This reference covers various five-letter words containing E and O, organized by starting letters from A to Z. You’ll also find common words and their meanings and useful images. This resource aims to present clear and helpful information for anyone eager to expand their language skills or enjoy word-related activities.
5 Letter Words with E and O
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with A
- Abode
- Adore
- Anode
- Atone
- Abore
- Above
- Acoel
- Acone
- Adobe
- Adoze
- Aeros
- Afore
- Agoge
- Agone
- Ahole
- Aloes
- Alone
- Alowe
- Amole
- Amore
- Amove
- Anole
- Apode
- Arose
- Atoke
- Aweto
- Awoke
- Axone
- Azole
- Azote
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with B
- Bento
- Biome
- Bloke
- Boner
- Borne
- Bowed
- Bowel
- Boxer
- Broke
- Beano
- Bebop
- Befog
- Begob
- Begot
- Bello
- Belon
- Below
- Berko
- Berob
- Besom
- Beton
- Bevor
- Biose
- Blore
- Bocce
- Boche
- Boded
- Bodes
- Bodge
- Bodle
- Boeps
- Boers
- Boeti
- Boets
- Boeuf
- Bogey
- Bogie
- Bogle
- Bogue
- Bohea
- Boite
- Boked
- Bokeh
- Bokes
- Boles
- Bolet
- Bombe
- Bonce
- Boned
- Bones
- Boney
- Bonne
- Bonze
- Booed
- Boose
- Booze
- Borde
- Bored
- Boree
- Borek
- Borel
- Borer
- Bores
- Bosey
- Bosie
- Botel
- Botes
- Botew
- Botte
- Bouge
- Boule
- Bouse
- Bower
- Bowes
- Bowet
- Bowie
- Bowne
- Boxed
- Boxen
- Boxes
- Boyed
- Boyey
- Brome
- Brose
- Buteo
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with C
- Cameo
- Canoe
- Cello
- Chemo
- Clone
- Codec
- Codex
- Comet
- Conge
- Coupe
- Coven
- Cower
- Celom
- Cento
- Ceorl
- Ceroc
- Ceros
- Chode
- Choke
- Chore
- Chose
- Cloke
- Close
- Clove
- Coate
- Coble
- Coded
- Coden
- Coder
- Codes
- Coeds
- Cogie
- Cogue
- Cohen
- Cohoe
- Coked
- Cokes
- Cokey
- Coled
- Coles
- Coley
- Colle
- Comae
- Combe
- Comer
- Comes
- Comme
- Comte
- Coned
- Cones
- Conex
- Coney
- Conne
- Conte
- Cooed
- Cooee
- Cooer
- Cooey
- Cooze
- Coped
- Copen
- Coper
- Copes
- Copse
- Corbe
- Cored
- Corer
- Cores
- Corey
- Corse
- Cosec
- Cosey
- Cosie
- Coste
- Coted
- Cotes
- Coved
- Cover
- Coves
- Covet
- Covey
- Cowed
- Coxae
- Coxed
- Coxes
- Coyed
- Coyer
- Cozed
- Cozen
- Cozes
- Cozey
- Cozie
- Credo
- Crome
- Crone
- Crore
- Croze
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with D
- Decoy
- Demon
- Diode
- Dodge
- Dowel
- Dower
- Decko
- Decor
- Decos
- Deffo
- Defog
- Dekko
- Delos
- Demob
- Demoi
- Demos
- Demot
- Deoch
- Deoxy
- Depot
- Deros
- Derro
- Detox
- Devon
- Devos
- Devot
- Dhole
- Dobes
- Dobie
- Doble
- Doeks
- Doers
- Doest
- Doeth
- Doges
- Dogie
- Dolce
- Doled
- Dolee
- Doles
- Doley
- Domed
- Domes
- Donee
- Doner
- Donne
- Dooce
- Doped
- Doper
- Dopes
- Dopey
- Doppe
- Doree
- Dores
- Dorje
- Dorse
- Dosed
- Doseh
- Doser
- Doses
- Doted
- Doter
- Dotes
- Douce
- Douse
- Doven
- Dover
- Doves
- Dovie
- Dowed
- Dowie
- Dowle
- Dowse
- Doxed
- Doxes
- Doxie
- Doyen
- Dozed
- Dozen
- Dozer
- Dozes
- Droke
- Drole
- Drome
- Drone
- Drove
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with E
- Ebony
- Elope
- Endow
- Envoy
- Epoch
- Evoke
- Ebons
- Ebook
- Echos
- Ecole
- Eidos
- Eikon
- Eiron
- Ejido
- Elbow
- Eloge
- Eloin
- Elops
- Embog
- Embow
- Embox
- Emoji
- Emote
- Emove
- Enjoy
- Ennog
- Enoki
- Enols
- Enorm
- Enows
- Enrol
- Envoi
- Eosin
- Ephod
- Ephor
- Epode
- Epopt
- Epoxy
- Ergon
- Ergot
- Erode
- Erose
- Error
- Erugo
- Escot
- Esrog
- Estoc
- Estop
- Ethos
- Etrog
- Euros
- Eusol
- Evhoe
- Evohe
- Ewhow
- Exode
- Exome
- Exons
- Expos
- Extol
- Eyots
- Eprom
- Ebola
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with F
- Felon
- Forte
- Foyer
- Feods
- Feoff
- Ferox
- Fetor
- Flexo
- Floes
- Flore
- Flote
- Foehn
- Fogey
- Fogie
- Fogle
- Foley
- Folie
- Fomes
- Fones
- Force
- Forel
- Fores
- Forex
- Forge
- Forme
- Forze
- Fosse
- Fouer
- Fouet
- Foule
- Fovea
- Foxed
- Foxes
- Foxie
- Foyle
- Foyne
- Freon
- Froes
- Frore
- Froze
- Fuero
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with G
- Gecko
- Gnome
- Gooey
- Goose
- Gorge
- Gemot
- Genio
- Genoa
- Genom
- Genro
- Geode
- Geoid
- Gesso
- Globe
- Glode
- Glove
- Gloze
- Goave
- Gobbe
- Godet
- Goers
- Goest
- Goeth
- Goety
- Gofer
- Goier
- Golem
- Goles
- Golpe
- Gomer
- Gonef
- Goner
- Gored
- Gores
- Gorse
- Gosse
- Gouge
- Goves
- Goyle
- Grebo
- Grego
- Grone
- Grope
- Grove
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with H
- Heron
- Homey
- Honey
- Horde
- Hover
- Haole
- Helio
- Hello
- Helos
- Helot
- Heros
- Hoaed
- Hoers
- Hogen
- Hohed
- Hoied
- Hoise
- Hoked
- Hokes
- Hokey
- Holed
- Holes
- Holey
- Holme
- Homed
- Homer
- Homes
- Homie
- Homme
- Honed
- Honer
- Hones
- Hooey
- Hoove
- Hoped
- Hoper
- Hopes
- Horse
- Hosed
- Hosel
- Hosen
- Hoser
- Hoses
- Hosey
- Hotel
- Hotte
- House
- Hovea
- Hoved
- Hovel
- Hoven
- Hoves
- Howbe
- Howes
- Hoxed
- Hoxes
- Hoyed
- Hoyle
- Heroe
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with J
- Joeys
- Jaleo
- Jello
- Jeton
- Jobed
- Jobes
- Jodel
- Joked
- Joker
- Jokes
- Jokey
- Joles
- Jolie
- Jones
- Joule
- Joyed
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with K
- Krone
- Kebob
- Keeno
- Kembo
- Kendo
- Kenos
- Keros
- Ketol
- Kiore
- Knowe
- Koels
- Kohen
- Koine
- Koker
- Kopek
- Kopje
- Kores
- Koses
- Kyloe
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with L
- Lodge
- Loose
- Lores
- Loser
- Laevo
- Leggo
- Legno
- Lemon
- Lenos
- Lento
- Leone
- Lesbo
- Leuco
- Lezzo
- Loave
- Lobed
- Lobes
- Loche
- Locie
- Loden
- Lodes
- Loess
- Loges
- Logie
- Loipe
- Lokes
- Lokey
- Loled
- Loner
- Longe
- Looed
- Looey
- Looie
- Loped
- Loper
- Lopes
- Lorel
- Losed
- Losel
- Losen
- Loses
- Lotte
- Louie
- Loupe
- Louse
- Loved
- Lovee
- Lover
- Loves
- Lovey
- Lovie
- Lowed
- Lowen
- Lower
- Lowes
- Lowne
- Lowse
- Lozen
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with M
- Melon
- Modem
- Moles
- Money
- Moose
- Morse
- Motes
- Mower
- Mahoe
- Maleo
- Mebos
- Meiko
- Meloe
- Melos
- Memos
- Mento
- Meous
- Meows
- Meson
- Mesto
- Metho
- Metro
- Mezzo
- Mimeo
- Mobed
- Mobee
- Mobes
- Mobey
- Model
- Moder
- Modes
- Modge
- Moeni
- Moers
- Mogue
- Mohel
- Moker
- Mokes
- Moler
- Moley
- Molle
- Molue
- Momes
- Momie
- Momme
- Mompe
- Monde
- Moner
- Monie
- Monpe
- Monte
- Mooed
- Mooey
- Moove
- Moped
- Moper
- Mopes
- Mopey
- Morel
- Morne
- Moses
- Mosey
- Moted
- Motel
- Moten
- Motet
- Motte
- Moues
- Moule
- Mouse
- Moved
- Mover
- Moves
- Movie
- Mowed
- Moxie
- Moyle
- Mozed
- Mozes
- Myope
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with N
- Noble
- Nodes
- Nosey
- Novel
- Naieo
- Neato
- Negro
- Neons
- Neosa
- Neoza
- Nerol
- Netop
- Noded
- Noels
- Noema
- Noeme
- Noire
- Noise
- Nokes
- Noles
- Nolle
- Nomen
- Nomes
- Nonce
- Nones
- Nonet
- Noone
- Noose
- Norie
- Nosed
- Noser
- Noses
- Noted
- Notes
- Novae
- Nowed
- Noyed
- Noyes
- Nuevo
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with O
- Obese
- Ocean
- Octet
- Olive
- Omega
- Opera
- Orate
- Otter
- Ovule
- Oxide
- Oaked
- Oaken
- Oaker
- Oared
- Oarer
- Oases
- Oaten
- Oater
- Oaves
- Obeah
- Obeli
- Obeys
- Obied
- Oboes
- Obole
- Oches
- Ochre
- Ocker
- Ocote
- Ocrea
- Odder
- Odeon
- Odeum
- Odyle
- Offed
- Offer
- Often
- Ogees
- Ogive
- Ogled
- Ogler
- Ogles
- Ogres
- Ohelo
- Oiled
- Oiler
- Ojime
- Okehs
- Okies
- Okole
- Olate
- Olden
- Older
- Oldie
- Olehs
- Oleic
- Olein
- Olent
- Oleos
- Oleum
- Oleyl
- Oller
- Ollie
- Olpae
- Olpes
- Omber
- Ombre
- Omdeh
- Omees
- Omens
- Omers
- Ommel
- Omnes
- Ondes
- Oners
- Onery
- Onsen
- Onset
- Oohed
- Ooped
- Oorie
- Oozed
- Oozes
- Oozie
- Oozle
- Opens
- Opepe
- Opine
- Opted
- Opter
- Orbed
- Order
- Ordie
- Oread
- Orfes
- Orgue
- Oriel
- Orles
- Ormer
- Ornee
- Orped
- Ortet
- Oseys
- Osier
- Other
- Ouche
- Oueds
- Ouens
- Ounce
- Ouped
- Ouphe
- Ourie
- Ousel
- Outed
- Outen
- Outer
- Outie
- Outre
- Ouzel
- Ovate
- Ovens
- Overs
- Overt
- Ovine
- Oware
- Owche
- Owers
- Owies
- Owler
- Owlet
- Owned
- Owner
- Owres
- Owrie
- Owsen
- Oxeas
- Oxers
- Oxeye
- Oxime
- Oxine
- Oxmen
- Oxter
- Ozeki
- Ozena
- Ozone
- Ozzie
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with P
- Peony
- Pesto
- Poise
- Poker
- Power
- Paedo
- Paeon
- Pareo
- Paseo
- Pedon
- Pedos
- Pedro
- Peeoy
- Peevo
- Pegos
- Pekoe
- Pelog
- Pelon
- Pengo
- Peola
- Peons
- Pepon
- Pepos
- Perog
- Pervo
- Pesos
- Petos
- Petto
- Pheon
- Phone
- Piezo
- Pioye
- Pleno
- Pleon
- Plore
- Ploye
- Poake
- Poche
- Podex
- Podge
- Poems
- Poena
- Poesy
- Poete
- Poets
- Pogey
- Pogge
- Pogue
- Pohed
- Poire
- Poked
- Pokes
- Pokey
- Pokie
- Poled
- Poler
- Poles
- Poley
- Polje
- Pombe
- Pomes
- Pomme
- Ponce
- Pones
- Poney
- Pooed
- Pooey
- Poove
- Popes
- Porae
- Pored
- Porer
- Pores
- Porey
- Porge
- Porte
- Posed
- Poser
- Poses
- Posey
- Posse
- Poste
- Potae
- Potes
- Pouce
- Pouke
- Poule
- Poupe
- Poxed
- Poxes
- Poyse
- Preon
- Preop
- Probe
- Proem
- Prole
- Prone
- Prose
- Prove
- Psoae
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with Q, R
- Quote
- Queso
- Rodeo
- Rogue
- Rover
- Realo
- Rebop
- Recco
- Recon
- Recto
- Redon
- Redos
- Redox
- Reffo
- Reggo
- Regos
- Regot
- Rejon
- Rello
- Relos
- Renos
- Reoil
- Reorg
- Repos
- Repro
- Resod
- Resol
- Resow
- Resto
- Retox
- Retro
- Rewon
- Rhone
- Rione
- Roake
- Robed
- Rober
- Robes
- Roble
- Roche
- Roded
- Rodes
- Roers
- Roger
- Rohes
- Roked
- Roker
- Rokes
- Rokey
- Roles
- Romeo
- Romer
- Ronde
- Roneo
- Rones
- Ronne
- Ronte
- Roose
- Roped
- Roper
- Ropes
- Ropey
- Roque
- Rores
- Rorie
- Rosed
- Roses
- Roset
- Rotes
- Rotte
- Rouen
- Rouet
- Rouge
- Roule
- Rouse
- Route
- Roved
- Roven
- Roves
- Rowed
- Rowel
- Rowen
- Rower
- Rowet
- Rowie
- Royet
- Royne
- Rozes
- Rozet
- Ruote
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with S
- Scone
- Shore
- Sober
- Stone
- Scobe
- Scope
- Score
- Secco
- Segno
- Segol
- Segos
- Sekos
- Senor
- Sepoy
- Seppo
- Seron
- Serow
- Servo
- Seton
- Sexto
- Sheol
- Shero
- Shmoe
- Shoed
- Shoer
- Shoes
- Shone
- Shope
- Shote
- Shove
- Skeos
- Skobe
- Sloes
- Slope
- Slove
- Smoke
- Smore
- Smote
- Snoek
- Snoep
- Snoke
- Snore
- Soare
- Soave
- Socle
- Soger
- Soken
- Sokes
- Soled
- Solei
- Soler
- Soles
- Solve
- Sonde
- Sones
- Sonne
- Sonse
- Sooey
- Soole
- Soree
- Sorel
- Sorer
- Sores
- Sorex
- Souse
- Sowed
- Sower
- Sowle
- Sowne
- Sowse
- Speos
- Spode
- Spoke
- Spore
- Steno
- Stoae
- Stoep
- Stoke
- Stole
- Stope
- Store
- Stove
- Swole
- Swore
- Syboe
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with T
- Token
- Totem
- Trope
- Telco
- Teloi
- Telos
- Tempo
- Tenno
- Tenon
- Tenor
- Tepoy
- Theor
- Thole
- Those
- Throe
- Toaze
- Todde
- Todea
- Toeas
- Togae
- Toges
- Togue
- Toile
- Toise
- Toked
- Toker
- Tokes
- Toled
- Toles
- Tomen
- Tomes
- Tomme
- Toned
- Toner
- Tones
- Toney
- Tonne
- Toped
- Topee
- Topek
- Toper
- Topes
- Tophe
- Toque
- Tores
- Torse
- Torte
- Tosed
- Toses
- Toted
- Toter
- Totes
- Touse
- Touze
- Towed
- Towel
- Tower
- Towie
- Towse
- Towze
- Toyed
- Toyer
- Tozed
- Tozes
- Tozie
- Trode
- Troke
- Trone
- Trove
- Twoer
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with U, V
- Unode
- Uredo
- Utero
- Venom
- Vogue
- Vowel
- Veggo
- Verso
- Video
- Vireo
- Voces
- Voema
- Vogie
- Voice
- Voile
- Volae
- Voled
- Voles
- Volet
- Volke
- Volte
- Vomer
- Voted
- Voter
- Votes
- Vowed
- Vower
- Voxel
- Voxes
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with W
- Whore
- Women
- Wowed
- Whole
- Whose
- Wodge
- Woken
- Wolve
- Wooed
- Wooer
- Worse
- Woven
- Wowee
- Wowse
- Wroke
- Wrote
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with X, Y
- Xerox
- Xenon
- Ybore
- Yodel
- Yodle
- Yogee
- Yoked
- Yokel
- Yoker
- Yokes
- Yores
- Youse
- Yowed
- Yowes
- Yowie
5 Letter Words with E and O Starting with Z
- Zones
- Zendo
- Zeros
- Zlote
- Zoaea
- Zoeae
- Zoeal
- Zoeas
- Zonae
- Zoned
- Zoner
- Zooea
- Zooey
- Zorse
- Zowee
- Zowie
5 Letter Words with E and O and their Meanings
This refers to one’s home or place of residence.
To love and respect
An electrode through which electricity enters or leaves.
To make amends
A Japanese iteration of a lunchbox
A large community of fauna and flora in a major habitat.
Referring to a man
A ridiculous mistake
Carried or transported by something.
Past tense of bow
Referring to the intestine
A participant in the sport of boxing
A person who is penniless or who has completely run out of money.
A small part in a show, movie, or play that is played by a prominent actor or celebrity.
A narrow boat with sharp ends
A musical instrument
Short for chemotherapy
The process of creating individual organisms that are genetically identical to their stock or ancestor.
It refers to a device or a computer program that converts data or signals.
An ancient book or manuscript
It refers to a small and icy celestial object.
It refers to someone’s rejection or dismissal.
A car compartment.
An organized group of witches
To cringe or shiver in fear.
A person, animal, or thing that is used as a trap.
An evil supernatural entity
An electronic component
To avoid something with a quick movement
A short cylindrical piece of wood, metal, or plastic
A widow’s share of her late husband’s estate
Blackish or dark brown timber
To run away secretly to get married.
To supply an income or property to a certain person or institution.
A representative or messenger
The beginning of a distinctive period in history.
To bring into consciousness
A person convicted of a felony.
A strong point at which someone excels.
An entrance hall
A type of lizard
A garden ornament.
Something soft and sticky
A type of waterbird
A narrow valley
A fish-eating bird
Somewhere pleasant or comfortable
A sweet and sticky substance made by honeybees.
An army of warriors
The act of remaining in one place.
Plural noun of joey
Monetary unit of Norway and Denmark
A small house
A garment that’s not firmly fixed in place.
Plural of lore
Someone who fails frequently or who has been defeated.
A type of fruit
Computer hardware used in converting data.
Plural of mole
It refers to coins and banknotes, collectively.
A large deer
A communication method that uses a combination of long and short signals of either light or sound
Plural of mote
A machine used in cutting grass.
A person of noble birth or rank
A point where lines or pathways intersect.
Someone who pries about other people’s affairs.
A long work of literary fiction published as a book.
A medical condition that refers to the excess accumulation of body fat.
A large body of water
A group of eight people, especially musicians.
A type of fruit
The last letter of the Greek alphabet
A classical music genre
To make a pompous speech
A type of fish-eating mammal
An immature ovum
A chemical compound
A type of flower
A type of sauce
Someone who is graceful and elegant.
A type of card game
The capacity or ability to do something.
A repeated passage
A competitive equestrian sport
Someone who is dishonest or dishonorable.
A type of vehicle designed for rough terrain.
A small biscuit-like cake
It refers to the land along the edge of a large body of water.
Not intoxicated
A small mass of hard and compacted mineral.
A piece of coin issued by a particular group to be used under specified terms.
An object or animal that is believed to possess spiritual significance.
A metaphorical or figurative use of words
A deadly or poisonous substance
It refers to something popular or fashionable.
A class of syllabic speech sounds articulated without constraint in the vocal tract.
A prostitute or someone who engages in casual sexual encounters.
Plural of woman
Past tense of wow
A brand name for a photocopier machine
Plural of zone
What Are Five Letter Words with E and O?
While the letter E holds the position as the most commonly used letter in the alphabet, the letter O is not as recurrent as it is only considered, the fourth most common letter. Together, these vowels make up a large number of interesting 5 letter words that you can use in playing word games, enhancing your vocabulary, and more. After learning the 5 letter words with E and O, you will become more confident in writing, reading, speaking, and playing your favorite word game.
Why Learn 5 Letter Words with E and O?
Learning the 5 letter words with O and E can make all the difference in improving your memory and in enhancing your sensitivity to your surroundings. Also, the words learned can help in making you more equipped in playing word games as well as in building a large vocabulary.
If you’re fond of playing word games such as Wordle or Scrabble, then learning the words listed below will definitely increase your chances of winning.
For those who find themselves lost for words in a certain occasion or sphere, learning the 5 letter words with E and O can effectively enhance your ability in conveying your thoughts.
Related Links:
- 5 Letter Words with E
- 5 Letter Words with O
- 5 Letter Words Starting with E
- 5 Letter Words Starting with O
- 5 Letter Words Ending in E
- 5 Letter Words Ending in O
- 5 Letter Words that End in OE
- 5 Letter Words with OE
- 5 Letter Words with EO
- 5 Letter Words with O in the Middle
- 5 Letter Words with E in the Middle
- Adverbs Worksheet – Adverbs Exercises - December 21, 2023
- What Does the Term “Rapport” Mean? - November 28, 2023
- What Does the Term “Solidarity” Mean? - November 28, 2023