This reference focuses on five-letter words with the letters I and E, which you often encounter in word games like Wordle or Scrabble. Knowing these words and their meanings can help you not only in games but also in expanding your vocabulary. By understanding where these words come from and how they are used, you can become more fluent in English.
5 Letter Words with I and E
Here is a list of five-letter words with e and i:
5 Letter Words with E and I Starting with A
- Abide
- Abies
- Acies
- Adieu
- Aecia
- Aegis
- Aerie
- Aesir
- Afire
- Aggie
- Agile
- Aided
- Aider
- Aides
- Ailed
- Aimed
- Aimer
- Ainee
- Aired
- Airer
- Aisle
- Aizle
- Ajies
- Alien
- Alike
- Aline
- Alive
- Alkie
- Amice
- Amide
- Amies
- Amine
- Anile
- Anime
- Anise
- Areic
- Ariel
- Arise
- Aside
- Aspie
- Aurei
- Avine
- Avise
- Avize
- Axile
- Axite
- Ayrie
- Azide
- Azine
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with B
- Baile
- Baize
- Bedim
- Beedi
- Befit
- Begin
- Beige
- Beigy
- Being
- Beins
- Beira
- Beisa
- Belie
- Belit
- Belli
- Bemix
- Benji
- Benni
- Betid
- Bewig
- Bibes
- Bible
- Bicep
- Bices
- Bided
- Bides
- Bidet
- Bield
- Biers
- Bigae
- Biked
- Biker
- Bikes
- Bikie
- Biles
- Bilge
- Biner
- Bines
- Binge
- Biome
- Biose
- Biped
- Birle
- Birse
- Birze
- Bises
- Biter
- Bites
- Bitey
- Bitte
- Bizes
- Blite
- Blive
- Boeti
- Bogie
- Boite
- Bosie
- Bowie
- Breis
- Bribe
- Bride
- Brief
- Brier
- Bries
- Brine
- Brise
- Brize
5 Letter Words with E and I Starting with C
- Cadie
- Cavie
- Cebid
- Cedis
- Ceiba
- Ceili
- Ceils
- Celli
- Cerci
- Ceria
- Ceric
- Cesti
- Chedi
- Chide
- Chief
- Chiel
- Chile
- Chime
- Chine
- Chive
- Cided
- Cider
- Ciels
- Cimex
- Cines
- Cires
- Cited
- Citee
- Citer
- Cites
- Cives
- Civet
- Civie
- Clies
- Clime
- Cline
- Clipe
- Cogie
- Cosie
- Cozie
- Cried
- Crier
- Cries
- Crime
- Cripe
- Crise
- Curie
- Cutie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with D
- Daine
- Deair
- Debit
- Decim
- Defis
- Deice
- Deids
- Deify
- Deism
- Deist
- Deity
- Delis
- Demic
- Demit
- Demoi
- Denim
- Denis
- Deshi
- Desis
- Devil
- Devis
- Diane
- Diced
- Dicer
- Dices
- Dicey
- Didie
- Diebs
- Diels
- Diene
- Diets
- Diked
- Diker
- Dikes
- Dimer
- Dimes
- Dined
- Diner
- Dines
- Dinge
- Diode
- Direr
- Dirge
- Dirke
- Disme
- Dited
- Dites
- Dived
- Diver
- Dives
- Divey
- Dixie
- Dizen
- Dobie
- Dogie
- Dovie
- Dowie
- Doxie
- Drice
- Dried
- Drier
- Dries
- Drive
- Dwile
- Dwine
5 Letter Words with E and I Starting with E
- Ebike
- Ecigs
- Edict
- Edify
- Edile
- Edits
- Eejit
- Eerie
- Ehing
- Eider
- Eidos
- Eight
- Eikon
- Eilds
- Eiron
- Eisel
- Ejido
- Eking
- Elain
- Eldin
- Elemi
- Elfin
- Eliad
- Elide
- Elint
- Elite
- Eloin
- Elsin
- Emirs
- Emits
- Emoji
- Enfix
- Eniac
- Enlit
- Ennui
- Enoki
- Entia
- Envoi
- Eosin
- Epics
- Eppie
- Epris
- Equid
- Equip
- Erbia
- Erica
- Erick
- Erics
- Ering
- Ervil
- Ethic
- Ettin
- Etuis
- Evict
- Evils
- Evite
- Exfil
- Exier
- Exies
- Exile
- Exine
- Exing
- Exist
- Exite
- Exits
- Eying
- Eyrie
- Eyrir
- Ezine
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with F
- Facie
- Faine
- Faire
- Fakie
- Fecit
- Fedai
- Feign
- Feint
- Feist
- Felid
- Felix
- Femic
- Fenis
- Feria
- Fermi
- Fetid
- Fiber
- Fibre
- Fices
- Fiche
- Fides
- Fidge
- Fiefs
- Field
- Fiend
- Fiere
- Fieri
- Fiers
- Fiery
- Fifed
- Fifer
- Fifes
- Fiked
- Fikes
- Filed
- Filer
- Files
- Filet
- Fille
- Fined
- Finer
- Fines
- Fique
- Fired
- Firer
- Fires
- Fitte
- Fiver
- Fives
- Fixed
- Fixer
- Fixes
- Fixie
- Flexi
- Flied
- Flier
- Flies
- Flite
- Fogie
- Folie
- Foxie
- Freit
- Fried
- Frier
- Fries
- Frise
- Frite
- Frize
- Fugie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with G
- Geist
- Geits
- Gelid
- Genic
- Genie
- Genii
- Genin
- Genio
- Genip
- Geoid
- Gibed
- Gibel
- Giber
- Gibes
- Gighe
- Gigue
- Gilet
- Gimel
- Gimme
- Ginge
- Gites
- Given
- Giver
- Gives
- Gleis
- Glide
- Glike
- Glime
- Goier
- Grein
- Grice
- Gride
- Grief
- Grike
- Grime
- Gripe
- Grise
- Grize
- Guide
- Guile
- Guise
- Gwine
- Gynie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with H
- Heiau
- Heids
- Heigh
- Heils
- Heirs
- Heist
- Helio
- Helix
- Hemic
- Hemin
- Hider
- Hides
- Hiems
- Hiked
- Hiker
- Hikes
- Hinge
- Hiped
- Hiper
- Hipes
- Hired
- Hiree
- Hirer
- Hires
- Hithe
- Hived
- Hiver
- Hives
- Hizen
- Hoied
- Hoise
- Homie
- Huies
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with I
- Icers
- Iched
- Icier
- Icker
- Ickle
- Ideal
- Ideas
- Idees
- Ident
- Idled
- Idler
- Idles
- Igged
- Ileac
- Ileal
- Ileum
- Ileus
- Iller
- Image
- Imbue
- Imide
- Imine
- Immew
- Imped
- Impel
- Inane
- Inbye
- Incel
- Index
- Indie
- Indue
- Inept
- Inerm
- Inert
- Infer
- Ingle
- Inked
- Inker
- Inkle
- Inlet
- Inned
- Inner
- Innie
- Insee
- Inset
- Intel
- Inter
- Inure
- Inver
- Irade
- Irate
- Irked
- Ishes
- Isled
- Isles
- Islet
- Isnae
- Issei
- Issue
- Istle
- Items
- Ivied
- Ivies
- Ixtle
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with J
- Jakie
- Jaxie
- Jedis
- Jerid
- Jewie
- Jibed
- Jiber
- Jibes
- Jinne
- Jirre
- Jived
- Jiver
- Jives
- Jivey
- Jolie
- Juice
- Juvie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with K
- Kaies
- Keaki
- Kefir
- Keirs
- Kelim
- Kepis
- Kevil
- Kibbe
- Kibei
- Kibes
- Kidel
- Kidge
- Kiefs
- Kiers
- Kieve
- Kievs
- Kikes
- Kiley
- Kimet
- Kines
- Kiore
- Kipes
- Kited
- Kiter
- Kites
- Kithe
- Kitke
- Klieg
- Knife
- Koine
- Kubie
- Kylie
- Kyrie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with L
- Laide
- Legit
- Leirs
- Leish
- Lenis
- Lenti
- Lepid
- Levin
- Levis
- Lewis
- Lexis
- Liane
- Liber
- Libre
- Licet
- Liefs
- Liege
- Liens
- Liers
- Lifer
- Lifes
- Lifey
- Liger
- Ligne
- Liked
- Liken
- Liker
- Likes
- Limed
- Limen
- Limes
- Limey
- Lined
- Linen
- Liner
- Lines
- Liney
- Lipes
- Lises
- Lisle
- Lited
- Litem
- Liter
- Lites
- Lithe
- Litie
- Litre
- Lived
- Liven
- Liver
- Lives
- Livre
- Locie
- Logie
- Loipe
- Looie
- Louie
- Lovie
- Lweis
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with M
- Maedi
- Maile
- Maire
- Maise
- Maize
- Mamie
- Manie
- Mavie
- Media
- Medic
- Medin
- Meids
- Meiko
- Meins
- Meiny
- Meism
- Meith
- Melic
- Melik
- Memic
- Menil
- Meris
- Merit
- Methi
- Metif
- Metis
- Miche
- Midge
- Miens
- Mieux
- Miked
- Mikes
- Miler
- Miles
- Mille
- Mimed
- Mimeo
- Mimer
- Mimes
- Minae
- Mince
- Mined
- Miner
- Mines
- Minge
- Minke
- Mired
- Mires
- Mirex
- Miser
- Mises
- Miter
- Mites
- Mitey
- Mitie
- Mitre
- Mivey
- Mixed
- Mixen
- Mixer
- Mixes
- Mixie
- Mixte
- Mizen
- Mizes
- Moeni
- Momie
- Monie
- Movie
- Moxie
- Mulie
- Mysie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with N
- Naevi
- Naice
- Naieo
- Naive
- Nefie
- Negri
- Neifs
- Neigh
- Neist
- Neive
- Nelia
- Nelis
- Nemic
- Nepit
- Neski
- Nevis
- Newie
- Nexin
- Nicer
- Nicey
- Niche
- Nided
- Nides
- Niece
- Niefs
- Niess
- Nieve
- Nifes
- Nifle
- Niger
- Nigre
- Niner
- Nines
- Nipet
- Nisei
- Nisse
- Niter
- Nites
- Nitre
- Nivel
- Nixed
- Nixer
- Nixes
- Nixie
- Noire
- Noise
- Norie
- Nudie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with O
- Obeli
- Obied
- Ogive
- Oiled
- Oiler
- Ojime
- Okies
- Oldie
- Oleic
- Olein
- Olive
- Ollie
- Oorie
- Oozie
- Opine
- Ordie
- Oriel
- Osier
- Ourie
- Outie
- Ovine
- Owies
- Owrie
- Oxide
- Oxime
- Oxine
- Ozeki
- Ozzie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with P
- Paire
- Paise
- Pavie
- Pecia
- Pedis
- Peine
- Peins
- Peise
- Peisy
- Pekid
- Pekin
- Penie
- Penis
- Penni
- Pepsi
- Pequi
- Perai
- Peril
- Peris
- Petit
- Petri
- Petti
- Pewit
- Phies
- Piece
- Pieds
- Piend
- Piers
- Piert
- Pieta
- Piets
- Piety
- Piezo
- Piked
- Pikel
- Piker
- Pikes
- Pikey
- Pilea
- Piled
- Pilei
- Piler
- Piles
- Piley
- Pince
- Pined
- Piner
- Pines
- Piney
- Pinge
- Pioye
- Piped
- Piper
- Pipes
- Pipet
- Pique
- Pirre
- Pises
- Piste
- Pixel
- Pixes
- Pixie
- Pized
- Pizer
- Pizes
- Plein
- Plexi
- Plied
- Plier
- Plies
- Poire
- Poise
- Pokie
- Preif
- Price
- Pride
- Pried
- Prief
- Prier
- Prime
- Prize
- Pyxie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with Q
- Quies
- Quiet
- Quine
- Quire
- Quite
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with R
- Raike
- Raine
- Raise
- Ramie
- Reais
- Rebid
- Rebit
- Recti
- Redid
- Redif
- Redig
- Redip
- Refis
- Refit
- Refix
- Regia
- Regie
- Reify
- Reign
- Reiki
- Reine
- Reing
- Reink
- Reins
- Reird
- Reist
- Reive
- Rejig
- Relic
- Relit
- Remit
- Remix
- Renin
- Reoil
- Repin
- Rerig
- Resid
- Resin
- Resit
- Retia
- Retie
- Retin
- Retip
- Rewin
- Rheid
- Rhies
- Rhime
- Rhine
- Ribes
- Riced
- Ricer
- Ricey
- Riche
- Rider
- Rides
- Ridge
- Riels
- Riems
- Rieve
- Rifer
- Rifle
- Rifte
- Riled
- Riles
- Riley
- Rille
- Rimae
- Rimed
- Rimer
- Rimes
- Rince
- Rines
- Ringe
- Rinse
- Rione
- Riped
- Ripen
- Riper
- Ripes
- Risen
- Riser
- Rises
- Rites
- Rithe
- Rived
- Rivel
- Riven
- River
- Rives
- Rivet
- Rorie
- Rowie
- Rudie
5 Letter Words with E and I Starting with S
- Saice
- Saine
- Scire
- Segni
- Sehri
- Seifs
- Seils
- Seine
- Seirs
- Seise
- Seism
- Seity
- Seiza
- Seize
- Semie
- Semis
- Sengi
- Sensi
- Senti
- Sepia
- Sepic
- Serai
- Seria
- Seric
- Serif
- Serin
- Serir
- Sewin
- Sheik
- Shied
- Shiel
- Shier
- Shies
- Shine
- Shite
- Shive
- Sices
- Sided
- Sider
- Sides
- Sidey
- Sidhe
- Sidle
- Siege
- Siens
- Sient
- Sieur
- Sieve
- Siker
- Sikes
- Siled
- Siler
- Siles
- Silex
- Since
- Sines
- Sinew
- Singe
- Siped
- Sipes
- Sired
- Siree
- Siren
- Sires
- Sises
- Sited
- Sites
- Siver
- Sixer
- Sixes
- Sixte
- Sized
- Sizer
- Sizes
- Skein
- Skied
- Skier
- Skies
- Skiey
- Skite
- Skive
- Slice
- Slide
- Slier
- Slime
- Slipe
- Slive
- Smeik
- Smile
- Smite
- Snide
- Snied
- Snies
- Snipe
- Snive
- Solei
- Speil
- Speir
- Spice
- Spide
- Spied
- Spiel
- Spier
- Spies
- Spike
- Spile
- Spine
- Spire
- Spite
- Steik
- Steil
- Stein
- Stied
- Stile
- Stime
- Stipe
- Stire
- Suite
- Sweir
- Swies
- Swine
- Swipe
- Swire
- Swive
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with T
- Tatie
- Tawie
- Teiid
- Teils
- Teind
- Telia
- Telic
- Teloi
- Tempi
- Tenia
- Tepid
- Terai
- Tetri
- Tewit
- Theic
- Thein
- Their
- Thief
- Thine
- Tiare
- Ticed
- Tices
- Tided
- Tides
- Tiefs
- Tiers
- Tiger
- Tikes
- Tilde
- Tiled
- Tiler
- Tiles
- Timed
- Timer
- Times
- Tinea
- Tined
- Tines
- Tinge
- Tired
- Tires
- Titer
- Tithe
- Title
- Titre
- Toile
- Toise
- Towie
- Tozie
- Treif
- Tribe
- Trice
- Tried
- Trier
- Tries
- Trike
- Trine
- Tripe
- Trite
- Tuile
- Twice
- Twier
- Twine
- Twire
- Twite
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with U
- Ulyie
- Ulzie
- Unite
- Untie
- Uptie
- Uraei
- Ureic
- Ureid
- Urine
- Urite
- Uteri
- Utile
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with V
- Vaire
- Vegie
- Veils
- Veins
- Veiny
- Venin
- Venti
- Vexil
- Vezir
- Vibed
- Vibes
- Vibex
- Vibey
- Vices
- Video
- Viers
- Vieux
- Views
- Vilde
- Viler
- Ville
- Vined
- Viner
- Vines
- Viper
- Vired
- Vireo
- Vires
- Virge
- Vised
- Vises
- Visne
- Vitae
- Vitex
- Viver
- Vives
- Vivre
- Vixen
- Vleis
- Vlies
- Vogie
- Voice
- Voile
- Vygie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with W
- Waide
- Waite
- Waive
- Walie
- Weeis
- Weigh
- Weils
- Weird
- Weirs
- Weise
- Weize
- Whies
- While
- Whine
- White
- Widen
- Wider
- Wides
- Wield
- Wifed
- Wifes
- Wifey
- Wifie
- Wiled
- Wiles
- Wince
- Wined
- Wines
- Winey
- Winge
- Winze
- Wiped
- Wiper
- Wipes
- Wired
- Wirer
- Wires
- Wised
- Wiser
- Wises
- Wited
- Wites
- Wived
- Wives
- Wizen
- Wizes
- Wried
- Wries
- Write
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with X,Y
- Xenia
- Xenic
- Xeric
- Yetis
- Yield
- Yikes
- Yipes
- Yites
- Yitie
- Ylide
- Yowie
5 Letter Words with I and E Starting with Z
- Zaide
- Zaire
- Zeins
- Zibet
- Zineb
- Zines
- Zinke
- Zizel
- Zowie
Why Learn 5 Letter Words with E and I?
For word games like Wordle, Scrabble
Word games can help you think deeply and have fun. One game that has won the hearts of social media is Wordle. Generally, the player tries to guess a five-letter word in six tries. And every time you submit a word, you get feedback on whether it exists.
Vowels like i and e are involved in word games when you need a strategy to eliminate the words. If you’ve hit a brick wall when figuring out the 5 letter words with i and e, we have you covered.
For learning English, vocabulary
Having a strong vocabulary is something that can be achieved early. After learning the words, kids will be interested in building a list of vocabulary.
5 Letter Words with I and E with Meanings
- Meaning: Short in duration.
- Example: The meeting was brief but productive.
- Meaning: A leader or ruler of a people or clan.
- Example: The chief addressed the tribe with authority.
- Meaning: An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture.
- Example: The farmer worked tirelessly in the field.
- Meaning: A portion of an object or material.
- Example: Can I have a piece of that chocolate?
- Meaning: Making little or no noise.
- Example: The library was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
- Meaning: A person who steals another person’s property.
- Example: The thief was caught by the police.
- Meaning: Of high quality.
- Example: The restaurant is known for its finer dining experience.
- Meaning: Deep sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death.
- Example: She was overwhelmed with grief after the loss of her friend.
- Meaning: Short in duration.
- Example: The meeting was brief and to the point.
- Meaning: A military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building.
- Example: The castle was under siege for several months.
- Meaning: An object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest.
- Example: The museum displayed a relic from the ancient civilization.
- Meaning: A large organ in the body that processes nutrients and detoxifies harmful substances.
- Example: The doctor explained the importance of a healthy liver.
- Meaning: Monetary penalties imposed as punishment for an offense.
- Example: The company had to pay heavy fines for violating environmental regulations.
- Meaning: Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
- Example: She had a vivid dream about flying over the mountains.
- Meaning: Two times; on two occasions.
- Example: He called me twice yesterday to confirm the appointment.
- Meaning: Having a greater width.
- Example: The new road is wider than the old one, allowing more traffic to pass.
- Meaning: A substance used to flavor food, typically made from seeds, fruits, roots, bark, or other plant parts.
- Example: She added a pinch of spice to enhance the dish’s flavor.
- Meaning: Strange and frightening.
- Example: The abandoned house had an eerie atmosphere.
- Meaning: A woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event.
- Example: The bride looked stunning in her white gown.
- Meaning: To wash lightly, especially without soap.
- Example: Make sure to rinse the vegetables thoroughly before cooking.
- Meaning: A person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible.
- Example: The old miser refused to spend any money on luxuries.
- Meaning: A daughter of one’s brother or sister.
- Example: She bought a birthday gift for her niece.
- Meaning: To operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle.
- Example: He learned to drive when he was sixteen.
- Meaning: An alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references to the places where they occur, typically found at the end of a book.
- Example: She used the index to quickly find the information she needed.
- Meaning: To omit a sound or syllable when speaking.
- Example: In casual speech, people often elide the ‘g’ in words ending in ‘-ing’.
If you’re facing a hard time finding 5 letter words with i and e, this post is for you. Maybe you want to solve a word game or learn a new vocabulary. The secret to solving words with I and e is finding the letters at a random position. Remember to look at the above list to increase your odds of getting the words right the first time.
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