Are you learning English and looking to expand your vocabulary? This reference is here to help you discover a list of over 950 5 letter words starting with M. Dive in and find the perfect word starting with M to enhance your English learning journey.
5 Letter Words that Start with M
Many 5-letter words start with M. You can find a complete list of 5-letter words that begin with the letter M below. This list is arranged alphabetically:
5 Letter Words Starting with Ma
- Maaed
- Maare
- Maars
- Maban
- Mabes
- Macas
- Macaw
- Macca
- Maced
- Macer
- Maces
- Mache
- Machi
- Macho
- Machs
- Macka
- Macks
- Macle
- Macon
- Macro
- Macte
- Madal
- Madam
- Madar
- Maddy
- Madge
- Madid
- Madly
- Mados
- Madre
- Maedi
- Maerl
- Mafia
- Mafic
- Mafts
- Magas
- Mages
- Maggs
- Magic
- Magma
- Magna
- Magot
- Magus
- Mahal
- Mahem
- Mahis
- Mahoe
- Mahrs
- Mahua
- Mahwa
- Maids
- Maiko
- Maiks
- Maile
- Maill
- Mailo
- Mails
- Maims
- Mains
- Maire
- Mairs
- Maise
- Maist
- Maize
- Majas
- Majat
- Majoe
- Major
- Majos
- Makaf
- Makai
- Makan
- Makar
- Makee
- Maker
- Makes
- Makie
- Makis
- Makos
- Malae
- Malai
- Malam
- Malar
- Malas
- Malax
- Maleo
- Males
- Malic
- Malik
- Malis
- Malky
- Malls
- Malms
- Malmy
- Malts
- Malty
- Malus
- Malva
- Malwa
- Mamak
- Mamas
- Mamba
- Mambo
- Mambu
- Mamee
- Mamey
- Mamie
- Mamil
- Mamma
- Mammy
- Manas
- Manat
- Mandi
- Mands
- Mandy
- Maneb
- Maned
- Maneh
- Manes
- Manet
- Manga
- Mange
- Mangi
- Mango
- Mangs
- Mangy
- Mania
- Manic
- Manie
- Manis
- Manks
- Manky
- Manly
- Manna
- Manny
- Manoa
- Manor
- Manos
- Manse
- Manso
- Manta
- Mante
- Manto
- Mants
- Manty
- Manul
- Manus
- Manzo
- Mapau
- Mapes
- Maple
- Mapou
- Mappy
- Maqam
- Maqui
- Marae
- Marah
- Maral
- Maran
- Maras
- Maray
- March
- Marcs
- Mards
- Mardy
- Mares
- Marga
- Marge
- Margo
- Margs
- Maria
- Marid
- Maril
- Marka
- Marks
- Marle
- Marls
- Marly
- Marma
- Marms
- Maron
- Maror
- Marra
- Marri
- Marry
- Marse
- Marsh
- Marts
- Marua
- Marvy
- Masas
- Mased
- Maser
- Mases
- Masha
- Mashy
- Masks
- Mason
- Massa
- Masse
- Massy
- Masts
- Masty
- Masur
- Masus
- Masut
- Matai
- Match
- Mated
- Mater
- Mates
- Matey
- Mathe
- Maths
- Matin
- Matlo
- Matra
- Matsu
- Matte
- Matts
- Matty
- Matza
- Matzo
- Mauby
- Mauds
- Mauka
- Maula
- Mauls
- Maums
- Maumy
- Maund
- Maunt
- Mauri
- Mausy
- Mauts
- Mauve
- Mauvy
- Mauzy
- Maven
- Mavie
- Mavin
- Mavis
- Mawed
- Mawks
- Mawky
- Mawla
- Mawns
- Mawps
- Mawrs
- Maxed
- Maxes
- Maxim
- Maxis
- Mayan
- Mayas
- Maybe
- Mayed
- Mayor
- Mayos
- Mayst
- Mazac
- Mazak
- Mazar
- Mazas
- Mazed
- Mazel
- Mazer
- Mazes
- Mazet
- Mazey
- Mazut
5 Letter Words Starting with Mb
- Mbari
- Mbars
- Mbila
- Mbira
- Mbret
- Mbube
- Mbuga
5 Letter Words Starting with Me
- Meads
- Meake
- Meaks
- Meals
- Mealy
- Meane
- Means
- Meant
- Meany
- Meare
- Mease
- Meath
- Meats
- Meaty
- Mebbe
- Mebos
- Mecca
- Mecha
- Mechs
- Mecks
- Mecum
- Medal
- Media
- Medic
- Medii
- Medin
- Medle
- Meech
- Meeds
- Meeja
- Meeps
- Meers
- Meets
- Meffs
- Meids
- Meiko
- Meils
- Meins
- Meint
- Meiny
- Meism
- Meith
- Mekka
- Melam
- Melas
- Melba
- Melch
- Melds
- Melee
- Meles
- Melic
- Melik
- Mells
- Meloe
- Melon
- Melos
- Melts
- Melty
- Memes
- Memic
- Memos
- Menad
- Mence
- Mends
- Mened
- Menes
- Menge
- Mengs
- Menil
- Mensa
- Mense
- Mensh
- Menta
- Mento
- Ments
- Menus
- Meous
- Meows
- Merch
- Mercs
- Mercy
- Merde
- Merds
- Mered
- Merel
- Merer
- Meres
- Merge
- Meril
- Meris
- Merit
- Merks
- Merle
- Merls
- Merry
- Merse
- Mersk
- Mesad
- Mesal
- Mesas
- Mesca
- Mesel
- Mesem
- Meses
- Meshy
- Mesia
- Mesic
- Mesne
- Meson
- Messy
- Mesto
- Mesyl
- Metal
- Metas
- Meted
- Meteg
- Metel
- Meter
- Metes
- Methi
- Metho
- Meths
- Methy
- Metic
- Metif
- Metis
- Metol
- Metre
- Metro
- Metta
- Meums
- Meuse
- Meved
- Meves
- Mewed
- Mewls
- Meynt
- Mezes
- Mezza
- Mezze
- Mezzo
5 Letter Words Starting with Mi
- Miais
- Miaou
- Miaow
- Miasm
- Miaul
- Micas
- Miche
- Michi
- Micht
- Micks
- Micky
- Micos
- Micra
- Micro
- Middy
- Midge
- Midgy
- Midis
- Midst
- Miens
- Mieux
- Mieve
- Miffs
- Miffy
- Mifty
- Miggs
- Might
- Migma
- Migod
- Mihas
- Mihis
- Mikan
- Miked
- Mikes
- Mikos
- Mikra
- Mikva
- Milch
- Milds
- Miler
- Miles
- Milia
- Milko
- Milks
- Milky
- Mille
- Mills
- Milly
- Milor
- Milos
- Milpa
- Milts
- Milty
- Miltz
- Mimed
- Mimeo
- Mimer
- Mimes
- Mimic
- Mimis
- Mimsy
- Minae
- Minar
- Minas
- Mince
- Mincy
- Mindi
- Minds
- Mined
- Miner
- Mines
- Minge
- Mingi
- Mings
- Mingy
- Minim
- Minis
- Minke
- Minks
- Minny
- Minor
- Minos
- Minse
- Mints
- Minty
- Minus
- Minxy
- Miraa
- Mirah
- Mirch
- Mired
- Mires
- Mirex
- Mirid
- Mirin
- Mirkn
- Mirks
- Mirky
- Mirls
- Mirly
- Miros
- Mirrl
- Mirrs
- Mirth
- Mirvs
- Mirza
- Misal
- Misch
- Misdo
- Miser
- Mises
- Misgo
- Misky
- Misls
- Misos
- Missa
- Missy
- Misto
- Mists
- Misty
- Mitas
- Mitch
- Miter
- Mites
- Mitey
- Mitie
- Mitis
- Mitre
- Mitry
- Mitta
- Mitts
- Mivey
- Mivvy
- Mixed
- Mixen
- Mixer
- Mixes
- Mixie
- Mixis
- Mixte
- Mixup
- Miyas
- Mizen
- Mizes
- Mizzy
5 Letter Words Starting with Mo
- Moais
- Moaky
- Moals
- Moana
- Moans
- Moany
- Moars
- Moats
- Mobby
- Mobed
- Mobee
- Mobes
- Mobey
- Mobie
- Moble
- Mobos
- Mocap
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Mochs
- Mochy
- Mocks
- Mocky
- Mocos
- Mocus
- Modal
- Model
- Modem
- Moder
- Modes
- Modge
- Modii
- Modin
- Modoc
- Modom
- Modus
- Moeni
- Moers
- Mofos
- Mogar
- Mogas
- Moggy
- Mogos
- Mogra
- Mogue
- Mogul
- Mohar
- Mohel
- Mohos
- Mohrs
- Mohua
- Mohur
- Moile
- Moils
- Moira
- Moire
- Moist
- Moits
- Moity
- Mojos
- Moker
- Mokes
- Mokey
- Mokis
- Mokky
- Mokos
- Mokus
- Molal
- Molar
- Molas
- Molds
- Moldy
- Moled
- Moler
- Moles
- Moley
- Molie
- Molla
- Molle
- Mollo
- Molls
- Molly
- Moloi
- Molos
- Molto
- Molts
- Molue
- Molvi
- Molys
- Momes
- Momie
- Momma
- Momme
- Mommy
- Momos
- Mompe
- Momus
- Monad
- Monal
- Monas
- Monde
- Mondo
- Moner
- Money
- Mongo
- Mongs
- Monic
- Monie
- Monks
- Monos
- Monpe
- Monte
- Month
- Monty
- Moobs
- Mooch
- Moods
- Moody
- Mooed
- Mooey
- Mooks
- Moola
- Mooli
- Mools
- Mooly
- Moong
- Mooni
- Moons
- Moony
- Moops
- Moors
- Moory
- Moose
- Mooth
- Moots
- Moove
- Moped
- Moper
- Mopes
- Mopey
- Moppy
- Mopsy
- Mopus
- Morae
- Morah
- Moral
- Moran
- Moras
- Morat
- Moray
- Moree
- Morel
- Mores
- Morgy
- Moria
- Morin
- Mormo
- Morna
- Morne
- Morns
- Moron
- Moror
- Morph
- Morra
- Morro
- Morse
- Morts
- Moruk
- Mosed
- Moses
- Mosey
- Mosks
- Mosso
- Mossy
- Moste
- Mosto
- Mosts
- Moted
- Motel
- Moten
- Motes
- Motet
- Motey
- Moths
- Mothy
- Motif
- Motis
- Moton
- Motor
- Motte
- Motto
- Motts
- Motty
- Motus
- Motza
- Mouch
- Moues
- Moufs
- Mould
- Moule
- Mouls
- Moult
- Mouly
- Mound
- Mount
- Moups
- Mourn
- Mouse
- Moust
- Mousy
- Mouth
- Moved
- Mover
- Moves
- Movie
- Mowas
- Mowed
- Mower
- Mowie
- Mowra
- Moxas
- Moxie
- Moyas
- Moyle
- Moyls
- Mozed
- Mozes
- Mozos
5 Letter Words Starting with Mp, Mr, Ms, Mt
- Mpret
- Mrads
- Msasa
- Mtepe
5 Letter Words Starting with Mu
- Mucho
- Mucic
- Mucid
- Mucin
- Mucko
- Mucks
- Mucky
- Mucor
- Mucro
- Mucus
- Mudar
- Muddy
- Mudge
- Mudif
- Mudim
- Mudir
- Mudra
- Muffs
- Muffy
- Mufti
- Mugga
- Muggs
- Muggy
- Mugho
- Mugil
- Mugos
- Muhly
- Muids
- Muils
- Muirs
- Muiry
- Muist
- Mujik
- Mukim
- Mukti
- Mulai
- Mulch
- Mulct
- Muled
- Mules
- Muley
- Mulga
- Mulie
- Mulla
- Mulls
- Mulse
- Mulsh
- Mumbo
- Mumms
- Mummy
- Mumph
- Mumps
- Mumsy
- Mumus
- Munch
- Munds
- Mundu
- Munga
- Munge
- Mungi
- Mungo
- Mungs
- Mungy
- Munia
- Munis
- Munja
- Munjs
- Munts
- Muntu
- Muons
- Mural
- Muras
- Mured
- Mures
- Murex
- Murgh
- Murgi
- Murid
- Murks
- Murky
- Murls
- Murly
- Murra
- Murre
- Murri
- Murrs
- Murry
- Murth
- Murti
- Muruk
- Murva
- Musar
- Musca
- Mused
- Musee
- Muser
- Muses
- Muset
- Musha
- Mushy
- Music
- Musit
- Musks
- Musky
- Musos
- Musse
- Mussy
- Musta
- Musth
- Musts
- Musty
- Mutas
- Mutch
- Muted
- Muter
- Mutes
- Mutha
- Mutic
- Mutis
- Muton
- Mutti
- Mutts
- Mutum
- Muvva
- Muxed
- Muxes
- Muzak
- Muzzy
5 Letter Words Starting with Mv
- Mvula
- Mvule
- Mvuli
5 Letter Words Starting with My, Mz
- Myall
- Myals
- Mylar
- Mynah
- Mynas
- Myoid
- Myoma
- Myons
- Myope
- Myops
- Myopy
- Myrrh
- Mysid
- Mysie
- Mythi
- Myths
- Mythy
- Myxos
- Mzees
What Are 5 Letter Words That Start with M?
Did you know that there are 12478 five-letter words?
That’s a lot of words.
And it’s not even all of the five-letter words! There are actually 12478 five-letter words in the English language, and that’s not even counting all those other languages out there.
If you love playing Scrabble, Solitaire, or other word games, you’re sure to love this list of five-letter words starting with M. Stop struggling to find that five-letter word starting with “M” and use this list instead. So, prepare to brush up on your vocabulary while challenging your Scrabble skills. The added bonus is you’ll have a lot of fun learning these five-letter words starting with M – many of which will help you win the word game of your choice.
If you were looking for something to do this weekend, why not try creating your Wordle puzzles? It’s pretty simple: just make a list of words and put them in the correct order. You can use any word list—for example, maybe you want to do a puzzle about your favorite hobby or daily life at work. Or perhaps you wish to use five-letter words starting with M!
We’ve done the hard part for you and found 5-letter words that start with M, so you can focus on getting to the end of the word search without worrying about what to fill in next.
Don’t get too comfortable, though—this list is far from exhaustive. Best of luck to you!
5 Letter Words Starting with M with Meanings and Examples
- Meaning: The power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
- Example: The magician performed a magic trick that left the audience in awe.
- Meaning: A tropical fruit with a smooth skin, juicy flesh, and a large seed in the center.
- Example: She sliced the mango and served it as a refreshing dessert.
- Meaning: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Example: The room was filled with mirth during the comedian’s performance.
- Meaning: Great and impressive power or strength, especially of a nation, large organization, or natural force.
- Example: The might of the storm caused widespread damage across the region.
- Meaning: A roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in a low building with parking directly outside.
- Example: They decided to stay at a motel for the night during their road trip.
- Meaning: Cheerful and lively.
- Example: The children were merry as they played in the snow.
- Meaning: A painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
- Example: The artist was commissioned to create a mural for the community center.
- Meaning: A three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
- Example: He built a model of the solar system for his science project.
- Meaning: A person who works in a mine.
- Example: The miner spent hours underground extracting precious minerals.
- Meaning: Full of, covered with, or accompanied by mist.
- Example: The morning was misty, with a light fog enveloping the landscape.
- Meaning: To join in marriage.
- Example: They decided to marry in a small, intimate ceremony.
- Meaning: A solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity.
- Example: The sculpture was made from recycled metal.
- Meaning: Slightly wet; damp or humid.
- Example: The soil was moist after the rain, perfect for planting seeds.
- Meaning: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Example: The room was filled with mirth during the comedian’s performance.
- Meaning: A large tooth at the back of the mouth, used for grinding food.
- Example: The dentist said I need to have my molar filled.
- Meaning: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Example: The room was filled with mirth during the comedian’s performance.
- Meaning: A person who works with stone or brick.
- Example: The mason carefully laid each brick to build the wall.
- Meaning: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Example: The room was filled with mirth during the comedian’s performance.
- Meaning: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Example: The room was filled with mirth during the comedian’s performance.
- Meaning: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.
- Example: The room was filled with mirth during the comedian’s performance.
Plus, explore more 5 letter words that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N |
O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y |
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