Adjectives that start with K are rare in English, making them unique and interesting. This reference covers different types of these adjectives, including descriptive, positive, negative, and personality-related ones. You will also find a list of 132 adjectives starting with K, grouped by their initial letters like Ka, Ke, Kh, Ki, Kl, Kn, Ko, Ku, and Ky.
Adjectives that Start with K
Descriptive Adjectives that Start with K
Below are 42 descriptive adjectives that start with K.
Adjective | Example |
Kaleidoscopic | The fireworks show was a kaleidoscopic display of lights and colors. |
Keeled | The sleek sailboat had a keeled hull for stability. |
Keen | The detective had a keen eye for detail. |
Keltic | The traditional Keltic music was beautiful and haunting. |
Key | The key ingredient in this recipe is garlic, which gives it its distinctive flavor. |
Kick-ass | The new sports car was a kick-ass ride. |
Kiddie | The amusement park had a kiddie section with rides for young children. |
Kimbo | The new employee was kimbo with the company’s computer system. |
Kind | The kind nurse comforted the frightened patient. |
Kind-hearted | The kind-hearted neighbor always helped those in need. |
Kindless | The cruel remarks of the kindless bully left the victim feeling hurt and alone. |
Kindred | The two kindred spirits bonded over their shared love of art. |
Kinematic | The kinematic analysis of the machine revealed a flaw in the design. |
Kinetic | The kinetic sculpture moved gracefully in the wind. |
Kingdomed | The medieval castle was a kingdomed fortress with a rich history. |
Knightly | The knightly warrior charged fearlessly into battle. |
Kingless | The country became kingless after the overthrow of the monarchy. |
Kingly | The kingly palace was adorned with gold and precious jewels. |
Kingy | The arrogant CEO had a kingy attitude and treated his employees poorly. |
Kittenish | She gave him a kittenish smile |
Knackered | After running the marathon, he felt completely knackered |
Knackish | She is a knackish chef who specializes in Italian cuisine |
Knee-deep | The kids were knee-deep in the mud |
Knee-high | The grass was knee-high in the meadow |
Knee-jerk | His knee-jerk reaction was to run away |
Knee-length | She wore a knee-length skirt to the party |
Knightless | The peasant was knightless and had no noble blood |
Knobbed | The door handle was knobbed and made of brass |
Knobby | The surface of the rock was knobby and uneven |
Knockdown | His punch was so powerful that it was knockdown |
Knock-kneed | The child was knock-kneed and had trouble walking |
Knock-on | The knock-on effect of the oil price increase was higher gas prices |
Knotless | Her hair was knotless and easy to comb through |
Knotted | The rope was knotted and difficult to untie |
Knotty | The tree was knotty and old |
Knowable | The truth is knowable with enough evidence |
Knowing | She had a knowing smile on her face |
Knowledgeable | He is a knowledgeable historian who specializes in WWII |
Known | The actor is well-known for his performances in action movies |
Knuckled | His knuckled hands were calloused from years of hard work |
Knurled | The knurled grip on the tool made it easier to hold |
Kurdish | The Kurdish cuisine is known for its rich flavors and diverse dishes. |
Positive Adjectives that Start with K
Below are 13 adjectives that start with K that indicate something positive.
Adjective | Example |
Kaleidoscopic | The kaleidoscopic light show was the highlight of the festival. |
Keen | She has a keen sense of humor that always makes me laugh. |
Key | The key ingredient in this recipe is the fresh herbs. |
Kind | The kind gesture from her neighbor made her feel grateful. |
Kindered | The two artists were kindered spirits, and they collaborated on many projects together. |
Kind-hearted | The kind-hearted nurse stayed late to comfort her patient. |
Kingly | The kingly palace was adorned with golden decorations. |
Knightly | His knightly behavior towards his girlfriend made her feel loved and protected. |
Knowing | Her knowing smile indicated that she was aware of his secret plan. |
Knowledgeable | The knowledgeable guide showed us around the city’s historical landmarks. |
Known | The actor is well-known for his exceptional performance in many movies. |
Kooky | She has a kooky sense of fashion, but everyone loves her unique style. |
Kosher | The restaurant serves only kosher food, so it’s a popular spot for Jewish families. |
Related: Positive words that start with K
Negative Adjectives that Start with K
Below are 12 adjectives that start K that indicate something negative.
Adjective | Meaning |
Kid | Immature or childish person |
Kiddy | Childish or juvenile in a negative sense |
Killing | Causing great harm or destruction |
Kindless | Lacking kindness or compassion |
Klutzy | Clumsy or awkward in movement or action |
Knagged | Uneven or rough due to being snagged or caught |
Knaggy | Full of knots or hard and knotty |
Knarled | Rough and twisted in appearance or texture |
Knavish | Dishonest or deceitful |
Knee-jerk | Reflexive and automatic, without thought or consideration |
Knobby | Full of knobs or bumps |
Knuckled | Bumpy or uneven, as if marked by knuckles |
Related: Negative Adjectives
Personality Adjectives that Start with K
Below are 7 adjectives that start with K that describe a personality.
Adjective | Meaning |
Kiddyish | Behaving in an immature or childish manner |
Kind | Having a friendly or generous nature; showing sympathy or care |
Kindhearted | Having a kind and compassionate nature |
Kind-hearted | Same as Kindhearted |
Kindless | Lacking kindness or compassion |
Kindly | Showing kindness or goodwill; gentle and considerate |
Knightly | Resembling or characteristic of a medieval knight; chivalrous |
Adjectives that Start with K to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Below are 44 adjectives that start with K that describe a person.
Adjective | Meaning |
Kaput | No longer working or functioning; broken or useless |
Keen | Having or showing eagerness, enthusiasm, or interest |
Kempt | Neatly or tidily kept; well-groomed |
Kentuckian | Relating to or from the state of Kentucky in the United States |
Kenyan | Relating to or from the country of Kenya |
Kept | Maintained in a particular state or condition |
Key | Significant; crucial; essential |
Kick-ass | Impressive; excellent; badass |
Kiddish | Childlike; immature |
Killer | Excellent; impressive; lethal |
Kilted | Wearing a kilt |
Kin | Related; connected by family or blood |
Kind | Having or showing a friendly, generous, or considerate nature |
Kinder | More kind; more friendly or considerate |
Kindest | The most kind; the friendliest or most considerate |
Kingless | Without a king or ruler |
Kingly | Royal; majestic; fit for a king |
King-size | Larger than the usual size; fit for a king-sized bed |
Kinky | Sexually unconventional or unusual |
Kissable | Desirable or tempting to be kissed |
Kissy | Showing affection or love by kissing frequently |
Kittenish | Playful and flirtatious like a kitten |
Klutz | A clumsy or awkward person |
Knackered | Extremely tired or exhausted |
Knavish | Dishonest; untrustworthy |
Knightly | Relating to or like a knight; chivalrous |
Knobby | Having knobs or lumps; bumpy or uneven |
Knockout | Very attractive or impressive; capable of causing unconsciousness |
Knotty | Full of knots or difficult to untie or solve |
Knowable | Capable of being known or understood |
Knowledgeable | Having or showing a deep understanding or knowledge of a subject |
Known | Recognized; familiar; established |
Kooky | Eccentric; strange; weird |
Korean | Relating to or from the country of Korea |
Kosher | Prepared according to Jewish dietary laws |
Kurd | Relating to or from the Kurdish people or culture |
Kuwaiti | Relating to or from the country of Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstani | Relating to or from the country of Kyrgyzstan |
K Adjectives Image
List of 132 Adjectives that Start with K
Adjectives that Start with Ka
- Kabbalistic
- Kafkaesque
- Kainozoic
- Kaleidoscopic
- Kaleidoscopical
- Kaligenous
- Kampuchean
- Kantian
- Kaput
- Karyokinetic
- Kashmiri
- Katabatic
- Katabolic
- Katari
- Katharobic
- Kathetal
- Kayoed
- Kazakhstani
Adjectives that Start with Ke
- Kechuan
- Kecklish
- Keeled
- Keen
- Keld
- Keltic
- Kempe
- Kempt
- Kenspeckle
- Kentuckian
- Kenyan
- Kept
- Kept-up
- Keramic
- Kerasine
- Keratose
- Kerchiefed
- Kerned
- Kernelly
- Ketonic
- Key
- Keyed
- Keyless
- Keynesian
Adjectives that Start with Kh, Ki
- Khaki
- Kibbled
- Kibed
- Kickable
- Kick-ass
- Kiddish
- Kiddy
- Kiddyish
- Kid-like
- Killable
- Killer
- Killing
- Kilted
- Kin
- Kinaesthetic
- Kind
- Kinder
- Kindest
- Kind-hearted
- Kindless
- Kindly
- Kindred
- Kinematic
- Kinesthetic
- Kinetic
- Kinghtly
- Kingless
- Kinglike
- Kingly
- King-size
- King-sized
- Kingy
- Kinic
- Kinky
- Kiplingesque
- Kissable
- Kissy
- Kitish
- Kitschy
- Kittenish
Adjectives that Start with Kl, Kn
- Kleptomaniacal
- Klutzy
- Knackered
- Knackish
- Knacky
- Knagged
- Knaggy
- Knappy
- Knarled
- Knarred
- Knavish
- Knee-deep
- Knee-high
- Knee-length
- Knifelike
- Knightless
- Knightly
- Knitted
- Knobbed
- Knobbly
- Knobby
- Knockabout
- Knockdown
- Knocked-up
- Knockout
- Knotless
- Knotted
- Knotty
- Knowable
- Knowing
- Knowledgeable
- Known
- Knurled
Adjectives that Start with Ko, Ku, Ky
- Ko’d
- Kokka
- Kolarian
- Kookie
- Kooky
- Koranic
- Korean
- Kosher
- Kosheren
- Kreatic
- Kufic
- Kurd
- Kurdish
- Kurilian
- Kuwaiti
- Kyphotic
- Kyrgyzstani
Plus, discover more adjectives that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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