This reference aims to help you expand your vocabulary by focusing on five-letter words starting with the letter N. These words are useful in games like Wordle and Scrabble and are great for everyday conversation. You will find a list of these words organized by their beginning letters, such as Na, Ne, Ng, Ni, No, Nu, and Ny. Understanding and using these words can give you an edge in word games and help you communicate more effectively.
5 Letter Words that Start with N
5 Letter Words Starting with Na
- Naans
- Nabes
- Nabis
- Nabob
- Nacho
- Nacre
- Nadas
- Nadir
- Naffs
- Naggy
- Naiad
- Naifs
- Nails
- Naira
- Naive
- Naked
- Nakfa
- Naled
- Named
- Names
- Nanas
- Nancy
- Nanny
- Nanos
- Napas
- Napes
- Nappa
- Nappe
- Narco
- Narcs
- Nards
- Nares
- Naris
- Narks
- Nasal
- Nashi
- Nasty
- Natal
- Natch
- Nates
- Natty
- Naval
- Navel
- Naves
- Navvy
- Nawab
- Nazir
- Naevi
- Nance
- Nappy
- Naric
- Narky
- Navar
- Nazis
- Naams
- Naats
- Nabam
- Nabby
- Nabks
- Nabla
- Nache
- Naeve
- Nagar
- Nagas
- Nages
- Nagor
- Nahal
- Naibs
- Naice
- Naieo
- Naiks
- Naily
- Nains
- Najib
- Nakas
- Naker
- Nalas
- Nalla
- Namad
- Namak
- Namaz
- Namma
- Namus
- Nandu
- Nanna
- Nante
- Nanti
- Nanto
- Nanty
- Nanua
- Naped
- Napoh
- Napoo
- Naras
- Narod
- Narra
- Narre
- Nasho
- Nasis
- Nason
- Nasus
- Natak
- Natis
- Natto
- Natya
- Nauch
- Naunt
- Naved
- Navew
- Nawal
- Nazar
- Nazes
- Nazzy
5 Letter Words Starting with Ne
- Neaps
- Nears
- Neath
- Neato
- Necks
- Neddy
- Needs
- Needy
- Neeps
- Negus
- Neigh
- Nelly
- Nemos
- Neons
- Neper
- Neral
- Nerds
- Nerdy
- Nerol
- Nerts
- Nertz
- Nerve
- Nervy
- Nests
- Nesty
- Neuks
- Neume
- Never
- Neves
- Nevus
- Newel
- Newer
- Newly
- Newsy
- Newts
- Nexus
- Nepit
- Nerka
- Nerks
- Netop
- Netts
- Netty
- Neums
- Nevel
- Newbs
- Newed
- Newie
- Neats
- Neems
- Neifs
- Neist
- Nemas
- Nenes
- Neafe
- Neals
- Neant
- Nebby
- Nebek
- Nebel
- Neche
- Neebs
- Neefs
- Neeld
- Neele
- Neemb
- Neese
- Neeze
- Nefie
- Negri
- Negro
- Neive
- Nelia
- Nelis
- Nemic
- Nemns
- Neosa
- Neoza
- Neram
- Nerfs
- Neski
- Netas
- Netta
- Nevis
- Nevvy
- Nexal
- Nexin
- Nexum
5 Letter Words Starting with Ng
- Ngaio
- Ngana
- Ngati
- Ngoma
- Ngwee
- Ngaka
- Ngapi
- Ngege
- Ngoni
- Ngram
5 Letter Words Starting with Ni
- Nicad
- Nicer
- Niche
- Nidal
- Nides
- Nidge
- Nidus
- Niece
- Nieve
- Nifty
- Nighs
- Night
- Nills
- Nimbi
- Ninas
- Niner
- Nines
- Ninja
- Ninny
- Ninon
- Ninos
- Ninth
- Nipas
- Nippy
- Nisei
- Nisus
- Niter
- Nites
- Nitid
- Niton
- Nitre
- Nitro
- Nitty
- Nival
- Nixed
- Nixes
- Nixie
- Nizam
- Nicht
- Nicks
- Nicol
- Nided
- Nidor
- Niefs
- Nifes
- Niffs
- Niffy
- Nihil
- Nikab
- Nikah
- Nikau
- Nimbs
- Nimps
- Niqab
- Nisse
- Nitry
- Nixer
- Nibby
- Nicey
- Nicky
- Niess
- Nifle
- Niger
- Nigga
- Nigre
- Nigua
- Nilas
- Nimby
- Niopo
- Nioza
- Nipet
- Nisin
- Nital
- Nitta
- Nitto
- Nivas
- Nivel
5 Letter Words Starting with No
- Nobby
- Noble
- Nobly
- Nocks
- Nodal
- Noddy
- Nodes
- Nodus
- Noggs
- Nohow
- Noils
- Noily
- Noing
- Noise
- Noisy
- Nokyo
- Nomad
- Nomas
- Nomen
- Nomes
- Nonas
- Nonce
- Nones
- Nonet
- Nongs
- Noobs
- Nooks
- Noons
- Noose
- Nopal
- Noria
- Noris
- Norms
- North
- Nosed
- Noses
- Nosey
- Notal
- Notch
- Noted
- Notes
- Notum
- Nouns
- Novae
- Novas
- Novel
- Novia
- Novio
- Noway
- Nowel
- Noahs
- Noels
- Noirs
- Noles
- Nolls
- Nolos
- Nomic
- Nomoi
- Nomos
- Nonis
- Nonny
- Nonyl
- Nooit
- Nooky
- Norks
- Norma
- Noser
- Nould
- Nouls
- Nouny
- Noups
- Novum
- Nowed
- Nowls
- Nowts
- Nowty
- Noxal
- Noyau
- Noyed
- Noyes
- Noded
- Nodum
- Noema
- Noeme
- Nogal
- Noggy
- Noire
- Nokes
- Nolle
- Nonda
- Nondo
- Nonic
- Nonna
- Nonno
- Noois
- Noone
- Norie
- Noshi
- Nosir
- Notam
- Nouja
- Noust
- Nowds
- Noxas
5 Letter Words Starting with Nu
- Nubby
- Nubia
- Nucha
- Nuder
- Nudes
- Nudge
- Nudgy
- Nudie
- Nudzh
- Nugae
- Nugie
- Nuked
- Nukes
- Nullo
- Nulls
- Numbs
- Numen
- Nuque
- Nurds
- Nurls
- Nurse
- Nutsy
- Nutty
- Nuddy
- Nuffs
- Nulla
- Nummy
- Nunny
- Nurrs
- Nutso
- Nucin
- Nuevo
- Nujol
- Nully
- Numps
- Nunky
- Nunus
- Nurtz
5 Letter Words Starting with Ny
- Nyala
- Nyets
- Nylon
- Nymph
- Nyaff
- Nying
- Nyssa
- Nyams
- Nyong
- Nyung
- Nyuse
- Nyuze
What Are Five Letter Words That Start with N?
These are short words that contain five letters and begin with the letter “N”. These words can be used in a variety of contexts, whether it be in Wordle, Scrabble, crosswords, or general conversation. Examples include nails, naive, noisy, nasty, and nicer. They can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and even proper nouns.
Why Learn 5 Letter Words Starting with N?
Wordle and Scrabble are classic word games where knowledge of words and creativity can lead to success. Wordle involves forming words with a limited set of letters, while in Scrabble players must place tiles on the board to form words for points. Knowing five-letter words beginning with the letter “N” can give you an edge in both of these games, as they are often easy to spot and can be used to create multiple words.
5 letter words that start with N, are often used in daily conversations and can be an important stepping stone into more advanced language skills. Knowing the different meanings of each word can help to increase vocabulary, understanding, and comprehension.
5 Letter Words Starting with N and their Meanings
- Nabob: A wealthy man or a person of high rank in the East.
- Noble: Of high birth, having a noble rank, honorably distinguished, and lofty.
- Nanny: A woman employed to look after children or the elderly.
- Noose: A looped rope used for hanging or strangling
- Nebul: a cloud of gas and dust in outer space.
- Nasty: Disagreeable, foul, or offensive.
- Natal: Relating to or denoting the place of one’s birth.
- Niche: A position or activity suited to someone’s talents or preferences.
- Nudge: A gentle push or prompt.
- Noise: A sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant.
- Nerve: Boldness and confidence in facing danger or difficulty.
- Nobly: In a noble manner, nobility.
- Novel: A fictitious prose narrative of book length.
- Nutty: Crazy, eccentric, or whimsical.
- Nerdy: Overly intellectual and socially awkward.
- North: The direction which points to the north.
- Nomad: A member of a people who have no fixed residence and move in search of pasture, food, and water.
- Ninth: Coming after the eighth and just before the tenth in position.
- Newly: Recently; not long ago.
- Never: Not ever; at no time in the past or future.
- Nurse: A person who looks after the sick or injured.
- Nicer: Pleasanter; more agreeable; showing kindness.
- Nylon: A type of synthetic fabric or a material made from polymers.
- Naiad: A freshwater nymph from Greek mythology.
- Nifty: Something nifty is clever or useful.
- Noisy: making loud, unpleasant sounds.
- Nails: A thin, pointed piece of metal used for fastening things together.
5 letter words starting with N are an essential part of any language, and mastering them can help to increase vocabulary and improve your skills in word games. With this list in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of these words!
Plus, explore more 5 letter words that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N |
O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y |
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