In this reference, you will learn about various 6 letter words starting C. By exploring these words, you will gain a better grasp of the English language. This will make communication and understanding easier.
List of 6 Letter Words Starting with C
6 Letter Words Starting with Ca
- Cabala
- Cabals
- Cabana
- Cabane
- Cabbed
- Cabbie
- Cabble
- Cabers
- Cabins
- Cabled
- Cables
- Cablet
- Cabman
- Cabmen
- Cabobs
- Cabuya
- Cacaos
- Caccia
- Cached
- Caches
- Cachet
- Cachou
- Cackle
- Cactus
- Caddie
- Caddis
- Cadent
- Cadets
- Cadged
- Cadger
- Cadges
- Cadmic
- Cadres
- Caecal
- Caecum
- Caeoma
- Cafone
- Cafoni
- Caftan
- Cagers
- Cagier
- Cagily
- Caging
- Cahill
- Cahoot
- Cahows
- Caiman
- Caique
- Cairds
- Cairns
- Cairny
- Cajole
- Caking
- Calaba
- Calami
- Calash
- Calcar
- Calced
- Calces
- Calcic
- Calesa
- Calico
- Califs
- Caliph
- Calked
- Calker
- Calkin
- Callan
- Callas
- Called
- Caller
- Callop
- Callow
- Callus
- Calmed
- Calmer
- Calmly
- Calory
- Calpac
- Calque
- Calved
- Calves
- Calvus
- Calxes
- Camaca
- Camber
- Cambia
- Cambio
- Camels
- Cameos
- Camera
- Camion
- Camise
- Camlet
- Cammed
- Cammie
- Camoca
- Camote
- Camped
- Camper
- Campos
- Campus
- Canada
- Canals
- Canape
- Canard
- Canary
- Cancan
- Cancel
- Cancer
- Cancha
- Candid
- Candle
- Candor
- Caners
- Canful
- Canids
- Canine
- Caning
- Canker
- Cannas
- Canned
- Cannel
- Canner
- Cannon
- Cannot
- Canoed
- Canoes
- Canola
- Canopy
- Cantar
- Canted
- Canter
- Canthi
- Cantic
- Cantle
- Canton
- Cantor
- Cantos
- Cantus
- Canula
- Canvas
- Canyon
- Capers
- Capful
- Capias
- Caping
- Capita
- Caplin
- Capons
- Capote
- Capped
- Capper
- Capsid
- Captor
- Carack
- Carafe
- Carapa
- Carats
- Carbed
- Carbon
- Carbos
- Carboy
- Carded
- Carder
- Cardia
- Cardio
- Cardon
- Careen
- Career
- Carers
- Carets
- Cargos
- Carhop
- Caribe
- Caries
- Carina
- Caring
- Carked
- Carles
- Carlin
- Carman
- Carmen
- Carnal
- Carnet
- Carney
- Carobs
- Caroli
- Carols
- Caroms
- Carpal
- Carped
- Carpel
- Carper
- Carpet
- Carpus
- Carrel
- Carrom
- Carrot
- Carted
- Cartel
- Carter
- Cartes
- Carton
- Cartop
- Carved
- Carvel
- Carven
- Carver
- Carves
- Casaba
- Casefy
- Casein
- Caught
- Castle
- Casual
- Cattle
- Casino
- Causal
- Cavity
- Caesar
- Cabler
- Cakier
- Callee
- Callet
- Camass
- Camisa
- Cangue
- Cannie
- Canoer
- Canons
- Cantal
- Caplet
- Capric
- Capris
- Carate
- Caress
- Caried
- Carnie
- Caroch
- Casava
- Casbah
- Caseic
- Casern
- Cashed
- Cashew
- Cashoo
- Casing
- Casini
- Casita
- Casked
- Casket
- Casque
- Cassia
- Cassis
- Caster
- Castes
- Castor
- Catchy
- Catena
- Caters
- Catgut
- Cation
- Catkin
- Catlin
- Catnap
- Catnip
- Catsup
- Catted
- Cattie
- Caucus
- Caudad
- Caudal
- Caudex
- Caudle
- Caulds
- Caules
- Caulis
- Caulks
- Caused
- Causer
- Causes
- Causey
- Caveat
- Cavern
- Cavers
- Caviar
- Cavies
- Cavils
- Caving
- Cavort
- Cawing
- Cayman
- Cayuse
- Cabocs
- Cabrio
- Cabrit
- Cacoon
- Cadaga
- Cadagi
- Cadeau
- Cadees
- Cadies
- Caduac
- Cafard
- Cafila
- Cagmag
- Cagots
- Cagoul
- Caille
- Calalu
- Caligo
- Calima
- Callid
- Calpas
- Caltha
- Calver
- Camash
- Camese
- Camply
- Camsho
- Candie
- Canehs
- Cannae
- Caples
- Caprid
- Caract
- Caraps
- Cardan
- Cardie
- Cardis
- Careme
- Carfax
- Carlot
- Carrat
- Carron
- Carsey
- Cartas
- Cascos
- Casted
- Caudae
- Cauker
- Caumed
- Causae
- Causen
- Cautel
- Cauter
- Cauves
- Cavass
- Cavier
- Cawker
- Caxons
6 Letter Words Starting with Ce
- Centre
- Center
- Census
- Cement
- Cereal
- Cellar
- Ceased
- Ceases
- Cebids
- Cecity
- Cedarn
- Cedars
- Cedary
- Ceders
- Ceding
- Cedula
- Ceibas
- Ceiled
- Ceiler
- Ceilis
- Celebs
- Celery
- Celiac
- Celled
- Cellos
- Celoms
- Cenote
- Censed
- Censer
- Censor
- Centai
- Cental
- Centas
- Centos
- Centra
- Centum
- Ceorls
- Cercal
- Cercis
- Cereus
- Ceriph
- Cerise
- Cerite
- Cerium
- Cermet
- Cerous
- Certes
- Ceruse
- Cervid
- Cervix
- Cesium
- Cessed
- Cesses
- Cestas
- Cestos
- Cestus
- Cesura
- Cetane
- Ceazes
- Cecils
- Cembra
- Cendre
- Cerges
- Cerned
- Ceroon
- Cerris
- Cerule
- Cesser
- Cestui
- Cetyls
6 Letter Words Starting with Ch
- Change
- Choice
- Charge
- Chance
- Church
- Choose
- Chosen
- Cheese
- Chapel
- Cherry
- Chorus
- Cheers
- Chabuk
- Chacma
- Chadar
- Chador
- Chadri
- Chaeta
- Chafed
- Chafer
- Chafes
- Chaffs
- Chaffy
- Chaine
- Chains
- Chairs
- Chaise
- Chakra
- Chalah
- Chalet
- Chalks
- Chalky
- Challa
- Chally
- Chalot
- Chammy
- Champs
- Champy
- Chancy
- Changs
- Chants
- Chanty
- Charas
- Chards
- Chared
- Chares
- Charka
- Charks
- Charms
- Charro
- Charrs
- Charry
- Charts
- Chased
- Chaser
- Chases
- Chasms
- Chasmy
- Chasse
- Chaste
- Chatty
- Chaunt
- Chawed
- Chawer
- Chazan
- Cheapo
- Cheaps
- Cheats
- Chebec
- Checks
- Cheder
- Cheeks
- Cheeky
- Cheeps
- Cheery
- Cheesy
- Chefed
- Chegoe
- Chelae
- Chelas
- Chemic
- Chemos
- Cheque
- Cherts
- Cherty
- Cherub
- Chests
- Chesty
- Chevre
- Chewed
- Chewer
- Chiasm
- Chiaus
- Chicas
- Chicer
- Chichi
- Chicks
- Chicle
- Chicly
- Chicos
- Chided
- Chider
- Chides
- Chiefs
- Chiels
- Chigoe
- Childe
- Chiles
- Chilis
- Chilli
- Chills
- Chilly
- Chimar
- Chimbs
- Chimed
- Chimer
- Chimes
- Chimps
- Chinas
- Chinch
- Chined
- Chines
- Chinks
- Chinky
- Chinos
- Chintz
- Chippy
- Chiral
- Chirks
- Chirms
- Chiros
- Chirps
- Chirpy
- Chirre
- Chirrs
- Chisel
- Chital
- Chitin
- Chiton
- Chitty
- Chives
- Chivvy
- Choana
- Chocks
- Choirs
- Choked
- Choker
- Chokes
- Chokey
- Cholas
- Choler
- Cholla
- Cholos
- Chomps
- Chooks
- Choosy
- Chopin
- Choppy
- Choral
- Chords
- Chorea
- Chored
- Chores
- Choric
- Choses
- Chotts
- Chough
- Chouse
- Choush
- Chowed
- Chrism
- Chroma
- Chrome
- Chromo
- Chromy
- Chubby
- Chucks
- Chucky
- Chufas
- Chuffs
- Chuffy
- Chukar
- Chukka
- Chummy
- Chumps
- Chunks
- Chunky
- Chuppa
- Churls
- Churns
- Churro
- Churrs
- Chuted
- Chutes
- Chyles
- Chymes
- Chymic
- Chaced
- Chacks
- Chacos
- Chagan
- Chalan
- Changa
- Chapka
- Chappy
- Charet
- Charta
- Chaton
- Chatta
- Chatti
- Chaufe
- Chauff
- Chawks
- Chayas
- Cheapy
- Checky
- Chelps
- Chemmy
- Chenet
- Chenix
- Chequy
- Cherup
- Chesil
- Cheval
- Cheven
- Chevet
- Chevin
- Chewet
- Chewie
- Chiack
- Chibol
- Chicha
- Chicon
- Chigga
- Chigre
- Chikor
- Childs
- Chinar
- Chirls
- Choccy
- Chocho
- Chocko
- Chocos
- Chokra
- Chokri
- Cholic
- Cholis
- Chooms
- Chorda
- Choree
- Choria
- Chouts
- Chowks
- Chowri
- Chowry
- Chuddy
- Chukor
- Chuses
- Chyack
- Chylde
- Chypre
Related: Words that Start with CH
6 Letter Words Starting with Ci
- Circle
- Cinema
- Circus
- Cibols
- Cicada
- Cicala
- Cicale
- Cicely
- Cicero
- Ciders
- Cigars
- Cilice
- Cilium
- Cinder
- Cineol
- Cinque
- Cipher
- Cirque
- Cirrus
- Ciscos
- Cistus
- Citers
- Cither
- Citied
- Cities
- Citify
- Citing
- Citola
- Citole
- Citral
- Citric
- Citrin
- Citron
- Citrus
- Civets
- Civics
- Civism
- Cicuta
- Cidery
- Cieled
- Cierge
- Ciggie
- Cimars
- Cimier
- Cippus
- Circar
- Cissus
- Cistic
- Citals
- Cityfy
- Cizers
6 Letter Words Starting with Cl
- Client
- Closed
- Clinic
- Clause
- Clever
- Clergy
- Clutch
- Climax
- Closet
- Clachs
- Clacks
- Clades
- Claims
- Clammy
- Clamor
- Clamps
- Clangs
- Clanks
- Clanky
- Claque
- Claret
- Claros
- Clasps
- Claspt
- Classy
- Clasts
- Claver
- Claves
- Clavus
- Clawed
- Clawer
- Claxon
- Clayed
- Clayey
- Cleans
- Clears
- Cleats
- Cleave
- Cleeks
- Clefts
- Clench
- Cleome
- Cleped
- Clepes
- Cleric
- Clerid
- Clerks
- Clevis
- Clewed
- Cliche
- Clicks
- Cliffs
- Cliffy
- Clifts
- Climbs
- Climes
- Clinal
- Clinch
- Clines
- Clings
- Clingy
- Clinks
- Clique
- Cliquy
- Clitic
- Clivia
- Cloaca
- Cloaks
- Cloche
- Clocks
- Cloddy
- Cloggy
- Clomps
- Clonal
- Cloned
- Cloner
- Clones
- Clonic
- Clonks
- Clonus
- Cloots
- Cloque
- Closes
- Clothe
- Cloths
- Clotty
- Clouds
- Cloudy
- Clough
- Clours
- Clouts
- Cloven
- Clover
- Cloves
- Clowns
- Cloyed
- Clozes
- Clubby
- Clucks
- Cluing
- Clumps
- Clumpy
- Clumsy
- Clunks
- Clunky
- Clypei
- Claggy
- Clambe
- Clarts
- Clatch
- Clauts
- Clavie
- Clavis
- Clecks
- Clecky
- Cleeve
- Cleuch
- Cleugh
- Cleves
- Clifty
- Cloams
- Clodly
- Cloffs
- Clovis
- Cloyes
- Clucky
- Clunch
- Clusia
- Clying
- Clyped
- Clypes
6 Letter Words Starting with Co
- Common
- Course
- Coming
- County
- Couple
- Corner
- Covers
- Coffee
- Column
- Copper
- Comply
- Costly
- Combat
- Comedy
- Cotton
- Commit
- Cooper
- Convey
- Cousin
- Collar
- Coupon
- Colony
- Coping
- Corpus
- Coffin
- Cooler
- Coarse
- Cohort
- Cowboy
- Cobalt
- Cosmic
- Corpse
- Covert
- Coacts
- Coalas
- Coaled
- Coaler
- Coapts
- Coasts
- Coated
- Coatee
- Coater
- Coatis
- Coaxal
- Coaxed
- Coaxer
- Coaxes
- Cobber
- Cobble
- Cobias
- Cobles
- Cobnut
- Cobras
- Cobweb
- Coccal
- Coccic
- Coccid
- Coccus
- Coccyx
- Cochin
- Cocked
- Cocker
- Cockle
- Cockup
- Cocoas
- Cocoon
- Codded
- Codder
- Coddle
- Codecs
- Codeia
- Codein
- Codens
- Coders
- Codger
- Codify
- Coding
- Codlin
- Codons
- Coelom
- Coerce
- Coeval
- Coffer
- Cogent
- Cogged
- Cogito
- Cognac
- Cogons
- Cogway
- Cohead
- Coheir
- Cohere
- Cohogs
- Cohosh
- Cohost
- Cohune
- Coifed
- Coiffe
- Coigne
- Coigns
- Coiled
- Coiler
- Coined
- Coiner
- Coital
- Coitus
- Cojoin
- Coking
- Colbys
- Colder
- Coldly
- Coleus
- Colics
- Colies
- Colins
- Collet
- Collie
- Collop
- Colone
- Colons
- Colors
- Colter
- Colugo
- Colure
- Colzas
- Comade
- Comake
- Comate
- Combed
- Comber
- Combes
- Combos
- Comedo
- Comely
- Comers
- Cometh
- Comets
- Comfit
- Comics
- Comity
- Commas
- Commie
- Commix
- Comose
- Comous
- Comped
- Compel
- Compos
- Compts
- Comtes
- Concha
- Concho
- Conchs
- Conchy
- Concur
- Condom
- Condor
- Condos
- Coneys
- Confab
- Confer
- Confit
- Congas
- Congee
- Conger
- Conges
- Congii
- Congos
- Congou
- Conies
- Conine
- Coning
- Conium
- Conked
- Conker
- Conned
- Conner
- Conoid
- Consol
- Consul
- Contes
- Contos
- Contra
- Convex
- Convoy
- Coocoo
- Cooeed
- Cooees
- Cooers
- Cooeys
- Cooing
- Cooked
- Cooker
- Cookey
- Cookie
- Cooled
- Coolie
- Coolly
- Coolth
- Coombe
- Coombs
- Cooped
- Coopts
- Cooter
- Cootie
- Copals
- Copays
- Copeck
- Copens
- Copers
- Copied
- Copier
- Copies
- Copout
- Copped
- Coprah
- Copras
- Copses
- Copter
- Copula
- Coquet
- Corals
- Corban
- Corbel
- Corbie
- Corded
- Corder
- Cordon
- Corers
- Corgis
- Coring
- Corium
- Corked
- Corker
- Cormel
- Cornea
- Corned
- Cornel
- Cornet
- Cornua
- Cornus
- Corody
- Corona
- Corral
- Corrie
- Corsac
- Corset
- Cortex
- Cortin
- Corvee
- Corves
- Corvet
- Corvid
- Corymb
- Coryza
- Cosets
- Coseys
- Coshed
- Cosher
- Coshes
- Cosier
- Cosign
- Cosily
- Cosine
- Cosmid
- Cosmos
- Cosset
- Costal
- Costar
- Costed
- Coster
- Coteau
- Coting
- Cottar
- Cottas
- Cotter
- Cotype
- Cougar
- Coughs
- Coulee
- Coulis
- Counts
- Couped
- Coupes
- Courts
- Couths
- Covary
- Covens
- Covets
- Coveys
- Coving
- Covins
- Cowage
- Coward
- Cowers
- Cowing
- Cowled
- Cowman
- Cowmen
- Cowpat
- Cowpea
- Cowpie
- Cowpox
- Cowrie
- Coxing
- Coydog
- Coyest
- Coying
- Coyish
- Coyote
- Coypou
- Coypus
- Cozens
- Cozeys
- Cozied
- Cozier
- Cozies
- Cozily
- Cozzes
- Coarbs
- Coates
- Cobaea
- Cobbed
- Coburg
- Cobzas
- Coches
- Cocket
- Cocksy
- Codist
- Cogger
- Coggie
- Coggle
- Coggly
- Cogues
- Cohabs
- Cohoes
- Cohorn
- Cokier
- Coldie
- Coleys
- Colled
- Colory
- Coltan
- Colted
- Comart
- Combis
- Comble
- Comice
- Commer
- Commis
- Commos
- Comodo
- Comper
- Conche
- Conder
- Condie
- Confix
- Conged
- Conias
- Conima
- Conjee
- Connes
- Conure
- Convos
- Coomed
- Coosen
- Cootch
- Coozes
- Copita
- Coppin
- Copple
- Coreys
- Cories
- Cormus
- Corozo
- Correa
- Corsey
- Corsos
- Corvus
- Cosech
- Cosmea
- Cosmin
- Cossie
- Costes
- Costus
- Cotise
- Cottid
- Cottus
- Cotwal
- Cotyle
- Coucal
- Couche
- Cougan
- Coupee
- Couper
- Courbs
- Coured
- Courie
- Couthy
- Coutil
- Couzin
- Covent
- Covyne
- Cowals
- Cowans
- Cowish
- Cowped
- Coxier
6 Letter Words Starting with Cr
- Create
- Credit
- Crisis
- Critic
- Cruise
- Crying
- Crunch
- Cradle
- Craals
- Crabby
- Cracks
- Cracky
- Crafts
- Crafty
- Craggy
- Crakes
- Crambe
- Crambo
- Cramps
- Crampy
- Cranch
- Craned
- Cranes
- Crania
- Cranks
- Cranky
- Cranny
- Craped
- Crapes
- Crappy
- Crases
- Crasis
- Cratch
- Crater
- Crates
- Craton
- Cravat
- Craved
- Craven
- Craver
- Craves
- Crawls
- Crawly
- Crayon
- Crazed
- Crazes
- Creaks
- Creaky
- Creams
- Creamy
- Crease
- Creasy
- Creche
- Credal
- Credos
- Creeds
- Creeks
- Creels
- Creeps
- Creepy
- Creese
- Creesh
- Cremes
- Crenel
- Creole
- Creped
- Crepes
- Crepey
- Crepon
- Cresol
- Cressy
- Crests
- Cresyl
- Cretic
- Cretin
- Crewed
- Crewel
- Cricks
- Criers
- Crikey
- Crimes
- Crimps
- Crimpy
- Cringe
- Crinum
- Cripes
- Crises
- Crisps
- Crispy
- Crissa
- Crista
- Croaks
- Croaky
- Crocks
- Crocus
- Crofts
- Crojik
- Crones
- Crooks
- Croons
- Crores
- Crosse
- Crotch
- Croton
- Crouch
- Croupe
- Croupy
- Crouse
- Croute
- Crowds
- Crowdy
- Crower
- Crowns
- Crozer
- Crozes
- Cruces
- Crucks
- Cruddy
- Cruder
- Crudes
- Cruets
- Crumbs
- Crumby
- Crummy
- Crumps
- Cruors
- Crural
- Cruses
- Cruset
- Crusts
- Crusty
- Crutch
- Cruxes
- Crwths
- Crypto
- Crypts
- Cracka
- Craics
- Craigs
- Crames
- Craple
- Crares
- Cratur
- Crayer
- Creach
- Creagh
- Creant
- Creeky
- Cremor
- Crenas
- Cresta
- Crewes
- Criant
- Crible
- Cricky
- Crimen
- Crinal
- Crined
- Criths
- Croche
- Croggy
- Cromed
- Cromes
- Cronet
- Croove
- Croppy
- Crotal
- Crouts
- Crowea
- Cruive
- Crumen
- Crumpy
- Crusta
- Cruzie
6 Letter Words Starting with Cu
- Custom
- Cutter
- Cuatro
- Cubage
- Cubebs
- Cubers
- Cubics
- Cubing
- Cubism
- Cubist
- Cubiti
- Cubits
- Cuboid
- Cuckoo
- Cuddie
- Cuddle
- Cuddly
- Cudgel
- Cueing
- Cuesta
- Cuffed
- Cuisse
- Culets
- Cullay
- Culled
- Culler
- Cullet
- Cullis
- Culmed
- Culpae
- Cultch
- Cultic
- Cultus
- Culver
- Cumber
- Cumbia
- Cumins
- Cummer
- Cummin
- Cumuli
- Cundum
- Cuneal
- Cunner
- Cupels
- Cupful
- Cupids
- Cupola
- Cuppas
- Cupped
- Cupper
- Cupric
- Cuprum
- Cupula
- Cupule
- Curacy
- Curara
- Curare
- Curari
- Curate
- Curbed
- Curber
- Curded
- Curdle
- Curers
- Curfew
- Curiae
- Curial
- Curies
- Curing
- Curios
- Curite
- Curium
- Curled
- Curler
- Curlew
- Curran
- Curred
- Currie
- Cursed
- Curser
- Curses
- Cursor
- Curtal
- Curtly
- Curtsy
- Curule
- Curved
- Curves
- Curvet
- Curvey
- Cuscus
- Cusecs
- Cushat
- Cushaw
- Cuspal
- Cusped
- Cuspid
- Cuspis
- Cussed
- Cusser
- Cusses
- Custos
- Cutely
- Cutest
- Cutesy
- Cuteys
- Cuties
- Cutler
- Cutlet
- Cutoff
- Cutout
- Cuttle
- Cutups
- Cuvees
- Cubane
- Cubbed
- Cudden
- Cuddin
- Cueist
- Cuffin
- Cuffle
- Cuiter
- Culmen
- Culter
- Cumecs
- Cuneus
- Cupmen
- Curats
- Curias
- Curiet
- Curney
- Curpel
- Cursal
- Cursus
- Cushes
- Cushie
- Cushty
- Cutcha
- Cuttoe
- Cuzzes
6 Letter Words Starting with Cy
- Cyanic
- Cyanid
- Cyanin
- Cyborg
- Cycads
- Cycled
- Cycler
- Cycles
- Cyclic
- Cyclin
- Cyclos
- Cyders
- Cyeses
- Cyesis
- Cygnet
- Cymars
- Cymbal
- Cymene
- Cymlin
- Cymoid
- Cymols
- Cymose
- Cymous
- Cynics
- Cypher
- Cypres
- Cyprus
- Cystic
- Cytons
- Cyathi
- Cybrid
- Cyclus
- Cyprid
- Cypris
- Cystid
- Cytase
- Cytisi
- Cytode
- Cytoid
What Are 6 Letter Words?
Six-letter words are used in many different ways. They can be used as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Six-letter words can also be written using letters from the alphabet, including vowels or consonants. The most common letters used for six-letter words include a, b, c, d, e, f, and g.
You might be surprised that the average English-speaking American knows only 4,000 six-letter words.
And if you’re like most people, you know many of those words by sight but not by sound.
That’s why it’s so important to have a good dictionary close at hand whenever you’re writing—especially if you want to write well.
But what are six-letter words? And how many of them are there? The quick answer is only an estimate: there are about 22,000 to 24,000 six-letter words in the English language.
6 letter words starting with C are helpful when playing a game like Wordfeud or Scrabble. We have a list of dictionary words beginning with the letter C.
You can use these six-letter words in your next game of Scrabble or Words With Friends. Try flashcards if you’re looking for a simple way to study these words. You can even create your word lists and quiz yourself regularly.
6 Letter Words Starting with C with Meaning and Examples
- Meaning: A type of plant that typically grows in arid environments, known for its thick, fleshy stems that store water.
- Example: The cactus in the desert can survive long periods without rain.
- Meaning: A device used to capture photographs or record videos.
- Example: She bought a new camera to take pictures on her vacation.
- Meaning: To decide that an event will not take place or to stop an order or subscription.
- Example: They had to cancel the concert due to bad weather.
- Meaning: A stick of wax with a wick in the middle that is burned to provide light.
- Example: She lit a candle to create a cozy atmosphere in the room.
- Meaning: A strong, heavy cloth used for making sails, tents, or as a surface for painting.
- Example: The artist stretched a new canvas for her next painting.
- Meaning: A large building or group of buildings fortified against attack, typically the residence of a noble or king.
- Example: They toured the ancient castle and learned about its history.
- Meaning: Past tense of “catch,” meaning to capture or seize something.
- Example: He caught the ball just before it hit the ground.
- Meaning: The middle point or part of something.
- Example: The fountain is located in the centre of the park.
- Meaning: A wooden house or cottage with overhanging eaves, typically found in the Swiss Alps.
- Example: They rented a chalet for their ski vacation.
- Meaning: To make or become different; to replace something with something else.
- Example: She decided to change her hairstyle for a fresh look.
- Meaning: To demand a price for a service or goods; to accuse someone of a crime; to power up a device.
- Example: The hotel will charge an extra fee for late check-out.
- Meaning: The act of selecting among alternatives.
- Example: He made a choice to pursue his passion for music.
- Meaning: A round shape with all points equidistant from the center.
- Example: The children sat in a circle during story time.
- Meaning: To secure or settle something decisively; also, a wrestling term.
- Example: The team managed to clinch the victory in the final minutes of the game.
- Meaning: A soft, fluffy fiber obtained from the cotton plant, used to make textiles.
- Example: She prefers to wear clothes made of cotton because they are comfortable.
- Meaning: A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting.
- Example: The clamor of the crowd could be heard from blocks away.
- Meaning: To confirm or settle something decisively.
- Example: The final goal clinched the team’s victory in the championship.
- Meaning: To grasp or hold tightly.
- Example: She had to clutch her bag tightly in the crowded subway.
- Meaning: To put together roughly or hastily; also, a small, round stone used in paving.
- Example: He managed to cobble together a solution just in time for the meeting.
- Meaning: Fighting between armed forces.
- Example: The soldiers were trained in close combat techniques.
- Meaning: To act in accordance with a wish or command.
- Example: Employees must comply with company policies.
- Meaning: The point where two lines or surfaces meet.
- Example: She waited for him at the corner of the street.
- Meaning: Expensive; involving a high cost.
- Example: The repairs to the car turned out to be quite costly.
- Meaning: Two individuals of the same sort considered together; a pair.
- Example: The couple celebrated their anniversary with a special dinner.
- Meaning: The route or direction followed by something or someone.
- Example: The ship changed its course to avoid the storm.
- Meaning: A wild animal similar to a wolf, found in North America.
- Example: We heard the howling of a coyote in the distance.
- Meaning: A small bed for an infant, often designed to rock.
- Example: The baby slept peacefully in the cradle.
- Meaning: Skilled at achieving one’s goals by deceit or evasion.
- Example: The crafty fox managed to escape the trap.
- Meaning: The ability to obtain goods or services before payment; recognition for an accomplishment.
- Example: She received credit for her contributions to the project.
- Meaning: Having a firm, dry, and brittle texture.
- Example: The fried chicken was perfectly crispy on the outside.
- Meaning: A traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something.
- Example: It’s a custom in some cultures to remove shoes before entering a home.
- Meaning: A regulation requiring people to remain indoors during designated hours.
- Example: The city imposed a curfew to ensure public safety.
- Meaning: To hold close in one’s arms as a way of showing affection.
- Example: The mother cuddled her baby to comfort him.
- Meaning: A movable indicator on a computer screen that shows where the next character will be entered.
- Example: Move the cursor to the start of the document to begin editing.
- Meaning: Occurring in cycles; regularly repeated.
- Example: The cyclic nature of the seasons affects agricultural planning.
Related links:
- 6 Letter Words Starting with A
- 6 Letter Words Starting with B
- 6 Letter Words Starting with C
- 6 Letter Words Starting with D
- 6 Letter Words Starting with E
- 6 Letter Words Starting with O
- 6 Letter Words Starting with P
- 6 Letter Words Starting with I
- 6 Letter Words Starting with R
- 6 Letter Words Starting with S
- 6 Letter Words Starting with T
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