For English learners, this reference introduces an extensive list of adjectives that start with F. The reference covers various types of F adjectives, including descriptive, positive, negative, personality-related, and those that describe people in general.
Each section provides meanings and examples to help you understand and use these adjectives in your writing or speaking.
Adjectives that Start with F
Descriptive Adjectives that Start with F
Below are 70 descriptive adjectives that start with F.
Adjectives | Examples |
Fabled | The fabled city of Atlantis is said to have been lost beneath the ocean. |
Faced | She looked at the faced mirror and saw the bags under her eyes. |
Faceted | The diamond had many faceted edges, each reflecting light in a different way. |
Factious | The factious group could not agree on a plan of action, leading to a stalemate. |
Factual | The article provided factual evidence to support its claims. |
Faded | The old photograph had a faded appearance due to years of exposure to sunlight. |
Fading | The fading light of the sunset painted the sky with a beautiful mix of oranges and pinks. |
Faint | She felt faint after standing in the hot sun for hours. |
Fatalistic | The fatalistic attitude of the protagonist in the novel led to his downfall. |
Fateful | The fateful decision to invest in that company ended up costing him his entire life savings. |
Fathomless | The ocean is a fathomless abyss that has yet to be fully explored. |
Fatty | She avoided fatty foods and opted for healthier options. |
Faulty | The faulty wiring in the old building caused a fire. |
Fearful | The fearful child clung to his mother’s leg, too scared to approach the barking dog. |
Feasible | The proposed plan to launch a new product within 6 months was deemed feasible by the BOD. |
Featured | The featured article on the website highlighted the success of a local entrepreneur. |
Fecal | The fecal matter in the sewage system caused a terrible odor throughout the neighborhood. |
Feeble | The old man’s feeble attempt to lift the heavy box resulted in him dropping it. |
Fibered | The cotton fabric was soft and fibered, making it comfortable to wear. |
Fibred | The fibred cereal was a healthy and filling breakfast option. |
Fickle | The weather in this city is fickle; it can be sunny one minute and rainy the next. |
Fiddling | The fiddling politician was accused of wasting taxpayers’ money on unnecessary expenses. |
Fidgety | The young boy was fidgety during the long car ride, constantly squirming and shifting in his seat. |
Flabby | The old couch in the living room was so flabby that it was uncomfortable to sit on. |
Flagging | The CEO noticed the flagging morale of the employees and decided to implement team-building activities. |
Flagrant | The referee made the right call by giving a red card to the player for his flagrant foul. |
Flaky | The flaky pastry was so delicious, it melted in my mouth. |
Flaming | The flaming hot sauce made my mouth feel like it was on fire. |
Flammable | The gasoline is highly flammable and must be stored carefully. |
Flaring | The flaring sun illuminated the entire beach with a warm, orange glow. |
Flashy | The car he drove was flashy and caught everyone’s attention. |
Flat | The flat tire on my bike made it difficult to ride. |
Focal | The focal point of the room was the large fireplace. |
Foggy | The foggy morning made it hard to see while driving. |
Folding | The folding chair was easy to pack for the camping trip. |
Foolish | It was foolish to go out without a coat in the freezing rain. |
Fractional | He only had a fractional amount of the total needed. |
Fractured | She had a fractured ankle from the skiing accident. |
Fragmentary | The report was only fragmentary and lacked key information. |
Fragmented | The conversation became fragmented and difficult to follow. |
Franchise | The new restaurant was part of a popular franchise chain. |
Fraternal | The fraternal twins were always mistaken for each other. |
Fraught | The situation was fraught with danger and uncertainty. |
Freak | She had a freak accident and broke her leg. |
Freaking | The traffic was so bad, it was freaking me out. |
Freezing | The freezing temperature made the pond solid enough to skate. |
Freight | The freight train carried hundreds of containers. |
Frequent | She made frequent trips to the gym to stay in shape. |
Fresh | The fresh flowers added a pop of color to the room. |
Fretful | The baby was fretful and wouldn’t stop crying. |
Fried | Fried chicken was a popular item on the menu. |
Frigid | The frigid wind made it feel like winter had arrived early. |
Frilled | The frilled blouse was perfect for the summer picnic. |
Fringed | The fringed curtains added a touch of elegance to the room. |
Frivolous | He spent his days on frivolous activities instead of working. |
Frosted | The frosted cupcakes were a hit at the party. |
Fruitful | The fruitful partnership led to great success for both parties. |
Fruitless | The team’s efforts to find the lost item were fruitless. |
Fulfilled | She felt fulfilled after completing the marathon. |
Full | The suitcase was fuller than expected. |
Fumeless | The new electric car is fumeless and eco-friendly. |
Fuming | He was fuming when he found out he had been lied to. |
Funding | The organization received funding for its new program. |
Fungal | The athlete had to treat a fungal infection on his foot. |
Furry | The kitten was soft and furry. |
Further | She needed further instructions to complete the task. |
Furthermost | The furthermost point on the map was marked with an X. |
Fusile | The artist created a sculpture using fusile metal. |
Fussed | She was fussed about the color of the napkins at the party. |
Futile | Trying to convince him was a futile effort. |
Positive Adjectives that Start with F
Below are 70 adjectives that start with F that indicate something positive.
Adjective | Example |
Fabulous | The concert was fabulous! |
Factual | The article presented factual evidence. |
Fairly | He was fairly certain he would be on time. |
Fairness | The referee ensured fairness during the game. |
Faithful | The dog was faithful to his owner. |
Famed | The restaurant is famed for its delicious pizza. |
Familial | She has a strong familial bond with her siblings. |
Familiar | The song was familiar to everyone in the room. |
Famous | The actor became famous after his breakthrough role. |
Fancy | She wore a fancy dress to the ball. |
Fantastic | The food at the restaurant was fantastic. |
Fascinated | The child was fascinated by the magician’s tricks. |
Fascinating | The documentary was fascinating. |
Fashionable | The new clothing line is fashionable this season. |
Fast | The cheetah is one of the fastest animals in the world. |
Faster | The hare is faster than the tortoise. |
Fastest | The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world. |
Faultless | Her performance was faultless. |
Favorable | The reviews for the new movie were favorable. |
Favored | The favored candidate won the election. |
Favorite | My favorite color is blue. |
Fearless | The fearless firefighter ran into the burning building. |
Feasible | The plan is feasible with the right resources. |
Feisty | The feisty kitten played with the toy mouse. |
Fertile | The soil was so fertile that it produced a bumper crop. |
Fervent | The fans were fervent in their support for the home team. |
Festive | The party was festive with balloons and streamers. |
Fetching | The actress was fetching in her elegant dress. |
Fey | The forest had a fey atmosphere that was both enchanting and eerie. |
Fiery | The fiery speech inspired the crowd to take action. |
Fine | The wine was fine, with a delicate flavor and smooth finish. |
Firm | The handshake was firm and confident. |
First | The first time I tried sushi, I was hesitant but now I love it. |
Fit | The dress was a perfect fit for the occasion. |
Fitting | The tribute was a fitting way to honor the fallen soldier. |
Flamboyant | The performer’s flamboyant costume was a hit with the audience. |
Flashy | The sports car was flashy with its bright red paint and sleek design. |
Flavorful | The dish was flavorful with a perfect blend of spices. |
Flawless | The diamond was flawless, with no imperfections visible to the naked eye. |
Flexible | The schedule was flexible, allowing for changes if necessary. |
Flourishing | The garden was flourishing, with lush green plants and vibrant flowers. |
Flowering | The cherry trees were flowering, creating a beautiful pink canopy. |
Flowing | The river was flowing gently downstream. |
Fluent | The speaker was fluent in several languages. |
Flush | The company was flush with cash after a successful quarter. |
Focused | The athlete was focused on winning the championship. |
Footloose | The backpacker was footloose and fancy-free, traveling wherever the wind took her. |
Forceful | The CEO was forceful in her decision-making, always striving for success. |
Foremost | The foremost expert in the field was consulted for advice. |
Forgiving | The teacher was very forgiving when I turned in my assignment late. |
Formal | The wedding was a formal affair, with everyone dressed in their best attire. |
Forthright | The politician was forthright in her beliefs, never afraid to speak her mind. |
Fortified | The walls were fortified against enemy attacks. |
Fortunate | The couple was fortunate to find each other and live a happy life. |
Foxy | The model was foxy with her sultry gaze and perfect figure. |
Fragrant | The flowers were fragrant, filling the room with a sweet aroma. |
Frank | The conversation was frank and honest, with no topic off-limits. |
Fraternal | The fraternal twins were inseparable, always looking out for each other. |
Free | The concert tickets were given out for free. |
Fresh | She made a salad with fresh vegetables from the garden. |
Friendly | The hotel staff were very friendly and helpful. |
Frugal | He was able to save money by living a frugal lifestyle. |
Fruitful | The team’s hard work resulted in a fruitful project. |
Fulfilled | She felt fulfilled after completing her first marathon. |
Fulgent | The sun was so fulgent that it was difficult to look directly at it. |
Full | The restaurant served a full course meal with appetizers, entrees, and desserts. |
Funny | His jokes were always funny and made everyone laugh. |
Futuristic | The car had a futuristic design with advanced features. |
Negative Adjectives that Start with F
Below are 75 adjective words that start F that indicate something negative.
Adjective | Definition |
Faded | No longer bright, vivid or clear |
Fading | Becoming less bright, vivid or clear |
Failed | Unsuccessful, not achieving the desired result |
Faint | Lacking in strength or clarity |
Faithless | Not loyal or faithful |
False | Not true or genuine |
Falsified | Altered or manipulated to deceive or mislead |
Faltering | Hesitating or wavering in action or speech |
Fascistic | Characteristic of a fascist or dictatorial system |
Fatigued | Tired or exhausted |
Faulty | Imperfect or defective |
Fawning | Excessively flattering or obsequious |
Fearful | Feeling afraid or anxious |
Fecal | Relating to or containing feces |
Feckless | Lacking in initiative or strength of character |
Feeble | Weak or lacking in strength |
Feeble-minded | Lacking intelligence or mental strength |
Feigned | Faked or simulated |
Felonious | Relating to or involving a serious crime |
Fiendish | Extremely cruel or wicked |
Filmy | Thin and delicate, like a film |
Finicky | Excessively fussy or difficult to please |
Fishy | Suspicious or unlikely to be true |
Flagrant | Shockingly or blatantly offensive |
Flavorless | Lacking in flavor or taste |
Flawed | Imperfect or defective |
Fleeting | Passing quickly or transient |
Foolhardy | Reckless or foolishly daring |
Foolish | Lacking in good sense or judgement |
Foolishness | Lack of good sense or judgement |
Forbidden | Prohibited or not allowed |
Forbidding | Unfriendly or threatening in appearance |
Forced | Not natural or spontaneous |
Forceless | Lacking in force or effectiveness |
Foreboding | Giving a sense of future misfortune or danger |
Forged | Faked or created fraudulently |
Forgetful | Liable to forget or fail to remember |
Forgetive | Apt to forget or neglect |
Forgettable | Not worth remembering |
Formative | Having an important influence on later development |
Formidable | Inspiring fear or respect |
Foul | Disgusting or unpleasant |
Foul-mouthed | Using offensive language |
Fractured | Broken or divided into pieces |
Fragile | Easily broken or damaged |
Fragmentary | Consisting of fragments or incomplete |
Fragmented | Broken into parts or pieces |
Frail | Weak or delicate |
Frantic | Wildly excited or frenzied |
Fraudulent | Deceitful or dishonest |
Fraught | Full of or involving difficult or unpleasant situations |
Frayed | Worn or ragged at the edges |
Freak | A person or thing that is unusual or abnormal |
Freaking | Intensifier used to express extreme emotions |
Freakish | Strange or unusual in a way that is unsettling |
Frenzied | Wildly excited or uncontrolled |
Frenzy | A state of wild excitement or uncontrolled activity |
Fretful | Feeling or expressing distress or irritation |
Fretted | Worried or anxious |
Fretting | Worrying or being anxious about something |
Frictional | Causing or relating to friction |
Frightening | Causing fear or terror |
Frivolous | Trivial or unimportant |
Frostbite | Injury to the skin and tissues caused by freezing |
Frumpish | Dowdy or unfashionable in appearance |
Frumpy | Unstylish or dowdy in appearance or dress |
Frustrated | Feeling annoyed or upset because of an inability to change or achieve something |
Frustrating | Causing feelings of annoyance or discouragement due to difficulties or obstacles |
Fugitive | Tending to escape or evade; fleeting or transient |
Fuming | Feeling or showing intense anger or irritation |
Funky | Having a strong, unpleasant smell; also used to describe something unconventional or offbeat in style or appearance |
Furious | Extremely angry or enraged |
Further | More distant or advanced in degree or amount |
Fused | Joined or blended together to form a single entity or structure, often implying a lack of flexibility or separability |
Personality Adjectives that Start with F
Below are 60 adjectives that start with F that describe a personality.
Adjective | Definition |
Fainthearted | Lacking courage or confidence; timid |
Faithful | Loyal, constant, and steadfast in affection or allegiance |
Faithless | Lacking loyalty or trustworthiness; not faithful |
Faltering | Hesitant and unsteady in movement or speech |
Famished | Extremely hungry |
Fanatical | Filled with excessive and single-minded zeal or enthusiasm |
Fancy | Elaborate or intricate in design, structure, or composition |
Farcical | Ridiculous, absurd, or exaggerated to the point of being comical |
Fascinating | Attractive and interesting; captivating |
Fastidious | Very attentive to detail and cleanliness; meticulous |
Fatherly | Showing the qualities traditionally associated with a father; protective, guiding, and supportive |
Fatigued | Physically or mentally exhausted |
Faulty | Containing a fault or defect; imperfect |
Fawning | Displaying exaggerated flattery or affection in order to gain favor or advantage |
Fearful | Feeling afraid or anxious; timid or apprehensive |
Fearless | Lacking fear; brave and courageous |
Fearsome | Causing fear, terror, or awe; frightening |
Feckless | Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible |
Ferocious | Fierce, savage, and aggressive |
Fervent | Intense or passionate in feeling or belief |
Fervid | Extremely enthusiastic or passionate; fervent |
Festive | Celebratory, merry, and joyous |
Fetching | Attractive and charming; pleasing to the eye |
Fiendish | Extremely cruel or devilish; diabolical |
Fierce | Intensely violent or severe; aggressive and powerful |
Fiery | Passionate and intense; having a strong, burning flame or heat |
Finicky | Fussy and difficult to please; overly particular about small details |
Firm | Strong, resolute, and determined |
Flashy | Showy and ostentatious; attracting attention with bright colors or bold designs |
Flirtatious | Behaving in a way that is intended to attract or arouse sexual interest |
Flourishing | Thriving and prospering; growing vigorously and abundantly |
Flustered | Agitated, confused, or nervous |
Fond | Having a strong liking or affection for; loving |
Foolhardy | Reckless and foolishly brave, often with disregard for danger or consequences |
Foolish | Lacking good sense or judgment; unwise |
Forceful | Full of force or energy; powerful and assertive |
Forgiving | Showing mercy and pardon; willing to overlook mistakes or faults |
Formidable | Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or capable |
Forthcoming | Willing to disclose information or discuss something; forthcoming |
Frank | Open and honest in expression; straightforward and sincere |
Frantic | Wildly excited or active; frenzied |
Freewheeling | Free-spirited and uninhibited; not constrained by rules or conventions |
Fretful | Worried, anxious, or irritable |
Friendly | Kind and pleasant; favorably disposed towards others |
Frightened | Feeling afraid or scared; fearful |
Frightening | Causing fear or terror; scary or alarming |
Frightful | Extremely unpleasant or shocking; terrible or appalling |
Frisky | Playful and full of energy; lively and mischievous |
Frivolous | Not serious or important; trivial or silly |
Frugal | Careful and sparing in the use of resources; economical |
Frustrated | Feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve something |
Frustrating | Causing feelings of disappointment or annoyance because of difficulties or obstacles encountered |
Fulfilled | Satisfied or happy because of fully developing one’s abilities or character |
Fuming | Feeling or showing great anger or rage |
Funky | Stylish in an unconventional or earthy way; having a strong groove or rhythm |
Fun-loving | Enjoying or enthusiastic about having fun |
Funny | Causing amusement or laughter; comical |
Furious | Extremely angry or full of rage |
Furry | Covered with fur; having a dense coat of fine, soft hair |
Fussy | Showing excessive or undue attention to detail; difficult to please; finicky |
Adjectives that Start with F to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Below are 60 adjectives that describe a person that start with F.
Adjective | Meaning |
Fabulous | Amazing, incredible, or fantastic |
Fair | Just, impartial, or pleasingly light in color |
Familiar | Known or recognized from previous experience |
Famous | Well-known or celebrated |
Far | Distant or remote |
Far-flung | Widely dispersed or spread out |
Far-off | Distant or remote in time or space |
Farsighted | Able to see clearly at a distance; having good judgement |
Fascinated | Extremely interested or captivated |
Fascinating | Intriguing or captivating |
Fat | Overweight or having excess body fat |
Faultless | Perfect or without flaws |
Federal | Relating to a system of government with central authority |
Fell | Fierce, cruel, or deadly |
Felonious | Relating to or involved in a serious crime |
Feminine | Having qualities traditionally associated with women |
Feverish | Having a fever or displaying intense excitement or activity |
Few | Not many or only a small number |
Fewer | A comparative form of “few” |
Fictional | Imaginary or not based in reality |
Fictitious | False or made up |
Fidgeting | Moving restlessly or nervously |
Fifth | Coming after the fourth in a series |
Filipino | Relating to the Philippines or its people |
Filthy | Extremely dirty or covered in filth |
Financial | Relating to money or finance |
Fine | Good or satisfactory in quality |
Finnish | Relating to Finland or its people |
Fit | Healthy and physically able |
Flabby | Soft and loose, typically due to lack of exercise |
Flaccid | Limp or lacking firmness or vigor |
Flemish | Relating to Flanders or its people |
Flushed | Reddened or having a sudden rush of blood to the face |
Flying | Moving through the air |
Foiled | Prevented from succeeding |
Forbidding | Unfriendly or unwelcoming |
Foreign | From a different country or culture |
Forgettable | Easily forgotten or unmemorable |
Forgivable | Capable of being forgiven or pardoned |
Fortunate | Lucky or blessed with good fortune |
Forward | Moving or directed ahead |
Foul-smelling | Having an unpleasant odor |
Four | Coming after three and before five |
Fourth | Coming after the third in a series |
Fragrant | Having a pleasant, sweet smell |
Frail | Physically weak or delicate |
Freakish | Strange or unusual in appearance or behavior |
Freaky | Scary, odd, or creepy |
Free | Not constrained or limited |
French | Relating to France or its people |
Fresh | Recently made or obtained |
Frigid | Very cold or lacking warmth |
Frilly | Decorated with frills or ruffles |
Frumpy | Unfashionable or dowdy in appearance |
Fulfilling | Satisfying or making one feel complete or happy |
Full | Having no empty space or room for more; completely filled |
Full-grown | Fully developed in body size and form; matured |
Fumbling | Clumsy or awkward in movement or action; lacking dexterity |
Functional | Designed to be practical and useful; working properly |
F Adjectives | Image
List of Adjectives that Start with F
Below are 1100+ adjectives that start with F in English.
Adjectives that Start with Fa
- Fab
- Fabian
- Fabled
- Fablelike
- Fabless
- Faboo
- Fabricable
- Fabulous
- Fabulously
- Faced
- Faceless
- Face-saving
- Faceted
- Facetious
- Face-to-face
- Facey
- Facial
- Facile
- Facilitative
- Facilitatory
- Facinorous
- Fact-finding
- Factional
- Factious
- Factitious
- Factive
- Factorial
- Factual
- Facultative
- Faddish
- Faddy
- Faded
- Fading
- Faeroese
- Faggy
- Fahrenheit
- Fail
- Failed
- Fail-safe
- Faint
- Fainthearted
- Faint-hearted
- Fair
- Fair-built
- Fair-haired
- Fair-handed
- Fairish
- Fairly
- Fairminded
- Fair-minded
- Fairness
- Fair-sized
- Fair-weather
- Faithful
- Faithfull
- Faithfully
- Faithfulness
- Faithless
- Fake
- Falangist
- Falcate
- Falcated
- Falchioned
- Falcial
- Falcidian
- Falciferous
- Falciform
- Falconine
- Fallacious
- Fallible
- Fallopian
- Fallow
- Falsetto
- Falsifiable
- Falsified
- Faltering
- Famed
- Familial
- Familiar
- Familiarized
- Familistic
- Family-friendly
- Familyish
- Familyless
- Familylike
- Family-sized
- Faminelike
- Famished
- Famisht
- Family
- Famous
- Famously
- Fanatic
- Fanatical
- Fanciable
- Fanciful
- Fancy
- Fancy-free
- Fanged
- Fannish
- Fantabulous
- Fantastic
- Fantastical
- Far
- Faraway
- Farblondjet
- Farby
- Farcelike
- Farcical
- Farcied
- Farcinous
- Farctate
- Farfetched
- Far-fetched
- Far-flung
- Farinaceous
- Farmable
- Farming
- Far-off
- Far-out
- Farrand
- Farre
- Farreaching
- Far-reaching
- Far-right
- Farsighted
- Far-sighted
- Farthermost
- Fascial
- Fasciated
- Fascinated
- Fascinating
- Fascist
- Fascistic
- Fashionable
- Fashionably
- Fashion-conscious
- Fast
- Fast-acting
- Faster
- Faster-than-light
- Fastest
- Fast-food
- Fast-handed
- Fastidious
- Fastigiate
- Fastmoving
- Fast-moving
- Fast-paced
- Fast-tailed
- Fat
- Fatal
- Fatalist
- Fatalistic
- Fateful
- Fat-free
- Fatheaded
- Father
- Fatherless
- Fatherlike
- Fatherly
- Fathomable
- Fathomless
- Fatigued
- Fatless
- Fatlike
- Fatphobic
- Fat-soluble
- Fatsome
- Fat-tailed
- Fattening
- Fattish
- Fatty
- Fatuous
- Faucal
- Faultless
- Faulty
- Faunal
- Faunistic
- Faustian
- Fauvist
- Faux
- Faveolate
- Favorable
- Favorably
- Favored
- Favorite
- Favorited
- Favoritest
- Favorless
- Favorous
- Favose
- Favosite
- Favourable
- Favour’d
- Favourite
- Fawn
- Fawning
- Fawnish
- Fawnlike
- Fawny
- Faxable
- Fazed
Adjectives that Start with Fe
- Feared
- Fearful
- Fearless
- Fearsome
- Feasible
- Feastful
- Feastless
- Feastlike
- Feastly
- Feat
- Feateous
- Feathered
- Featheredged
- Featherless
- Feather-light
- Feathery
- Featured
- Feature-length
- Featureless
- Febrifugal
- Febrile
- Fecal
- Feckless
- Feculent
- Fecund
- Federal
- Federalist
- Federalizable
- Federate
- Federated
- Federation
- Federative
- Feeble
- Feeble-minded
- Feelable
- Feel-good
- Feeling
- Feelingless
- Fehmic
- Feigned
- Feisty
- Feldspathic
- Felicific
- Felicitous
- Feline
- Fell
- Fellow
- Felonious
- Felsic
- Felted
- Felty
- Fem
- Female
- Feminine
- Feminist
- Feminized
- Femoral
- Fenced-in
- Fenceless
- Fendered
- Fenestral
- Fenestrated
- Fenny
- Feral
- Fergusonian
- Ferial
- Ferine
- Ferior
- Ferkakta
- Ferkakte
- Ferklempt
- Fermentable
- Fermentative
- Fermented
- Ferned
- Fernless
- Fernlike
- Ferny
- Ferocious
- Ferrety
- Ferric
- Ferritic
- Ferroan
- Ferrocenyl
- Ferrocyanic
- Ferroelastic
- Ferrous
- Ferruginous
- Fertile
- Fervent
- Fervid
- Festal
- Festerous
- Festery
- Festinant
- Festinate
- Festingerian
- Festival
- Festive
- Fetal
- Fetching
- Fetid
- Fetishistic
- Fetomaternal
- Fetoplacental
- Feudal
- Feudalistic
- Fevered
- Feverish
- Fever-ridden
- Few
- Fewe
- Fewer
- Fewfold
- Fewsome
- Fey
Adjectives that Start with Fi
- Fibered
- Fibred
- Fibrillar
- Fibrillary
- Fibrinoid
- Fibrinolytic
- Fibrinous
- Fibroblastic
- Fibrocystic
- Fibrosing
- Fibrotic
- Fibrous
- Fibrovascular
- Fickle
- Fictile
- Fictional
- Fictious
- Fictitious
- Fictive
- Fiddling
- Fiddly
- Fidgeting
- Fidgety
- Fiducial
- Fiducialised
- Fiduciary
- Fiendful
- Fiendish
- Fierce
- Fiercesome
- Fiery
- Fifteenth
- Fifth
- Fiftieth
- Fifty-fifty
- Fiftyish
- Figgy
- Figural
- Figurate
- Figurative
- Figured
- Figure-hugging
- Filamentary
- Filamentous
- Filarial
- Filariform
- Filariid
- Filial
- Filiform
- Filipino
- Filmable
- Filmcoated
- Filmesque
- Filmic
- Filmish
- Filmy
- Filopodial
- Filterable
- Filtered
- Filthy
- Fimbriate
- Finable
- Final
- Financeable
- Financial
- Findable
- Fin-de-siecle
- Fine
- Fine-grained
- Finespun
- Fine-toothed
- Fingered
- Fingerless
- Fingerlike
- Finger-tight
- Fingery
- Finialled
- Finical
- Finickety
- Finicky
- Finiking
- Finishable
- Finished
- Finitary
- Finite
- Fin-like
- Finnish
- Finny
- Fire-breathing
- Fired
- Fire-fanged
- Fireless
- Firelit
- Fire-new
- Fireproof
- Fire-proof
- Fire-resistant
- Fire-retardant
- Fireward
- Firewise
- Fireworklike
- Fireworky
- Firey
- Firm
- Firmamental
- First
- First-aid
- Firstborn
- First-born
- First-degree
- Firsthand
- First-hand
- Firstling
- First-order
- First-party
- First-person
- First-rate
- First-string
- First-time
- Fiscal
- Fishable
- Fisheye
- Fishless
- Fishlike
- Fishly
- Fishnetted
- Fishy
- Fissile
- Fissionable
- Fissiparous
- Fisted
- Fistic
- Fist-size
- Fistular
- Fistulate
- Fistulous
- Fit
- Fitched
- Fitful
- Fittable
- Fitted
- Fitter
- Fitting
- Five
- Five-eighths
- Fivefold
- Five-hundredth
- Fivesome
- Five-star
- Fixable
- Fixative
- Fixed
- Fixed-point
- Fixed-term
- Fixtureless
- Fizzing
- Fizzy
Adjectives that Start with Fl
- Flabby
- Flabellate
- Flabile
- Flaccid
- Flagellar
- Flagging
- Flaggy
- Flagitious
- Flagrant
- Flagstoned
- Flakey
- Flaky
- Flamboyant
- Flameless
- Flameproof
- Flaming
- Flamingo
- Flaminical
- Flammable
- Flammant
- Flammulated
- Flapless
- Flappy
- Flaring
- Flash
- Flashy
- Flat
- Flatbed
- Flat-bottom
- Flat-bottomed
- Flat-chested
- Flatfooted
- Flat-footed
- Flat-mouthed
- Flat-out
- Flat-rate
- Flattened
- Flattered
- Flattering
- Flattish
- Flatulent
- Flatwoven
- Flaunty
- Flavored
- Flavorful
- Flavorless
- Flavory
- Flavourful
- Flavourless
- Flavourous
- Flavoursome
- Flawed
- Flawless
- Flaxen
- Fleabitten
- Flea-bitten
- Flea-ridden
- Fledgling
- Fleet
- Fleeting
- Flemish
- Fleshcolored
- Flesh-colored
- Fleshcoloured
- Flesh-coloured
- Fleshless
- Fleshlike
- Fleshy
- Flexible
- Flexural
- Flexy
- Flickering
- Flighted
- Flightless
- Flighty
- Flimsy
- Flinchless
- Flinchy
- Flinty
- Flippant
- Flippered
- Flip-up
- Flirtatious
- Flirty
- Floating
- Floatless
- Floaty
- Floccose
- Flocculable
- Floccular
- Flocculated
- Flocculent
- Floodable
- Flooded
- Flood-hit
- Floor-length
- Flop-eared
- Floppy
- Flopsy
- Floptical
- Floral
- Florentine
- Florescent
- Floricultural
- Florid
- Floriferous
- Floristic
- Flory
- Flossy
- Flourishing
- Floury
- Flowerful
- Flowering
- Flowerless
- Flowerlike
- Flower-sweet
- Flowery
- Flowing
- Fluctuant
- Flued
- Flueless
- Fluent
- Fluey
- Fluffy
- Fluid
- Fluidal
- Fluidic
- Fluidized
- Fluked
- Flukey
- Fluky
- Fluminous
- Flummoxy
- Fluorescent
- Fluoric
- Fluorimetric
- Fluorometric
- Fluoroscopic
- Fluosilicic
- Flush
- Flushable
- Flushed
- Flustered
- Fluttering
- Fluttery
- Fluty
- Fluvial
- Fluviatile
- Fluxional
- Fly
- Flyable
- Flyaway
- Fly-away
- Flyblown
- Fly-blown
- Flycatching
- Flying
Adjectives that Start with Fo
- Foamlike
- Foamy
- Focal
- Focusable
- Focused
- Focusless
- Focussable
- Foetal
- Foetid
- Fogeyish
- Foggy
- Foiled
- Foldable
- Foldameric
- Foldaway
- Folded
- Folded up
- Folded-up
- Folderless
- Folderlike
- Folding
- Fold-out
- Foliaged
- Foliated
- Folic
- Folivorous
- Folkloric
- Folksy
- Folky
- Follicular
- Following
- Fond
- Food-borne
- Foodless
- Foody
- Fool
- Foolhardy
- Foolish
- Foolishness
- Foolproof
- Foolsome
- Footballing
- Footless
- Footling
- Footloose
- Footmanly
- Foot-tapping
- Footworn
- Footy
- Foppish
- Forbidden
- Forbidding
- Forby
- Forcasten
- Forceable
- Forced
- Forceful
- Forceless
- Forcible
- Fordable
- Fore
- Fore-and-aft
- Forearmed
- Foreboding
- Forecastable
- Forechosen
- Forecited
- Foreclosable
- Forecloseable
- Forecoming
- Foreconceiving
- Foreconsidered
- Foregoing
- Forehand
- Foreign
- Foremeant
- Forementioned
- Foremost
- Forenamed
- Forensal
- Forensic
- Foresaid
- Foreseeable
- Foresighted
- Foresightful
- Forestal
- Forestial
- Forestine
- Forestish
- Foretellable
- Forfeit
- Forged
- Forgetful
- Forgetive
- Forgettable
- Forgivable
- Forgiving
- Forgotten
- Forinsec
- Forinsecal
- Forked
- Forlorn
- Formal
- Formalist
- Formalistic
- Formational
- Formative
- Former
- Form-fitting
- Formic
- Formidable
- Formless
- Formulable
- Formulaic
- Formulary
- Formulative
- Formy
- Formylated
- Fornicatory
- For-profit
- Fortean
- Forthcoming
- Forthdrawing
- Forthdrawn
- Forthgoing
- Forthright
- Fortieth
- Fortified
- Fortuitous
- Fortunate
- Fortyish
- Forward
- Forwarder
- Forward-looking
- Forward-thinking
- Forworn
- Forwrought
- Fossiliferous
- Fossilized
- Foster
- Foul
- Foule
- Foulmouthed
- Foul-mouthed
- Foul-smelling
- Foulsome
- Foundational
- Foundationalist
- Foundationless
- Four
- Four-dimensional
- Four-door
- Foureyed
- Four-eyed
- Four-fifths
- Fourfold
- Four-footed
- Four-handed
- Four-leaf
- Four-leaved
- Four-legged
- Fourpenny
- Four-poster
- Fourteenth
- Fourth
- Fourth-class
- Four-wheel
- Fouse
- Fousty
- Fouth
- Fouthy
- Fouty
- Foveal
- Foveate
- Foveolar
- Foxy
Adjectives that Start with Fr
- Frabjous
- Frac
- Fractal
- Fractional
- Fractious
- Fracturable
- Fractural
- Fractured
- Fraggable
- Fragile
- Fragmental
- Fragmentary
- Fragmented
- Fragrant
- Frail
- Frameless
- Franchise
- Francoist
- Frangible
- Frank
- Frantic
- Franzy
- Fraternal
- Fratricidal
- Fraudful
- Fraudless
- Fraudproof
- Fraudulent
- Fraught
- Frayed
- Freak
- Freaking
- Freakish
- Freaky
- Freckled
- Free
- Free-and-easy
- Freeborn
- Free-climbing
- Free-fire
- Free-flowing
- Free-form
- Freehand
- Free-hand
- Free-handed
- Free-hearted
- Freeish
- Freelance
- Free-living
- Free-range
- Free-roaming
- Freestanding
- Free-standing
- Free-style
- Freewheeling
- Free-wheeling
- Freezable
- Freeze-thaw
- Freezing
- Freight
- Freight-only
- French
- Frenchified
- Frenetic
- Frenetical
- Frenetick
- Frenular
- Frenzied
- Frenzy
- Frequent
- Frequentative
- Frequential
- Frescoed
- Fresh
- Fresh-faced
- Freshwater
- Fresh-water
- Fretful
- Fretless
- Fretted
- Fretting
- Fretworked
- Friable
- Fricated
- Fricative
- Fricatized
- Fricken
- Fricking
- Frictional
- Frictionless
- Fried
- Friendless
- Friendly
- Frightened
- Frightening
- Frightful
- Frigid
- Frigorific
- Frigorifical
- Frigorifick
- Frilled
- Frillsome
- Frilly
- Fringe
- Fringed
- Frisky
- Frivolous
- Frizzy
- Frockcoated
- Frocked
- Froggish
- Froggy
- Froglike
- Frog-like
- Frolicsome
- Fronded
- Front
- Frontal
- Frontier
- Frontiered
- Frontierless
- Frontierlike
- Frontless
- Frontline
- Front-line
- Front-loaded
- Frontotemporal
- Front-page
- Frostbite
- Frostbitten
- Frosted
- Frost-tender
- Frosty
- Frothy
- Frou-frou
- Frowning
- Frowsty
- Frowsy
- Frowzy
- Frozen
- Fructuous
- Frugal
- Frugiferent
- Frugiferous
- Frugivorous
- Fruit-bearing
- Fruitful
- Fruitious
- Fruitless
- Fruity
- Frumpish
- Frumpy
- Frustrated
- Frustrating
Adjectives that Start with Fu
- Fubar
- Fucoid
- Fucoidal
- Fudgeable
- Fugal
- Fuggy
- Fugitive
- Fulcrate
- Fulfillable
- Fulfilled
- Fulfilling
- Fulgent
- Fuliginous
- Full
- Full-blooded
- Full-blown
- Full-bodied
- Fuller
- Full-face
- Fullfledged
- Full-fledged
- Full-frame
- Full-frontal
- Full-grown
- Fullhanded
- Fullhearted
- Full-hearted
- Fullish
- Full-length
- Fullmade
- Full-on
- Full-out
- Full-page
- Full-powered
- Fullscale
- Full-scale
- Full-size
- Full-stretch
- Full-throated
- Full-time
- Full-width
- Fully-fledged
- Fully-grown
- Fully-loaded
- Fully-stocked
- Fulminant
- Fulsome
- Fulvic
- Fulvous
- Fumarolic
- Fumbling
- Fumeless
- Fuming
- Fumy
- Fun
- Functional
- Functionalist
- Functionless
- Functorial
- Fundable
- Fundal
- Fundamental
- Funding
- Funeral
- Funerary
- Funereal
- Fungal
- Fungible
- Fungicidal
- Fungistatic
- Fungoid
- Funicular
- Funkadelic
- Funky
- Funloving
- Fun-loving
- Funniest
- Funnish
- Funny
- Fun-sized
- Fur
- Furcal
- Furious
- Furless
- Furlong
- Furlough
- Furrin
- Furrowed
- Furrowless
- Furry
- Further
- Furthermost
- Furthest
- Furtive
- Furzy
- Fused
- Fusible
- Fusiform
- Fusile
- Fussed
- Fussy
- Fusty
- Futch
- Futile
- Future
- Futureless
- Future-proof
- Futurist
- Futuristic
- Fuzzy
Plus, discover more adjectives that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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