Are you searching for 5 letter words that start with H? In this reference, you will find multiple categories of these words, including those that start with Ha, He, Hi, Ho, Hu, and Hy. This guide also explains why it can be useful to learn five-letter words that begin with H, along with common examples and their meanings. Elevate your vocabulary and impress others with your word knowledge.
5 Letter Words that Start with H
5 Letter Words that Start with Ha
- Habet
- Habit
- Hable
- Habus
- Hacek
- Hacks
- Hacky
- Hadal
- Haded
- Hades
- Hadji
- Hadst
- Haems
- Haere
- Haets
- Haffs
- Hafiz
- Hafta
- Hafts
- Haggs
- Haggy
- Haham
- Hahas
- Haick
- Haika
- Haiks
- Haiku
- Hails
- Haily
- Hains
- Haint
- Hairs
- Hairy
- Haith
- Hajis
- Hajji
- Hakam
- Hakas
- Hakea
- Hakes
- Hakim
- Hakus
- Halal
- Haldi
- Haled
- Haler
- Hales
- Halfa
- Halfs
- Halid
- Halli
- Halls
- Halma
- Halms
- Halon
- Halos
- Halse
- Halsh
- Halts
- Halva
- Halve
- Halwa
- Hamal
- Hamba
- Hamed
- Hamel
- Hames
- Hammy
- Hamza
- Hanap
- Hance
- Hanch
- Handi
- Hands
- Handy
- Hangi
- Hangs
- Hanks
- Hanky
- Hansa
- Hanse
- Hants
- Haole
- Hapas
- Hapax
- Happy
- Hapus
- Haram
- Hards
- Hardy
- Hared
- Harem
- Hares
- Harim
- Harks
- Harls
- Harms
- Harns
- Haros
- Harps
- Harpy
- Harry
- Harsh
- Harts
- Harum
- Hashy
- Hasks
- Hasps
- Hasta
- Haste
- Hasty
- Hatch
- Hated
- Hater
- Hates
- Hatha
- Hathi
- Hatty
- Haufs
- Haugh
- Haug
- Haulm
- Hauls
- Hault
- Haunt
- Hause
- Haute
- Havan
- Havel
- Haven
- Haver
- Haves
- Havoc
- Hawed
- Hawks
- Hawms
- Hawse
- Hayed
- Hayer
- Hayey
- Hayle
- Hayse
- Hazan
- Hazed
- Hazel
- Hazer
- Hazes
- Hazle
5 Letter Words that Start with He
- Heads
- Heady
- Heald
- Heals
- Heaps
- Heapy
- Heard
- Hears
- Heart
- Heast
- Heath
- Heats
- Heaty
- Heave
- Heavy
- Heben
- Hebes
- Hecht
- Hecks
- Heder
- Hedge
- Hedgy
- Heeds
- Heels
- Heeze
- Hefte
- Hefts
- Hefty
- Heiau
- Heids
- Heigh
- Heils
- Heirs
- Heist
- Hejab
- Hejra
- Heldt
- Heled
- Heles
- Helio
- Helix
- Hella
- Hello
- Hells
- Helly
- Helms
- Helos
- Helot
- Helps
- Helve
- Hemal
- Hemes
- Hemic
- Hemin
- Hempy
- Hence
- Hench
- Henge
- Henna
- Henny
- Henry
- Hents
- Hepar
- Herbs
- Herby
- Herds
- Heres
- Herls
- Herma
- Herms
- Herns
- Heron
- Heros
- Herps
- Herry
- Herse
- Hertz
- Hesps
- Hests
- Heths
- Heuch
- Heugh
- Hevea
- Hevel
- Hewed
- Hewer
- Hewgh
- Hexad
- Hexed
- Hexer
- Hexes
- Hexyl
- Heyed
5 Letter Words that Start with Hi
- Hicks
- Hider
- Hides
- Highs
- Hight
- Hiked
- Hiker
- Hikes
- Hilar
- Hills
- Hilly
- Hilum
- Himbo
- Hinau
- Hinds
- Hinge
- Hinky
- Hinny
- Hints
- Hiped
- Hiper
- Hipes
- Hiply
- Hippo
- Hippy
- Hired
- Hiree
- Hirer
- Hires
- Hissy
- Hists
- Hitch
- Hithe
- Hived
- Hiver
- Hives
- Hizen
5 Letter Words that Start with Ho
- Hoach
- Hoaed
- Hoagy
- Hoard
- Hoast
- Hobby
- Hobos
- Hocks
- Hocus
- Hodad
- Hodja
- Hogan
- Hogen
- Hoggs
- Hoghs
- Hogoh
- Hogos
- Hoick
- Hoied
- Hoise
- Hoist
- Hokas
- Hokes
- Hokey
- Hokis
- Hokku
- Hokum
- Holds
- Holed
- Holes
- Holey
- Holla
- Hollo
- Holly
- Holme
- Holms
- Holon
- Holos
- Holts
- Homed
- Homer
- Homes
- Homey
- Homie
- Homos
- Honan
- Honda
- Honed
- Honer
- Hones
- Honey
- Hongi
- Hongs
- Honks
- Honky
- Honor
- Hooch
- Hoods
- Hoody
- Hooey
- Hoofs
- Hoogo
- Hooha
- Hooka
- Hooks
- Hooky
- Hooly
- Hoons
- Hoops
- Hoord
- Hoosh
- Hoots
- Hooty
- Hoove
- Hopak
- Hoped
- Hoper
- Hopes
- Hoppy
- Horah
- Horal
- Horas
- Horde
- Horis
- Horks
- Horns
- Horny
- Horse
- Horst
- Horsy
- Hosed
- Hosel
- Hosen
- Hoser
- Hoses
- Hosey
- Hosta
- Hosts
- Hotch
- Hotel
- Hotly
- Hotte
- Hotty
- Houff
- Hough
- Hound
- Houri
- Hours
- House
- Housy
- Houts
- Hovea
- Hoved
- Hovel
- Hoven
- Hover
- Hoves
- Howay
- Howbe
- Howdy
- Howes
- Howff
- Howfs
- Howls
- Howso
- Howto
- Hoxed
- Hoxes
- Hoyas
- Hoyed
- Hoyle
5 Letter Words Starting with Hu
- Hubba
- Hubby
- Hucks
- Hudna
- Hudud
- Huers
- Huffs
- Huffy
- Huger
- Huggy
- Hughs
- Huhus
- Huias
- Huies
- Hukou
- Hulas
- Hules
- Hulks
- Hulky
- Hullo
- Hulls
- Hully
- Human
- Humfs
- Humic
- Humid
- Humor
- Humph
- Humps
- Humpy
- Humus
- Hunch
- Hundo
- Hunks
- Hunky
- Hunts
- Hurds
- Hurls
- Hurly
- Huron
- Hurra
- Hurry
- Hurst
- Hurts
- Hurty
- Hushy
- Husks
- Husky
- Husos
- Hussy
- Hutch
- Hutia
- Huzza
- Huzzy
5 Letter Words that Start with Hy
- Hydel
- Hydra
- Hydro
- Hyena
- Hyens
- Hygge
- Hying
- Hykes
- Hylas
- Hyleg
- Hyles
- Hylic
- Hymen
- Hymns
- Hynde
- Hyoid
- Hyped
- Hyper
- Hypes
- Hypha
- Hyphy
- Hypos
- Hyrax
- Hyson
- Hythe
5 Letter Words Starting with H and Their Meanings
- Hoard- a store of valuable items or money, typically one that has been accumulated over time.
- Hurry- move or act with great speed.
- Haunt- a place frequented regularly.
- Heave- lift or move with great effort.
- Hedge- an obstacle made of living plants, typically made of a row of shrubs or small trees.
- Hilar- causing great merriment and laughter.
- Hairy- (of an animal, person, or part of the body) covered with hairs.
- Harps- a stringed instrument with a triangular frame consisting of a sounding board and a vertical pillar with a curved neck, the strings running from the apex of the frame to tuning pegs at the base.
- Harts- a male deer, especially an adult red deer.
- Haste- hurry or urgency of movement or action; speed.
- Havoc- violent and needless disturbance.
- Hefty- strong and well built; muscular.
- Hitch- a temporary stop or pause in progress or movement; a delay.
- Hides- the skin of an animal, with the hair removed, used as material for clothing and footwear.
- Hoops- metal, wooden, or plastic circles of various sizes used in games such as basketball and cricket.
- Hooks- a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling.
- Heels- the back part of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch.
- Harpy- an ugly or rapacious person, especially a woman.
- Hikes- take a long walk or journey, especially as a recreational activity.
- Hooky- tending to avoid obligations or responsibilities, especially without good reason.
- Huron- a member of an American Indian people formerly living along the St. Lawrence River and Georgian Bay in Canada.
- Halts- stop; come or bring to an end.
What Are 5 Letter Words Starting with H?
In simple terms, they are H-words with five letters in length, all beginning with the letter “H”. They can be handy adjectives, heroic nouns, humorous verbs, or helpful adverbs. You can use these words in everyday conversation, or when playing word games like Wordle, Scrabble, Words with Friends, and Boggle.
Why Learn 5 Letter Words that Start with H?
Improve your skills in Wordle and Scrabble
Creativity and knowledge of words are vital to winning word games, and the list of H words provided here should come in handy for just that purpose. These games involve forming words in allocated time frames with the letters on your tiles, so having an arsenal of many words to choose from helps you score the highest points possible.
Enhance your English vocabulary and comprehension
Well-developed English skills are essential in both academic and professional environments. With the right words, you can effectively communicate your ideas to others, and even make an impactful impression in any setting.
The list of 5 letter words beginning with H provided here should serve as a helpful reference for improving your English skills, whether it be in conversation or word games. With these helpful tips and 80+ words to choose from, you should now have the perfect tools to make an impactful impression.
Plus, explore more 5 letter words that start with…
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