In this reference, you’ll explore the world of 9-letter words, diving into categories based on their starting letters. This reference is broken down into easy-to-follow sections, each focusing on a particular letter, from A to Z. You will also find a section dedicated to common 9-letter words along with their meanings. Enjoy learning new words and testing your skills in a unique way!
9 Letter Words
What Are 9 Letter Words?
9 letter words are very difficult to find and a great challenge! Since they’re 9 letter words and not 8, there is one more letter than the average 7 or 8 letter word. Students often overlook these longer words as they focus on the most common and simple words. However, this article will share some 9 letter words that everyone can enjoy!
9 Letter Words Starting with A
- Aardvarks
- Abamperes
- Abandoned
- Abandonee
- Abandoner
- Abjection
- Acceptive
- Acclivity
- Accompany
- Accumbent
- Acquiesce
- Acquihire
- Acquittal
- Acquitter
- Actualize
- Acyclovir
- Adjacency
- Adjective
- Adjunctly
- Adjustive
- Adjutancy
- Affective
- Affixable
- Affixment
- Affluenza
- Alchemize
- Alicyclic
- Alkalizer
- Aluminize
- Amazement
- Amazingly
- Amazonite
- Amberjack
- Amblyopic
- Amphiboly
- Amphioxus
- Analogize
- Anatomize
- Anglicize
- Animalize
- Annualize
- Anonymize
- Anthozoan
- Antiknock
- Antiquark
- Antiquary
- Antiquity
- Apocrypha
- Apoenzyme
- Apologize
- Appetizer
- Applejack
- Aquaplane
- Aquaponic
- Aquilegia
- Arabesque
- Arabicize
- Archduchy
- Asphyxial
- Auxotroph
- Avizandum
- Awkwardly
- Axiomatic
- Azimuthal
Learn more: Words Starting with A
9 Letter Words Starting with B
- Babblings
- Babelized
- Babirusas
- Babyccino
- Babyishly
- Bacchanal
- Backbench
- Backbiter
- Backblock
- Backboard
- Backcloth
- Backcourt
- Backcrawl
- Backcross
- Backdraft
- Backfield
- Backhouse
- Backlight
- Backpedal
- Backplane
- Backplate
- Backrower
- Backshift
- Backsight
- Backslash
- Backspace
- Backstamp
- Backswept
- Backswing
- Backsword
- Backtrack
- Backwater
- Bacterize
- Bafflegab
- Bailiwick
- Bajillion
- Bakeapple
- Baldaquin
- Balkanize
- Balthazar
- Bamboozle
- Banqueter
- Banquette
- Barbarize
- Barkcloth
- Barmbrack
- Baroquely
- Bashfully
- Bazillion
- Beachball
- Beatboxer
- Becquerel
- Bedjacket
- Bellyflop
- Benchmark
- Benchwork
- Benzenoid
- Benzidine
- Bespeckle
- Biaxially
- Biblicism
- Biconcave
- Bijection
- Bijective
- Bilharzia
- Billycock
- Biohazard
- Birchbark
- Bizarrely
- Blackball
- Blackbelt
- Blackbird
- Blackbody
- Blackbuck
- Blackbutt
- Blackcock
- Blackface
- Blackfish
- Blackhead
- Blackhole
- Blackjack
- Blackland
- Blacklead
- Blackmail
- Blackpoll
- Blackspot
- Blackwall
- Blackwood
- Blackwork
- Blasphemy
- Blazingly
- Bleomycin
- Blizzardy
- Blockhead
- Blockhole
- Blockship
- Blockwork
- Bloodbank
- Bobweight
- Bodycheck
- Bodyclock
- Bombazine
- Bombproof
- Bombshell
- Bombsight
- Bookmaker
- Bookshelf
- Bootblack
- Booziness
- Boutiquey
- Bouzoukia
- Boxercise
- Breakbulk
- Breakneck
- Breezeway
- Brickwork
- Brickyard
- Briquette
- Brummagem
- Brushback
- Brushwork
- Brusquely
- Brusquest
- Brutalize
- Bubblejet
- Buckboard
- Buckbrush
- Bucketful
- Buckhound
- Buckteeth
- Buckthorn
- Bucktooth
- Buckwheat
- Buckyball
- Buckytube
- Bulgingly
- Bulldozer
- Bullfight
- Bullfinch
- Bumblebee
- Bumbledom
- Bumpkinly
- Burlesque
- Bushwhack
- Buxomness
- Byproduct
- Byzantine
Study more: Words Starting with B
9 Letter Words Starting with C
- Cabaletta
- Cabalisms
- Cabalists
- Caballero
- Cachectic
- Cacodylic
- Cacophony
- Calcifuge
- Cambozola
- Camelback
- Campcraft
- Camphoric
- Capsulize
- Carbazole
- Carbonize
- Carburize
- Carcajous
- Carjacker
- Carryback
- Cartelize
- Casualize
- Catalyzer
- Cataplexy
- Catchpoll
- Catechize
- Cauterize
- Cavewoman
- Cavewomen
- Cellblock
- Chabazite
- Chaffinch
- Chaffweed
- Chalazion
- Chalkface
- Chalkhill
- Chalutzim
- Champagne
- Champaign
- Champerty
- Champleve
- Chanceful
- Changeful
- Chapstick
- Chauffeur
- Chawbacon
- Chazzanim
- Chazzenim
- Cheapjack
- Checkable
- Checkbook
- Checkless
- Checklist
- Checkmark
- Checkmate
- Checkrein
- Checkroom
- Cheechako
- Cheekbone
- Chemurgic
- Chernozem
- Chibouque
- Chickadee
- Chiefship
- Chinkapin
- Chintzily
- Chipmaker
- Chivalric
- Chockfull
- Chokehold
- Chokingly
- Choplogic
- Chopsocky
- Chopstick
- Chowhound
- Chowkidar
- Chromakey
- Chronaxie
- Chuckhole
- Churchkey
- Churchman
- Churchmen
- Cicatrize
- Citizenly
- Citizenry
- Civically
- Civilizer
- Clampdown
- Claviform
- Clerkship
- Clickable
- Clickbait
- Climactic
- Climbable
- Climbdown
- Clingfilm
- Clinquant
- Clocklike
- Clockwise
- Clockwork
- Clownfish
- Clozapine
- Clubbable
- Coachwhip
- Coachwork
- Coadjutor
- Coaxially
- Coaxingly
- Cocainize
- Coccidium
- Coccygeal
- Cockamamy
- Cockfight
- Cocklebur
- Cockneyfy
- Cockroach
- Cockscomb
- Cocksfoot
- Coequally
- Cofferdam
- Cognizant
- Colchicum
- Colloquia
- Colluvium
- Columbium
- Combative
- Commencer
- Commingle
- Commodify
- Communism
- Community
- Communize
- Compactly
- Complexly
- Complicit
- Concavely
- Concavity
- Conjugacy
- Conjugant
- Conjugate
- Conqueror
- Convexity
- Cookshack
- Coulombic
- Countback
- Covalency
- Coxcombry
- Crackback
- Crackdown
- Cracksman
- Cracksmen
- Creampuff
- Criticize
- Crookback
- Crookneck
- Crowquill
- Cryptonym
- Cubbyhole
- Cubically
- Cubiculum
- Cuckoldry
- Currajong
- Currycomb
- Customize
- Cybercafe
- Cyberpunk
- Cyclepath
- Cyclicity
- Cymbidium
- Cymophane
- Cytotoxic
- Czarevich
Find out more: Words Starting with C
9 Letter Words Starting with D
- Dejection
- Deoxidize
- Diabolize
- Diazonium
- Diazotize
- Diazotype
- Disclimax
- Dizygotic
- Dizziness
- Djellabah
- Dogmatize
- Dominique
- Dumbfound
- Dumbphone
- Dumptruck
- Duplexity
Discover more: Words Starting with D
9 Letter Words Starting with E
- Eagerness
- Eaglewood
- Ealdorman
- Ealdormen
- Earliness
- Economize
- Effluvium
- Effluxion
- Ejaculate
- Ejectable
- Ejectment
- Eloquence
- Embezzler
- Empathize
- Emphasize
- Enjoyable
- Enjoyably
- Enjoyment
- Enzymatic
- Epicyclic
- Epimerize
- Epitomize
- Epizootic
- Epoxidize
- Equalizer
- Equatable
- Equifinal
- Equimolar
- Equipment
- Equisetum
- Equitable
- Equitably
- Equivocal
- Equivoque
- Euphemize
- Euphonize
- Exactable
- Excavator
- Excentric
- Exception
- Exceptive
- Excessive
- Exchanger
- Exchequer
- Excipient
- Excisable
- Exciseman
- Excisemen
- Excitable
- Excitably
- Excitedly
- Excitonic
- Exclaimer
- Exclusive
- Excrement
- Excretive
- Exculpate
- Excursive
- Excusable
- Excusably
- Execrable
- Execrably
- Executive
- Executrix
- Exemplary
- Exemplify
- Exemption
- Exequatur
- Exercycle
- Exhalable
- Exocyclic
- Exoenzyme
- Exophoric
- Exoticize
- Expansive
- Expectant
- Expensive
- Expletive
- Explicate
- Explosive
- Exponible
- Expulsive
- Exquisite
- Exultancy
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9 Letter Words Starting with F
- Factorize
- Fancywork
- Fetishize
- Feudalize
- Fightback
- Filmmaker
- Fizziness
- Flaccidly
- Flambeaux
- Flammable
- Flappable
- Flashback
- Flashbulb
- Flexitime
- Flippancy
- Fluidizer
- Flunkyism
- Fluxional
- Folkweave
- Foppishly
- Forecheck
- Forejudge
- Formalize
- Formulize
- Foxhunter
- Freezable
- Frenchify
- Frequence
- Frequency
- Frizzante
- Fuzziness
Find out more: Words Starting with F
9 Letter Words Starting with G
- Gallicize
- Galvanize
- Gangplank
- Gauzelike
- Gawkishly
- Gazehound
- Gazillion
- Geologize
- Germanize
- Gigahertz
- Gigapixel
- Gimmickry
- Glamorize
- Globalize
- Glycaemic
- Gogglebox
- Goldbrick
- Gorgonize
- Gospelize
- Gothicize
- Grandezza
- Gravadlax
- Graywacke
- Grazeable
- Greywacke
- Gunnysack
- Gutbucket
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9 Letter Words Starting with H
- Hackberry
- Hammerkop
- Haphazard
- Harlequin
- Harmonize
- Harquebus
- Hatchback
- Hawkishly
- Hawksbill
- Heffalump
- Hellenize
- Helpfully
- Hemicycle
- Hemolymph
- Hexachord
- Hexaploid
- Hillclimb
- Hollyhock
- Homoeobox
- Homonymic
- Honeycomb
- Huckaback
- Humanizer
- Humbucker
- Hunchback
- Hybridize
- Hydrazide
- Hydrazine
- Hydrolyze
- Hydrozoan
- Hylozoism
- Hylozoist
- Hypercube
- Hypergamy
- Hypericum
- Hypertext
- Hypnotize
- Hypomanic
- Hypomorph
- Hypoxemia
- Hypoxemic
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9 Letter Words Starting with I
- Imidazole
- Immixture
- Immovable
- Immovably
- Immunizer
- Impactful
- Impluvium
- Inequable
- Inexactly
- Influenza
- Injectant
- Injection
- Injective
- Injustice
- Ionizable
- Isoenzyme
- Izimbongi
- Izinyanga
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9 Letter Words Starting with J
- Jaborandi
- Jacaranda
- Jackfruit
- Jackknife
- Jacklight
- Jackscrew
- Jacksmelt
- Jackstaff
- Jackstraw
- Jacquerie
- Jailbreak
- Jambalaya
- Jargonish
- Jargonize
- Jarringly
- Jayhawker
- Jaywalker
- Jazziness
- Jealously
- Jeeringly
- Jellybean
- Jellyfish
- Jellylike
- Jellyroll
- Jerkwater
- Jestingly
- Jewelfish
- Jewellike
- Jitterbug
- Jiujutsus
- Jobholder
- Jockstrap
- Jocularly
- Jocundity
- Jointedly
- Jointworm
- Jokesmith
- Joliotium
- Jollytail
- Joviality
- Joyfuller
- Joylessly
- Joypopper
- Joyridden
- Jubilance
- Judgeship
- Judgmatic
- Judiciary
- Judicious
- Juicehead
- Juiceless
- Juiciness
- Jumpiness
- Jumpsuits
- Junctural
- Juneberry
- Junkerdom
- Junkerism
- Junketeer
- Juridical
- Jurywoman
- Jurywomen
- Juvenilia
- Juxtapose
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9 Letter Words Starting with K
- Kabeljauw
- Kanamycin
- Kaolinize
- Kavakavas
- Kazillion
- Kerfuffle
- Kibbitzer
- Kibbutzim
- Kickboard
- Kickboxer
- Kilocycle
- Kilohertz
- Kilojoule
- Kingmaker
- Kinkajous
- Klezmorim
- Knavishly
- Knobstick
- Knockdown
- Knowingly
- Krummholz
- Krummhorn
- Kymograph
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9 Letter Words Starting with L
- Labialize
- Lacquerer
- Lampblack
- Lebkuchen
- Lemmatize
- Lespedeza
- Lexically
- Liquidity
- Liquidize
- Localizer
- Loquacity
- Lorazepam
- Lymphatic
- Lyophobic
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9 Letter Words Starting with M
- Machzorim
- Magnetize
- Maharajah
- Majolicas
- Majordomo
- Majuscule
- Mammalogy
- Mammiform
- Mammogram
- Mannequin
- Manzanita
- Maquisard
- Marbleize
- Marijuana
- Marketize
- Marmalize
- Marquetry
- Martyrize
- Matchbook
- Matchlock
- Matchplay
- Mawkishly
- Maxillary
- Maximally
- Maximizer
- Mazaedium
- Mechanize
- Meclizine
- Megacycle
- Megahertz
- Megapixel
- Memorizer
- Mercerize
- Mesmerize
- Metallize
- Metaxylem
- Methodize
- Metricize
- Metroplex
- Mezzaluna
- Mezzanine
- Mezzotint
- Microchip
- Microcopy
- Micronize
- Midweekly
- Midwicket
- Milkshake
- Milkvetch
- Minimizer
- Misadjust
- Mispickel
- Mobilizer
- Mobocracy
- Mockingly
- Modernize
- Mollymawk
- Moneyback
- Monkeypod
- Monocoque
- Monophyly
- Monzonite
- Moonquake
- Morphemic
- Muckamuck
- Muckraker
- Mujahedin
- Mujahidin
- Mullygrub
- Multipack
- Multiplex
- Multisize
- Mumchance
- Mummichog
- Mutualize
- Muzziness
- Mycophagy
- Mycophile
- Mycotoxin
- Mythicize
- Mythmaker
- Myxoedema
- Myxoviral
- Myxovirus
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9 Letter Words Starting with N
- Nagualism
- Nahcolite
- Namecheck
- Nebulizer
- Neckcloth
- Nighthawk
- Noncyclic
- Nonexempt
- Nonfrozen
- Noninjury
- Nonliquid
- Nonunique
- Normalize
- Notchback
- Numbingly
- Numbskull
- Nymphaeum
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9 Letter Words Starting with O
- Objectify
- Objection
- Objective
- Objurgate
- Obliquely
- Obliquity
- Occupance
- Occupancy
- Optimizer
- Outdazzle
- Outjockey
- Overcheck
- Overclock
- Overexact
- Overglaze
- Overgraze
- Overprize
- Oxazolone
- Oxycodone
- Oxygenize
- Oxyphilic
Related: Words Starting with O
9 Letter Words Starting with P
- Pacemaker
- Pachyderm
- Pachynema
- Packboard
- Packcloth
- Packetize
- Paganizer
- Palanquin
- Palletize
- Panjandra
- Panzootic
- Paparazzi
- Paparazzo
- Paperback
- Pappyshow
- Paralyzer
- Paranymph
- Parbuckle
- Parquetry
- Passivize
- Patchwork
- Pauperize
- Paycheque
- Pelletize
- Pepperbox
- Perilymph
- Peroxidic
- Phenazine
- Phenocopy
- Phenoxide
- Philippic
- Photobomb
- Photolyze
- Phycology
- Pickaback
- Pickproof
- Pickpurse
- Pickthank
- Picnicker
- Pidginize
- Piggyback
- Piggybank
- Pikeperch
- Pillarbox
- Pinchbeck
- Pipsqueak
- Piquantly
- Pitchfork
- Pizzalike
- Pizzerias
- Pizzicati
- Pizzicato
- Placekick
- Plaquette
- Plastique
- Platinize
- Playfully
- Plexiform
- Pluralize
- Pocketful
- Podzolise
- Podzolize
- Poeticize
- Pokerwork
- Polygamic
- Polymorph
- Polymyxin
- Polyphagy
- Polyphony
- Polyptych
- Polytypic
- Polyvinyl
- Pompholyx
- Poppycock
- Pozzolana
- Preconize
- Prefrozen
- Prejudger
- Prejudice
- Preoccupy
- Privatize
- Proenzyme
- Projector
- Prologize
- Protozoic
- Proximity
- Psalmbook
- Psychical
- Publicize
- Puckishly
- Pullquote
- Pulverize
- Punchball
- Punchbowl
- Punchcard
- Puppyhood
- Puppylike
- Pushfully
- Pycnidium
- Pyridoxal
- Pyrolyzer
- Pyromancy
- Pyroxenic
- Pyroxylin
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9 Letter Words Starting with Q
- Qalandars
- Quadrants
- Quadrated
- Quadrates
- Quadratic
- Quadrivia
- Quadruple
- Quadruply
- Quaffable
- Quantizer
- Quarryman
- Quarrymen
- Quartzite
- Quartzose
- Quebracho
- Queenfish
- Queenlike
- Queenship
- Quercetin
- Querencia
- Quickbeam
- Quickener
- Quickfire
- Quicklime
- Quickness
- Quicksand
- Quickstep
- Quicktime
- Quiescent
- Quillback
- Quillwork
- Quillwort
- Quintuple
- Quintuply
- Quitclaim
- Quittance
- Quiverful
- Quixotism
- Quizzical
- Quodlibet
- Quotative
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9 Letter Words Starting with R
- Randomize
- Razorback
- Razorbill
- Razorfish
- Rebaptize
- Rebbetzin
- Rebbitzin
- Recognize
- Reconquer
- Reflexive
- Rejective
- Relacquer
- Reliquefy
- Reoxidize
- Requalify
- Rheumatiz
- Rhizobial
- Rhizobium
- Rhizotomy
- Rubberize
- Ruggedize
Related: Words Starting with R
9 Letter Words Starting with S
- Sabadilla
- Sabbatize
- Sablefish
- Saltchuck
- Saprozoic
- Saxitoxin
- Schmaltzy
- Schmecker
- Schmoozer
- Schnauzer
- Schnecken
- Schnitzel
- Schnozzle
- Scrubfowl
- Scuzzball
- Semimajor
- Sequacity
- Sequencer
- Sexcapade
- Sexualize
- Sforzandi
- Sforzando
- Shadowbox
- Shamanize
- Shaykhdom
- Shellback
- Shemozzle
- Shipwreck
- Shockjock
- Shockwave
- Showbizzy
- Signalbox
- Sitzkrieg
- Sixtyfold
- Sizarship
- Skiamachy
- Skippable
- Skyjacker
- Slaphappy
- Sleazebag
- Slickrock
- Slingback
- Slivovitz
- Smackdown
- Smokejack
- Smorzando
- Solemnize
- Soliloquy
- Spacewalk
- Sparkplug
- Speedbump
- Spondulix
- Squabbler
- Squalidly
- Squamosal
- Squashily
- Squawfish
- Squeakily
- Squeamish
- Squelcher
- Squiredom
- Squizzing
- Stickwork
- Stinkbomb
- Stockwhip
- Subclimax
- Subjacent
- Subjudice
- Subjugate
- Subphylum
- Subsidize
- Subtilize
- Sulfurize
- Summarize
- Superjock
- Sweepback
- Swingback
- Syllabize
- Syllogize
- Symbolize
- Symphonic
- Symphylan
- Synopsize
- Systemize
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9 Letter Words Starting with T
- Tabbouleh
- Tabescent
- Tablature
- Tableland
- Tagmatize
- Tamoxifen
- Taxonomic
- Tchotchke
- Technique
- Temazepam
- Temporize
- Textspeak
- Texturize
- Thematize
- Therapize
- Thingummy
- Throwback
- Thumbtack
- Touchback
- Toxically
- Toxophily
- Trackback
- Trapezium
- Tumblebug
- Tzaddikim
- Tzarevich
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9 Letter Words Starting with U
- Ubiquitin
- Unbeknown
- Unequally
- Unfixable
- Unkemptly
- Unluckily
- Unmixable
- Unquietly
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9 Letter Words Starting with V
- Vacancies
- Vacations
- Vaccinate
- Vaccinees
- Vademecum
- Vampishly
- Vandalize
- Vaporizer
- Vectorize
- Verbalize
- Verbascum
- Vernalize
- Veronique
- Victimize
- Viewgraph
- Visualize
- Vizierial
- Vocalizer
- Volumizer
- Vulcanize
- Vulgarize
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9 Letter Words Starting with W
- Wakefully
- Wakizashi
- Waterbuck
- Wayzgoose
- Weaponize
- Whaleback
- Wheelback
- Whichaway
- Whichever
- Whipstock
- Whizzbang
- Wimpishly
- Windowbox
- Wobbegong
- Womanizer
- Womenfolk
- Woodblock
- Woodchuck
- Workbench
- Workmanly
- Workplace
- Workwoman
- Workwomen
- Wreckfish
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9 Letter Words Starting with X
- Xenophile
- Xenophobe
- Xerograph
- Xerophily
- Xerophyte
- Xylograph
- Xylophone
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9 Letter Words Starting with Z
- Zamindari
- Zamindary
- Zealously
- Zebrawood
- Zeitgeber
- Zemindari
- Zemindary
- Zestfully
- Zettabyte
- Zeugmatic
- Zillionth
- Zinfandel
- Zippiness
- Zircalloy
- Zirconium
- Zookeeper
- Zoophilia
- Zoophilic
- Zoosporic
- Zucchetto
- Zygomatic
- Zygospore
Find out more: Words Starting with Z
Common 9 Letter Words with Their Meanings
Adeserted place or person
One who abandons
Numeral 1,000,000 and principal unit of area in the metric system
Adeserted place or person
Meaningless words
Confused or noisy state of language, disordered in its parts, or jumbled together without any meaning
Genus of pig-like animals
High-ranking Spanish military officer or nobility, usually with noble lineage and social position
Eager desire for something or to do something, intense longing
Atropical hardwood tree found in West Africa from which the heartwood is used for carving and the sapwood is used for fuel and charcoal production
Official in Anglo-Saxon times who the freemen of a shire elected to act as a local official or justice
Official in Anglo-Saxon times who the freemen of a shire elected to act as a local official or justice
Characteristic of being early
Someone or something that is ahead of others in some area or activity, especially one that sets trends and gets others to follow behind them
Pachyderms are mammals with thick skin, especially elephants and rhinoceroses
Abnormal growth
People from a region of Central Asia whose bravery and physical prowess have been extolled in famous Persian tales
Ninety-degree sections of a circle
Divided into four equal parts, especially with the division being by slicing or cutting
Small squares used for testing various things in mechanics, electromagnetism, acoustics and other areas
Adivision of a circle into four equal parts
One fourth (of something)
To make (a day, period, etc.) resemble a sabbath or holy day
Deep-sea fish with a long sword-like upper jaw
Middle Eastern salad of finely chopped lettuce, tomatoes and mint leaves bound with bulgar wheat and seasoned with lemon juice
Growing old
Musical notation written on a staffless stave, especially used in tablatures for stringed instruments
Flat elevated highland or plateau
Belief in the existence of naguals – humans that can change into animals through sorcery or magic
Times when jobs are unfilled, especially temporarily
When looking for anagrams to tackle, try to find words that are a few letters longer than normal. By doing so, you will be engaging in some of the most difficult tasks! You can exercise your brain and boost your vocabulary with these harder words.
- 2 Letter Words
- 3 Letter Words
- 4 Letter Words
- 5 Letter Words
- 6 Letter Words
- 7 Letter Words
- 8 Letter Words
- 9 Letter Words
- 10 Letter Words
- 11 Letter Words
- 12 Letter Words
- 13 Letter Words
- 14 Letter Words
- Adverbs Worksheet – Adverbs Exercises - December 21, 2023
- What Does the Term “Rapport” Mean? - November 28, 2023
- What Does the Term “Solidarity” Mean? - November 28, 2023