Looking for 8 letter words that start with C? This reference provides a comprehensive list, making it easy to find what you need. The main sections include words starting with “Ca,” “Ce,” “Ch,” “Ci,” and “Cl.” If you’re compiling a word list or just curious, this is a helpful guide. Check out the different categories and explore the diverse range of words.
List of 8 Letter Words Starting with C
What are 8 letter words starting with C?
Included here is our list of common English words that start with C. While it may not be every word possible, it is many of the most common 8 letter words that you should know.
8 Letter Words Starting with Ca
- Cabalism
- Cabalist
- Cabbaged
- Cabbages
- Cabinets
- Caboodle
- Cabooses
- Cacklers
- Cackling
- Cactuses
- Cadavers
- Caddying
- Cadenced
- Cadences
- Cadmiums
- Caffeine
- Cageless
- Caginess
- Cajolers
- Cajoling
- Cakewalk
- Calamari
- Calamine
- Calamity
- Calcined
- Calcites
- Calciums
- Calculus
- Caldrons
- Calendar
- Calfskin
- Calibers
- Calicoes
- Calipers
- Callback
- Callings
- Callouts
- Callused
- Calluses
- Calories
- Calzones
- Camisole
- Campaign
- Campfire
- Campiest
- Campsite
- Campuses
- Canaries
- Canceled
- Canceler
- Candelas
- Candidly
- Candlers
- Candling
- Canister
- Cannabin
- Cannabis
- Cannibal
- Cannoned
- Canoeing
- Canoodle
- Canopies
- Canteens
- Cantered
- Canvases
- Capacity
- Caperers
- Capitals
- Capsized
- Capsizes
- Capstone
- Capsuled
- Capsules
- Captains
- Captions
- Captives
- Captured
- Capturer
- Captures
- Capuchin
- Capybara
- Caracals
- Caramels
- Carapace
- Caravans
- Caravels
- Caraways
- Carbides
- Carbines
- Carbolic
- Carbonic
- Carboxyl
- Cardamom
- Cardigan
- Cardinal
- Careened
- Careener
- Careered
- Carefree
- Careless
- Caressed
- Caresser
- Caresses
- Careworn
- Caribous
- Carjacks
- Carloads
- Carmaker
- Carnally
- Carnival
- Carolers
- Caroling
- Caroller
- Carotids
- Carousel
- Carpeted
- Carpools
- Carports
- Carriage
- Carriers
- Carrying
- Cartload
- Cartoons
- Carvings
- Cascaded
- Cascades
- Casebook
- Caseless
- Caseload
- Casework
- Cashable
- Cashiers
- Cashless
- Cashmere
- Cassette
- Castaway
- Castings
- Castoffs
- Castrate
- Casually
- Casualty
- Catacomb
- Catalogs
- Catalyst
- Catalyze
- Catapult
- Catcalls
- Catchers
- Catchier
- Catching
- Category
- Caterers
- Catering
- Catheter
- Cathodes
- Catholic
- Cattiest
- Catwalks
- Caucuses
- Cauldron
- Caulkers
- Caulking
- Causally
- Causeway
- Cautions
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Cavities
- Cavorted
- Cavorter
8 Letter Words Starting with Ce
- Ceilings
- Celeriac
- Celeries
- Celibacy
- Celibate
- Cellists
- Cellmate
- Cellular
- Cemented
- Cementer
- Cemetery
- Censored
- Censured
- Censurer
- Censures
- Censuses
- Centaurs
- Centered
- Centrism
- Centrist
- Ceramics
- Cerebral
- Cerebric
- Cerebrum
- Ceremony
- Cerulean
- Cervical
- Cervices
- Cervixes
- Cesarean
- Cesspits
- Cesspool
8 Letter Words Starting with Ch
- Chaffing
- Chagrins
- Chaining
- Chairing
- Chairman
- Chalices
- Chalkier
- Chambers
- Champing
- Champion
- Chancers
- Chancing
- Changers
- Changeup
- Changing
- Channels
- Chanters
- Chanting
- Chaplain
- Chappies
- Chapters
- Charades
- Charcoal
- Chargers
- Charging
- Chariots
- Charisma
- Charmers
- Charming
- Charring
- Charters
- Charting
- Chastity
- Chatroom
- Chattels
- Chatters
- Chattier
- Chatting
- Chauffer
- Cheapens
- Cheapest
- Cheapish
- Cheaters
- Cheating
- Checkers
- Checking
- Checkoff
- Checkout
- Checkups
- Cheddars
- Cheekier
- Cheekily
- Cheeping
- Cheerers
- Cheerful
- Cheerier
- Cheerily
- Cheering
- Cheesier
- Cheesily
- Cheetahs
- Chemical
- Chemists
- Cherries
- Chessmen
- Chestnut
- Chevrons
- Chewable
- Chewiest
- Chiccory
- Chickens
- Chickpea
- Chicness
- Chiefdom
- Chiffons
- Chiggers
- Childish
- Children
- Chilidog
- Chillers
- Chillier
- Chilling
- Chimeras
- Chimneys
- Chipmunk
- Chipotle
- Chipping
- Chirpers
- Chirping
- Chiseled
- Chitchat
- Chitlins
- Chitters
- Chivalry
- Chloride
- Chlorine
- Choicest
- Choirboy
- Choleras
- Chomping
- Choosers
- Choosier
- Choosing
- Choppers
- Choppier
- Choppily
- Chopping
- Chortled
- Chortles
- Chorused
- Choruses
- Chowders
- Christen
- Chromium
- Chubbier
- Chuckers
- Chucking
- Chuckled
- Chuckler
- Chuckles
- Chuffing
- Chuggers
- Chugging
- Chummier
- Chummily
- Chumming
- Chumping
- Chumpish
- Chunkier
- Chunkily
- Churches
- Churlish
- Churners
- Churning
- Chutneys
8 Letter Words Starting with Ci
- Cichlids
- Cilantro
- Cinching
- Cinnamon
- Ciphered
- Cipherer
- Circlers
- Circlets
- Circling
- Circuits
- Circular
- Circuses
- Cisterns
- Citadels
- Citation
- Citeable
- Citifies
- Citizens
- Citrates
- Citruses
- Citylike
- Citywide
- Civilian
- Civilize
- Civility
8 Letter Words Starting with Cl
- Clackers
- Clacking
- Claimant
- Claimers
- Claiming
- Clambake
- Clambers
- Clamlike
- Clammers
- Clammier
- Clamming
- Clamored
- Clamorer
- Clamping
- Clangers
- Clanging
- Clanking
- Clanless
- Clansman
- Clapback
- Clappers
- Clapping
- Claptrap
- Clarinet
- Clashers
- Clashing
- Clasping
- Classics
- Classier
- Classify
- Classily
- Classism
- Clatters
- Clavicle
- Claymore
- Cleaners
- Cleanest
- Cleaning
- Cleanout
- Cleansed
- Cleanser
- Cleavage
- Clergies
- Clickers
- Climates
- Clingers
8 Letter Words Starting with C with Meaning and Examples
- Meaning: A person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition, especially in sports
- Example: She was crowned the champion after winning all her matches in the tournament.
- Meaning: Having all the necessary parts; whole
- Example: He managed to complete the project ahead of the deadline.
- Meaning: To think carefully about something, typically before making a decision
- Example: She took a moment to consider her options before responding.
- Meaning: A person who purchases goods or services from another
- Example: The store manager greeted each customer with a smile.
- Meaning: A long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads
- Example: She added slices of cucumber to the salad for extra crunch.
- Meaning: Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments
- Example: The critic’s review was highly critical of the new play.
- Meaning: A compound formed in protein metabolism and present in much living tissue. It is involved in the supply of energy for muscular contraction.
- Example: Athletes often take creatine supplements to enhance their performance.
- Meaning: To flatten by pressure; squeeze or press
- Example: He used a cloth to compress the wound and stop the bleeding.
- Meaning: A written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.
- Example: The company offered him a contract for the new position.
- Meaning: The maximum amount that something can contain.
- Example: The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000 people.
- Meaning: An organized course of action to achieve a particular goal.
- Example: They launched a campaign to raise awareness about environmental issues.
- Meaning: Careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.
- Example: He was very cautious when crossing the busy street.
- Meaning: A burial ground; a place where the dead are buried
- Example: They visited the cemetery to pay their respects to their ancestors.
- Meaning: A formal event held on special occasions
- Example: The graduation ceremony was attended by students, families, and faculty members.
- Meaning: A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one
- Example: The conflict between the two countries has lasted for several years.
- Meaning: Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society
- Example: The festival is a significant cultural event that attracts people from around the world.
- Meaning: A system of money in general use in a particular country
- Example: The currency of Japan is the yen.
- Meaning: Able to cure disease
- Example: The herbal tea is believed to have curative properties.
- Meaning: Soft and comfortable, like a cushion
- Example: The new sofa is very cushiony and perfect for relaxing.
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