- Clomp
- Clone
- Clonk
- Clons
- Cloot
- Clops
- Close
- Cloth
- Clots
- Cloud
- Clour
- Clout
- Clove
- Clown
- Cloys
- Clubs
- Cluck
- Clued
- Clues
- Clump
- Clung
- Clunk
- Claes
- Clair
- Clart
- Claut
- Cleck
- Cleep
- Clegs
- Clems
- Cleve
- Clies
- Clint
- Clipe
- Cloam
- Cloff
- Cloke
- Cloop
- Clows
- Cluey
- Clype
5 Letter Words Starting with Co
- Coast
- Comet
- Coper
- Cosmo
- Coach
- Coact
- Coala
- Coals
- Coaly
- Coapt
- Coati
- Coats
- Cobbs
- Cobby
- Cobia
- Coble
- Cobra
- Cocas
- Cocci
- Cocks
- Cocky
- Cocoa
- Cocos
- Codas
- Codec
- Coded
- Coden
- Coder
- Codes
- Codex
- Codon
- Coeds
- Coffs
- Cogon
- Cohog
- Cohos
- Coifs
- Coign
- Coils
- Coins
- Coked
- Cokes
- Colas
- Colds
- Coled
- Coles
- Colic
- Colin
- Colly
- Colon
- Color
- Colts
- Colza
- Comae
- Comal
- Comas
- Combe
- Combo
- Combs
- Comer
- Comes
- Comfy
- Comic
- Comix
- Comma
- Commy
- Compo
- Comps
- Compt
- Comte
- Conch
- Condo
- Coned
- Cones
- Coney
- Conga
- Conge
- Congo
- Conic
- Conin
- Conks
- Conky
- Conns
- Conte
- Conto
- Conus
- Cooch
- Cooed
- Cooee
- Cooer
- Cooey
- Coofs
- Cooks
- Cooky
- Cools
- Cooly
- Coomb
- Coons
- Coops
- Coopt
- Coots
- Copal
- Coped
- Copen
- Copes
- Copra
- Copse
- Coral
- Corby
- Cords
- Cored
- Corer
- Cores
- Corgi
- Coria
- Corks
- Corky
- Corms
- Corns
- Cornu
- Corny
- Corps
- Corse
- Cosec
- Coset
- Cosey
- Cosie
- Costa
- Costs
- Cotan
- Coted
- Cotes
- Cotta
- Couch
- Cough
- Could
- Count
- Coupe
- Coups
- Court
- Couth
- Coved
- Coven
- Cover
- Coves
- Covet
- Covey
- Covin
- Cowed
- Cower
- Cowls
- Cowry
- Coxae
- Coxal
- Coxed
- Coxes
- Coyed
- Coyer
- Coyly
- Coypu
- Cozen
- Cozes
- Cozey
- Cozie
- Coady
- Coarb
- Coate
- Cobot
- Cobza
- Cocco
- Cocus
- Cogie
- Cogue
- Cohab
- Cohen
- Cohoe
- Cokey
- Colby
- Coley
- Colle
- Colls
- Combi
- Comby
- Comme
- Commo
- Comms
- Comus
- Conex
- Confs
- Conia
- Conne
- Convo
- Cooms
- Coomy
- Cooty
- Cooze
- Copay
- Copha
- Copsy
- Coqui
- Coram
- Corbe
- Corda
- Corey
- Corni
- Corno
- Corso
- Coste
- Cotch
- Cotts
- Courb
- Courd
- Cours
- Couta
- Cowal
- Cowan
- Coxib
- Coyau
- Cozed
5 Letter Words Starting with Cr
- Cramp
- Cruck
- Craal
- Crabs
- Crack
- Craft
- Crags
- Crake
- Crams
- Crane
- Crank
- Crape
- Craps
- Crash
- Crass
- Crave
- Crawl
- Craws
- Craze
- Crazy
- Creak
- Cream
- Credo
- Creed
- Creek
- Creel
- Creep
- Creme
- Crepe
- Crept
- Crepy
- Cress
- Crest
- Crews
- Cribs
- Crick
- Cried
- Crier
- Cries
- Crime
- Crimp
- Cripe
- Crisp
- Croak
- Croci
- Crock
- Crocs
- Croft
- Crone
- Crony
- Crook
- Croon
- Crops
- Crore
- Cross
- Croup
- Crowd
- Crown
- Crows
- Croze
- Crude
- Cruds
- Cruel
- Cruet
- Crumb
- Crump
- Cruor
- Crura
- Cruse
- Crush
- Crust
- Crwth
- Crypt
- Craic
- Craig
- Crame
- Crans
- Crapy
- Crays
- Creds
- Crees
- Crema
- Crena
- Creps
- Crewe
- Crias
- Crims
- Crink
- Crins
- Crios
- Crips
- Crise
- Criss
- Crith
- Crits
- Crogs
- Cromb
- Crome
- Cronk
- Crool
- Crost
- Crout
- Crowl
- Crudo
- Crudy
- Crues
- Cruft
- Crunk
- Cryer
- Cryne
5 Letter Words Starting with Cu
- Cubby
- Cubeb
- Cubed
- Cuber
- Cubes
- Cubic
- Cubit
- Cuddy
- Cuffs
- Cuifs
- Cuish
- Cukes
- Culch
- Culet
- Culex
- Culls
- Cully
- Culms
- Culpa
- Culti
- Cults
- Cumin
- Cupel
- Cupid
- Cuppa
- Cuppy
- Curbs
- Curds
- Curdy
- Cured
- Curer
- Cures
- Curet
- Curfs
- Curia
- Curie
- Curio
- Curls
- Curly
- Curns
- Currs
- Curry
- Curse
- Curst
- Curve
- Curvy
- Cusec
- Cushy
- Cusks
- Cusps
- Cutch
- Cuter
- Cutes
- Cutey
- Cutie
- Cutin
- Cutis
- Cutty
- Cutup
- Cucks
- Cudda
- Cueca
- Cuffo
- Culty
- Cumec
- Cundy
- Cunit
- Cunny
- Cupro
- Curat
- Curli
- Cursi
- Cuspy
- Cuvee
- Cuzes
5 Letter Words Starting with Cy
- Cynic
- Cyano
- Cyans
- Cycad
- Cycas
- Cycle
- Cyclo
- Cyder
- Cylix
- Cymae
- Cymar
- Cymas
- Cymes
- Cymol
- Cysts
- Cyton
- Cyber
- Cytes
Plus, explore more 5 letter words that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N |
O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y |
5 Letter Words Starting with C and Meanings
Follow are 5 letter words that start with C with their meanings.
- Cabal – a secret political faction
- Caber – a Scottish Highland sport that involves tossing a roughly trimmed tree trunk
- Cabin – a small shelter or wooden house located in a remote area
- Cable – a wire used for transmitting signals or electricity
- Cacao – seeds from the cacao tree
- Cache – is a computer terminology that refers to an auxiliary or temporary memory
- Cacti – plural of cactus
- Caddy – a tiny container used for storage
- Cadet – a young trainee in the army or police force
- Cadge – a padded wooden frame
- Cadiz – a city located on the coast of southwestern Spain
- Cadre – a special group of people trained for a particular purpose
- Caeca – plural of cecum
- Cafes – plural of cafes
- Caged – restricted in a cage
- Cages – plural of cage
- Cagey – a person reluctant to provide information due to suspicion
- Cahow – an extinct Atlantic seabird
- Cairn – a mound of stones that serves as a landmark or memorial
- Cairo – the capital city of Egypt
- Cajon – a traditional musical instrument in Peru
- Cajun – a member of Louisiana Acadians
- Cakes – plural of cake
- Calla – plant of the arum family
- Calls – plural of call
- Calm – plural of calm
- Calve – split and shed
- Calyx – sepals of a flower
- Camas – a lily plant native to North America
- Camel – a long-necked ungulate mammal with long slender legs and humps on the back
- Cameo – a small role in a play or movie
- Camis – plural of cami
- Campo – it refers to grassland in South America
- Camps – plural of camp
- Canal – a waterway constructed to convey water
- Candy – a confection that features sugar as a main ingredient
- Caned – made from a cane or repaired using a cane
- Canes – plural of cane
- Canna – a tropical flowering plant
- Canny – a person displaying shrewdness and good judgment
- Canoe – a small, narrow boat with pointed ends
- Carat – a unit of weight for gems or precious stones
- Cargo – goods carried on a vessel, plane, or vehicle
- Carve – To cut or sculpt
- Casks – plural of cask
- Cater – To provide food and drink
- Caulk – a waterproof sealant
- Cavil – To make petty objections
- Cedar – a coniferous tree of the genus Cedrus
- Cello – a type of musical instrument
- Ceres – the Roman goddess of grain and agriculture
- Charm – an object believed to have magic power
- Chili – a small, spicy variety of capsicum
- Chore – a household task or routine
- Circa – approximately
- Clerk – a person employed to perform administrative duties
- Cloak – an overgarment
- Coast – a line where land meets the ocean or the sea
- Comet – a celestial object made of a nucleus of ice and dust
- Coper – a person who sells horses
- Cosmo – the universe
- Cramp – a painful contraction of muscles
- Cruck – a curved timber that supports the roof of a building
- Cynic – a person who believes that human conduct is only motivated by self-interest
Related resources:
- 5 Letter Words Starting with CO
- 5 Letter Words Starting with CH
- 5 Letter Words that Start with CAU
- 5 Letter Words with C
- 5 Letter Words Ending in C
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