Adjectives that start with M can help make your writing vivid and precise. This reference covers various sections, including descriptive, positive, and negative adjectives starting with M, as well as those used to describe personalities and people. Using adjectives effectively allows you to add more detail and flair to your sentences. Whether describing a person, place, or thing, the right adjectives can paint a clearer picture and convey the exact meaning you intend.
Adjectives that Start with M
Descriptive Adjectives that Start with M
Below are 100 descriptive adjectives that start with M.
Adjective | Example |
Macabre | The macabre scene of a murder in a horror movie |
Machinelike | The machinelike precision of a robot assembly line |
Macrobiotic | A macrobiotic meal with brown rice and tofu |
Mad | The mad scientist’s dangerous experiments |
Madcap | A madcap adventure in the jungle |
Maddening | The maddening sound of a dripping faucet |
Magenta | A magenta flower in the garden |
Maggoty | A maggoty piece of meat on the sidewalk |
Magic | The magic show amazed the audience |
Magical | The magical world of Harry Potter |
Magnetic | The magnetic force between two magnets |
Magnetized | A magnetized needle pointing north |
Magnificent | The magnificent view from the mountaintop |
Maiden | A maiden voyage on a new ship |
Maimed | A maimed soldier returning from war |
Main | The main character in a novel |
Maintainable | A maintainable piece of equipment |
Majestic | The majestic beauty of a bald eagle in flight |
Major | A major decision that will impact the future |
Makeshift | A makeshift shelter made from branches |
Maladroit | The maladroit waiter spilled drinks on the table |
Male | A male lion in the wild |
Malevolent | The malevolent villain in a movie |
Malicious | A malicious comment meant to hurt someone |
Malign | A malign tumor that required surgery |
Malignant | A malignant form of cancer that requires treatment |
Mammoth | A mammoth statue in the park |
Manageable | A manageable workload at the office |
Managerial | Managerial skills required for a leadership role |
Manchurian | A Manchurian dish of stir-fried noodles and meat |
Mandatory | The mandatory safety training for new employees |
Manful | The manful effort to rescue people from a fire |
Manicured | The manicured lawns of a fancy estate |
Manifest | The manifest symptoms of a disease |
Manifested | The manifested love between the couple |
Manipulative | The manipulative tactics of a salesperson |
Mannered | The mannered behavior of a cultured person |
Many | Many people attended the concert |
Marbled | Marbled paper used for bookbinding |
Marginal | A marginal increase in sales |
Marine | A marine biologist studying ocean life |
Marked | A marked improvement in the student’s grades |
Marketable | A marketable product that appeals to consumers |
Married | A married couple celebrating their anniversary |
Marvelous | The marvelous view from the mountaintop |
Masked | A masked thief who stole the priceless artifact |
Mastered | The musician mastered the guitar after years of practice |
Masterly | The masterly performance of a pianist |
Mat | A mat finish on a painting |
Matched | The matched curtains and bedding in a bedroom |
Matching | The matching outfits worn by a couple |
Mateless | A mateless swan swimming alone in a pond |
Material | Material evidence was presented at the trial |
Maternal | The maternal instinct to protect one’s child |
Mathematical | A mathematical equation used to solve a problem |
Matted | The matted fur on a neglected dog |
Maximum | The maximum speed limit on the highway |
Mazelike | The mazelike corridors of an ancient castle |
Meandering | The meandering river flowed through the valley |
Meaty | A meaty steak cooked to perfection |
Medical | A medical diagnosis of a patient’s condition |
Medieval | Medieval castles and fortresses in Europe |
Medium | A medium-sized pizza with pepperoni and cheese |
Melancholic | A melancholic song that evokes sadness and longing |
Mellow | The mellow vibes of a reggae song |
Melting | The melting snow revealed the green grass below |
Memberless | A memberless organization with no active members |
Membranous | The membranous wings of a butterfly |
Menial | A menial job such as cleaning or dishwashing |
Menopausal | Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings |
Menstrual | Menstrual cramps can be relieved with medication |
Mercenary | A mercenary soldier fighting for the highest bidder |
Merciful | The merciful judge gave the defendant a lighter sentence |
Merciless | The merciless dictator ruled with an iron fist |
Mere | A mere suggestion that had little impact |
Merging | The merging of two companies into one corporation |
Merited | The merited promotion for the hardworking employee |
Meshed | The meshed gears in a mechanical clock |
Mesoamerican | Mesoamerican pyramids and temples |
Metabolic | A metabolic disorder affecting the body’s energy production |
Metal | A metal watchband that is durable and stylish |
Metallic | The metallic sheen of a car’s paint job |
Metaphysical | The metaphysical nature of human consciousness |
Methodological | A methodological approach to data analysis |
Metric | The metric units of length, weight, and volume |
Metrological | A metrological station that records temperature and precipitation |
Metropolitan | The metropolitan lifestyle of New York City |
Miasmal | The miasmal odor emanating from the dumpster |
Microcosmic | A microcosmic representation of society in a small town |
Midweek | A midweek dinner date on Wednesday |
Mighty | The mighty strength |
Migratory | Migratory birds travel thousands of miles each year |
Milky | A Milky Way candy bar with a creamy nougat center |
Millennial | Millennial culture and technology trends |
Minor | A minor character in a novel or movie |
Moaning | The moaning wind howled through the deserted streets |
Morbid | A morbid fascination with horror movies and books |
Mouthwatering | The mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked bread |
Muffled | The muffled sound of the music from inside the club |
Multicultural | A multicultural society with a diverse population |
My | My favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” |
Mysterious | The mysterious disappearance of the hiker in the woods |
Positive Adjectives that Start with M
Below are 50 adjectives that start with M that indicate something positive.
Adjective | Example |
Madcap | His madcap sense of humor always keeps us entertained. |
Made | The necklace was made of silver and precious stones. |
Magic | The magician’s tricks were truly magical. |
Magical | The fairy’s wand had magical powers. |
Magnanimous | The magnanimous businessman donated a large sum of money to charity. |
Magnetized | The audience was magnetized by the singer’s performance. |
Magnificent | The view of the sunset was absolutely magnificent. |
Maiden | The maiden in the fairy tale was locked in a tower. |
Maidenly | She curtsied in a maidenly fashion. |
Main | The main reason for his success was his hard work. |
Mainstreamed | Yoga has become mainstreamed in modern society. |
Majestic | The castle had a majestic presence. |
Maneuverable | The new car was very maneuverable in tight spaces. |
Manicured | Her garden was always perfectly manicured. |
Manifest | The consequences of the decision were manifest. |
Mannerly | The mannerly gentleman held the door open for me. |
Marketable | The new product was very marketable and had high demand. |
Marvelous | The fireworks display was a marvelous spectacle. |
Masterful | The chef’s masterful cooking impressed the critics. |
Maternal | The maternal instincts of the lioness were impressive. |
Mature | The mature decision was to postpone the project. |
Meaningful | The song had a meaningful message about love. |
Meditative | She found yoga to be a meditative practice. |
Meek | The meek kitten was easily intimidated by the other cats. |
Mellow | The atmosphere of the cafe was mellow and laid-back. |
Melodic | The melodic piano playing filled the room. |
Melodious | The bird’s melodious singing was a delight to hear. |
Memorable | Their trip to Paris was a memorable experience. |
Merciful | The judge showed mercy and was merciful in his verdict. |
Merry | The children were merry and excited on Christmas morning. |
Mesmerized | She was mesmerized by the beauty of the painting. |
Meticulous | The chef was meticulous in preparing the dish |
Mighty | The mighty oak tree stood tall and strong |
Mindful | He was mindful of the dangers of the situation |
Mint | The car looked mint after it was detailed |
Miraculous | The miraculous recovery of the patient surprised everyone |
Mirthful | The children’s mirthful laughter filled the playground |
Modest | The modest athlete thanked his team for their support |
Momentous | The momentous decision changed the course of history |
Monumental | The monumental statue stood as a symbol of the nation’s pride |
Moral | The teacher stressed the importance of moral behavior in the class |
More | He needed more time to finish the project |
Motherly | The motherly nurse comforted the young patient |
Motivated | The motivated athlete trained hard to prepare for the competition |
Motivating | The motivating speech inspired the students to work harder |
Motivational | The motivational speaker motivated the audience to take action |
Moving | The moving tribute brought tears to everyone’s eyes |
Multicultural | The city is known for its multicultural population and cuisine |
Muscular | The bodybuilder had a muscular physique |
Negative Adjectives that Start with M
Related: Negative Adjectives
Below are 48 adjective words that start M that indicate something negative.
Adjective | Definition |
Macabre | disturbing and horrifying, often related to death |
Machiavellian | cunning and deceitful in nature, often for personal gain |
Mad | mentally ill or insane |
Maddened | driven to a state of frenzy or rage |
Maddening | extremely irritating or frustrating |
Maggoty | infested with maggots |
Maimed | permanently injured or disabled |
Makeshift | temporary and inadequate |
Maladaptive | not suitable for the current situation or environment |
Malcontent | dissatisfied and rebellious |
Maleficent | intending harm or evil |
Malevolent | showing intense ill will or hatred towards others |
Malformed | not developed or shaped correctly |
Malfunctioning | not working properly |
Malicious | intentionally harmful or spiteful |
Malignant | harmful and destructive in nature |
Malnourished | suffering from a lack of proper nutrition |
Malodorous | having an unpleasant or offensive odor |
Mangled | severely damaged or disfigured |
Mangy | scruffy, shabby, and unkempt |
Maniac | a person exhibiting wild and violent behavior |
Maniacal | exhibiting extreme craziness or madness |
Manipulable | easily influenced or controlled |
Marauding | engaging in raids or plundering |
Marred | damaged or disfigured |
Meager | inadequate or insufficient |
Meanness | exhibiting unkind or cruel behavior |
Measly | very small or inadequate in amount or value |
Meddlesome | interfering in other people’s affairs |
Meddling | involving oneself in a situation without invitation or necessity |
Melted | liquefied or melted |
Moanful | expressing sorrow or pain through moaning |
Mocked | ridiculed or made fun of |
Mocking | expressing contempt or ridicule |
Modest | not excessively proud or boastful |
Moronic | exhibiting extremely low intelligence |
Muck | dirty or filthy substance |
Mucky | covered in or containing dirt or mud |
Muddled | confused or in a state of disorder |
Muddy | covered in or containing mud or dirt |
Murderous | having the intent or tendency to commit murder |
Mushy | soft and pulpy in texture |
Musky | having a strong, earthy, and musky smell |
Mute | unable to speak or communicate verbally |
Muted | silenced or made less loud or intense |
Mutilated | disfigured or injured through violent means |
Mutilating | causing severe damage or injury |
Mutinous | rebellious or disobedient, especially towards authority |
Personality Adjectives that Start with M
Related: Personality Adjectives
Below are 46 adjectives that start with M that describe a personality.
Adjective | Definition |
Machiavellian | Cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous in pursuit of power or success |
Macho | Displaying excessive masculinity or toughness |
Magnanimous | Generous and forgiving in nature |
Manipulative | Skilled in influencing or controlling others for personal gain |
Marvelous | Impressive, wonderful, or excellent |
Materialistic | Concerned with material possessions or wealth |
Maverick | Independent-minded or unconventional |
Mean | Cruel, unkind or miserly in nature |
Measured | Deliberate, calculated, and careful in behavior or speech |
Meddlesome | Intrusive and interfering in other people’s affairs |
Melancholy | Feeling of sadness or depression |
Melodramatic | Exaggerated and overemotional in behavior or speech |
Merciful | Showing compassion or forgiveness to others |
Merciless | Cruel and unforgiving in nature |
Mercurial | Unpredictable or changeable in behavior or mood |
Merry | Cheerful, happy, or lighthearted |
Mesmerized | Fascinated, captivated, or enchanted |
Messy | Disorganized, untidy or dirty |
Methodical | Systematic and orderly in approach |
Meticulous | Showing great attention to detail |
Miffed | Annoyed or offended |
Militaristic | Relating to or advocating for a strong military presence |
Mincing | Effeminate in behavior or speech |
Mindful | Conscious or aware of something |
Mingy | Stingy or miserly in behavior or nature |
Mirthful | Joyful or amusing |
Misanthropical | Disliking humankind or avoiding human society |
Mischievous | Playful or troublesome in a lively or teasing way |
Miserable | Extremely unhappy or wretched |
Miserly | Hateful or ungenerous in nature |
Misguided | Acting or thinking wrongly or inaccurately |
Misleading | Giving a false impression or leading in the wrong direction |
Mistrustful | Untrusting, suspicious, or doubtful |
Mistrusting | Distrusting or skeptical in nature |
Modest | Unassuming or moderate in behavior or appearance |
Monstrous | Extremely large, cruel, or ugly in appearance or nature |
Moody | Unpredictable or prone to changing moods or emotions |
Moral | Concerned with principles of right and wrong behavior |
Morbid | Unhealthy or gruesome interest in death or disease |
Morose | Ill-tempered, sullen, or gloomy in nature |
Mortified | Feeling humiliated or embarrassed |
Mortifying | Causing humiliation or embarrassment |
Motherly | Caring or nurturing in nature |
Motivated | Driven or inspired to achieve something |
Mourning | Grieving or expressing sorrow for a loss |
Muddled | Confused or disordered in thought or speech |
Mundane | Ordinary or lacking excitement or interest |
Adjectives that Start with M to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Below are 50 adjectives that start with M that describe a person.
Adjective | Definition |
Maddening | Infuriating or extremely frustrating |
Magisterial | Authoritative, impressive, and commanding |
Magnetic | Attractive, charming, or having a powerful personality |
Magnificent | Grand, impressive, or splendid |
Maidenly | Relating to or having the qualities of a maiden or virgin |
Majestic | Grand, elegant, and dignified |
Maladjusted | Not well-adjusted or adapted to a particular situation or group |
Maltese | Relating to or from Malta |
Manageable | Able to be managed or controlled |
Managerial | Relating to management or administration |
Manchurian | Relating to Manchuria or its people |
Maniacal | Showing wild and irrational behavior or extreme enthusiasm |
Manic | Showing wild or excessive excitement, energy or activity |
Many | A large number or amount of something |
Maroon | Dark reddish-purple or a person left on a deserted island |
Married | Having a spouse or being joined in marriage |
Masculine | Relating to or having the qualities of a man |
Masked | Covered or hidden by a mask or disguise |
Massive | Large and heavy or imposing and impressive |
Master | Having great skill or expertise in a particular subject or activity |
Maternal | Relating to a mother or motherhood |
Mature | Fully developed or grown-up in mental or emotional sense |
Meaningful | Having a purpose or significance |
Meddling | Interfering or involving oneself in other people’s affairs |
Medical | Relating to the practice of medicine or healthcare |
Mediocre | Of average or low quality or ability |
Memorable | Worth remembering or easily remembered |
Messy | Untidy, disorganized or dirty |
Mexican | Relating to or from Mexico |
Mighty | Strong, powerful or large in size |
Militant | Combative or aggressive in support of a political or social cause |
Mincing | Walking with short, delicate steps or affectedly dainty |
Miraculous | Amazing, extraordinary, or seemingly supernatural |
Moaning | Making a low sound expressing pain, sorrow, or sexual pleasure |
Modern | Current, up-to-date or relating to the present time |
Momentous | Of great importance or significance |
Mongolian | Relating to or from Mongolia |
Moron | Offensive term for a stupid or foolish person |
Motionless | Not moving or still |
Moved | Emotionally touched or affected |
Moving | Evoking strong emotions, especially of sadness or sympathy |
Muddy | Covered or filled with mud or thick and unclear |
Muscular | Having well-developed and strong muscles |
Musical | Relating to music or having a talent for music |
Muslim | Relating to or being a follower of the Islamic religion |
Mustached | Having a mustache or mustache-like growth of hair on the upper lip |
Mysterious | Difficult to understand or explain |
Mystified | Confused or bewildered |
Mystifying | Puzzling or mysterious |
Mythical | Relating to or based on myths or legendary stories |
M Adjectives Image
List of Adjectives that Start with M
Adjectives that Start with Ma
- Maat
- Macabre
- Macaronic
- Maccabean
- Macedonian
- Macerative
- Machiavelian
- Machinal
- Machinelike
- Machine-made
- Machining
- Macho
- Macilent
- Macled
- Macro
- Macrobiotic
- Macrocephalic
- Macrocephalous
- Macrocosmic
- Macrodactylic
- Macrodactylous
- Macrodont
- Macroeconomic
- Macrognathic
- Macromolecular
- Macropetalous
- Macrophyllous
- Macropodal
- Macropodine
- Macropodous
- Macropterous
- Macroscopical
- Macrosporic
- Macrotous
- Macroura
- Macroural
- Macrural
- Macruroid
- Macrurous
- Maculated
- Maculose
- Mad
- Madagascan
- Madbrained
- Madcap
- Madding
- Maddish
- Made-up
- Madreporian
- Madreporic
- Madrilenian
- Maestoso
- Magdala
- Magellanic
- Magenta
- Magged
- Maggiore
- Maggotish
- Maggoty
- Magian
- Magical
- Magisterial
- Magistral
- Magistratical
- Magnanimous
- Magnesian
- Magnesic
- Magnetical
- Magnetiferous
- Magnetized
- Magnetometric
- Magnetomotive
- Magnifiable
- Magnific
- Magnificent
- Magnified
- Magniloquent
- Magniloquous
- Magnoliaceous
- Magyar
- Mahratta
- Maiden
- Maidenlike
- Maidpale
- Maieutical
- Maigre
- Mailable
- Mailclad
- Mailed
- Main
- Mainpernable
- Mainstreamed
- Maintainable
- Maintained
- Maioid
- Maister
- Majestic
- Major
- Majorat
- Majorcan
- Majuscule
- Makable
- Makeshift
- Malacissant
- Malacozoic
- Maladaptive
- Maladjustive
- Maladroit
- Malapert
- Malapropos
- Malar
- Malarial
- Malarian
- Malarious
- Malawian
- Malayan
- Malaysian
- Male
- Malecontent
- Maledicent
- Maledict
- Malefic
- Maleficent
- Maleficial
- Maleic
- Malevolent
- Malevolous
- Malformed
- Malgracious
- Malian
- Malic
- Malicious
- Malign
- Malignant
- Mallard
- Malleable
- Malleal
- Malleolar
- Malnourished
- Malodorous
- Malodourous
- Malonic
- Malpighian
- Malposed
- Malted
- Maltese
- Malthusian
- Maltonic
- Malty
- Malvaceous
- Mammalian
- Mammary
- Mammiferous
- Mammillated
- Manable
- Manageable
- Manageless
- Managerial
- Manal
- Manchu
- Manchurian
- Mancunian
- Mandaean
- Mandarinic
- Mandative
- Mandatory
- Mandean
- Mandelic
- Manducable
- Manducatory
- Maned
- Maneless
- Manerial
- Maneuverable
- Manful
- Manganesian
- Manganesic
- Manganesious
- Manganesous
- Manganic
- Manganiferous
- Manganous
- Mangled
- Mangy
- Maniable
- Maniacal
- Manic
- Manichaean
- Manichean
- Manichee
- Maniclike
- Manifest
- Manifolded
- Maniple
- Manipulable
- Manipulative
- Mankind
- Manless
- Manlike
- Manly
- Man-made
- Manned
- Mannered
- Mannitic
- Manoeuvrable
- Manometrical
- Manorial
- Manque
- Mansard
- Mansuete
- Mantic
- Mantled
- Mantuan
- Manual
- Manuary
- Manubial
- Manubrial
- Manufactory
- Manufactural
- Manumotive
- Manurable
- Manurial
- Manuscript
- Manuscriptal
- Manx
- Many
- Maoist
- Maori
- Map
- Maplelike
- Maplike
- Mapping
- Marasritaceous
- Marauding
- Marble
- Marbled
- Marbleised
- Marbly
- Marcasitical
- Marcato
- Marcescent
- Marcescible
- Marching
- Marcian
- Marcid
- Marconi
- Margaric
- Margaritic
- Margaritiferous
- Margarous
- Marginal
- Marginated
- Margined
- Marginicidal
- Marian
- Marigenous
- Marine
- Marish
- Marital
- Maritated
- Maritimal
- Maritimale
- Markable
- Marked
- Marketable
- Markovian
- Marlaceous
- Marlitic
- Marly
- Marmoraceous
- Marmoreal
- Marmorean
- Maroc
- Maroon
- Marooned
- Marred
- Marriable
- Marriageable
- Married
- Marron
- Marrowish
- Marrowless
- Marrowy
- Marrried
- Marsh
- Marshy
- Marsupial
- Martial
- Martian
- Marvellous
- Marxist
- Mascled
- Masculine
- Mashy
- Masked
- Maslin
- Masochistic
- Masonic
- Masoretical
- Mass
- Massed
- Masseteric
- Masseterine
- Massive
- Massy
- Masted
- Master
- Mastered
- Masterful
- Masterless
- Masterous
- Mastful
- Masticable
- Masticatory
- Mastless
- Mastodontic
- Mastoid
- Mastoidal
- Masty
- Matchable
- Matchless
- Mated
- Matelasse
- Mateless
- Material
- Materialistical
- Materious
- Maternal
- Maternalistic
- Materteral
- Matey
- Mathematical
- Matin
- Matinal
- Matriarchal
- Matriarchic
- Matrical
- Matricentric
- Matricidal
- Matriherital
- Matrilineal
- Matrilinear
- Matrimonial
- Matrimonious
- Matripotestal
- Matronal
- Matronlike
- Matted
- Matterless
- Maturational
- Maturative
- Matured
- Maturescent
- Maturing
- Matutinal
- Matutinary
- Matutine
- Maudlin
- Maungy
- Mauritanian
- Mauritian
- Mausolean
- Mauve
- Mauvine
- Maverick
- Mawkish
- Mawky
- Mawmish
- Maxi
- Maxillodental
- Maxim
- Maximum
- Mayan
- Maybe
- Mayoral
- Mazarine
- Mazdean
- Mazed
- Mazeful
- Mazological
- Mazy
Adjectives that Start with Me
- Meadow
- Meager
- Meagre
- Mealiness
- Mealy
- Mealymouthed
- Mean
- Meandering
- Meandrian
- Meandrous
- Meandry
- Meaningful
- Meaningless
- Meanspirited
- Measled
- Measly
- Measurable
- Measured
- Measureless
- Meated
- Meatless
- Meaty
- Meazling
- Meccawee
- Mechanic
- Mechanised
- Mechanistic
- Meckelian
- Meconic
- Meconinic
- Mecopterous
- Med
- Medallic
- Meddlesome
- Meddling
- Mediaeval
- Median
- Medianic
- Mediastinal
- Mediated
- Mediative
- Mediatorial
- Medic
- Medicable
- Medical
- Medicamental
- Medicative
- Medicean
- Medicinable
- Medicinal
- Medicolegal
- Medieval
- Mediocral
- Mediocre
- Mediostapedial
- Medioxumous
- Meditative
- Mediterranean
- Medium
- Medley
- Medullar
- Medullary
- Medullated
- Medusoid
- Meedful
- Meek
- Megacephalic
- Megacephalous
- Megakaryocytic
- Megalesian
- Megalithic
- Megaloblastic
- Megarian
- Megaric
- Megascopical
- Megaseme
- Megasthenic
- Meibomian
- Meiocene
- Meiotic
- Melancholic
- Melancholious
- Melancholy
- Melanesian
- Melanic
- Melanistic
- Melanochroic
- Melanocomous
- Melanotic
- Melanuric
- Melassic
- Meleagrine
- Meliaceous
- Melibean
- Melicerous
- Melilotic
- Meliorative
- Meliphagan
- Meliphagous
- Melissic
- Mellaginous
- Mellic
- Melliferous
- Mellific
- Mellifluent
- Mellifluous
- Melligenous
- Melliloquent
- Melliphagous
- Mellisonant
- Mellitic
- Melodic
- Melodious
- Melodramatic
- Meloplastic
- Meltable
- Melted
- Membral
- Membranous
- Memorable
- Memorative
- Memorial
- Memorizable
- Memphian
- Menacing
- Menald
- Mendable
- Mendelian
- Mendicant
- Menial
- Menild
- Meningeal
- Meniscal
- Meniscoid
- Menispermic
- Menopausal
- Mensal
- Menstrual
- Menstruant
- Menstruous
- Mensurable
- Mensural
- Mental
- Mentholated
- Menticultural
- Mentionable
- Mentorial
- Mephitic
- Mephitical
- Meracious
- Mercable
- Mercantile
- Mercenary
- Mercerized
- Merchandisable
- Merchant
- Merchantable
- Merciable
- Merciful
- Merciless
- Mercurial
- Mercuric
- Mercurous
- Mere
- Meretricious
- Merged
- Merging
- Meridian
- Meridional
- Merino
- Merismatic
- Meritable
- Merited
- Meriting
- Meritless
- Meritocratic
- Meritorious
- Meritory
- Merke
- Meroblastic
- Meroistic
- Merovingian
- Merry
- Merrymaking
- Mesaconic
- Mesal
- Mesaraic
- Mesaticephalic
- Mesenteric
- Meseraic
- Mesethmoid
- Meshed
- Meshy
- Mesial
- Mesic
- Mesmeric
- Mesne
- Mesoamerican
- Mesoblastic
- Mesobranchial
- Mesocephalic
- Mesocephalous
- Mesodermal
- Mesodermic
- Mesodont
- Mesogastric
- Mesognathous
- Mesolithic
- Mesomorphic
- Mesomyodous
- Mesonasal
- Mesonephric
- Mesonic
- Mesophytic
- Mesopodial
- Mesorhine
- Mesoseme
- Mesosternal
- Mesotartaric
- Mesothoracic
- Mesotrochal
- Mesoxalic
- Mesozoic
- Messianic
- Messy
- Metabolic
- Metabolous
- Metabranchial
- Metacarpal
- Metacentric
- Metadiscoidal
- Metagastric
- Metagenetic
- Metagenic
- Metagnathous
- Metagrabolised
- Metagraphic
- Metagrobolised
- Metaleptic
- Metallic
- Metalliferous
- Metallike
- Metalline
- Metalloidal
- Metallorganic
- Metallurgical
- Metalogical
- Metalorganic
- Metameric
- Metamorphic
- Metamorphosic
- Metamorphous
- Metanephritic
- Metantimonic
- Metapectic
- Metaphoric
- Metaphorical
- Metaphosphoric
- Metaphrased
- Metaphrastic
- Metaphysic
- Metapodial
- Metasilicic
- Metastable
- Metastannic
- Metastatic
- Metasternal
- Metatarsal
- Metathetic
- Metathoracic
- Metatitanic
- Metatungstic
- Metavanadic
- Metayer
- Metazoic
- Metempiric
- Meteoric
- Meteorical
- Meteoritic
- Meteoroidal
- Meteoroligic
- Meteorologic
- Meteorous
- Methionic
- Methodic
- Methodical
- Methodistic
- Methodological
- Methylated
- Methylic
- Meticulous
- Metonic
- Metonymic
- Metopic
- Metoposcopic
- Metrical
- Metrological
- Metronymic
- Metropolitan
- Metropolitical
- Mettled
- Mettlesome
- Mewing
- Mexican
Adjectives that Start with Mi
- Miasmal
- Miasmatic
- Miasmic
- Mica
- Micaceous
- Miching
- Mickle
- Micracoustic
- Micro
- Microbial
- Microbian
- Microbic
- Microcephalic
- Microcephalous
- Micrococcal
- Microcosmic
- Microcoustic
- Microcrystalline
- Microdont
- Microeconomic
- Microelectronic
- Microlithic
- Micrologic
- Micrometric
- Micronesian
- Microphonic
- Microphonous
- Microphyllous
- Microphytal
- Microscopal
- Microscopial
- Microscopic
- Microseme
- Microsomal
- Microsporic
- Microsthenic
- Microtomic
- Microtomical
- Midday
- Middle
- Middle-aged
- Middle-class
- Midget
- Midi
- Mightful
- Mightless
- Mighty
- Migniard
- Mignon
- Migrant
- Migrational
- Milanese
- Milch
- Mild
- Milesian
- Miliary
- Miliolite
- Miliolitic
- Militant
- Militar
- Militarised
- Militaristic
- Military
- Milken
- Milkful
- Milkless
- Milklike
- Milky
- Milled
- Millenarian
- Millennial
- Millennian
- Millesimal
- Miltonian
- Miltonic
- Milvine
- Minable
- Minaceous
- Minacious
- Mincing
- Mindful
- Mindless
- Mined
- Mineral
- Mineralized
- Mineralogical
- Mingleable
- Mingling
- Mingy
- Mini
- Miniard
- Miniature
- Minikin
- Miniscule
- Minish
- Ministerial
- Ministering
- Ministrant
- Ministrative
- Minoan
- Minor
- Minorat
- Mint
- Minty
- Minus
- Miocene
- Miraculous
- Mirific
- Mirificent
- Mirk
- Mirthful
- Mirthless
- Miry
- Miscellany
- Mischanceful
- Mischiefable
- Mischievous
- Mischnic
- Miscible
- Misconstruable
- Miscreant
- Miscreative
- Miserable
- Misogynous
- Mistakable
- Mistful
- Mistreated
- Mistrustful
- Mistrustless
- Mitigable
- Mixable
Adjectives that Start with Mo
- Mobile
- Modifiable
- Moistful
- Moistless
- Moistureless
- Molestful
- Monadical
- Monarchal
- Monarchial
- Monarchical
- Monastic
- Monastical
- Moneran
- Monestrous
- Monetary
- Monitive
- Monitorial
- Monocarpous
- Monocrotic
- Monoculous
- Monodelphic
- Monodelphous
- Monodic
- Monogynous
- Monopersonal
- Monopetalous
- Monophanous
- Monophonic
- Monophyletic
- Monoplastic
- Monoploid
- Monopodial
- Monopteral
- Monopyrenous
- Monorganic
- Monosepalous
- Monospermal
- Monospermous
- Monospherical
- Monostichous
- Monotonical
- Monotonous
- Mootable
- Mopeful
- Moraceous
- Morainic
- Moral
- Mordicative
- More
- Moresque
- Morganatic
- Moribund
- Morintannic
- Morisco
- Morne
- Motiveless
- Moveable
- Moveless
Adjectives that Start with Mu, My
- Multicolor
- Multijugous
- Multilane
- Mysterious
- Mythical
- Mythologic
- Mythological
Plus, discover more adjectives that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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