This reference will focus on 5 letter words that end in AT. Including what these words are, a list of examples, and some common ones you might use. Expand your vocabulary with these useful examples!
5 Letter Words that End in AT
- Annat
- Arhat
- Begat
- Bepat
- Besat
- Bleat
- Bloat
- Bowat
- Carat
- Chaat
- Cheat
- Cleat
- Curat
- Defat
- Derat
- Ducat
- Eclat
- Exeat
- Expat
- Float
- Fouat
- Gloat
- Great
- Groat
- Izzat
- Jurat
- Kanat
- Karat
- Kiaat
- Korat
- Lovat
- Manat
- Morat
- Orbat
- Pleat
- Ploat
- Qanat
- Rabat
- Repat
- Resat
- Rybat
- Salat
- Sceat
- Scrat
- Shoat
- Speat
- Splat
- Sprat
- Squat
- Stoat
- Surat
- Sweat
- Treat
- Troat
- Unhat
- Vivat
- Wheat
- Zakat
What Are 5 Letter Words Ending in AT?
Five-letter words that end in at are English words that have five letters in length and have the two last letters as “at”.
If you’re looking for a 5-letter word that ends in AT, then look no further as we have all those words listed below.
5 Letter Words that End in AT with Meanings
- A-flat – a note which is half step below A
- Arhat – In Buddhism and Jainism, it refers to someone who has reached the stage of enlightenment.
- Banat – a region in southeast central Europe
- Begat – past tense of beget which means to procreate or to bring a child into existence through reproduction
- Bilat – a meeting between two diplomatic parties
- Bleat – to utter a sound similar to the natural cry of a goat or sheep
- Bloat – swollen with gas or fluid
- Carat – a unit of weight for gold and precious stones
- Chaat – an Indian savory snack
- Cheat – a dishonest act to gain an advantage in a game or examination
- Cleat – a piece of metal or wood
- Croat – a native of Croatia or someone of Croatian descent
- Ducat – a gold or silver coin used as a currency in Europe during the Middle Ages
- Eclat – an ostentatious display or effect
- Exeat – school permission for temporary absence
- Expat – a person living in a foreign country
- Float – to rest or move on a liquid surface
- Gloat – to dwell on someone’s success or misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure
- Great – above normal or average
- Groat – any of the various medieval coins issued in Europe between 1351 and 1662
- Herat – a city on the Harīrūd River in northwestern Afghanistan
- Izzat – personal dignity, honor, or prestige
- Karat – a measure of the purity of gold with 24 karats being the purest
- Korat – a breed of domestic cats with a heart-shaped face and green eyes common in Thailand
- Lovat – a muted green color used especially in tweed and woolen garments:
- Murat – a long river in eastern Turkey
- Pleat – the folds in items made of cloth
- Ploat – to pluck bird feathers
- Qanat – a sloping channel constructed to allow water to flow from a hill to a village
- Rabat – an industrial port and the capital of Morocco
- Silat – indigenous martial art practiced in many Asian countries
- Scrat – an insignificant item or amount
- Speat – variant of spate which refers to something in a large number or amount
- Splat – it refers to a thin wood typically placed at the back of a chair
- Sprat – a small fish of the herring family
- Squat – a sitting position in which a person’s knees are bent
- Stoat – a small mammal of the weasel family
- Sweat – bodily moisture released through the pores of the skin
- Treat – one’s specific behavior towards another
- Unhat – to remove one’s hat as a sign of respect
- Vivat – an expression of support for a specific person
- Wheat – a cereal plant is grown in temperate countries
- Zakat – an obligatory payment paid yearly under Islamic law
The words listed above aim to help you broaden your vocabulary and earn success in playing Scrabble and other word games.
5 Letter Words List
Words List
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