There you are, minding your own business, when someone asks you to name some 5 letter words starting with K. As Murphy’s Law would have it, when put on the spot, you can’t think of a single one.
5 Letter Words that Start with K
What Are 5 Letter Words Starting with K?
Now, there are many reasons you might find yourself looking for a 5-letter word that begins with k. Maybe you’re a crossword aficionado. Maybe you’re helping your little brother with his homework. Maybe you’re playing one of a myriad of mobile word games available these days.
Regardless of the reason, it can be difficult to think of the right word when you need it, Never fear, though, because we’re here to help!
So what exactly is a 5-letter word? Well, it is exactly that, a word that is made up of only five letters. Just five, no more and no less. Read on for a handy-dandy list of k-words, all of which are exactly five letters long.
Plus, explore more 5 letter words that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N |
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Following are 200+ five letter words starting with letter K in the English language.
5 Letter Words Beginning with Ka
- Kaama
- Kabab
- Kabar
- Kabob
- Kacha
- Kacks
- Kadai
- Kades
- Kadis
- Kagos
- Kagus
- Kahal
- Kaiak
- Kaids
- Kaies
- Kaifs
- Kaika
- Kaiks
- Kails
- Kaims
- Kaing
- Kains
- Kakas
- Kakis
- Kalam
- Kales
- Kalif1
- Kalis
- Kalpa
- Kamas
- Kames
- Kamik
- Kamis
- Kamme
- Kanae
- Kanas
- Kandy
- Kaneh
- Kanes
- Kanga
- Kangs
- Kanji
- Kants
- Kanzu
- Kaons
- Kapas
- Kaphs
- Kapok
- Kapow
- Kappa
- Kapus
- Kaput
- Karas
- Karat
- Karks
- Karma
- Karns
- Karoo
- Karos
- Karri
- Karst
- Karsy
- Karts
- Karzy
- Kasha
- Kasme
- Katal
- Katas
- Katis
- Katti
- Kaugh
- Kauri
- Kauru
- Kaury
- Kaval
- Kavas
- Kawas
- Kawau
- Kawed
- Kayak
- Kayle
- Kayos
- Kazis
- Kazoo
5 Letter Words Beginning with Kb, Ke
- Kbars
- Kebab
- Kebar
- Kebob
- Kecks
- Kedge
- Keefs
- Keeks
- Keels
- Keens
- Keeps
- Keets
- Keeve
- Kefir
- Keirs
- Kelep
- Kelim
- Kelly
- Kelps
- Kelpy
- Kelts
- Kemps
- Kempt
- Kenaf
- Kench
- Kendo
- Kenos
- Kente
- Kepis
- Kerbs
- Kerfs
- Kerne
- Kerns
- Kerry
- Ketch
- Ketol
- Kevel
- Kevil
- Kexes
- Keyed
5 Letter Words Beginning with Kh
- Khadi
- Khafs
- Khaki
- Khans
- Khaph
- Khats
- Kheda
- Kheth
- Khets
- Khoum
5 Letter Words Beginning with Ki
- Kiang
- Kibbe
- Kibbi
- Kibei
- Kibes
- Kibla
- Kicks
- Kicky
- Kiddo
- Kiddy
- Kiefs
- Kiers
- Kikes
- Kilim
- Kills
- Kilns
- Kilos
- Kilts
- Kilty
- Kinas
- Kinds
- Kines
- Kings
- Kinin
- Kinks
- Kinky
- Kinos
- Kiosk
- Kirks
- Kirns
- Kissy
- Kists
- Kited
- Kiter
- Kites
- Kithe
- Kiths
- Kitty
- Kivas
- Kiwis
5 Letter Words Beginning with Kl
- Klick
- Kliks
- Klong
- Kloof
- Kluge
- Klutz
5 Letter Words Beginning with Kn
- Knack
- Knaps
- Knars
- Knaur
- Knave
- Knawe
- Knead
- Kneed
- Kneel
- Knees
- Knell
- Knelt
- Knife
- Knish
- Knits
- Knobs
- Knock
- Knoll
- Knops
- Knosp
- Knots
- Knout
- Known
- Knows
- Knurl
- Knurs
Related: 5 Letter Words Beginning with Kn
5 Letter Words Beginning with Ko
- Koala
- Koans
- Kobos
- Koels
- Kohls
- Koine
- Kojis
- Kolas
- Kolos
- Kombu
- Konks
- Kooks
- Kooky
- Kopek
- Kophs
- Kopje
- Koppa
- Korai
- Koras
- Korat
- Korma
- Korun
- Kotos
- Kotow
5 Letter Words Beginning with Kr
- Kraal
- Kraft
- Krait
- Kraut
- Kreep
- Krewe
- Krill
- Krona
- Krone
- Kroon
- Krubi
5 Letter Words Beginning with Ku
- Kudos
- Kudus
- Kudzu
- Kufis
- Kugel
- Kukri
- Kulak
- Kumys
- Kurta
- Kurus
- Kusso
5 Letter Words Beginning with Kv,Ky
- Kvass
- Kvell
- Kyack
- Kyaks
- Kyars
- Kyats
- Kylix
- Kyrie
- Kytes
- Kythe
5 Letter Words Starting with K with their Meanings
- Kafir: a grain sorghum
- Kaolin: a fine clay, often white, used in ceramics, as well as in anti-diarrheal medications
- Kapok: silky fibers which surround the seeds of the ceiba tree
- Kappa: tenth letter of the greek alphabet
- Kaput: finished; dead; done; over
- Karat: unit of weight measurement for precious stones or metals
- Karen: a woman’s name; often used to refer to a middle-aged, self-entitled person who can’t be bothered with other people and their issues
- Karma: the idea of “what goes around comes around”
- Karoo: a dry flat land of southern africa
- Karst: an irregular limestone region with underground flowing water and caverns
- Kasha: a russian mush-style dish made from grains of the same name
- Kauri: tall pine tree native to new zealand
- Kayak: small boat similar to a canoe, often covered with only a small opening, and propelled with a double-bladed paddle
- Kazoo: small wind instrument that one hums into to make a buzzing sound
- Kebob/kabob/kebab: meat and vegetables grilled on a stick or skewer
- Kedge: small anchor used to move a boat
- Kefir: yogurt-style drink made from fermented cows milk
- Kempt: neatly kept
- Kenaf: varietal of hibiscus native to eastern india
- Kendo: japanese sport of fencing using bamboo swords
- Kerry: irish breed of small, black, dairy cattle
- Ketch: a small sailboat, similar to a yawl
- Khaki: a neutral beige-like (or sometimes green) colored material
- Kiang: wild donkey found in asia
- Kicky: exciting
- Kilim: a turkish woven tapestry
- Kinin: a polypeptide hormone found in tissues and effect smooth muscle
- Kinky: tightly curled hair; unconventional sexual preferences or activities
- Kiosk: freestanding structure serving a particular function
- Kiowa: american indian people native to what is now colorado
- Kithe: to make known
- Kitty: endearing slang for a kitten, or baby cat
- Kloof: a deep glen
- Klutz: a clumsy person
- Knack: having a special capacity for something
- Knave: a boy servant
- Knead: to work and form a mass with the hands
- Kneel: to rest on one’s knees
- Knell/knoll: sound of a bell to indicate death or failure
- Knife: tool with sharp blade used for cutting
- Knish: small, filled, fried dough
- Knock: to sharply strike something
- Knurl: small knob or protrudance
- Koala: tree dwelling marsupial native to australia
- Kooky: silly or crazy
- Koran: muslim book of sacred writings
- Kraft: strong brown paper
- Krait: venomous snake of india and eastern asia
- Kraut: cabbage
- Krill: planktonic crustaceans
- Krone: monetary unit of austria from 1892 to 1925
- Kudos: praise or compliment
- Kudzu: vine found in asia
- Kyrie: short, liturgical prayer
And there you have it! A comprehensive list of 5-letter words, beginning with the letter k. Happy word hunting!
5 Letter Words that Start with K | Image
5 Letter Words Starting with K | Image 1
5 Letter Words Starting with K | Image 2
5 Letter Words Starting with K | Image 3
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