What are positive adjectives that start with L? If you’ve ever heard a person talk, then you’ve probably heard them use the word lovable. These words are adjectives used to describe things or people that make you feel good about yourself.
So what does lovable have to do with adjectives? Well, six positive adjectives start with l; Loyalty, Lovability, Loyalties, Lovelessness, Lovingness, and Lovingly. These words all help show the world who you are and how much you care about them. They’re also some of the more common positive adjectives that start with l in English.
Positive Adjectives that Start with L
What are Positive Adjectives?
Positive adjectives are words that describe something or someone in a good way. They can be used to describe yourself and other people. Many positive adjectives start with l in the English language, but here are some more common ones; lovingness, loyalty, lovingly, loyalties and love.
List of Positive Adjectives that Start with L
Below are 80+ positive adjectives that start with letter “L”.
- Ladylike
- Laid-back
- Lambent
- Large
- Large-hearted
- Larkish
- Larruping
- Lasting
- Latitudinarian
- Laudable
- Laudatory
- Laureate
- Lavish
- Law-abiding
- Lawful
- Leading
- Leading-edge
- Learned
- Legal
- Legendary
- Legible
- Legit
- Legitimate
- Leisured
- Leisurely
- Lenient
- Lepid
- Lettered
- Level-headed
- Liberal
- Liberated
- Liberating
- Light
- Light-footed
- Likable
- Liked
- Likely
- Like-minded
- Limber
- Limitless
- Limpid
- Lionhearted
- Lissome
- Literary
- Literate
- Lithe
- Lithesome
- Livable
- Live
- Lively
- Living
- Logical
- Long-awaited
- Long-established
- Long-standing
- Loquacious
- Lordly
- Lovable
- Loved
- Lovely
- Loving
- Loyal
- Lucent
- Lucid
- Lucky
- Lucrative
- Luminous
- Luscious
- Lush
- Lustrous
- Lusty
- Luxuriant
- Luxurious
- Lynx-eyed
- Lyrical
- LÅ«culentus
- Lucullan
- Luminiferous
- Laughing
- Lead
- Lean
- Learnable
- Life
- Lighthearted
- Likeable
- Lofty
- Loveable
- Low-maintenance
- Low-risk
- Lanky
- Laurelled
- Lowly
- Lifelong
- Lengthy
- Languid
- Loaded
- Latent
- Latter
- Legislative
- Leaflike
- Lavender
- Leafy
- Licensed
- Light-hearted
- Lenitive
- Longanimous
- Laconic
- Leaderly
- Leonine
- Level
- Life-affirming
- Long-lasting
- Long-suffering
- Longing
- Loud
- Lustful
Related: Positive Words that Start with L
Positive Adjectives that Start with L with their Meanings
- Laudable: praiseworthy
- Laughing: Be joyful or happy
- Lavish: cost a lot or give widely
- Lead: determine, guide, control or manage; put ahead of others; an example; to lie in front of something to protect it from danger, like a ship, etc; to be the first or foremost in a group of people (as if being a leader)
- Leading: put in front and take in the rear; guiding leader
- Lean: A person’s weight as a proportion of body mass; also an adjective that describes someone who is thin or skinny
- Learnable: Able to be learned, teachable, study able, can actually be studied; or any other verb or adjective that means you can learn from something (or someone)
- Learned: To have a lot of knowledge about a subject; knowledgeable (often used to describe an expert)
- Legendary: Famous for doing something wonderful like saving the world; famous all over the world
- Legitimate: Of or pertaining to a person’s birth (or legal parentage); not illegitimate
- Life: living, alive; something that is alive and has a beginning, middle and end
- Lighthearted: happy; full of joy; merry; carefree; happy with oneself or others
- Likable: characterizes someone as being likable, very pleasurable, and enjoyable to be around
- Likeable: liked by others, capable of entertaining and entertaining others, pleasant looking, or made with likeability in mind (as opposed to dislikeability)
- Limitless: great quantity of something or someone who has an unlimited amount of it or themself(s)
- Literate: an adjective that describes someone who has gone to school
- Lithe: flexible, supple; limber (as in they can bend their body easily), also an adjective that describes someone who can bend easily
- Liveable: A place that is livable is a nice place to live; that you can live in without any troubles or difficulties living there
- Lively: active, energetic, vibrant, vigorous, high-spirited and cheerful
- Lofty: high and grand and impressive
- Lovable: attractive, attractive to the senses; able to be loved or liked by others or yourself
- Loveable: Someone who is loveable is nice though not necessarily exactly loveable; a person who can be loved and liked by someone, they’re just normal but not boring
- Lovely: beautiful in appearance or quite pleasing to the ear; also an adjective that describes something that’s lovely because it’s beautiful to look at or hear; often used to refer to something made with beauty in mind (as opposed to unlovable)
- Loyal: True, faithful, steadfast and undeviating in one’s loyalty towards someone or something
- Lucrative: Profitable, profitable; profitable employment or career.
- Lush: rich and extremely plentiful; also an adjective that describes a person who is rich and really has a lot of something.
- Lustrous: shiny, glistening and sparkling like diamonds or jewels
- Luxurious: Adorned with luxury; associated with opulence (a life of luxury); lavish; rich, extravagant
- Lucrative: Profitable, profitable; profitable employment or career
Positive adjectives are words that describe things or people positively and can be used to describe yourself, other people and even things like locations. These adjectives all go together in the English language to help convey that something or someone is worth your time.
L Words to Describe Someone
List of Nice, Kind L Words to Describe A Person
- Ladylike – refined and well-mannered
- Laid-back – relaxed and easy-going
- Lambent – softly glowing or flickering
- Large – big in size or quantity
- Large-hearted – generous and kind
- Larkish – playful and mischievous
- Larruping – excellent or impressive
- Lasting – enduring and long-lasting
- Latitudinarian – tolerant and broad-minded
- Laudable – praiseworthy and admirable
- Laudatory – expressing praise and admiration
- Laureate – honored with an award or distinction
- Lavish – luxurious and extravagant
- Law-abiding – obedient to the law
- Lawful – legal and authorized
- Leading – at the forefront or in a prominent position
- Leading-edge – innovative and advanced
- Learned – knowledgeable and educated
- Legal – authorized by law
- Legendary – famous and well-known
- Legible – clear and easy to read
- Legit – legitimate and honest
- Legitimate – genuine and valid
- Leisured – having leisure time
- Leisurely – relaxed and unhurried
- Lenient – tolerant and forgiving
- Lepid – charming and attractive
- Lettered – educated and well-read
- Level-headed – calm and rational
- Liberal – open-minded and progressive
- Liberated – free and independent
- Liberating – freeing and empowering
- Light – bright and radiant
- Light-footed – nimble and graceful
- Likable – pleasant and easy to like
- Liked – appreciated and admired
- Likely – probable and expected
- Like-minded – having similar attitudes or interests
- Limber – flexible and agile
- Limitless – without limits or boundaries
- Limpid – clear and transparent
- Lionhearted – brave and courageous
- Lissome – graceful and flexible
- Literary – relating to literature or writing
- Literate – able to read and write
- Lithe – flexible and graceful
- Lithesome – agile and nimble
- Livable – suitable for living in
- Live – alive and active
- Lively – energetic and animated
- Living – existing and active
- Logical – rational and reasonable
- Long-awaited – eagerly anticipated and waited for
- Long-established – having been in existence for a long time
- Long-standing – having existed for a long time
- Loquacious – talkative and chatty
- Lordly – dignified and majestic
- Lovable – endearing and charming
- Loved – cherished and adored
- Lovely – beautiful and attractive
- Loving – affectionate and caring
- Loyal – faithful and dedicated
- Lucent – shining and bright
- Lucid – clear and easy to understand
- Lucky – fortunate and favored by luck
- Lucrative – profitable and financially rewarding
- Luminous – glowing and radiant
- Luscious – delicious and tempting
- Lush – rich and abundant
- Lustrous – shiny and glossy
- Lusty – full of energy and vigor
- Luxuriant – rich and abundant
- Luxurious – elegant and indulgent
- Lynx-eyed – sharp-sighted and observant
- Lyrical – poetic and expressive
- LÅ«culentus – bright and shining
- Lucullan – luxurious and extravagant
- Luminiferous – producing or transmitting light
- Laughing – expressing joy and amusement through laughter
- Lead – having a position of authority or being in front
- Lean – thin or having little fat, or being efficient and streamlined
- Learnable – capable of being learned or acquired
- Life – relating to or characteristic of living organisms
- Lighthearted – carefree and cheerful
- Likeable – easy to like or have a positive impression of
- Lofty – elevated in height or having high ideals or aspirations
- Loveable – easy to love or have affection for
- Low-maintenance – requiring little effort or attention to maintain
- Low-risk – involving little potential for harm or loss
- Lanky – tall and thin, often with an awkward appearance
- Laurelled – having won a prize or honor, often symbolized by a wreath of laurel leaves
- Lowly – humble or of low status or importance
- Lifelong – lasting or existing for the duration of a person’s life
- Lengthy – being long in duration or extent
- Languid – lacking energy or vitality, often with a relaxed or lazy appearance
- Loaded – having a heavy load or being rich in content or meaning
- Latent – existing but not yet developed or visible
- Latter – being the second of two things mentioned
- Legislative – relating to the making of laws
- Leaflike – resembling a leaf in appearance or nature
- Lavender – having a pale purple color, or having a pleasant fragrance
- Leafy – covered in or having many leaves
- Licensed – authorized or having a legal permit or certification
- Light-hearted – carefree and cheerful
- Lenitive – having a soothing or alleviating effect
- Longanimous – patient and enduring, often in the face of adversity
- Laconic – using few words or being concise in speech or writing
- Leaderly – having the qualities of a leader or being capable of leading
- Leonine – resembling or characteristic of a lion
- Level – being flat or even, or being fair and impartial
- Life-affirming – promoting or emphasizing the value and importance of life
- Long-lasting – lasting for a long time or being durable
- Long-suffering – patient and enduring, often in the face of hardship or mistreatment
- Longing – having a strong desire or yearning for something
- Loud – producing a lot of sounds or being outspoken and attention-grabbing
- Lustful – having strong sexual desires or being characterized by lust.
Resources Related to Positive L Adjectives
Explore more A-Z positive adjectives
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