In this reference, you will explore various adjectives that start with L. The main sections cover descriptive, positive, negative, and personality adjectives, as well as adjectives describing a person but not their personality. By using a range of adjectives, your writing can become more engaging and vivid.
Adjectives that Start with L
The letter L can be traced back to Egyptian hieroglyphics where it may have represented the head of an Ox god. Its true origination is, however, with in the Phoenician alphabet. The Greek letter Lambda is derived from the original Phoenician.
Descriptive Adjectives that Start with L
Below are adjectives words that start with L.
Adjective | Example |
Labored | His labored breathing indicated he was exhausted. |
Laboring | The laboring workers were digging a trench. |
Laborious | Writing a thesis can be a laborious task. |
Lacking | His argument was lacking in evidence. |
Lacy | She wore a lacy dress to the wedding. |
Lame | He had a lame leg and needed a crutch to walk. |
Lamentable | It was a lamentable situation that could have been avoided. |
Languid | She had a languid demeanor after a long day at work. |
Languishing | The plant was languishing in the hot sun. |
Lanky | The lanky boy struggled to find clothes that fit. |
Larcenous | The larcenous thief was caught stealing a purse. |
Large | The large box was too heavy to lift. |
Larger | The larger building was more expensive to rent. |
Largest | The largest elephant at the zoo weighed 10,000 pounds. |
Lascivious | His lascivious behavior made everyone uncomfortable. |
Last | This will be my last meal before starting my diet. |
Lasting | The effects of the pandemic will have a lasting impact. |
Late | He arrived late to the party and missed the cake. |
Latent | Her latent talent for singing was discovered in high school. |
Later | Her later years were not happy. |
Lateral | The lateral view of the car accident showed the damage. |
Latest | Have you seen the latest episode of the show? |
Latter | In the latter part of the book, the plot thickens. |
Laudable | The charity’s laudable efforts helped many people. |
Laughing | The children were laughing and playing in the park. |
Lavish | The lavish party had a red carpet and a live band. |
Lawful | It is important to act in a lawful manner at all times. |
Lawless | The city had become a lawless place after the war. |
Lax | The company had lax security measures in place, which led to the data breach. |
Lazy | He was too lazy to mow the lawn. |
Lead | The lead car in the race crossed the finish line first. |
Leading | The company is a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics. |
Leaking | The roof was leaking after the heavy rain. |
Leaky | The faucet was leaky and needed to be fixed. |
Learnable | This programming language is very learnable. |
Learned | She was a learned professor of ancient history. |
Leasehold | He owned the leasehold of the apartment, but not the property itself. |
Least | The least she could do was apologize for her mistake. |
Leather | She bought a new leather jacket for the winter. |
Leathery | The old man had leathery skin from years of working outside. |
Leafless | The trees were leafless in the winter. |
Leering | The man was leering at her in the bar. |
Left | She broke her left arm in the accident. |
Legal | It is not legal to drink alcohol before the age of 21 in the US. |
Legendary | He was a legendary musician who inspired generations of artists. |
Legible | The handwriting was messy, but still legible. |
Legislative | The legislative branch of government is responsible for making laws. |
Legitimate | The company’s business practices were legitimate and ethical. |
Lengthy | The meeting was very lengthy and lasted for several hours. |
Lenient | The teacher was lenient with the students who didn’t do their homework. |
Less | He had less money than he thought he would need. |
Lethal | The venom of the snake was lethal to humans. |
Lethargic | She was lethargic after staying up late the night before. |
Level | The table is not level, and the glass keeps sliding off. |
Liable | If you don’t study, you are liable to fail the test. |
Libelous | The article was libelous, and the company is suing the newspaper. |
Liberal | She has a liberal approach to parenting and lets her children make their own choices. |
Licensable | The new software is licensable and can be used by companies for a fee. |
Licensed | The driver is licensed to operate a commercial vehicle. |
Lidless | The jar is lidless, and the contents are exposed to the air. |
Liege | The knight was a liege follower of his king. |
Life | The scientist is studying the life cycle of butterflies. |
Lifeless | The desert was a lifeless expanse of sand and rock. |
Lifelike | The artist’s paintings are so lifelike, it’s hard to believe they’re not photographs. |
Lifelong | She has been a lifelong advocate for animal rights. |
Light | She wore a light dress to stay cool in the summer heat. |
Lighthearted | They had a lighthearted conversation about their favorite TV shows. |
Likable | She is so likable that everyone wants to be her friend. |
Likely | It is likely to rain later today. |
Limber | The gymnast is very limber and can perform difficult moves with ease. |
Limited | The store has a limited supply of the new product. |
Limitless | The possibilities are limitless when it comes to creative writing. |
Limp | The flower stems were limp from being in the hot sun. |
Linear | The graph shows a linear relationship between the two variables. |
Lined | The notebook paper was lined to help with handwriting. |
Lingering | The smell of baking cookies lingered in the air. |
Linguistic | The linguistic differences between British and American English can be subtle but significant. |
Liquid | He poured the liquid nitrogen into the container. |
Listless | She felt listless and unmotivated to do anything. |
Literal | She took his words as a literal description of what happened. |
Literary | The literary world is mourning the loss of a great author. |
Literate | Being literate is an essential skill in today’s society. |
Lithe | The ballet dancer’s lithe movements captivated the audience. |
Lithographic | The artist created a lithographic print of her painting. |
Litigious | The company had a litigious history, having been involved in multiple lawsuits. |
Little | The little girl picked up a tiny seashell on the beach. |
Livable | The apartment was small, but it was comfortable and livable. |
Live | The concert was a live performance, with the musicians playing on stage. |
Lively | The party was a lively event with music, dancing, and laughter. |
Livid | He was livid when he found out that someone had stolen his car. |
Living | The rainforest is teeming with living creatures. |
Loaded | The truck was loaded with boxes of supplies. |
Loathsome | The garbage in the alley produced a loathsome smell. |
Local | The local market is a great place to find fresh produce. |
Localized | The power outage was localized to just a few neighborhoods. |
Locatable | The missing cat was eventually locatable, hiding under a nearby porch. |
Locked | The door was locked, and they needed a key to enter the room. |
Lodged | A piece of food lodged in his throat, making it difficult to swallow. |
Lofty | The mountain was so lofty that it was covered in clouds. |
Logarithmic | The graph was plotted on a logarithmic scale to show the exponential growth of the data. |
Logical | The argument was logical and well-reasoned, convincing most of the listeners. |
Logistic | The company’s logistic team efficiently managed the shipment and delivery of their products. |
Lonely | She felt lonely after moving to a new city where she didn’t know anyone. |
Long | The long line of people waiting for tickets stretched around the block. |
Longer | The walk to the top of the mountain was longer than they had anticipated. |
Longest | The Nile River is the longest river in the world. |
Longing | He had a longing look on his face as he watched the plane take off without him. |
Loose | The shoelaces were loose, so he stopped to tie them. |
Lopsided | The picture on the wall was lopsided. |
Loquacious | She was so loquacious that no one could get a word in. |
Lordly | He acted in a lordly manner towards his subordinates. |
Lost | The hiker was lost in the woods. |
Loud | The music was too loud for my taste. |
Lousy | The service at the restaurant was lousy. |
Loutish | His loutish behavior was not appreciated. |
Lovable | Her lovable personality made her many friends. |
Lovely | The view from the top of the hill was lovely. |
Loving | She gave him a loving hug. |
Low | The plane flew at a low altitude. |
Lower | The lower deck of the ship was quieter. |
Lowly | The lowly laborer worked hard every day. |
Loyal | She remained loyal to her friend even when others turned away. |
Lucid | His lucid explanation helped us understand the problem. |
Lucky | He considered himself lucky to win the lottery. |
Lucrative | The new business was quite lucrative. |
Ludicrous | The idea of a flying car seemed ludicrous. |
Luminous | The luminous stars filled the night sky. |
Lumping | There was a lumping mass of clay on the pottery wheel. |
Lumpy | The old mattress was lumpy and uncomfortable. |
Lush | The lush garden was full of beautiful flowers. |
Lustrous | Her lustrous hair cascaded down her back. |
Luxurious | The hotel suite was luxurious and expensive. |
Lying | He was caught in a lying scheme. |
Positive Adjectives that Start with L
Below are 26 adjectives that start with L that indicate something positive.
Adjective | Example |
Laudable | Her laudable efforts resulted in a successful fundraiser. |
Laughing | The group of friends had a laughing good time together. |
Lavish | The wedding reception was a lavish affair. |
Leading | The leading expert on the topic gave a captivating presentation. |
Lean | She maintained a lean figure through regular exercise. |
Learned | The learned professor wrote a groundbreaking book on the subject. |
Legendary | The legendary musician inspired generations of artists. |
Legitimate | His concerns were legitimate and warranted attention. |
Life | The life force of the city was contagious. |
Likable | His likable personality made him popular among his colleagues. |
Limitless | The possibilities were limitless with the new technology. |
Literate | The literate population of the country was steadily increasing. |
Lithe | The dancer’s lithe movements left the audience in awe. |
Livable | The apartment complex was a livable space for young families. |
Lively | The lively music got everyone dancing. |
Lofty | The mountain range had lofty peaks that reached the clouds. |
Lovable | The lovable puppy quickly became a member of the family. |
Lovely | The lovely sunset over the ocean was a breathtaking sight. |
Loving | The loving couple celebrated their anniversary with a romantic dinner. |
Loyal | The loyal employee worked tirelessly for the company for many years. |
Lucky | She felt lucky to have won the lottery. |
Lucrative | The startup proved to be a lucrative investment. |
Luscious | The luscious chocolate cake was a decadent treat. |
Lush | The lush garden was a peaceful oasis in the city. |
Lustrous | Her lustrous hair caught the sunlight and shimmered. |
Luxurious | The luxurious spa resort offered a pampering experience. |
Negative Adjectives that Start with L
Below are 39 adjectives that start L that indicate something negative.
Adjective | Meaning |
Labored | Requiring a lot of effort and causing exhaustion |
Laborious | Requiring a lot of time and effort |
Lackadaisical | Lacking enthusiasm, energy, or determination |
Lame | Weak, inadequate, or unconvincing |
Lamentable | Regrettable, unfortunate, or deplorable |
Languid | Lacking energy or vitality |
Languishing | Suffering from neglect or lack of attention |
Larcenous | Involving theft or robbery |
Lascivious | Showing or suggesting inappropriate desire or behavior |
Last | Final, latest, or remaining |
Late | Happening or arriving after the expected time |
Laughable | Ridiculous or amusingly absurd |
Lawless | Not controlled by law or illegal |
Lax | Not strict or careful enough |
Lazy | Unwilling to work or expend effort |
Leathery | Tough and difficult to chew or cut |
Lecherous | Showing excessive or offensive sexual desire |
Leering | Looking at someone in a suggestive or unpleasant way |
Less | Not as much or not as important as something else |
Lethal | Causing death or serious harm |
Lethargic | Lacking energy, enthusiasm, or motivation |
Liable | Likely to happen or responsible for something |
Libelous | Containing false statements that harm someone’s reputation |
Lifeless | Lacking vitality or spirit |
Limited | Restricted in quantity, scope, or range |
Limp | Lacking strength or firmness |
Limping | Walking with difficulty due to injury or weakness |
Listless | Lacking energy or enthusiasm |
Litigious | Inclined to engage in lawsuits or legal disputes |
Loathsome | Causing feelings of disgust or hatred |
Lonely | Feeling sad and without company |
Lopsided | Uneven or unbalanced |
Loutish | Rude, uncouth, or aggressive |
Low | Not high or not important |
Lower | Less high in position |
Lowly | Humble, low in status or importance |
Low-ranking | Having a low position in a hierarchy or organization |
Lukewarm | Neither hot nor cold, or lacking enthusiasm or commitment |
Lumpy | Full of or having lumps |
Personality Adjectives that Start with L
Below are 23 adjectives that start with L that describe a personality.
Adjective | Meaning |
Lazy | Not willing to work or use energy; inactive or sluggish |
Lethargic | Feeling sluggish or lacking energy; drowsy or apathetic |
Levelheaded | Calm and rational in making decisions; sensible or prudent |
Lionhearted | Brave, courageous, and fearless; bold or valiant |
Lighthearted | Carefree, cheerful, and happy-go-lucky; joyful or optimistic |
Listless | Lacking energy or enthusiasm; indifferent or lethargic |
Loving | Feeling or showing love and affection; fond or adoring |
Lovesome | Lovable or attractive; endearing or charming |
Logical | Based on reason or sound judgment; rational or analytical |
Loutish | Boorish or uncouth in behavior or manners; rude or offensive |
Loathsome | Repulsive or disgusting; abhorrent or detestable |
Lonesome | Feeling lonely or isolated; solitary or desolate |
Loyal | Faithful and committed to a person, cause, or idea; devoted |
Leisurely | Slow and relaxed; unhurried or easygoing |
Lenient | Not strict or harsh in punishment or discipline; tolerant |
Lackadaisical | Lacking enthusiasm or determination; indifferent or lazy |
Languid | Lacking energy or vitality; slow or lethargic |
Livid | Extremely angry or furious; enraged or incensed |
Loquacious | Tending to talk a lot; talkative or verbose |
Lying | Not telling the truth; deceitful or dishonest |
Adjectives that Start with L to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Below are 47 adjectives that start with L that describe a person.
Adjective | Meaning |
Lady | Polite, refined, and well-mannered woman |
Ladylike | Behaving in a way considered appropriate for a lady |
Lame | Unable to walk properly, weak, unconvincing |
Lamentable | Regrettable, disappointing, unfortunate |
Lanky | Tall, thin, and ungraceful |
Large | Big in size or amount, extensive |
Late | After the expected or usual time, deceased |
Latin | Related to the language or culture of ancient Rome |
Latvian | Of or relating to Latvia or its people |
Laudable | Praiseworthy, deserving commendation |
Laughable | Deserving ridicule or mockery, absurd |
Laughing | Expressing amusement or joy through laughter |
Laureate | Honored with an award or prize, especially in literature or arts |
Lavish | Extravagant, sumptuous, luxurious |
Lawful | Conforming to the law, legal |
Lead | In a position of leadership, the heaviest metal element |
Leading | At the forefront, principal, most important |
Lean | Thin, without much flesh or fat |
Learned | Knowledgeable, having acquired extensive information or skill |
Learning | Engaged in acquiring new knowledge or skills |
Lebanese | Of or relating to Lebanon or its people |
Leery | Suspicious, wary, cautious |
Legend | Very well known |
Legendary | Famous and well-known, based on a legend or myth |
Legit | Legitimate, legal, valid |
Legitimate | Lawful, authentic, valid |
Liberal | Tolerant, open-minded, not limited to traditional ideas |
Light | Having little weight, not heavy |
Likable | Pleasant, easy to like, affable |
Limber | Flexible, agile, supple |
Lithe | Graceful, flexible, and supple |
Lithuanian | Of or relating to Lithuania or its people |
Loathly | Repulsive, ugly, unpleasant |
Loathsome | Disgusting, revolting, abhorrent |
Local | Of or relating to a particular place or region |
Logical | Based on reason, rational, reasonable |
Long | Extending for a considerable distance or time |
Loose | Not tight, relaxed, not firmly fixed |
Loser | A person who is consistently unsuccessful |
Lost | Unable to find one’s way, bewildered |
Louisianan | Of or relating to Louisiana or its people |
Lovely | Beautiful, attractive, charming |
Lucid | Clear, easy to understand, rational |
Lucky | Fortunate, having good luck |
Lucrative | Profitable, producing wealth |
Luminous | Emitting light, shining, bright |
Lutheran | Of or relating to the Protestant denomination of Lutheranism |
L Adjectives Image
List of Adjectives that Start with L
Adjectives that Start with La
- Labeled
- Labelled
- Labial
- Labiate
- Labile
- Labored
- Laboring
- Labor-intensive
- Laborious
- Laborsaving
- Laboured
- Labouring
- Laboursaving
- Labyrinthian
- Labyrinthine
- Laced
- Lacelike
- Lacerate
- Lacerated
- Lacertilian
- Lachrymal
- Lachrymatory
- Lachrymose
- Laciniate
- Lackadaisical
- Lacking
- Lackluster
- Lacklustre
- Lacky
- Laconian
- Laconic
- Lacrimal
- Lacrimatory
- Lactating
- Lacteal
- Lactic
- Lactogenic
- Lacustrine
- Lacy
- Laden
- Ladened
- Ladylike
- Laggard
- Laic
- Laid
- Laid-back
- Laid-off
- Lamarckian
- Lambent
- Lamblike
- Lame
- Lamellibranch
- Lamentable
- Lamented
- Lamenting
- Laminal
- Laminar
- Lamplit
- Lanate
- Lancastrian
- Lancelike
- Lanceolate
- Lancinate
- Lancinating
- Landed
- Landless
- Landlocked
- Landlubberly
- Landscaped
- Languid
- Languishing
- Languorous
- Laniary
- Lank
- Lanky
- Lantern-jawed
- Laotian
- Lapidarian
- Lapidary
- Lap-jointed
- Lapsed
- Laputan
- Larboard
- Larcenous
- Large
- Large-hearted
- Larger
- Large-scale
- Largest
- Larghetto
- Larghissimo
- Largish
- Largo
- Larval
- Laryngeal
- Lascivious
- Lashing
- Last
- Last-ditch
- Lasting
- Last-minute
- Late
- Lateen
- Latent
- Later
- Lateral
- Latest
- Lathery
- Latin
- Latinate
- Latino
- Latish
- Latitudinal
- Latitudinarian
- Latter
- Latter-day
- Latticed
- Latticelike
- Latvian
- Laudable
- Laudatory
- Laughable
- Laughing
- Laureate
- Laureled
- Laurelled
- Lavender
- Lavish
- Law-abiding
- Lawful
- Lawless
- Lax
- Laxative
- Laxity
- Lay
- Layered
- Lazy
Adjectives that Start with Le
- Lead
- Leaded
- Leaden
- Leading
- Leadless
- Leafed
- Leafless
- Leaflike
- Leafy
- Leak
- Leaking
- Leakproof
- Leaky
- Leal
- Lean
- Leaner
- Leaning
- Learnable
- Learned
- Learning
- Leased
- Leasehold
- Leasing
- Least
- Leather
- Leathered
- Leatherlike
- Leathery
- Leaved
- Leaveless
- Leavened
- Lebanese
- Lecherous
- Lee
- Leechlike
- Leering
- Leery
- Leeward
- Left
- Left-hand
- Left-handed
- Leftish
- Leftist
- Leftmost
- Left-of-center
- Leftover
- Left-wing
- Legal
- Legato
- Legend
- Legendary
- Legged
- Leggy
- Legible
- Legion
- Legislative
- Legit
- Legitimate
- Legless
- Leglike
- Leguminous
- Leibnitzian
- Leibnizian
- Leisured
- Leisurely
- Lemonlike
- Lemony
- Lendable
- Lengthened
- Lengthways
- Lengthwise
- Lengthy
- Lenient
- Lenitive
- Lenten
- Lentic
- Lenticular
- Lentiform
- Lentiginose
- Lentiginous
- Lentissimo
- Lento
- Leonardesque
- Leonine
- Lepidote
- Leprose
- Leprous
- Leptorhine
- Leptorrhine
- Leptorrhinian
- Leptorrhinic
- Leptosporangiate
- Lesbian
- Less
- Lessened
- Lesser
- Lesser-known
- Less-qualified
- Lethal
- Lethargic
- Lettered
- Levantine
- Level
- Levelheaded
- Level-headed
- Levitical
- Levorotary
- Levorotatory
- Lewd
- Lexical
- Lexicalised
- Lexicalized
- Lexicographic
- Lexicographical
- Lexicostatistic
Adjectives that Start with Li
- Liable
- Libellous
- Libelous
- Liberal
- Liberalistic
- Liberated
- Liberian
- Libertine
- Libidinal
- Libidinous
- Libyan
- Licenced
- Licensable
- Licensed
- Licentious
- Licit
- Licked
- Lidded
- Lidless
- Liechtensteiner
- Liege
- Lienal
- Life
- Life-giving
- Lifeless
- Lifelike
- Lifelong
- Lifesaver
- Lifesize
- Life-size
- Life-threatening
- Lifted
- Light
- Light-armed
- Light-blue
- Lighted
- Lighter
- Light-fingered
- Light-footed
- Light-handed
- Lightheaded
- Light-headed
- Lighthearted
- Light-hearted
- Lightless
- Light-minded
- Lightproof
- Lightsome
- Lightweight
- Ligneous
- Likable
- Like
- Likeable
- Liked
- Likelier
- Likely
- Like-minded
- Lilac
- Liliaceous
- Lilliputian
- Lilting
- Lily-livered
- Limacine
- Limacoid
- Limbed
- Limber
- Limbic
- Limbless
- Limited
- Limiting
- Limitless
- Limnological
- Limp
- Limpid
- Limping
- Lincolnesque
- Lincolnian
- Lineal
- Linear
- Lined
- Linelike
- Lingering
- Lingual
- Linguistic
- Lingulate
- Linked
- Linnaean
- Linnean
- Lionhearted
- Lipless
- Liplike
- Lipophilic
- Lipotropic
- Lipped
- Liquefiable
- Liquefied
- Liquescent
- Liquid
- Liquifiable
- Liquified
- Lissom
- Lissome
- Listed
- Listless
- Lit
- Lite
- Literal
- Literary
- Literate
- Lithe
- Lithesome
- Lithic
- Lithographic
- Lithomantic
- Lithophytic
- Lithuanian
- Litigious
- Littered
- Little
- Little-known
- Littler
- Littoral
- Liturgical
- Livable
- Live
- Liveable
- Liveborn
- Lived
- Livelier
- Liveliest
- Livelong
- Lively
- Liver
- Liver-colored
- Liveried
- Liverish
- Liverpudlian
- Livery
- Livid
- Living
Adjectives that Start with Lo
- Loaded
- Loamless
- Loamy
- Loath
- Loathly
- Loathsome
- Lobar
- Lobate
- Lobated
- Lobed
- Lobeliaceous
- Lobular
- Local
- Localised
- Localized
- Locatable
- Located
- Locked
- Loco
- Locomotive
- Locomotor
- Lodged
- Lofty
- Logarithmic
- Loggerheaded
- Logical
- Logistic
- Logistical
- Logogrammatic
- Logographic
- Logy
- Lone
- Lonely
- Lonesome
- Long
- Longanimous
- Long-armed
- Long-distance
- Longer
- Longest
- Longhand
- Longing
- Longish
- Longitudinal
- Long-life
- Long-lived
- Long-range
- Longsighted
- Longstanding
- Long-suffering
- Long-term
- Longtime
- Long-winded
- Look-alike
- Looking
- Loony
- Loopy
- Loose
- Looseleaf
- Loosened
- Looser
- Looted
- Lopsided
- Loquacious
- Lordless
- Lordly
- Lordotic
- Loser
- Lossless
- Lossy
- Lost
- Loth
- Lotic
- Louche
- Loud
- Louder
- Loudest
- Loud-mouthed
- Loud-voiced
- Louisianan
- Lousy
- Loutish
- Louvered
- Lovable
- Loveable
- Loved
- Loveless
- Loveliest
- Lovelorn
- Lovely
- Loverlike
- Loverly
- Lovesick
- Lovesome
- Loving
- Low
- Lowborn
- Lowbred
- Lowbrow
- Lowbrowed
- Low-budget
- Low-calorie
- Low-carb
- Low-cost
- Low-density
- Lower
- Lowercase
- Lowered
- Lowering
- Lowermost
- Lower-than-expected
- Lowest
- Low-fat
- Low-grade
- Low-interest
- Low-key
- Lowland
- Low-level
- Lowly
- Low-lying
- Low-maintenance
- Low-necked
- Low-pressure
- Low-priced
- Low-ranking
- Low-risk
- Lowset
- Low-spirited
- Loyal
- L-shaped
Adjectives that Start with Lu, Ly
- Lubberly
- Lubricated
- Lubricious
- Lucent
- Lucid
- Lucifugal
- Lucifugous
- Luckier
- Luckiest
- Luckless
- Lucky
- Lucrative
- Luculent
- Lucullan
- Ludic
- Ludicrous
- Lugubrious
- Lukewarm
- Lumbar
- Lumbering
- Lumbosacral
- Luminary
- Luminescent
- Luminous
- Lumpen
- Lumping
- Lumpish
- Lumpy
- Lunar
- Lunate
- Lunatic
- Lunisolar
- Lupine
- Lurid
- Luscious
- Lush
- Lusitanian
- Lusterless
- Lustful
- Lustreless
- Lustrous
- Lusty
- Luteal
- Lutheran
- Luxe
- Luxembourgian
- Luxemburger
- Luxuriant
- Luxurious
- Lying
- Lymphatic
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphoid
- Lynx-eyed
- Lyonnaise
- Lyophilised
- Lyophilized
- Lyrate
- Lyric
- Lyrical
- Lysogenic
Plus, discover more adjectives that start with…
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