Are you looking to expand your English vocabulary? This reference is designed to help you discover a variety of 5 letter words with OUR.
Adding new words to your vocabulary improves your ability to communicate effectively. This reference lists powerful 5 letter words with OUR and their meanings to assist you in everyday conversations and word games. Ready to learn new words? Let’s get started.
5 Letter Words with OUR
- Amour
- Bourn
- Clour
- Courb
- Court
- Flour
- Fours
- Houri
- Hours
- Loure
- Lours
- Loury
- Mourn
- Odour
- Ourie
- Pours
- Scour
- Sours
- Stour
- Tours
- Yourn
- Yours
- Glour
- Jours
- Koura
- Bourd
- Bourg
- Courd
- Youre
- Yourt
- Coure
- Cours
- Gourd
- Doura
- Goura
What Are 5 Letter Words with Our?
If you happen to be playing scrabble and you only have five (5) tiles left in your rack, then finding a five-letter word that can make you lay down all your tiles is the best thing to do. And if you have the letters O, U, and R among those tiles, then you might just hit the jackpot with this short list of 5 letter words with Our below.
5 Letter Words with OUR with Meanings
From amour to yours, here are the twenty-two (22) 5 letter words with our in English.
- it refers to a secret lover or an illicit love affair
- She discovered his secret amour through a series of hidden letters.
- a small stream or narrow river which flows seasonally or at irregular intervals
- The children loved to play near the bourn that appeared only during the rainy season.
- a boundary or limit
- The property extends to the bourn that marks the edge of the estate.
- it refers to a blow or a bump on the head caused by a powerful strike with a hand
- After the fight, he had a noticeable clour on his forehead.
- an archaic term for bend or bow
- The knight courbed before the king as a sign of respect.
- a justice forum presided over by a judge or magistrate
- The defendant was summoned to appear in court next Monday.
- a marked-out area designed for playing games such as basketball or tennis
- They reserved the tennis court for their Saturday morning matches.
- a fine soft powder made from grain or other similar food product
- She sifted the flour carefully to ensure there were no lumps in the cake batter.
- it refers to a unit that consists of four people or things
- that which is equivalent to the product of two and two or one less than five
- The team was divided into fours for the relay race.
- In Islamic belief, it refers to a beautiful maiden that serves as a reward for a faithful Muslim once he reaches paradise
- In Islamic paradise, the faithful are said to be rewarded with houris.
- a beautiful voluptuous young woman
- She walked into the room with the grace of a houri, turning heads instantly.
- plural form of the word, hour, which is a period of time equal that is divided into 60 minutes
- The store is open for 24 hours every day.
- it refers to a dance performance in triple or sextuple time or its music
- The dancers performed a loure that captivated the audience with its elegance.
- a frown or a facial expression that shows anger
- When he received the bad news, his face lours, making everyone around him uneasy.
- to become gloomy or threatening
- The sky turned loury, signaling an approaching storm.
- to feel deep sorrow or show the customary signs of grief for someone’s death, typically by wearing black clothes
- They gathered to mourn the loss of their beloved friend.
- a foul or unpleasant smell
- An unpleasant odour wafted through the room, causing everyone to cover their noses.
- showing gloom or depression
- The old house looked ourie under the gray, overcast sky.
- to shiver or tremble due to cold
- She felt ourie and shivered as the cold wind blew through her thin coat.
- to flow rapidly and in large numbers in a steady stream
- Water pours from the fountain in a beautiful arc.
- it refers to a heavy rainfall
- It pours heavily during the monsoon season.
- to dispense or supply from a container
- He carefully pours the wine into each glass.
- to remove something by rubbing and washing
- She had to scour the pots and pans to remove the burnt food.
- to purge or clear an area where outlaws or enemies take refuge
- The soldiers were ordered to scour the forest for any remaining enemies.
- drinks made by blending an alcoholic beverage with lemon or lime
- They enjoyed a few whiskey sours at the bar after work.
- a mass of dust or a cloud formed from accumulated dust
- The old attic was filled with stour that made her sneeze.
- a harsh disturbance
- The stour of the battle could be heard from miles away.
- an industrial city on the Loire River in central France with a population of 134, 978 as of 2022
- They planned to visit Tours during their trip to France.
- an archaic form of yours
- This book is yourn, take good care of it.
- it refers to something which belongs to someone whom the speaker is addressing
- This pen is yours; I found it on your desk.
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