This reference will help you learn vocabulary by focusing on 5-letter words that have the letter “R” in the middle. This can be useful for games like Wordle, crosswords, or even just expanding your word knowledge.
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle
What Are 5 Letter Words with R in the Middle?
So, what do we exactly mean when we talk of 5 letter words with r in the middle? What we are looking for are real words that are backed by dictionaries, and that have a 5-letter construction where r is the third letter. So as the name implies, r is right in the middle.
Every single word you’ll see listed is a proper word in the English dictionary, so no people names, no jargon, and no conjunctions. These are words that will work in any setting, whether it’s an intense game of Scrabble or writing your next business email.
Five Letter Words with R in the Middle as the Second Letter
- Arbor
- Argue
- Arise
- Armor
- Aroma
- Arose
- Ardor
- Arena
- Array
- Arrow
- Arson
- Artsy
- Brake
- Brand
- Brash
- Brass
- Brave
- Bravo
- Brawl
- Brace
- Braid
- Brain
- Brawn
- Bread
- Break
- Breed
- Briar
- Bribe
- Brick
- Bride
- Brief
- Brine
- Bring
- Brink
- Briny
- Brisk
- Brood
- Brook
- Broom
- Broth
- Broad
- Broil
- Broke
- Brown
- Brunt
- Brush
- Brute
- Crack
- Craft
- Cramp
- Crane
- Crank
- Crash
- Crass
- Crave
- Crawl
- Craze
- Crazy
- Credo
- Creed
- Creek
- Creep
- Creme
- Crepe
- Crept
- Cress
- Crest
- Creak
- Cream
- Crick
- Cried
- Crier
- Crime
- Crimp
- Crisp
- Crook
- Cross
- Croup
- Crowd
- Crown
- Croak
- Crock
- Crone
- Crony
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crumb
- Crump
- Crush
- Crust
- Crypt
- Draft
- Drain
- Drake
- Drama
- Drank
- Drape
- Drawl
- Drawn
- Dress
- Dread
- Dream
- Dried
- Drier
- Drift
- Drill
- Drink
- Drive
- Droop
- Dross
- Drove
- Drown
- Droit
- Droll
- Drone
- Drool
- Druid
- Drunk
- Dryer
- Dryly
- Erase
- Erect
- Erode
- Error
- Erupt
- Frail
- Frame
- Frank
- Fraud
- Fresh
- Freak
- Freed
- Freer
- Friar
- Fried
- Frill
- Frisk
- Fritz
- Frock
- Frond
- Frown
- Froze
- Front
- Frost
- Froth
- Fruit
- Grace
- Grade
- Graft
- Grail
- Grain
- Graph
- Grasp
- Grass
- Grate
- Grave
- Gravy
- Graze
- Grand
- Grant
- Grape
- Great
- Greed
- Green
- Greet
- Grief
- Grill
- Grime
- Grimy
- Grind
- Gripe
- Groan
- Groin
- Groom
- Grope
- Gross
- Grown
- Group
- Grout
- Grove
- Growl
- Gruel
- Gruff
- Grunt
- Irate
- Irony
- Krill
- Orbit
- Order
- Organ
- Prank
- Prawn
- Price
- Prick
- Pride
- Pried
- Prime
- Primo
- Prior
- Prism
- Privy
- Prize
- Preen
- Press
- Probe
- Prone
- Prong
- Prove
- Prowl
- Proxy
- Proof
- Prose
- Proud
- Prude
- Prune
- Trace
- Track
- Tract
- Trade
- Trail
- Train
- Trait
- Tramp
- Trash
- Trawl
- Tread
- Treat
- Trend
- Triad
- Trial
- Tribe
- Trice
- Trick
- Tried
- Tripe
- Trite
- Troll
- Troop
- Trope
- Trout
- Trove
- Truly
- Trump
- Trunk
- Truss
- Trust
- Truth
- Truce
- Truck
- Truer
- Tryst
- Urban
- Urine
- Wrack
- Wrath
- Wreak
- Wreck
- Wrest
- Write
- Wring
- Wrist
- Wrong
- Wrote
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle
- Acrid
- Agree
- Aorta
- Apron
- Array
- Arrow
- Barge
- Baron
- Beret
- Berry
- Berth
- Birch
- Birth
- Borax
- Borne
- Burly
- Burnt
- Burst
- Carat
- Cargo
- Carol
- Carry
- Carve
- Circa
- Coral
- Corer
- Corny
- Curio
- Curly
- Curry
- Curse
- Curve
- Curvy
- Derby
- Dirge
- Dirty
- Early
- Earth
- Eerie
- Egret
- Error
- Farce
- Feral
- Ferry
- First
- Foray
- Force
- Forge
- Forgo
- Forte
- Forth
- Forty
- Forum
- Furor
- Furry
- Girly
- Girth
- Gorge
- Hardy
- Harem
- Harpy
- Harry
- Harsh
- Heron
- Horde
- Horny
- Horse
- Hurry
- Jerky
- Juror
- Karma
- Large
- Larva
- Lorry
- Lurch
- Lurid
- Lyric
- March
- Marry
- Marsh
- Mercy
- Merge
- Merit
- Merry
- Mirth
- Moral
- Moron
- Morph
- Mural
- Murky
- Myrrh
- Nerdy
- Nerve
- North
- Nurse
- Parer
- Parka
- Parry
- Parse
- Party
- Perch
- Peril
- Perky
- Porch
- Puree
- Purer
- Purge
- Purse
- Rarer
- Rerun
- Rural
- Scram
- Scrap
- Screw
- Scrub
- Scrum
- Serif
- Serum
- Serve
- Shrew
- Shrub
- Shrug
- Siren
- Sorry
- Spray
- Spree
- Sprig
- Strap
- Straw
- Stray
- Strip
- Strut
- Surer
- Surge
- Surly
- Syrup
- Tardy
- Tarot
- Terra
- Terse
- Three
- Threw
- Throb
- Throw
- Thrum
- Torch
- Torso
- Torus
- Turbo
- Verge
- Verse
- Verso
- Verve
- Viral
- Virus
- Warty
- Wordy
- World
- Worry
- Worse
- Worst
- Worth
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle as the Fourth Letter
- Abort
- Acorn
- Adore
- Adorn
- Afire
- Alarm
- Alert
- Angry
- Apart
- Avert
- Award
- Aware
- Azure
- Beard
- Berry
- Blare
- Blurb
- Blurt
- Board
- Cairn
- Carry
- Chard
- Charm
- Chart
- Chirp
- Chord
- Chore
- Churn
- Clerk
- Cobra
- Court
- Curry
- Dairy
- Decry
- Diary
- Dowry
- Dwarf
- Entry
- Every
- Exert
- Extra
- Fairy
- Ferry
- Fiery
- Fjord
- Flare
- Flirt
- Flora
- Furry
- Genre
- Glare
- Glory
- Gourd
- Guard
- Hairy
- Harry
- Heard
- Heart
- Hoard
- Hurry
- Hydro
- Inert
- Intro
- Ivory
- Learn
- Leery
- Lorry
- Macro
- Marry
- Merry
- Metro
- Micro
- Mourn
- Myrrh
- Ombre
- Opera
- Ovary
- Overt
- Parry
- Pearl
- Quark
- Quart
- Query
- Quirk
- Rearm
- Retro
- Retry
- Scare
- Scarf
- Scary
- Score
- Scorn
- Shard
- Share
- Shark
- Sharp
- Shirk
- Shirt
- Shore
- Shorn
- Short
- Skirt
- Slurp
- Smart
- Smirk
- Snare
- Snarl
- Snore
- Snort
- Sorry
- Spare
- Spark
- Sperm
- Spire
- Spore
- Sport
- Spurn
- Spurt
- Stare
- Stark
- Start
- Stern
- Store
- Stork
- Storm
- Story
- Swarm
- Swirl
- Sword
- Swore
- Sworn
- Teary
- Terra
- There
- Third
- Thorn
- Tiara
- Twirl
- Ultra
- Umbra
- Usurp
- Weary
- Weird
- Wharf
- Where
- Whirl
- Worry
- Yearn
- Zebra
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with …
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with A
- Aargh
- Aarti
- Abram
- Abray
- Abrim
- Abrin
- Abris
- Acral
- Acred
- Acres
- Acrid
- Acron
- Acros
- Acryl
- Adrad
- Adraw
- Adred
- Adret
- Adrip
- Aerie
- Aeros
- Afret
- Afrit
- Afros
- Agree
- Agria
- Agrin
- Agros
- Agrum
- Aired
- Airer
- Airns
- Airth
- Airts
- Amrit
- Aorta
- Apres
- Apron
- Arrah
- Arras
- Array
- Arret
- Arris
- Arrow
- Arroz
- Atria
- Atrip
- Aurae
- Aural
- Aurar
- Auras
- Aurei
- Aures
- Auric
- Auris
- Aurum
- Ayres
- Ayrie
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with B
- Barbe
- Barbs
- Barby
- Barca
- Barde
- Bardo
- Bards
- Bardy
- Bared
- Barer
- Bares
- Barfi
- Barfs
- Barfy
- Barge
- Baric
- Barks
- Barky
- Barms
- Barmy
- Barns
- Barny
- Baron
- Barps
- Barra
- Barre
- Barro
- Barry
- Barye
- Beray
- Beres
- Beret
- Bergs
- Berko
- Berks
- Berme
- Berms
- Berob
- Berry
- Berth
- Beryl
- Birch
- Birdo
- Birds
- Biris
- Birks
- Birle
- Birls
- Biros
- Birrs
- Birse
- Birsy
- Birth
- Birze
- Birzz
- Borak
- Boral
- Boras
- Borax
- Borde
- Bords
- Bored
- Boree
- Borek
- Borel
- Borer
- Bores
- Borgo
- Boric
- Borks
- Borms
- Borna
- Borne
- Boron
- Borts
- Borty
- Bortz
- Buran
- Buras
- Burbs
- Burds
- Buret
- Burfi
- Burgh
- Burgs
- Burin
- Burka
- Burke
- Burks
- Burls
- Burly
- Burns
- Burnt
- Buroo
- Burps
- Burqa
- Burra
- Burro
- Burrs
- Burry
- Bursa
- Burse
- Burst
- Byres
- Byrls
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with C
- Carap
- Carat
- Carbo
- Carbs
- Carby
- Cardi
- Cards
- Cardy
- Cared
- Carer
- Cares
- Caret
- Carex
- Cargo
- Carks
- Carle
- Carls
- Carne
- Carns
- Carny
- Carob
- Carol
- Carom
- Caron
- Carpe
- Carpi
- Carps
- Carrs
- Carry
- Carse
- Carta
- Carte
- Carts
- Carve
- Carvy
- Cerci
- Cered
- Ceres
- Cerge
- Ceria
- Ceric
- Cerne
- Ceroc
- Ceros
- Certs
- Certy
- Circa
- Circs
- Cires
- Cirls
- Cirri
- Coral
- Coram
- Corbe
- Corby
- Corda
- Cords
- Cored
- Corer
- Cores
- Corey
- Corgi
- Coria
- Corks
- Corky
- Corms
- Corni
- Corno
- Corns
- Cornu
- Corny
- Corps
- Corse
- Corso
- Curat
- Curbs
- Curch
- Curds
- Curdy
- Cured
- Curer
- Cures
- Curet
- Curfs
- Curia
- Curie
- Curio
- Curli
- Curls
- Curly
- Curns
- Curny
- Currs
- Curry
- Curse
- Cursi
- Curst
- Curve
- Curvy
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with D
- Daraf
- Darbs
- Darcy
- Dared
- Darer
- Dares
- Darga
- Dargs
- Daric
- Daris
- Darks
- Darky
- Darls
- Darns
- Darre
- Darts
- Darzi
- Derat
- Deray
- Derby
- Dered
- Deres
- Derig
- Derma
- Derms
- Derns
- Derny
- Deros
- Derpy
- Derro
- Derry
- Derth
- Dervs
- Diram
- Direr
- Dirge
- Dirke
- Dirks
- Dirls
- Dirts
- Dirty
- Dorad
- Dorba
- Dorbs
- Doree
- Dores
- Doric
- Doris
- Dorje
- Dorks
- Dorky
- Dorms
- Dormy
- Dorps
- Dorrs
- Dorsa
- Dorse
- Dorts
- Dorty
- Dural
- Duras
- Dured
- Dures
- Durgy
- Durns
- Duroc
- Duros
- Duroy
- Durra
- Durrs
- Durry
- Durst
- Durum
- Durzi
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with E
- Eards
- Eared
- Earls
- Early
- Earns
- Earnt
- Earst
- Earth
- Ecrus
- Eerie
- Egret
- Eiron
- Enrol
- Eorls
- Epris
- Erred
- Error
- Esrog
- Etrog
- Euros
- Eyras
- Eyres
- Eyrie
- Eyrir
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with F
- Farad
- Farce
- Farci
- Farcy
- Fards
- Fared
- Farer
- Fares
- Farle
- Farls
- Farms
- Faros
- Farro
- Farse
- Farts
- Feral
- Ferer
- Feres
- Feria
- Ferly
- Fermi
- Ferms
- Ferns
- Ferny
- Ferox
- Ferry
- Fired
- Firer
- Fires
- Firie
- Firks
- Firma
- Firms
- Firni
- Firns
- Firry
- First
- Firth
- Foram
- Foray
- Forbs
- Forby
- Force
- Fordo
- Fords
- Forel
- Fores
- Forex
- Forge
- Forgo
- Forks
- Forky
- Forma
- Forme
- Forms
- Forte
- Forth
- Forts
- Forty
- Forum
- Forza
- Forze
- Fural
- Furan
- Furca
- Furls
- Furol
- Furor
- Furos
- Furrs
- Furry
- Furth
- Furze
- Furzy
- Fyrds
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with G
- Garam
- Garba
- Garbe
- Garbo
- Garbs
- Garda
- Garde
- Gares
- Garis
- Garms
- Garni
- Garre
- Garri
- Garth
- Garum
- Gerah
- Gerbe
- Geres
- Gerle
- Germs
- Germy
- Gerne
- Girds
- Girlf
- Girls
- Girly
- Girns
- Giron
- Giros
- Girrs
- Girsh
- Girth
- Girts
- Goral
- Goras
- Goray
- Gorbs
- Gordo
- Gored
- Gores
- Gorge
- Goris
- Gorms
- Gormy
- Gorps
- Gorse
- Gorsy
- Grrls
- Grrrl
- Gurdy
- Gurge
- Gurks
- Gurls
- Gurly
- Gurns
- Gurry
- Gursh
- Gurus
- Gyral
- Gyred
- Gyres
- Gyron
- Gyros
- Gyrus
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with H
- Haram
- Hards
- Hardy
- Hared
- Harem
- Hares
- Harim
- Harks
- Harls
- Harms
- Harns
- Haros
- Harps
- Harpy
- Harry
- Harsh
- Harts
- Herbs
- Herby
- Herds
- Heres
- Herls
- Herma
- Herms
- Herns
- Heron
- Heros
- Herps
- Herry
- Herse
- Hertz
- Herye
- Hired
- Hiree
- Hirer
- Hires
- Horah
- Horal
- Horas
- Horde
- Horis
- Horks
- Horme
- Horns
- Horny
- Horse
- Horst
- Horsy
- Hurds
- Hurls
- Hurly
- Hurra
- Hurry
- Hurst
- Hurts
- Hurty
- Hyrax
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with I
- Ibrik
- Ihram
- Inros
- Inrun
- Ioras
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with J
- Jarks
- Jarls
- Jarps
- Jarta
- Jarul
- Jerid
- Jerks
- Jerky
- Jerry
- Jirds
- Jirga
- Jirre
- Joram
- Jorts
- Jorum
- Jural
- Jurat
- Jurel
- Jures
- Juris
- Juror
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with K
- Karai
- Karas
- Karat
- Karee
- Karez
- Karks
- Karma
- Karns
- Karoo
- Karos
- Karri
- Karst
- Karsy
- Karts
- Karzy
- Kerbs
- Kerel
- Kerfs
- Kerky
- Kerma
- Kerne
- Kerns
- Keros
- Kerry
- Kerve
- Kirby
- Kirks
- Kirns
- Kirri
- Korai
- Koran
- Koras
- Korat
- Kores
- Koris
- Korma
- Koros
- Korun
- Korus
- Kuris
- Kurre
- Kurta
- Kurus
- Kyrie
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with L
- Larch
- Lards
- Lardy
- Laree
- Lares
- Larfs
- Larga
- Large
- Largo
- Laris
- Larks
- Larky
- Larns
- Larnt
- Larum
- Larva
- Lered
- Leres
- Lerps
- Liras
- Lirks
- Lirot
- Loral
- Loran
- Lords
- Lordy
- Lorel
- Lores
- Loric
- Loris
- Lorry
- Lurch
- Lured
- Lurer
- Lures
- Lurex
- Lurgi
- Lurgy
- Lurid
- Lurks
- Lurry
- Lurve
- Lyres
- Lyric
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with M
- Marae
- Marah
- Maral
- Maran
- Maras
- Maray
- March
- Marcs
- Mards
- Mardy
- Mares
- Marga
- Marge
- Margo
- Margs
- Maria
- Marid
- Maril
- Marka
- Marks
- Marle
- Marls
- Marly
- Marma
- Marms
- Maron
- Maror
- Marra
- Marri
- Marry
- Marse
- Marsh
- Marts
- Marua
- Marvy
- Mbret
- Merch
- Mercs
- Mercy
- Merde
- Merds
- Mered
- Merel
- Merer
- Meres
- Merge
- Meril
- Meris
- Merit
- Merks
- Merle
- Merls
- Merry
- Merse
- Mersk
- Miraa
- Mirah
- Mirch
- Mired
- Mires
- Mirex
- Mirid
- Mirin
- Mirkn
- Mirks
- Mirky
- Mirls
- Mirly
- Miros
- Mirrl
- Mirrs
- Mirth
- Mirvs
- Mirza
- Morae
- Morah
- Moral
- Moran
- Moras
- Morat
- Moray
- Moree
- Morel
- Mores
- Morgy
- Moria
- Morin
- Mormo
- Morna
- Morne
- Morns
- Moron
- Moror
- Morph
- Morra
- Morro
- Morse
- Morts
- Moruk
- Mpret
- Mural
- Muras
- Mured
- Mures
- Murex
- Murgh
- Murgi
- Murid
- Murks
- Murky
- Murls
- Murly
- Murra
- Murre
- Murri
- Murrs
- Murry
- Murth
- Murti
- Muruk
- Murva
- Myrrh
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with N
- Naras
- Narco
- Narcs
- Nards
- Nares
- Naric
- Naris
- Narks
- Narky
- Narod
- Narra
- Narre
- Neral
- Neram
- Nerds
- Nerdy
- Nerfs
- Nerka
- Nerks
- Nerol
- Nerts
- Nertz
- Nerve
- Nervy
- Ngram
- Nirls
- Nirly
- Noria
- Norie
- Noris
- Norks
- Norma
- Norms
- North
- Nurds
- Nurdy
- Nurls
- Nurrs
- Nurse
- Nurts
- Nurtz
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with O
- Oared
- Oarer
- Ocrea
- Ogres
- Oiran
- Okras
- Okrug
- Omrah
- Oorie
- Orris
- Ourey
- Ourie
- Owres
- Owrie
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with P
- Parae
- Paras
- Parch
- Parcs
- Pardi
- Pards
- Pardy
- Pared
- Paren
- Pareo
- Parer
- Pares
- Pareu
- Parev
- Parge
- Pargo
- Parid
- Paris
- Parka
- Parki
- Parks
- Parky
- Parle
- Parly
- Parma
- Parmo
- Parms
- Parol
- Parps
- Parra
- Parrs
- Parry
- Parse
- Parte
- Parti
- Parts
- Party
- Parve
- Parvo
- Perae
- Perai
- Perce
- Perch
- Percs
- Perdu
- Perdy
- Perea
- Peres
- Perfs
- Peril
- Peris
- Perks
- Perky
- Perle
- Perls
- Perms
- Permy
- Perne
- Perns
- Perog
- Perps
- Perry
- Perse
- Persp
- Perst
- Perts
- Perve
- Pervo
- Pervs
- Pervy
- Pirai
- Pirks
- Pirls
- Pirns
- Pirog
- Pirre
- Pirri
- Pirrs
- Porae
- Poral
- Porch
- Pored
- Porer
- Pores
- Porey
- Porge
- Porgy
- Porin
- Porks
- Porky
- Porno
- Porns
- Porny
- Porta
- Porte
- Porth
- Ports
- Porty
- Porus
- Purao
- Purau
- Purda
- Purdy
- Pured
- Puree
- Purer
- Pures
- Purga
- Purge
- Purin
- Puris
- Purls
- Puros
- Purps
- Purpy
- Purre
- Purrs
- Purry
- Purse
- Pursy
- Purty
- Pyral
- Pyran
- Pyres
- Pyrex
- Pyric
- Pyros
- Pyrus
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with Q
- Qorma
- Quran
- Qursh
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with R
- Rared
- Raree
- Rarer
- Rares
- Rarks
- Reran
- Rerig
- Rerun
- Roral
- Rores
- Roric
- Rorid
- Rorie
- Rorts
- Rorty
- Rural
- Rurps
- Rurus
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with S
- Saran
- Sards
- Sared
- Saree
- Sarge
- Sargo
- Sarin
- Sarir
- Saris
- Sarks
- Sarky
- Sarod
- Saros
- Sarus
- Sarvo
- Scrab
- Scrae
- Scrag
- Scram
- Scran
- Scrap
- Scrat
- Scraw
- Scray
- Scree
- Screw
- Scrim
- Scrip
- Scrob
- Scrod
- Scrog
- Scroo
- Scrow
- Scrub
- Scrum
- Serac
- Serai
- Seral
- Sered
- Serer
- Seres
- Serfs
- Serge
- Seria
- Seric
- Serif
- Serin
- Serir
- Serks
- Seron
- Serow
- Serra
- Serre
- Serrs
- Serry
- Serum
- Serve
- Servo
- Shred
- Shrew
- Shris
- Shrow
- Shrub
- Shrug
- Sired
- Siree
- Siren
- Sires
- Sirih
- Siris
- Siroc
- Sirra
- Sirup
- Skran
- Skrik
- Skroo
- Soral
- Soras
- Sorbi
- Sorbo
- Sorbs
- Sorda
- Sordo
- Sords
- Sored
- Soree
- Sorel
- Sorer
- Sores
- Sorex
- Sorgo
- Sorns
- Sorra
- Sorry
- Sorta
- Sorts
- Sorus
- Sprad
- Sprag
- Sprat
- Spray
- Spred
- Spree
- Sprew
- Sprig
- Sprit
- Sprod
- Sprog
- Sprue
- Sprug
- Strad
- Strae
- Strag
- Strak
- Strap
- Straw
- Stray
- Strep
- Strew
- Stria
- Strig
- Strim
- Strip
- Strop
- Strow
- Stroy
- Strum
- Strut
- Surah
- Sural
- Suras
- Surat
- Surds
- Sured
- Surer
- Sures
- Surfs
- Surfy
- Surge
- Surgy
- Surly
- Surra
- Syrah
- Syren
- Syrup
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with T
- Taras
- Tardo
- Tards
- Tardy
- Tared
- Tares
- Targa
- Targe
- Tarka
- Tarns
- Taroc
- Tarok
- Taros
- Tarot
- Tarps
- Tarre
- Tarry
- Tarse
- Tarsi
- Tarte
- Tarts
- Tarty
- Tarzy
- Terai
- Teras
- Terce
- Terek
- Teres
- Terfe
- Terfs
- Terga
- Terms
- Terne
- Terns
- Terra
- Terre
- Terry
- Terse
- Terts
- Terza
- Thrae
- Thraw
- Three
- Threw
- Thrid
- Thrip
- Throb
- Throe
- Throw
- Thrum
- Tired
- Tires
- Tirls
- Tiros
- Tirrs
- Tirth
- Torah
- Toran
- Toras
- Torch
- Torcs
- Tores
- Toric
- Torii
- Toros
- Torot
- Torrs
- Torse
- Torsi
- Torsk
- Torso
- Torta
- Torte
- Torts
- Torus
- Turbo
- Turds
- Turfs
- Turfy
- Turks
- Turme
- Turms
- Turns
- Turnt
- Turon
- Turps
- Turrs
- Tyran
- Tyred
- Tyres
- Tyros
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with U
- Umrah
- Umras
- Unred
- Unrid
- Unrig
- Unrip
- Upran
- Uprun
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with V
- Varan
- Varas
- Varda
- Vardo
- Vardy
- Varec
- Vares
- Varia
- Varix
- Varna
- Varus
- Varve
- Verba
- Verbs
- Verde
- Verge
- Verra
- Verre
- Verry
- Versa
- Verse
- Verso
- Verst
- Verte
- Verts
- Vertu
- Verve
- Viral
- Vired
- Vireo
- Vires
- Virga
- Virge
- Virgo
- Virid
- Virls
- Virtu
- Virus
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with W
- Warbs
- Warby
- Wards
- Wared
- Wares
- Warez
- Warks
- Warms
- Warns
- Warps
- Warre
- Warst
- Warts
- Warty
- Werfs
- Weros
- Wersh
- Wired
- Wirer
- Wires
- Wirra
- Wirri
- Words
- Wordy
- Works
- Worky
- World
- Worms
- Wormy
- Worry
- Worse
- Worst
- Worth
- Worts
- Wurst
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with X
- Xeric
- Xerox
- Xerus
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with Y
- Yarak
- Yarco
- Yards
- Yarer
- Yarfa
- Yarks
- Yarns
- Yarra
- Yarrs
- Yarta
- Yarto
- Ydrad
- Ydred
- Yerba
- Yerds
- Yerks
- Yirds
- Yirks
- Yirrs
- Yirth
- Yores
- Yorga
- Yorks
- Yorps
- Yurta
- Yurts
5 Letter Words with R in the Middle and Start with Z
- Zarda
- Zarfs
- Zaris
- Zerda
- Zerks
- Zeros
- Ziram
- Zoril
- Zoris
- Zorro
- Zorse
- Zurfs
Common 5 Letter Words with R in the Middle with Meanings
- Apron: Protective garment that is worn over your clothes.
- Baron: A member of the nobility.
- Cargo: Goods to be transported
- Dirty: That is unclean or dishonorable.
- Error: A mistake.
- Force: A strength or energy.
- Girth: The distance around the middle of something.
- Horse: A mammal commonly ridden by humans.
- Juror: A member of the fury
- Karma: The belief that past actions have current consequences in the fate of an individual.
- Large: Of great size
- Merry: Cheerful and lively.
- Nurse: Individuals trained to care for the sick.
- Peril: Danger.
- Rural: Relating to the countryside and its customs.
- Strap: A strip of cloth.
- Tarot: A deck of cards used for fortune-telling.
- Virus: An infective and usually microscopic agent
- World: The earth and all of its countries.
- 5 Letter Words Starting with R
- 5 Letter Words Ending in R
- 5 Letter Words with A and R
- 5 Letter Words with O and R
- 5 Letter Words with OUR in the Middle
- 5 Letter Words that Start with AR
- 10 Rare Words for Expanding Your English Vocabulary - June 5, 2024
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