There are many 5 letter words with ai. Maybe your Scrabble or Wordle clue contains the letters ai at the middle or the end, but you can’t complete the puzzle. Or you want to improve your literacy skills by understanding the link between letters and words. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here is our comprehensive list to help you get started.
5 Letter Words with AI
Following are some 5 letter words with AI in English.
5 Letter Words that Start with AI
- Aider
- Ailed
- Aimes
- Aides
- Airai
- Aisne
- Airth
- Aiken
- Aimed
- Aires
- Airly
- Airth
- Aimer
- Aitch
- Aided
- Aioli
- Aired
- Airer
- Airns
- Airts
- Aisle
- Aiver
5 Letter Words that End with AI
- Kapai
- Korai
- Tawai
- Sinai
- Dubai
- Tolai
- Karai
- Assai
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with A
- Acais
- Again
- Amain
- Apaid
- Avail
- Await
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with B
- Baiks
- Baile
- Bails
- Bairn
- Baisa
- Baith
- Baits
- Baiza
- Baize
- Bhais
- Blain
- Braid
- Brail
- Brain
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with C
- Caids
- Cains
- Caird
- Cairn
- Chain
- Chair
- Chais
- Claim
- Clair
- Craic
- Craig
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with D
- Daiko
- Daily
- Daine
- Daint
- Dairy
- Daisy
- Deair
- Drail
- Drain
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with E, F
- Elain
- Faiks
- Fails
- Faine
- Fains
- Faint
- Faire
- Fairs
- Fairy
- Faith
- Flail
- Flair
- Frail
- Fraim
- Frais
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with G
- Gaids
- Gaily
- Gains
- Gairs
- Gaita
- Gaits
- Gaitt
- Glaik
- Glair
- Grail
- Grain
- Graip
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with H
- Haick
- Haika
- Haiks
- Haiku
- Hails
- Haily
- Hains
- Haint
- Hairs
- Hairy
- Haith
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with J, K
- Jails
- Kaiak
- Kaids
- Kaies
- Kaifs
- Kaika
- Kaiks
- Kails
- Kaims
- Kaing
- Kains
- Krais
- Krait
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with L
- Laich
- Laics
- Laide
- Laids
- Laigh
- Laika
- Laiks
- Laird
- Lairs
- Lairy
- Laith
- Laity
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with M
- Maids
- Maiko
- Maiks
- Maile
- Maill
- Mailo
- Mails
- Maims
- Mains
- Maire
- Mairs
- Maise
- Maist
- Maize
- Miais
- Moais
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with N
- Naiad
- Naibs
- Naice
- Naids
- Naieo
- Naifs
- Naiks
- Nails
- Naily
- Nains
- Naios
- Naira
- Nairu
- Naive
- Ngaio
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with P
- Paiks
- Pails
- Pains
- Paint
- Paipe
- Paips
- Paire
- Pairs
- Paisa
- Paise
- Piais
- Plaid
- Plaig
- Plain
- Plait
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with Q
- Qaids
- Quail
- Quair
- Quais
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with R
- Raiah
- Raias
- Raids
- Raike
- Raiks
- Raile
- Rails
- Raine
- Rains
- Rainy
- Raird
- Raise
- Raita
- Raith
- Raits
- Reais
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with S
- Saice
- Saick
- Saics
- Saids
- Saiga
- Sails
- Saims
- Saine
- Sains
- Saint
- Sairs
- Saist
- Saith
- Scail
- Skail
- Slaid
- Slain
- Smaik
- Snail
- Spail
- Spain
- Spait
- Staid
- Staig
- Stain
- Stair
- Swail
- Swain
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with T
- Taiga
- Taigs
- Taiko
- Tails
- Tains
- Taint
- Taira
- Taish
- Taits
- Thaim
- Traik
- Trail
- Train
- Trait
- Twain
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with U, V
- Unais
- Vaids
- Vails
- Vaire
- Vairs
- Vairy
- Vraic
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with W
- Waide
- Waifs
- Waift
- Wails
- Wains
- Wairs
- Waist
- Waite
- Waits
- Waive
5 Letter Words with AI in the Middle, Starting with Y, Z
- Yaird
- Zaida
- Zaide
- Zaidy
- Zaire
Common 5 Letter Words with AI and Their Meanings
- Maize
A tall plant with elongated ears and starchy grains. It’s also referred to as corn in Central America.
- Avail
To be advantageous to someone; to produce or result in an advantage.
- Chair
A seat for one person with four legs. To preside over or act as the chairperson in a meeting, organization, or public event. For example, the account executive will chair the meeting. In British, chairing is carrying someone aloft after a victory.
- Faith
A strong belief in religion based on spiritual conviction (having trust in God). It’s also used as a noun to show complete confidence in someone or something.
- Maids
A female domestic servant or a house help (plural of maid); a young unmarried woman.
- Flail
To beat or flog someone. Or, a threshing tool with a heavy stick swinging from it.
- Naïve
A person who shows a lack of knowledge or wisdom in something. Some art that resembles a child’s work, especially when using bright colors with no perspective.
- Plaid
A long piece of tartan common in Scottish Highland Dress; a twilled cloth made of wool.
- Plain
Having no pretensions or special remarks or something that is not elaborate (simple or basic)
- Vails
Lowering a hat or crown as a token of appreciation and respect.
- Bails
To secure the release of a prisoner. In legal terms, bail is the amount of money someone posts to be released while awaiting trial.
- Brain
A soft tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates that works as the coordinating center of intellectual, sensation, and nervous activities.
- Daily
Doing something every day of the week; a newspaper published every day. In an informal setup, this word refers to a woman employed at someone’s house every day.
An electronic way of sending messages from one person to another (noun). To send an email to someone (verb).
- Faint
Feeling weak or dizzy (close to losing consciousness), especially when someone has insufficient oxygen. A smell that is barely susceptible.
- Hairy
Part of a body covered with hair.
- Paint
To cover a surface with paint (verb). A colored substance spread over a surface (noun).
- Plait
A single length of hair or three interlaced strands.
- Swain
A suitor or young lover or a country youth.
- Wails
A prolonged cry, grief, or anger.
- Await
Waiting for an event.
- Gains
To secure or obtain something desirable; to arrive at or reach a destination.
- Glair
An adhesive for bookbinding or a preparation made from egg white.
- Grain
The seed of cereals or giving a rough texture to a surface.
- 5 Letter Words Ending in AIR
- 5 Letter Words with A in the Middle
- 5 Letter Words with I in the Middle
- 5 Letter Words that Start with A
- 5 Letter Words Ending in I
- 5 Letter Words with A
- 5 Letter Words with I
- Words that Start with A
- Words that End in I
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