Some letters in the English language simply seem to go together like butter and bread. One such pair that frequently appears in five-letter words is “A” and “T.” Here we will list some common 5 letter words with A and T, ranging from everyday terms to obscure gems.
5 Letter Words with A and T
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with A
- Aarti
- Abaft
- Abaht
- Abate
- Abbot
- Abeat
- Abets
- Ablet
- Abnet
- Abort
- About
- Absit
- Abuts
- Aceta
- Actas
- Acted
- Actin
- Acton
- Actor
- Actus
- Acute
- Adapt
- Adats
- Adbot
- Adept
- Adits
- Admit
- Adopt
- Adret
- Adult
- Adust
- Advts
- Adyta
- Adyts
- Afoot
- Afret
- Afrit
- After
- Aftos
- Agast
- Agate
- Agaty
- Agent
- Agist
- Agita
- Aglet
- Aguti
- Ahent
- Ahint
- Aight
- Airth
- Airts
- Aitch
- Aitus
- Akita
- Alant
- Alata
- Alate
- Aleft
- Alert
- Alist
- Allot
- Aloft
- Altar
- Alter
- Altho
- Altos
- Amate
- Amaut
- Ambit
- Ament
- Amity
- Amort
- Amowt
- Amrit
- Anata
- Anent
- Angst
- Annat
- Antae
- Antar
- Antas
- Anted
- Antes
- Antic
- Antis
- Antra
- Antre
- Antsy
- Aorta
- Apart
- Apert
- Aport
- Appts
- Apted
- Apter
- Aptly
- Arete
- Arets
- Arett
- Argot
- Arhat
- Ariot
- Arith
- Armet
- Arnut
- Arret
- Artal
- Artel
- Arter
- Artic
- Artis
- Artly
- Artsy
- Ascot
- Ashet
- Asity
- Asset
- Assot
- Aster
- Astir
- Astun
- Ataps
- Ataxy
- Atigi
- Atilt
- Atimy
- Atlas
- Atman
- Atmas
- Atmos
- Atocs
- Atoke
- Atoks
- Atoll
- Atoms
- Atomy
- Atone
- Atony
- Atopy
- Atria
- Atrip
- Attap
- Attar
- Attas
- Atter
- Attic
- Atuas
- Aucht
- Audit
- Aught
- Aunts
- Aunty
- Autos
- Avant
- Avast
- Avert
- Await
- Awato
- Aweto
- Axite
- Ayont
- Azote
- Azoth
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with B
- Bafta
- Bafts
- Bahts
- Bahut
- Baith
- Baits
- Balot
- Balti
- Balut
- Bants
- Bantu
- Banty
- Bantz
- Basta
- Baste
- Basti
- Basto
- Basts
- Batch
- Bated
- Bates
- Bathe
- Baths
- Batik
- Baton
- Batos
- Batta
- Batts
- Battu
- Batty
- Bawty
- Bayts
- Beast
- Beath
- Beats
- Beaty
- Beaut
- Begat
- Bepat
- Besat
- Betas
- Betta
- Bhats
- Bilat
- Biota
- Blart
- Blast
- Blate
- Blats
- Blatt
- Bleat
- Bloat
- Boart
- Boast
- Boats
- Boaty
- Botas
- Bowat
- Bract
- Brant
- Brast
- Brats
- Buats
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with C
- Cacti
- Cadet
- Cagot
- Canst
- Canti
- Canto
- Cants
- Canty
- Capot
- Caput
- Carat
- Caret
- Carta
- Carte
- Carts
- Caste
- Casts
- Catch
- Cater
- Cates
- Catty
- Cesta
- Chaat
- Chaft
- Chant
- Chapt
- Chart
- Chats
- Cheat
- Chota
- Cital
- Clapt
- Clart
- Clast
- Clats
- Claut
- Cleat
- Coact
- Coapt
- Coast
- Coate
- Coati
- Coats
- Costa
- Cotan
- Cotta
- Couta
- Craft
- Crate
- Curat
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with D
- Daint
- Dalts
- Dants
- Darts
- Datal
- Dated
- Dater
- Dates
- Datil
- Datos
- Datto
- Datum
- Dault
- Daunt
- Dauts
- Davit
- Dawts
- Daynt
- Dealt
- Death
- Defat
- Delta
- Derat
- Detag
- Diact
- Dicta
- Diota
- Dital
- Ditas
- Doats
- Dotal
- Draft
- Drant
- Drats
- Ducat
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with E
- Earnt
- Earst
- Earth
- Easts
- Eaten
- Eater
- Eathe
- Eatin
- Eclat
- Elate
- Enact
- Enate
- Entia
- Epact
- Etage
- Etape
- Etats
- Ethal
- Etnas
- Etyma
- Exact
- Exalt
- Exeat
- Expat
- Extra
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with F
- Facet
- Facta
- Facto
- Facts
- Facty
- Fagot
- Faint
- Faith
- Farts
- Fasti
- Fasts
- Fatal
- Fated
- Fates
- Fatly
- Fatso
- Fatty
- Fatwa
- Fault
- Faute
- Fauts
- Feart
- Feast
- Feats
- Festa
- Fetal
- Fetas
- Fetta
- Fetwa
- Fiats
- Ficta
- Fitna
- Flats
- Float
- Flota
- Fouat
- Fract
- Frate
- Frati
- Frats
- Frita
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with G
- Gaita
- Gaits
- Gaitt
- Galut
- Gamut
- Gants
- Garth
- Gasts
- Gatch
- Gated
- Gater
- Gates
- Gaths
- Gator
- Gault
- Gaunt
- Gavot
- Geats
- Getas
- Ghast
- Ghats
- Ghaut
- Giant
- Glatt
- Gloat
- Gnats
- Goaft
- Goats
- Goaty
- Gotta
- Graft
- Grant
- Grata
- Grate
- Grats
- Great
- Groat
- Gutta
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with H
- Haats
- Habit
- Hadst
- Haets
- Hafta
- Hafts
- Haint
- Haith
- Halts
- Hants
- Harts
- Hasta
- Haste
- Hasty
- Hatch
- Hated
- Hater
- Hates
- Hatha
- Hathi
- Hatty
- Hault
- Haunt
- Haute
- Heart
- Heast
- Heath
- Heats
- Heaty
- Hiant
- Hoast
- Hosta
- Hutia
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with I
- Ictal
- Idant
- Iddat
- Iftar
- Ikats
- Inapt
- Intra
- Iotas
- Irate
- Izzat
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with J
- Jabot
- Jacet
- Janty
- Jarta
- Jatha
- Jatis
- Jatos
- Jaunt
- Jeats
- Jotas
- Junta
- Jurat
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with K
- Kanat
- Kants
- Kaput
- Karat
- Karst
- Karts
- Katal
- Katas
- Katis
- Katti
- Ketas
- Khats
- Kiaat
- Kitab
- Kofta
- Korat
- Kraft
- Krait
- Kraut
- Kurta
- Kutai
- Kutas
- Kyats
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with L
- Lacet
- Laith
- Laity
- Lants
- Larnt
- Lasts
- Latah
- Latch
- Lated
- Laten
- Later
- Latex
- Lathe
- Lathi
- Laths
- Lathy
- Latke
- Latte
- Latus
- Leant
- Leapt
- Least
- Leats
- Lepta
- Liart
- Litai
- Litas
- Loast
- Loath
- Lotah
- Lotas
- Lotsa
- Lotta
- Lovat
- Lutea
- Lyart
- Lytta
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with M
- Macte
- Mafts
- Magot
- Maist
- Majat
- Malts
- Malty
- Manat
- Manet
- Manta
- Mante
- Manto
- Mants
- Manty
- Marts
- Masts
- Masty
- Masut
- Matai
- Match
- Mated
- Mater
- Mates
- Matey
- Mathe
- Maths
- Matin
- Matlo
- Matra
- Matsu
- Matte
- Matts
- Matty
- Matza
- Matzo
- Maunt
- Mauts
- Mayst
- Mazet
- Mazut
- Meant
- Meath
- Meats
- Meaty
- Menta
- Metal
- Metas
- Metta
- Mitas
- Mitta
- Moats
- Morat
- Motza
- Musta
- Mutas
- Mutha
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with N
- Naats
- Nante
- Nanti
- Nanto
- Nants
- Nanty
- Nasty
- Natak
- Natal
- Natch
- Nates
- Natis
- Natto
- Natty
- Natya
- Naunt
- Neant
- Neath
- Neato
- Neats
- Nenta
- Netas
- Netta
- Ngati
- Ninta
- Nital
- Nitta
- Notal
- Notam
- Nrtta
- Nrtya
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with O
- Oasts
- Oaten
- Oater
- Oaths
- Octad
- Octal
- Octan
- Octas
- Oktas
- Olate
- Ontal
- Opsat
- Orant
- Orate
- Orbat
- Ostia
- Otaku
- Otary
- Ottar
- Outta
- Ovate
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with P
- Pacta
- Pacts
- Pahit
- Paint
- Palet
- Panto
- Pants
- Panty
- Parte
- Parti
- Parts
- Party
- Pasta
- Paste
- Pasts
- Pasty
- Patas
- Patch
- Pated
- Patee
- Patel
- Paten
- Pater
- Pates
- Paths
- Patia
- Patin
- Patio
- Patka
- Patly
- Patsy
- Patta
- Patte
- Pattu
- Patty
- Patus
- Peart
- Peats
- Peaty
- Pelta
- Pesta
- Petal
- Petar
- Phota
- Phwat
- Pieta
- Pinta
- Pitas
- Pitta
- Plait
- Plant
- Plast
- Plate
- Plats
- Platt
- Platy
- Pleat
- Ploat
- Porta
- Potae
- Potai
- Prate
- Prats
- Pratt
- Praty
- Preta
- Pruta
- Putas
- Putza
- Puzta
- Pyats
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with Q
- Qanat
- Quant
- Quart
- Quate
- Quats
- Quota
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with R
- Rabat
- Rafts
- Rafty
- Raita
- Raith
- Raits
- Ramet
- Rants
- Ranty
- Rasta
- Ratal
- Ratan
- Ratas
- Ratch
- Rated
- Ratel
- Rater
- Rates
- Ratha
- Rathe
- Raths
- Ratio
- Ratoo
- Ratos
- Ratti
- Ratty
- Ratus
- Razet
- React
- Reast
- Reata
- Reate
- Recta
- Repat
- Resat
- Retag
- Retam
- Retax
- Retia
- Rhyta
- Riant
- Riata
- Riato
- Roast
- Roate
- Rotal
- Rotan
- Rotas
- Rotta
- Rybat
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with S
- Sabot
- Saeta
- Saint
- Saist
- Saith
- Sakti
- Salat
- Salet
- Salto
- Salts
- Salty
- Salut
- Santo
- Sants
- Satai
- Satay
- Sated
- Satem
- Sater
- Sates
- Satin
- Satis
- Satyr
- Sault
- Saunt
- Saute
- Sauts
- Sayst
- Scant
- Scart
- Scath
- Scats
- Scatt
- Sceat
- Scrat
- Scuta
- Seats
- Septa
- Setae
- Setal
- Shaft
- Shakt
- Shalt
- Shart
- Shoat
- Shtar
- Sista
- Sitar
- Sitka
- Skart
- Skate
- Skats
- Skatt
- Slant
- Slart
- Slate
- Slats
- Slaty
- Smalt
- Smart
- Snath
- Softa
- Sorta
- Spait
- Spalt
- Spart
- Spate
- Spats
- Speat
- Splat
- Sprat
- Sputa
- Squat
- Stabs
- Stack
- Stade
- Staff
- Stage
- Stags
- Stagy
- Staid
- Staig
- Stain
- Stair
- Stake
- Stale
- Stalk
- Stall
- Stamp
- Stand
- Stane
- Stang
- Stank
- Stans
- Staph
- Staps
- Stare
- Stark
- Starn
- Starr
- Stars
- Start
- Stary
- Stash
- State
- Stats
- Statu
- Staun
- Stave
- Staws
- Stays
- Stead
- Steak
- Steal
- Steam
- Stean
- Stear
- Stela
- Stipa
- Stoae
- Stoai
- Stoas
- Stoat
- Stoma
- Strad
- Strae
- Strag
- Strak
- Strap
- Straw
- Stray
- Stria
- Stupa
- Surat
- Sutra
- Sutta
- Swapt
- Swart
- Swath
- Swats
- Sweat
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with T
- Taals
- Taata
- Tabac
- Tabby
- Taber
- Tabes
- Tabid
- Tabis
- Tabla
- Table
- Tabls
- Taboo
- Tabor
- Tabos
- Tabun
- Tabus
- Tacan
- Taces
- Tacet
- Tache
- Tachi
- Tacho
- Tachs
- Tacit
- Tacks
- Tacky
- Tacos
- Tacts
- Tadah
- Taels
- Taffy
- Tafia
- Taggy
- Tagma
- Tagua
- Tahas
- Tahrs
- Taiga
- Taigs
- Taiko
- Tails
- Tains
- Taint
- Taira
- Taish
- Taits
- Tajes
- Takas
- Taken
- Taker
- Takes
- Takhi
- Takht
- Takin
- Takis
- Takky
- Talak
- Talaq
- Talar
- Talas
- Talcs
- Talcy
- Talea
- Taler
- Tales
- Talik
- Talks
- Talky
- Talls
- Tally
- Talma
- Talon
- Talpa
- Taluk
- Talus
- Tamal
- Tamas
- Tamed
- Tamer
- Tames
- Tamin
- Tamis
- Tammy
- Tamps
- Tanas
- Tanga
- Tangi
- Tango
- Tangs
- Tangy
- Tanhs
- Tania
- Tanka
- Tanks
- Tanky
- Tanna
- Tansu
- Tansy
- Tante
- Tanti
- Tanto
- Tanty
- Tapas
- Taped
- Tapen
- Taper
- Tapes
- Tapet
- Tapir
- Tapis
- Tappa
- Tapus
- Taras
- Tardo
- Tards
- Tardy
- Tared
- Tares
- Targa
- Targe
- Tarka
- Tarns
- Taroc
- Tarok
- Taros
- Tarot
- Tarps
- Tarre
- Tarry
- Tarse
- Tarsi
- Tarte
- Tarts
- Tarty
- Tarzy
- Tasar
- Tasca
- Tased
- Taser
- Tases
- Tasks
- Tassa
- Tasse
- Tasso
- Taste
- Tasto
- Tasty
- Tatar
- Tater
- Tates
- Taths
- Tatie
- Tatou
- Tatts
- Tatty
- Tatus
- Taube
- Tauld
- Taunt
- Tauon
- Taupe
- Tauts
- Tauty
- Tavah
- Tavas
- Taver
- Tawaf
- Tawai
- Tawas
- Tawed
- Tawer
- Tawie
- Tawny
- Tawse
- Tawts
- Taxed
- Taxer
- Taxes
- Taxis
- Taxol
- Taxon
- Taxor
- Taxus
- Tayra
- Tazza
- Tazze
- Teach
- Teade
- Teads
- Teaed
- Teaks
- Teals
- Teams
- Tears
- Teary
- Tease
- Teats
- Teaze
- Tecta
- Tegua
- Telae
- Telia
- Tenia
- Tepal
- Tepas
- Terai
- Teras
- Terga
- Terra
- Terza
- Tesla
- Testa
- Tetra
- Texas
- Texta
- Thack
- Thagi
- Thaim
- Thale
- Thali
- Thana
- Thane
- Thang
- Thank
- Thans
- Thanx
- Tharm
- Thars
- Thaws
- Thawt
- Thawy
- Theca
- Thema
- Theta
- Thrae
- Thraw
- Thuja
- Thuya
- Tians
- Tiara
- Tiare
- Tiars
- Tibia
- Tical
- Ticca
- Tidal
- Tikas
- Tikia
- Tikka
- Tilak
- Tinas
- Tinea
- Titan
- Titar
- Titas
- Toads
- Toady
- Toast
- Toaze
- Today
- Todea
- Toeas
- Togae
- Togas
- Tokay
- Tolan
- Tolar
- Tolas
- Toman
- Tomia
- Tonal
- Tonga
- Tonka
- Topaz
- Torah
- Toran
- Toras
- Torta
- Tosas
- Total
- Towai
- Trabs
- Trace
- Track
- Tract
- Trade
- Trads
- Trady
- Traga
- Tragi
- Trags
- Tragu
- Traik
- Trail
- Train
- Trait
- Tramp
- Trams
- Trank
- Tranq
- Trans
- Trant
- Trape
- Trapo
- Traps
- Trapt
- Trash
- Trass
- Trats
- Tratt
- Trave
- Trawl
- Trayf
- Trays
- Tread
- Treat
- Trefa
- Trema
- Triac
- Triad
- Trial
- Trifa
- Troad
- Troak
- Troat
- Trona
- Tryma
- Tsade
- Tsadi
- Tsars
- Tsuba
- Tuans
- Tuart
- Tuath
- Tubae
- Tubal
- Tubar
- Tubas
- Tufas
- Tugra
- Tuina
- Tulpa
- Tunas
- Twaes
- Twain
- Twals
- Twang
- Twank
- Twats
- Tways
- Tweak
- Typal
- Tyran
- Tzars
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with U
- Ultra
- Unapt
- Unhat
- Untag
- Untax
- Uptak
- Urate
- Useta
- Ustad
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with V
- Valet
- Vants
- Vasts
- Vasty
- Vatas
- Vatha
- Vatic
- Vatje
- Vatos
- Vatus
- Vault
- Vaunt
- Vaute
- Vauts
- Vawte
- Vesta
- Vista
- Vitae
- Vital
- Vitas
- Vitta
- Vivat
- Vlast
- Volta
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with W
- Wadts
- Wafts
- Waift
- Waist
- Waite
- Waits
- Walty
- Waltz
- Wanta
- Wants
- Wanty
- Warst
- Warts
- Warty
- Waste
- Wasts
- Watap
- Watch
- Water
- Watts
- Wetas
- Whata
- Whats
- Wheat
- Witan
- Wrapt
- Wrast
- Wrate
- Wrath
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with Y
- Yacht
- Yarta
- Yarto
- Yates
- Yatra
- Yeast
- Yenta
- Yrapt
- Yurta
5 Letter Words with A and T Starting with Z
- Zakat
- Zante
- Zatis
- Zetas
Common 5 Letter Words with A and T and their Meanings
- About – With reference to something or someone.
- Baste – Using brushing or spooning to enhance the flavor and prevent meat from drying out with liquid.
- Caste – A social class based on hereditary status generally immutable.
- Crate – A strong wooden or plastic container used for the storage or transportation of items.
- Fated – Having a fate that can’t be changed; being destined to happen.
- Gated – Surrounded by a gate for the purpose of security and privacy.
- Grate – Food is shredded or rubbed against a serrated surface to make it easy to mix.
- Great – Very large or extensive in size or degree.
- Hater – One who has a strong hate for someone or something.
- Later – Following a moment or event; in the future.
- Latex – A liquid or semi-solid material used to make rubber, paint, and more.
- Matin – Pertaining to the early hours of the day.
- Paint – A colored liquid that is applied to a surface and forms a thin layer when dried.
- Pater – A phrase that is used in a formal manner to refer to someone’s father.
- Plate – A flat dish used to serve food.
- Rathe – Early or shortly; occurring or completed fast.
- Sated – Totally satisfied and content.
- Satin – A silky or nylon fabric that looks shiny and is smooth in texture.
- Spate – A sudden influx of a large number or amount of something.
- State – A country or territory that’s an organized political community managed by a single government.
- Tally – A listing or count of the quantity of items.
- Tater – A slang term for potato.
- Trait – A defining feature or characteristic of a person.
Related resources:
- 5 Letter Words that Start with A
- 5 Letter Words Ending in A
- 5 Letter Words with A
- 5 Letter Words with A in the Middle
- 5 Letter Words that End in AT
- 5 Letter Words that End in Ant
- 5 Letter Words that Start with T
- 5 Letter Words Ending in T
- 5 Letter Words with T
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