If you are searching for 5 letter words with Z, you’ll find a useful list that covers these types of words and their meanings. You’ll also see explanations of what 5-letter words are, making it easier for you to use them in games or daily conversations.
5 Letter Words with Z
What are 5 Letter Words?
For those who don’t know, five letter words are short, one-syllable words that contain just five letters. Five letter words are shorter than six-letter words and longer than four letter words. There are only about 1,000 of these short words in the English language. This means that you can learn them all fairly quickly.
List of 5 Letter Words with Z
- Abuzz
- Adoze
- Adzes
- Agaze
- Amaze
- Azans
- Azide
- Azido
- Azine
- Azlon
- Azoic
- Azole
- Azons
- Azote
- Azoth
- Azure
- Baiza
- Baize
- Bazar
- Bazoo
- Bezel
- Bezil
- Bizes
- Blaze
- Blitz
- Bonze
- Booze
- Boozy
- Bortz
- Bozos
- Braza
- Braze
- Cloze
- Colza
- Cozen
- Cozes
- Cozey
- Cozie
- Craze
- Crazy
- Croze
- Czars
- Dazed
- Dazes
- Diazo
- Ditzy
- Dizen
- Dizzy
- Doozy
- Dozed
- Dozen
- Dozer
- Dozes
- Enzym
- Fazed
- Fazes
- Feaze
- Feeze
- Fezes
- Fizzy
- Fritz
- Frizz
- Froze
- Furze
- Furzy
- Fuzed
- Fuzee
- Fuzes
- Fuzil
- Fuzzy
- Gauze
- Gauzy
- Gazar
- Gazed
- Gazer
- Gazes
- Ghazi
- Gizmo
- Glaze
- Glazy
- Glitz
- Gloze
- Gonzo
- Graze
- Grosz
- Hafiz
- Hamza
- Hazan
- Hazed
- Hazel
- Hazer
- Hazes
- Heeze
- Hertz
- Huzza
- Izars
- Jazzy
- Kazoo
- Klutz
- Kudzu
- Lazar
- Lazed
- Lazes
- Lezzy
- Maize
- Matza
- Matzo
- Mazed
- Mazer
- Mazes
- Mezes
- Mezzo
- Mirza
- Mizen
- Mozos
- Muzzy
- Nazis
- Nertz
- Nizam
- Nudzh
- Oozed
- Oozes
- Orzos
- Ouzel
- Ouzos
- Ozone
- Pizza
- Plaza
- Plotz
- Prize
- Razed
- Razee
- Razer
- Razes
- Razor
- Ritzy
- Seize
- Sizar
- Sized
- Sizer
- Sizes
- Smaze
- Soyuz
- Sozin
- Spitz
- Tazza
- Tazze
- Tizzy
- Topaz
- Trooz
- Tzars
- Unzip
- Vizir
- Vizor
- Waltz
- Whizz
- Winze
- Wizen
- Wizes
- Woozy
- Zaire
- Zamia
- Zanza
- Zappy
- Zarfs
- Zaxes
- Zayin
- Zazen
- Zeals
- Zebec
- Zebra
- Zebus
- Zeins
- Zerks
- Zeros
- Zests
- Zesty
- Zetas
- Zibet
- Zilch
- Zills
- Zincs
- Zincy
- Zineb
- Zings
- Zingy
- Zinky
- Zippy
- Ziram
- Zitis
- Zizit
- Zlote
- Zloty
- Zoeae
- Zoeal
- Zoeas
- Zombi
- Zonal
- Zoned
- Zoner
- Zones
- Zonks
- Zooid
- Zooks
- Zooms
- Zoons
- Zooty
- Zoril
- Zoris
- Zowie
- Zymes
5 Letter Words with Z with their Meanings
- Jazzy – a word that describes a kind of music with a sharp beat.
- Buzzy – a word that describes something that makes a buzzing sound (ex: insects).
- Fuzzy – a word that describes something that is difficult to see, or to understand (ex: blurry pictures).
- Muzzy – a word that describes someone who has suffered from too much alcohol or other drugs (ex: fuzzy vision).
- Bezzy – two very good friends, who hang out and enjoy each other’s company.
- Bizzy – a person who is always occupied with doing things (ex: bizzy teenagers).
- Fizzy – a word that describes something that is very excited or energetic (ex: fizzy children).
- Pozzy – a word that describes something that creeps along, as if to avoid being noticed (ex: pozzy people).
- Whizz – a word describing the sound of something moving fast and furiously (ex: whizzing bullet).
- Zhuzh – the act of making an unpleasant noise or sound by coughing or sneezing (ex: zhuzh car horn).
- Abuzz – a word describing something with many shocks, surprises, or developments coming at once (ex: abuzz media headlines).
- Scuzz – a word describing something that looks dirty, unattractive, or unkempt (ex: scuzzy homeless man).
- Dizzy – a word describing someone who is what you might call “loopy”, or “spaced out”.
- Frizz – a person who loves to show their wild side (ex: frizz rock star).
- Huzza – to give support or cheers of support to something (ex: huzza new movie).
- Mezza – a word that means “half” in Italian.
- Mezzo – a word that describes a singing voice that is partway between a soprano and a contralto.
- Pizza – an Italian dish with thinly sliced bread, cheese, and tomato sauce.
- Swizz – to cheat someone out of their money (ex: swizz watch seller).
- Wizzo – a word that describes someone energetic, playful, or mischievous (ex: wizzo teenager).
- Tizzy – worried about something bad you have done (ex: tizzy woman).
- Lezzo – a word describing half of something in Spanish.
The English language vocabulary is vast, especially if you know where to look. Back in the day, new words were being invented regularly. That’s not necessarily true today. There are still people making new words because they have to have a way to describe all the new stuff out there. You can find five letter words with z in the dictionary and add them to your word games like Scrabble and Boggle.
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