In this reference, you’ll find different categories of 5 letter words with O. You’ll see words starting with “o,” words with “o” in various positions, and words ending in “o.” Each section will help you learn new vocabulary in an organized way, making it easier for you to remember and use these words in everyday life.
5 Letter Words with O
5 Letter Words Starting with O
- Oasis
- Owner
- Ocean
- Occur
- Onion
- Omega
- Object
- Obese
- Oaths
- Obeys
- Onset
- Owned
- Opted
- Ought
- Oliva
- Often
- Orgic
- Older
- Oiled
- Omens
- Optic
- Opine
- Oxman
- Orbit
- Odium
- Ounce
- Otter
- Ortet
- Oozes
- Onely
- Oozed
- Ombre
- Ortho
- Onium
Related: 5 Letter Words Starting with O
5 Letter Words with O as the Second Letter
- Holes
- Boofy
- Bonus
- Motto
- Loyal
- Jolly
- Boobs
- Homey
- Lorry
- Jones
- Color
- Mossy
- Bodge
- Comma
- Dolly
- Dozen
- Focus
- Folds
- Forth
- Comes
- Goosy
- Hobby
- Joule
- Molar
- Foxed
- Going
- Gorge
- Coach
- Local
- Lodge
- Cocoa
- Ionic
- Motel
- Joked
- Joint
- Roted
- Soapy
- Holly
- Hotel
- Koala
- Jowed
- Morph
- Hobby
- Goyim
- Footy
- Aorta
- Boabs
- Sooty
- Total
- Woman
- Model
- Rolls
- Locus
- Lobby
- Hoard
- Moist
- Bored
- Croon
5 Letter Words with O in the Middle
- Above
- Broke
- Flown
- Choir
- Erode
- Abort
- Chose
- Flock
- Shout
- Proxy
- Scowl
- Prove
- Choke
- Flour
- Ivory
- Shove
- Kiosk
- Phone
- Known
- Photo
- Shore
- Stone
- Flora
- Those
- Brown
- Clock
- Probe
- Ebony
- Troll
- Evoke
- Group
- Short
- Wrote
- Shone
- Groan
- Quota
- Grove
- Cloth
- Broth
- Avoid
- Cloud
- Shown
- Roost
- Scold
- Spoke
- Storm
- Whole
- Wrong
Learn more: 5 Letter Words with O in the Middle
5 Letter Words with O as the Fourth Letter
- Throw
- Rumor
- Melon
- Idiom
- Below
- Annoy
- Prior
- Below
- Gloom
- Endow
- Havoc
- Union
- Robot
- Inbox
- Error
- Arson
- Bosom
- Pivot
- Decoy
- Alloy
- Bigot
- Demon
- Favor
- Spoof
- Taboo
- Onion
- Labor
- Elbow
- Actor
- Canoe
- Motor
- Rigor
- Humor
- Idiot
- Extol
- Nylon
- Wagon
- Mayor
- Gloom
- Donor
- Allow
- Decor
- Salon
- Robot
- Major
- Havoc
- Moron
5 Letter Words Ending in O
- Audio
- Nitro
- Gecko
- Jumbo
- Disco
- Cisco
- Congo
- Hello
- Motto
- Astro
- Hello
- Dildo
- Nitro
- Patio
- Metro
- Lento
- Hippo
Explore more: 5 Letter Words Ending in O
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with…
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with A
- Abaco
- Abmho
- Abort
- Above
- Aceso
- Achoo
- Actor
- Addio
- Adobo
- Aflao
- Aggro
- Agloo
- Agogo
- Aigio
- Aiwoo
- Alamo
- Alloo
- Allow
- Alloy
- Altho
- Amaro
- Amero
- Amido
- Amigo
- Amino
- Amnio
- Ancho
- Andro
- Anglo
- Annoy
- Aorta
- Appro
- Arson
- Artio
- Aspro
- Astro
- Ateso
- Audio
- Aviso
- Avoid
- Azido
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with B
- Baboo
- Bacco
- Baiso
- Baloo
- Banco
- Bando
- Banjo
- Bardo
- Barro
- Basho
- Basso
- Basto
- Bazoo
- Beano
- Below
- Bento
- Benzo
- Berko
- Biffo
- Bigot
- Bilbo
- Bimbo
- Bingo
- Bizzo
- Boabs
- Boaco
- Bodge
- Boffo
- Boldo
- Bombo
- Bongo
- Bonus
- Boobs
- Boofy
- Bored
- Borgo
- Borvo
- Bosom
- Bravo
- Broke
- Bromo
- Broth
- Brown
- Bruno
- Bucko
- Buffo
- Bumbo
- Bunco
- Bungo
- Bunko
- Buroo
- Burro
- Buteo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with C
- Cacao
- Caddo
- Cairo
- Cameo
- Campo
- Cando
- Canoe
- Canso
- Canto
- Carbo
- Cardo
- Cargo
- Carpo
- Casco
- Catio
- Cello
- Cento
- Chaco
- Chado
- Chago
- Chemo
- Chiao
- Chico
- Chimo
- Chino
- Chiro
- Choco
- Choir
- Choke
- Choko
- Cholo
- Chomo
- Choro
- Chose
- Cisco
- Claro
- Clock
- Cloth
- Cloud
- Coach
- Cocco
- Cocoa
- Color
- Combo
- Comes
- Comma
- Commo
- Compo
- Condo
- Congo
- Conto
- Convo
- Cormo
- Corno
- Corso
- Cosmo
- Credo
- Croon
- Crudo
- Cuero
- Cuffo
- Cuneo
- Cupro
- Curio
- Cusco
- Cusso
- Cutto
- Cuzco
- Cyano
- Cyclo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with D
- Daiko
- Dambo
- Danbo
- Danio
- Darlo
- Datto
- Dawro
- Daygo
- Decko
- Decor
- Decoy
- Deffo
- Dekko
- Demon
- Derro
- Diazo
- Dildo
- Dimbo
- Dingo
- Dipso
- Disco
- Ditto
- Dobro
- Doggo
- Dohyo
- Dolly
- Donko
- Donor
- Douro
- Dozen
- Draco
- Dsobo
- Dsomo
- Dubbo
- Dumbo
- Dunno
- Dunzo
- Duomo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with E
- Ebony
- Ejido
- Elbow
- Endow
- Erode
- Error
- Erugo
- Espoo
- Estro
- Evoke
- Extol
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with F
- Fabbo
- Facto
- Fango
- Fargo
- Farro
- Fatso
- Favor
- Fibro
- Fillo
- Flevo
- Flexo
- Flock
- Flora
- Flour
- Flown
- Focus
- Folds
- Folio
- Footy
- Fordo
- Forgo
- Forro
- Forth
- Foxed
- Frodo
- Froyo
- Fuero
- Fugio
- Fungo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with G
- Gadjo
- Gadso
- Gallo
- Galvo
- Gambo
- Garbo
- Gazoo
- Gecko
- Gelao
- Gello
- Genco
- Genio
- Genro
- Gesso
- Ginzo
- Gippo
- Gismo
- Gitmo
- Gizmo
- Gloom
- Gobbo
- Godso
- Going
- Gombo
- Gonio
- Gonzo
- Goodo
- Goosy
- Gordo
- Gorge
- Goyim
- Grano
- Grebo
- Grego
- Griko
- Groan
- Group
- Grove
- Guaco
- Guano
- Guido
- Guiro
- Gumbo
- Gusto
- Gweno
- Gyppo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with H
- Habbo
- Haemo
- Hallo
- Hanko
- Havoc
- Helio
- Hello
- Herro
- Hetro
- Hezbo
- Hillo
- Himbo
- Hippo
- Hoard
- Hobby
- Holes
- Hollo
- Holly
- Homey
- Hoppo
- Hotel
- Howso
- Howto
- Hullo
- Humor
- Hydro
- Hyogo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with I
- Idaho
- Idiom
- Idiot
- Igapo
- Igloo
- Imago
- Imido
- Imino
- Impro
- Inbox
- Inspo
- Intro
- Ionic
- Iroko
- Isoko
- Italo
- Ivalo
- Ivory
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with J
- Jaleo
- Jambo
- Jeffo
- Jello
- Jingo
- Jocko
- Joint
- Joked
- Jolly
- Jones
- Joule
- Jowed
- Julio
- Jumbo
- Junco
- Junto
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with K
- Kalao
- Kambo
- Kango
- Karoo
- Kazoo
- Keeno
- Kelso
- Kembo
- Kendo
- Kiddo
- Kideo
- Kimbo
- Kiosk
- Kioto
- Known
- Koala
- Kokyo
- Kondo
- Kongo
- Kusso
- Kyoto
- Kyudo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with L
- Labor
- Ladoo
- Laevo
- Lambo
- Lameo
- Largo
- Lasso
- Lawro
- Lazio
- Lazzo
- Lecco
- Leggo
- Legno
- Lemko
- Lento
- Lesbo
- Leuco
- Lezzo
- Limbo
- Lingo
- Litho
- Llano
- Lobby
- Local
- Locus
- Lodge
- Lollo
- Lorry
- Loyal
- Lungo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with M
- Macao
- Macho
- Macro
- Mafoo
- Maiko
- Major
- Maleo
- Malmo
- Mambo
- Mango
- Manjo
- Manto
- Marco
- Margo
- Marko
- Matlo
- Matzo
- Mayor
- Meaco
- Melon
- Menlo
- Menno
- Mento
- Mesto
- Metho
- Metro
- Mezzo
- Micro
- Milko
- Mimeo
- Minco
- Mingo
- Minto
- Misdo
- Misgo
- Misto
- Model
- Moist
- Molar
- Molto
- Mondo
- Mongo
- Moron
- Morph
- Morro
- Mosco
- Mosso
- Mossy
- Motel
- Motor
- Motto
- Mpoto
- Mucho
- Mucro
- Mulao
- Mumbo
- Mungo
- Munro
- Murdo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with N
- Nacho
- Nanto
- Napoo
- Narco
- Nasho
- Neato
- Necro
- Negro
- Nerdo
- Neuro
- Ngaio
- Ninpo
- Nitro
- Norco
- Nuevo
- Nuoro
- Nutso
- Nylon
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with O
- Oaked
- Oaken
- Oaker
- Oakes
- Oakum
- Oared
- Oases
- Oasis
- Oasts
- Oaten
- Oater
- Oaths
- Oaves
- Obama
- Obang
- Obeah
- Obeli
- Obert
- Obese
- Obeys
- Obias
- Obied
- Obies
- Obiit
- Obits
- Object
- Oboes
- Obole
- Oboli
- Obols
- Occam
- Occur
- Ocean
- Ocher
- Oches
- Ochre
- Ochry
- Ocker
- Ocrea
- Octad
- Octal
- Octan
- Octas
- Octel
- Octet
- Octyl
- Oculi
- Odahs
- Odals
- Odder
- Oddly
- Odeon
- Odesa
- Odeum
- Odias
- Odism
- Odist
- Odium
- Odors
- Odour
- Odsos
- Odyle
- Odyls
- Oenus
- Ofays
- Offal
- Offed
- Offer
- Offie
- Offre
- Ofgem
- Oflag
- Oflot
- Often
- Ofter
- Ogams
- Ogden
- Ogeed
- Ogees
- Ogema
- Oggin
- Ogham
- Oghuz
- Ogive
- Ogled
- Ogler
- Ogles
- Ogmic
- Ogoni
- Ogres
- Ohana
- Ohiah
- Ohias
- Ohing
- Ohmic
- Ohone
- Ohrid
- Oicks
- Oidia
- Oiled
- Oiler
- Oinks
- Oints
- Ojime
- Okapi
- Okara
- Okays
- Okehs
- Okies
- Okina
- Okras
- Okrug
- Oktas
- Olden
- Older
- Oldie
- Oleic
- Olein
- Olent
- Oleos
- Oleum
- Oligo
- Olios
- Oliva
- Olive
- Ollas
- Ollav
- Oller
- Ollie
- Olmec
- Olney
- Ology
- Olpae
- Olpes
- Omagh
- Omaha
- Omake
- Omani
- Omasa
- Omber
- Ombre
- Ombud
- Ombus
- Omega
- Omens
- Omers
- Omics
- Omits
- Omlah
- Omovs
- Omrah
- Oncer
- Onces
- Oncet
- Oncus
- Ondes
- Onega
- Onego
- Onely
- Oners
- Onery
- Onest
- Ongee
- Onice
- Onion
- Onium
- Onkus
- Onlay
- Onned
- Onsen
- Onset
- Ontic
- Ontos
- Onyon
- Oobit
- Oohed
- Oojah
- Oomph
- Oonts
- Oopak
- Ooped
- Oorie
- Oorya
- Ooses
- Ootid
- Oozed
- Oozes
- Opahs
- Opake
- Opals
- Opens
- Opepe
- Opera
- Opers
- Ophir
- Opine
- Oping
- Opium
- Opole
- Oppos
- Oprah
- Opsin
- Opted
- Opter
- Optic
- Orach
- Oracy
- Orals
- Orang
- Orans
- Orant
- Orate
- Orbed
- Orbit
- Orcas
- Orcin
- Orcus
- Order
- Ordos
- Ordre
- Oread
- Oreos
- Orfed
- Orfes
- Orful
- Organ
- Orgel
- Orgia
- Orgic
- Orgue
- Orgul
- Oribi
- Oriel
- Origo
- Orins
- Orion
- Orixa
- Oriya
- Orles
- Orlon
- Orlop
- Ormer
- Ornis
- Oromo
- Orpin
- Orris
- Ortet
- Ortho
- Orval
- Oryol
- Oryza
- Orzos
- Osage
- Osaka
- Oscan
- Oscar
- Osete
- Oshac
- Osier
- Osmic
- Osmol
- Osseo
- Osset
- Ossia
- Ostia
- Ostic
- Ostro
- Otago
- Otaku
- Otary
- Other
- Otomi
- Ottar
- Otter
- Ottos
- Oubit
- Ouche
- Oucht
- Ouens
- Ought
- Ouija
- Oukie
- Oulks
- Oumas
- Ounce
- Oundy
- Oupas
- Ouped
- Ouphe
- Ouphs
- Ourie
- Oused
- Ousel
- Ousia
- Ousts
- Outby
- Outdo
- Outed
- Outen
- Outer
- Outgo
- Outie
- Outre
- Outro
- Outta
- Ouzel
- Ouzos
- Ovals
- Ovary
- Ovate
- Ovels
- Ovens
- Overo
- Overs
- Overt
- Ovine
- Ovist
- Ovoid
- Ovoli
- Ovolo
- Ovule
- Owche
- Owego
- Owens
- Owest
- Owies
- Owing
- Owled
- Owler
- Owlet
- Owned
- Owner
- Owres
- Owrie
- Owsen
- Oxbow
- Oxers
- Oxeye
- Oxfam
- Oxhey
- Oxide
- Oxids
- Oxies
- Oxime
- Oxims
- Oxley
- Oxlip
- Oxman
- Oxter
- Oyens
- Oyers
- Ozalj
- Ozark
- Ozeki
- Ozian
- Ozier
- Ozite
- Ozona
- Ozone
- Ozzie
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with P
- Paedo
- Paleo
- Panko
- Panto
- Paolo
- Pardo
- Pareo
- Pargo
- Parro
- Parvo
- Pasco
- Paseo
- Patio
- Peano
- Pedro
- Pengo
- Pepto
- Pervo
- Pesto
- Petto
- Pharo
- Philo
- Phone
- Phono
- Photo
- Piano
- Piezo
- Pilao
- Pingo
- Pinko
- Pinto
- Pisco
- Pivot
- Plano
- Plato
- Pleno
- Pluto
- Pocho
- Polio
- Pollo
- Pongo
- Porno
- Porto
- Posho
- Potoo
- Potto
- Prato
- Prego
- Preso
- Primo
- Prior
- Probe
- Promo
- Proso
- Proto
- Prove
- Provo
- Proxy
- Pruno
- Pubco
- Pulao
- Pulmo
- Punto
- Puppo
- Putto
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with Q
- Qosqo
- Queso
- Quino
- Quipo
- Quito
- Quota
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with R
- Radio
- Rambo
- Ratho
- Ratio
- Ratoo
- Raupo
- Razoo
- Realo
- Recco
- Recto
- Reffo
- Reggo
- Regio
- Rello
- Repro
- Resto
- Retro
- Rhino
- Rigor
- Ringo
- Robot
- Rodeo
- Rolls
- Rombo
- Romeo
- Rondo
- Roneo
- Ronko
- Roost
- Rosso
- Roted
- Rovno
- Rumbo
- Rumor
- Rumpo
- Rusto
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with S
- Sacto
- Saddo
- Salmo
- Salon
- Salto
- Salvo
- Sambo
- Sando
- Sango
- Sanko
- Santo
- Sargo
- Sarvo
- Schmo
- Scold
- Scowl
- Scudo
- Secco
- Segno
- Seppo
- Servo
- Sexto
- Shabo
- Shako
- Shero
- Shijo
- Shiso
- Shmoo
- Shojo
- Shone
- Shore
- Short
- Shout
- Shove
- Shown
- Sicko
- Sinto
- Sixmo
- Skimo
- Sligo
- Slomo
- Smoko
- Soapy
- Socio
- Socko
- Soldo
- Sonjo
- Sooty
- Sorbo
- Sordo
- Sorgo
- Sotho
- Sotto
- Spado
- Spiro
- Spoke
- Spoof
- Steno
- Stevo
- Stone
- Storm
- Stylo
- Sulfo
- Susso
- Susto
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with T
- Taboo
- Tacho
- Taiko
- Taino
- Tango
- Tanto
- Tardo
- Tasso
- Tasto
- Tayto
- Telco
- Tempo
- Tenno
- Teppo
- Thoro
- Those
- Throw
- Timbo
- Tinto
- Tokio
- Tokyo
- Tommo
- Tondo
- Tonto
- Torso
- Total
- Trigo
- Troco
- Troll
- Trugo
- Truro
- Tsubo
- Turbo
- Turco
- Turio
- Turko
- Typto
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with U
- Union
- Uredo
- Utero
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with V
- Valpo
- Vardo
- Vengo
- Verso
- Video
- Vimeo
- Vinho
- Vireo
- Virgo
- Visto
- Vitro
- Volvo
- Vulgo
- Vunjo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with W
- Wacko
- Wagon
- Wahoo
- Waldo
- Wazoo
- Weero
- Whamo
- Whole
- Whoso
- Wiggo
- Wilco
- Wimbo
- Wizzo
- Woman
- Wrong
- Wrote
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with Y
- Yahoo
- Yarco
- Yarto
- Yeddo
- Yiddo
- Yobbo
- Yucko
- Yummo
5 Letter Words with O, Starting with Z
- Zambo
- Zazao
- Zendo
- Zhomo
- Zimbo
- Zinco
- Zippo
- Zocco
- Zoppo
- Zorro
Common 5 Letter Words with O and their Meanings
- Oasis: A lush area in a desert or wasteland, often with an abundant source of water.
- Owner: A person who possesses, controls, and is responsible for something.
- Ocean: The vast body of salt water that covers the majority of Earth’s surface.
- Occur: To happen or take place.
- Onion: A bulbous plant with a strong smell and flavor, used in cooking.
- Comma: A punctuation mark indicating a pause or break in a sentence.
- Motto: A phrase expressing the aim or ideal of an individual, organization, or people.
- Loyal: Faithful and devoted to a person, cause, or ideal.
- Jolly: Cheerful, merry, and full of good humor.
- Bonus: An extra payment or reward given to someone on top of what they are normally entitled to.
- Choir: A group of people who sing together.
- Erode: Gradually wear away or destroy by small amounts.
- Abort: To end a process or activity before its natural conclusion.
- Chose: To pick out from several alternatives; choose.
- Flock: A large group of birds or other animals that stay together and move around as a unit.
- Demon: An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to enter people and possess them.
- Elbow: The joint in the middle of the arm between the upper arm and the forearm.
- Canoe: A long, narrow boat with pointed ends that is propelled by paddles.
- Audio: Sound that is recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.
- Nitro: Short for nitroglycerin, a powerful explosive chemical compound.
- Gecko: A small, harmless lizard found in warm climates with adhesive pads on its feet.
- Jumbo: Extremely large in size or degree.
- Disco: A style of popular dance music with a steady beat, originating in the 1970s.
Related resources:
- 5 Letter Words with AO
- 5 Letter Words with EO
- 5 Letter Words with IO
- 5 Letter Words with A and O
- 5 Letter Words with E and O
- 5 Letter Words with O and R
- 5 Letter Words with O and N
- 5 Letter Words with O and Y
- 5 Letter Words with O and I
- 5 Letter Words with O and U
- Words that Start with O
- Words that End in O
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