If you are looking for 5 letter words with U in the middle, this reference is for you. You will find different sections that list words based on the position of “U” and the letter each word starts with. The goal is to make it easy for you to discover and remember these specific words, perfect for both word games and language learning.
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle as the Second Letter
- Audio
- Audit
- Augur
- Aunty
- Buddy
- Budge
- Buggy
- Bugle
- Build
- Built
- Bulge
- Bulky
- Bully
- Bunch
- Bunny
- Burly
- Burnt
- Burst
- Bused
- Bushy
- Butch
- Butte
- Buxom
- Buyer
- Cubic
- Cumin
- Curio
- Curly
- Curry
- Curse
- Curve
- Curvy
- Cutie
- Duchy
- Dully
- Dummy
- Dumpy
- Dunce
- Dusky
- Dusty
- Dutch
- Duvet
- Fudge
- Fugue
- Fully
- Fungi
- Funky
- Funny
- Furor
- Furry
- Fussy
- Fuzzy
- Guard
- Guava
- Guess
- Guest
- Guide
- Guild
- Guile
- Guilt
- Guise
- Gulch
- Gully
- Gumbo
- Gummy
- Guppy
- Gusto
- Gusty
- Human
- Humid
- Humor
- Humph
- Humus
- Hunch
- Hunky
- Hurry
- Husky
- Hussy
- Hutch
- Judge
- Juice
- Juicy
- Jumbo
- Jumpy
- Junta
- Junto
- Juror
- Lucid
- Lucky
- Lumen
- Lumpy
- Lunar
- Lunch
- Lunge
- Lupus
- Lurch
- Lurid
- Lusty
- Mucky
- Mucus
- Muddy
- Mulch
- Mummy
- Munch
- Mural
- Murky
- Mushy
- Music
- Musky
- Musty
- Nudge
- Nurse
- Nutty
- Ought
- Ounce
- Outdo
- Outer
- Outgo
- Pubic
- Pudgy
- Puffy
- Pulpy
- Pulse
- Punch
- Pupal
- Pupil
- Puppy
- Puree
- Purer
- Purge
- Purse
- Pushy
- Putty
- Quack
- Quail
- Quake
- Qualm
- Quark
- Quart
- Quash
- Quasi
- Queen
- Queer
- Quell
- Query
- Quest
- Queue
- Quick
- Quiet
- Quill
- Quilt
- Quirk
- Quite
- Quota
- Quote
- Quoth
- Ruddy
- Ruder
- Rugby
- Ruler
- Rumba
- Rumor
- Rupee
- Rural
- Rusty
- Suave
- Sugar
- Suing
- Suite
- Sulky
- Sully
- Sumac
- Sunny
- Super
- Surer
- Surge
- Surly
- Sushi
- Tubal
- Tuber
- Tulip
- Tulle
- Tumor
- Tunic
- Turbo
- Tutor
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle
- Abuse
- Acute
- Adult
- Amuse
- Azure
- Bluer
- Bluff
- Blunt
- Blurb
- Blurt
- Blush
- Bough
- Boule
- Bound
- Brunt
- Brush
- Brute
- Caulk
- Cause
- Chuck
- Chump
- Chunk
- Churn
- Chute
- Cluck
- Clued
- Clump
- Clung
- Couch
- Cough
- Could
- Count
- Coupe
- Court
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crumb
- Crump
- Crush
- Crust
- Daunt
- Deuce
- Doubt
- Dough
- Druid
- Drunk
- Elude
- Equal
- Equip
- Erupt
- Etude
- Exult
- Fault
- Fauna
- Fluff
- Fluid
- Fluke
- Flume
- Flung
- Flunk
- Flush
- Flute
- Found
- Fruit
- Gaudy
- Gauge
- Gaunt
- Gauze
- Gouge
- Gourd
- Gruel
- Gruff
- Grunt
- Haunt
- Haute
- Hound
- House
- Jaunt
- Joust
- Laugh
- Louse
- Lousy
- Mauve
- Moult
- Mound
- Mount
- Mourn
- Mouse
- Mouth
- Pause
- Pluck
- Plumb
- Plume
- Plump
- Plunk
- Plush
- Pouch
- Pound
- Pouty
- Prude
- Prune
- Reuse
- Rouge
- Rough
- Round
- Rouse
- Route
- Sauce
- Saucy
- Sauna
- Saute
- Scuba
- Shuck
- Shunt
- Shush
- Skulk
- Skull
- Skunk
- Slump
- Slung
- Slunk
- Slurp
- Slush
- Snuck
- Snuff
- Sound
- South
- Spunk
- Spurn
- Spurt
- Squad
- Squat
- Squib
- Stuck
- Study
- Stuff
- Stump
- Stung
- Stunk
- Stunt
- Swung
- Taunt
- Thumb
- Thump
- Touch
- Tough
- Truce
- Truck
- Truer
- Truly
- Trump
- Trunk
- Truss
- Trust
- Truth
- Usual
- Usurp
- Vault
- Vaunt
- Vouch
- Would
- Wound
- Wrung
- Young
- Youth
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle as the Fourth Letter
- About
- Afoul
- Aloud
- Album
- Annul
- Argue
- Awful
- Augur
- Begun
- Bonus
- Caput
- Clout
- Cloud
- Croup
- Datum
- Debut
- Debug
- Demur
- Donut
- Ennui
- Ensue
- Femur
- Fetus
- Flour
- Flout
- Ficus
- Focus
- Forum
- Fugue
- Fraud
- Gamut
- Ghoul
- Grout
- Group
- Humus
- Imbue
- Incur
- Input
- Issue
- Locus
- Lemur
- Lupus
- Minus
- Mogul
- Mucus
- Opium
- Occur
- Pique
- Proud
- Queue
- Rebus
- Rebut
- Recut
- Recur
- Rerun
- Revue
- Rogue
- Scour
- Scout
- Scrum
- Scrub
- Segue
- Serum
- Setup
- Shout
- Shrug
- Shrub
- Snout
- Spout
- Stout
- Strut
- Syrup
- Thrum
- Torus
- Trout
- Undue
- Uncut
- Venue
- Vague
- Value
- Virus
- Vogue
5 Letter Words with U In The Middle and Start with …
Here is a list of some five-letter words with a “u” in the middle.
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with A
- Abuna
- Abune
- Abura
- Aburn
- Abuse
- Abuts
- Abuzz
- Acute
- Aduki
- Adult
- Adunc
- Adust
- Agued
- Agues
- Aguey
- Aguna
- Agush
- Aguti
- Ahull
- Ahuru
- Ajuga
- Ajupa
- Alula
- Alums
- Alumy
- Alure
- Alurk
- Amuck
- Amuse
- Anura
- Aquae
- Aquas
- Aruhe
- Arums
- Asura
- Atuas
- Azuki
- Azure
- Azurn
- Azury
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with B
- Bauds
- Bauks
- Baulk
- Baurs
- Bhuna
- Bhuts
- Blubs
- Blude
- Bluds
- Bludy
- Blued
- Bluer
- Blues
- Bluet
- Bluey
- Bluff
- Bluid
- Blume
- Blunk
- Blunt
- Blurb
- Blurs
- Blurt
- Blush
- Bouge
- Bough
- Bouks
- Boule
- Boult
- Bound
- Bouns
- Bourd
- Bourg
- Bourn
- Bouse
- Bousy
- Bouts
- Boutu
- Bruck
- Brugh
- Bruhs
- Bruin
- Bruit
- Bruja
- Brujo
- Brule
- Brume
- Brung
- Brunt
- Brush
- Brusk
- Brust
- Brute
- Bruts
- Bruvs
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with C
- Cauda
- Cauks
- Cauld
- Caulk
- Cauls
- Caums
- Caups
- Cauri
- Causa
- Cause
- Chubs
- Chuck
- Chufa
- Chuff
- Chugs
- Chump
- Chums
- Chunk
- Churl
- Churn
- Churr
- Chuse
- Chute
- Chuts
- Clubs
- Cluck
- Clued
- Clues
- Cluey
- Clump
- Clung
- Clunk
- Couch
- Coude
- Cough
- Could
- Count
- Coupe
- Coups
- Courb
- Courd
- Coure
- Cours
- Court
- Couta
- Couth
- Cruck
- Crude
- Crudo
- Cruds
- Crudy
- Cruel
- Crues
- Cruet
- Cruft
- Crumb
- Crump
- Crunk
- Cruor
- Crura
- Cruse
- Crush
- Crust
- Crusy
- Cruve
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with D
- Daube
- Daubs
- Dauby
- Dauds
- Dault
- Daunt
- Daurs
- Dauts
- Deuce
- Dhuti
- Douar
- Doubt
- Douce
- Doucs
- Dough
- Douks
- Doula
- Douma
- Doums
- Doups
- Doura
- Douse
- Douts
- Drubs
- Drugs
- Druid
- Drums
- Drunk
- Drupe
- Druse
- Drusy
- Druxy
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with E
- Educe
- Educt
- Elude
- Elute
- Emule
- Emure
- Enure
- Enurn
- Equal
- Eques
- Equid
- Equip
- Eruct
- Erugo
- Erupt
- Eruvs
- Etude
- Etuis
- Exude
- Exuls
- Exult
- Exurb
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with F
- Fauch
- Faugh
- Fauld
- Fault
- Fauna
- Fauns
- Faurd
- Faute
- Fauts
- Fauve
- Feuar
- Feuds
- Feued
- Flubs
- Flued
- Flues
- Fluey
- Fluff
- Fluid
- Fluke
- Fluky
- Flume
- Flump
- Flung
- Flunk
- Fluor
- Flurr
- Flush
- Flute
- Fluty
- Fluyt
- Fouat
- Fouds
- Fouer
- Fouet
- Foule
- Fouls
- Found
- Fount
- Fours
- Fouth
- Frugs
- Fruit
- Frump
- Frush
- Frust
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with G
- Gauch
- Gaucy
- Gauds
- Gaudy
- Gauge
- Gauje
- Gault
- Gaums
- Gaumy
- Gaunt
- Gaups
- Gaurs
- Gauss
- Gauze
- Gauzy
- Geums
- Ghusl
- Giust
- Glued
- Gluer
- Glues
- Gluey
- Glugg
- Glugs
- Glume
- Glums
- Gluon
- Glute
- Gluts
- Gouch
- Gouge
- Gouks
- Goura
- Gourd
- Gouts
- Gouty
- Grubs
- Grued
- Gruel
- Grues
- Grufe
- Gruff
- Grume
- Grump
- Grund
- Grunt
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with H
- Hauds
- Haufs
- Haugh
- Haugo
- Hauld
- Haulm
- Hauls
- Hault
- Hauns
- Haunt
- Hause
- Haute
- Heuch
- Heugh
- Houff
- Houfs
- Hough
- Hound
- Houri
- Hours
- House
- Houts
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with I
- Inula
- Inure
- Inurn
- Inust
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with J
- Jauks
- Jaune
- Jaunt
- Jaups
- Jeune
- Joual
- Jougs
- Jouks
- Joule
- Jours
- Joust
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with K
- Kaugh
- Kauri
- Kauru
- Kaury
- Khuds
- Khula
- Kluge
- Klutz
- Knubs
- Knule
- Knurl
- Knurr
- Knurs
- Knuts
- Koura
- Krubi
- Krump
- Krunk
- Kyudo
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with L
- Lauan
- Lauch
- Laude
- Lauds
- Laufs
- Laugh
- Laund
- Laura
- Leuch
- Leuco
- Leuds
- Leugh
- Loued
- Lough
- Louie
- Louis
- Louma
- Lound
- Louns
- Loupe
- Loups
- Loure
- Lours
- Loury
- Louse
- Lousy
- Louts
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with M
- Mauby
- Mauds
- Mauka
- Maula
- Mauls
- Maums
- Maumy
- Maund
- Maunt
- Mauri
- Mausy
- Mauts
- Mauve
- Mauvy
- Mauzy
- Mbube
- Mbuga
- Meums
- Meuse
- Mouch
- Moues
- Moufs
- Mould
- Moule
- Mouls
- Moult
- Mouly
- Mound
- Mount
- Moups
- Mourn
- Mouse
- Moust
- Mousy
- Mouth
- Mvula
- Mvule
- Mvuli
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with N
- Nauch
- Naunt
- Nduja
- Neuks
- Neume
- Neums
- Nougs
- Nouja
- Nould
- Noule
- Nouls
- Nouns
- Nouny
- Noups
- Noust
- Nyung
- Nyuse
- Nyuze
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with O
- Oculi
- Odums
- Ofuro
- Omuls
- Ovule
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with P
- Pauas
- Pauls
- Pause
- Pauxi
- Phubs
- Phuts
- Phutu
- Piuma
- Piums
- Pluck
- Pluds
- Plues
- Pluff
- Plugs
- Pluke
- Plumb
- Plume
- Plump
- Plums
- Plumy
- Plung
- Plunk
- Pluot
- Plups
- Plush
- Plute
- Pluto
- Pluty
- Pouce
- Pouch
- Pouff
- Poufs
- Poufy
- Pouis
- Pouke
- Pouks
- Poule
- Poulp
- Poult
- Pound
- Poupe
- Poupt
- Pours
- Pousy
- Pouts
- Pouty
- Prude
- Prune
- Pruno
- Prunt
- Pruny
- Pruta
- Puuko
- Pyuff
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with R
- Rauli
- Rauns
- Raupo
- Reune
- Reups
- Reuse
- Rhumb
- Rouen
- Roues
- Rouet
- Roufs
- Rouge
- Rough
- Rougy
- Rouks
- Rouky
- Roule
- Rouls
- Roums
- Round
- Roups
- Roupy
- Rouse
- Roust
- Route
- Routh
- Routs
- Ryugi
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with S
- Sauba
- Sauce
- Sauch
- Saucy
- Saugh
- Sauls
- Sault
- Sauna
- Saunf
- Saunt
- Saury
- Saute
- Sauts
- Sauve
- Scuba
- Scudi
- Scudo
- Scuds
- Scuff
- Scuft
- Scugs
- Sculk
- Scull
- Sculp
- Sculs
- Scums
- Scups
- Scurf
- Scurs
- Scuse
- Scuta
- Scute
- Scuts
- Scuzz
- Shuba
- Shuck
- Shule
- Shuln
- Shuls
- Shuns
- Shunt
- Shura
- Shush
- Shute
- Shuts
- Skuas
- Skugs
- Skulk
- Skull
- Skunk
- Slubb
- Slubs
- Slued
- Slues
- Sluff
- Slugs
- Sluit
- Slump
- Slums
- Slung
- Slunk
- Slurb
- Slurp
- Slurs
- Sluse
- Slush
- Sluts
- Smugs
- Smurs
- Smush
- Smuts
- Snubs
- Snubs
- Snuck
- Snuff
- Snugs
- Snush
- Souce
- Souct
- Sough
- Souks
- Souls
- Souly
- Soums
- Sound
- Soups
- Soupy
- Sours
- Souse
- South
- Souts
- Spuds
- Spued
- Spuer
- Spues
- Spugs
- Spule
- Spume
- Spumy
- Spunk
- Spurn
- Spurs
- Spurt
- Sputa
- Squab
- Squad
- Squat
- Squaw
- Squee
- Squeg
- Squib
- Squid
- Squit
- Squiz
- Stubs
- Stuck
- Stucs
- Stude
- Studs
- Study
- Stuff
- Stull
- Stulm
- Stumm
- Stump
- Stums
- Stung
- Stunk
- Stuns
- Stunt
- Stupa
- Stupe
- Sture
- Sturt
- Stush
- Swung
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with T
- Taube
- Tauld
- Taunt
- Tauon
- Taupe
- Tauts
- Tauty
- Teuch
- Teugh
- Thuds
- Thugs
- Thuja
- Thumb
- Thump
- Thunk
- Thurl
- Thuya
- Touch
- Tough
- Touks
- Touns
- Tours
- Touse
- Tousy
- Touts
- Touze
- Touzy
- Truce
- Truck
- Trued
- Truer
- Trues
- Trugo
- Trugs
- Trull
- Truly
- Trump
- Trunk
- Truss
- Trust
- Truth
- Tsuba
- Tsubo
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with U
- Uhuru
- Urubu
- Urupa
- Usual
- Usure
- Usurp
- Usury
- Uvula
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with V
- Vauch
- Vault
- Vaunt
- Vaute
- Vauts
- Veuve
- Vouch
- Vouge
- Voulu
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with W
- Wauff
- Waugh
- Wauks
- Waulk
- Wauls
- Waurs
- Whump
- Whups
- Would
- Wound
- Wrung
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with Y
- Yauds
- Yauld
- Yaups
- Yeuch
- Yeuks
- Yeuky
- Youks
- Young
- Yourn
- Yours
- Yourt
- Youse
- Youth
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle and Start with Z
- Zhush
- Zhuzh
- Zouks
What are Five Letter Words with U in the Middle?
“Chunk” is a perfect example of a 5 letter word with u in the middle. Other examples include “clump” and “count”. Provided the letter “u” is the mid letter with two other letters on either side, you have a 5-letter word with “u” as the middle letter.
Why Learn 5 Letter Words with U in the Middle?
You may be called upon to create a 5-letter word with the letter “u” in the middle when playing word games such as wordle, word connect, scrabble, etc., or when filling in a simple crossword. Learning may also be part of an English test or simply for expanding your vocabulary.
5 Letter Words with U in the Middle with Meanings
If you want common letters accompanied by their meanings, here are some good examples;
- Usual – Normal, typical, customary, or expected.
- Trust – To believe or have confidence in something or someone. Also means relying on someone’s ability or honesty.
- Trunk – The main stem/part of a tree. Also means storage space in a car which is usually at the back or an elephant’s extended nose.
- Stung – To be pricked or bitten by an insect like a bee resulting in sharp pain and swelling in some cases.
- Slurp – A word that describes a sucking sound commonly made when eating or drinking something. The sound is usually annoying and linked to uncivilized impolite behavior.
- Prune – The process of trimming plants or a tree to improve appearance and growth.
- Plush – Something luxurious, soft, and comfortable.
- Flute – A musical instrument that resembles a tube with small holes on the side that is played by blowing the mouthpiece and opening/closing small holes on the side periodically.
- Flunk – To fail at something i.e., an exam.
- Crust – The outer layer/surface of something.
- Crude – In a natural/raw state. Also means offensive, or rude. Crude can also be used to refer to oil.
- Clunk – A heavy sound resulting from a falling object or something being struck.
- Chump – A gullible or foolish person.
- Brute – A violent or cruel person. Also used to describe a wild or untamed animal.
There you go! We’ve discussed the definition of 5 letter words with u in the middle and given examples, corresponding meanings, and use cases of such words. There are obviously other words. However, the above examples are adequate to win you a word game and expand your vocabulary.
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