Explore the world of adjectives starting with “T” to make your descriptions more vivid and accurate. This will not only refine your vocabulary but also improve your overall command of the English language, making your communication more engaging and effective.
Adjectives that Start with T
The letter T is one of the most commonly used consonants, so we naturally have a large number of adjectives that begin with T. Some common examples include tall, timid, tenacious, tiny, terrific, thankful, talkative, trendy, truthful, talented, and tolerant.
Descriptive Adjectives that Start with T
Below are 98 descriptive adjectives that start with T.
Adjective | Example |
Taboo | It is taboo to discuss religion or politics at the dinner table. |
Tabular | The data was presented in a tabular format for easy understanding. |
Taciturn | The taciturn man preferred to listen rather than talk during the meeting. |
Tackled | The team tackled the project with enthusiasm and dedication. |
Tacky | The party decorations were tacky and unappealing. |
Tactful | The manager was tactful in his approach to resolving the conflict. |
Tactical | The tactical maneuvers of the army proved successful in defeating the enemy. |
Tactile | The soft and tactile fabric was a pleasure to wear. |
Tactless | His tactless remark offended many people at the party. |
Tactual | The blind person relied heavily on his tactual sense to navigate the world. |
Tailored | The suit was tailored perfectly to fit his body. |
Taking | Her taking personality won her many friends. |
Tall | The tall building dominated the skyline. |
Tame | The tame parrot sat quietly on its perch. |
Tameless | The tameless wilderness was beautiful but dangerous. |
Tan | Her skin turned tan after spending a week at the beach. |
Tangent | The tangent line to the curve at a point is perpendicular to the radius at that point. |
Tangled | The wires were tangled and difficult to separate. |
Tangly | The tangly vines made it difficult to walk through the forest. |
Tanned | He looked healthy and tanned after spending the summer working outside. |
Taper | The candle was tapered to a point at the top. |
Tapered | The legs of the table were tapered to give it a more elegant look. |
Tapering | The river was tapering off as it flowed into the sea. |
Tardy | The tardy student was marked as absent. |
Targeted | The ad campaign was targeted at young adults who enjoy outdoor activities. |
Tarnished | The silverware was tarnished and needed to be polished. |
Tart | The lemonade was too tart for her liking. |
Tasty | The food was tasty and well-seasoned. |
Tattling | The tattling child always told on his siblings for minor misdeeds. |
Taunt | The bully would taunt the smaller kids on the playground. |
Tawdry | The tawdry costume looked like it came from a dollar store. |
Taxable | The income earned from the rental property was taxable. |
Taxidermic | The taxidermic display of the animals in the museum was impressive. |
Taxing | The long hours and difficult work made the job very taxing. |
Tearless | Despite the sad news, she remained tearless and composed. |
Teary | The teary-eyed child was comforted by his mother. |
Technical | The technical aspects of the job required training and expertise. |
Tectonic | The tectonic plates moving caused an earthquake in the region. |
Tedious | The tedious job of data entry required a lot of patience. |
Teeming | The market was teeming with people and vendors selling their wares. |
Teeny | The teeny insects were barely visible to the naked eye. |
Telegraphic | The telegraphic message contained only the essential information. |
Tellable | The story was tellable and held the attention of the listeners. |
Telling | The telling look on her face revealed her true feelings. |
Telltale | The telltale signs of the disease were visible on the patient’s skin. |
Temporal | The temporal nature of life makes it all the more precious. |
Ten | The recipe called for ten tablespoons of sugar. |
Tend | He tends to be quiet in social situations. |
Tender | The tender moment between the mother and child was heartwarming. |
Tenderfoot | The tenderfoot scout struggled to set up his tent. |
Tenfold | The number of attendees increased tenfold compared to last year’s conference. |
Tense | The tense muscles in his shoulders showed his stress. |
Tensioned | The tensioned wires held the structure in place. |
Tentacled | The tentacled creature from the deep sea was a fascinating discovery. |
Tentative | The tentative agreement between the two parties was subject to change. |
Tented | The tented campsite was nestled in the woods. |
Tenth | The tenth chapter of the book was the most suspenseful. |
Testable | The hypothesis was testable through experiments. |
Testicular | The testicular cancer was caught early and successfully treated. |
Testing | The testing hike up the mountain was worth it for the stunning views. |
Testy | The testy customer complained about everything in the restaurant. |
Textile | The textile industry was a major source of employment in the town. |
Textured | The textured wallpaper added depth to the room. |
Theatric | His theatric gestures and expressions added drama to the performance. |
Their | Their house was located at the end of the street. |
Thematic | The thematic elements in the movie were well-executed. |
Theoretic | The theoretic implications of the discovery were groundbreaking. |
Thinkable | The thinkable solution to the problem had already been tried. |
Thinly | The thinly populated region had a small number of inhabitants. |
Thornless | The thornless rose bush was easier to maintain. |
Three | The three little pigs built their houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks. |
Thriving | The thriving business expanded to multiple locations. |
Throng | The throng of tourists made it difficult to navigate the narrow streets. |
Through | The project was almost through completion. |
Thumbed | The thumbed pages of the book showed signs of frequent use. |
Thundering | The thundering applause filled the concert hall. |
Thundery | The thundery night made it difficult to sleep. |
Thwart | The thief’s plan was thwarted by the security guard. |
Tidal | The tidal waves caused extensive damage to the coastal town. |
Tight | The tight knot was difficult to undo. |
Timesaving | The timesaving appliance made cooking dinner a breeze. |
Tinted | The tinted windows provided privacy and shade from the sun. |
Tiptoe | She walked on tiptoe to avoid waking the baby. |
Tiptop | The service at the restaurant was tiptop. |
Tiresome | The lecture was so long and tiresome. |
Tissued | She wore a tissued dress to the party. |
Titanic | The ship was a titanic vessel. |
Titular | He was the titular head of the company. |
Tonic | A cold tonic water on a hot day is very refreshing. |
Tooled | The leather belt was tooled with intricate designs. |
Toothy | He had a big, toothy grin on his face. |
Top | She was the top student in her class. |
Topical | The article discussed a topical issue in the fashion industry. |
Topping | She added some whipped cream as a topping on her hot chocolate. |
Torturous | The hike up the mountain was torturous. |
Touchable | The soft, touchable fabric of the dress. |
Touching | The touching story made her cry. |
Towering | The towering skyscraper dominated the skyline. |
Positive Adjectives that Start with T
Below are 50 adjectives that start with T that indicate something positive.
Adjective | Example |
Talented | She’s a talented artist who paints beautiful landscapes. |
Tame | The zookeeper trained the lion to be tame around humans. |
Tangy | The tangy smell of fresh lemon filled the air. |
Tantalizing | The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread made my mouth water. |
Tasteful | She decorated her home with tasteful furniture and artwork. |
Tasty | The pizza was so tasty that I ate the whole pie. |
Teachable | The puppy was very teachable and learned new tricks quickly. |
Technical | The engineer was hired for his technical expertise in designing computer software. |
Temperate | The temperate climate made for comfortable outdoor activities. |
Tempting | The tempting smell of freshly baked cookies made it hard to resist eating them. |
Tenacious | The tenacious athlete refused to give up until she won the race. |
Tender | The tender touch of the baby’s hand melted the mother’s heart. |
Tenderhearted | The tenderhearted nurse cared for her patients with kindness and empathy. |
Terrific | The movie was terrific and kept me on the edge of my seat. |
Thankful | I am thankful for my friends and family who support me. |
Theological | The theological debate centered around the concept of free will. |
Therapeutic | The therapeutic massage helped to relieve the patient’s pain. |
Thorough | The investigator conducted a thorough examination of the crime scene. |
Thoughtful | The thoughtful gift from her friend brought tears to her eyes. |
Thrifty | The thrifty shopper always looked for deals and discounts before making a purchase. |
Thrilling | The thrilling roller coaster ride made my heart race. |
Tidy | The tidy room made it easy to find things and reduced stress. |
Timeless | The timeless beauty of Audrey Hepburn continues to inspire fashion today. |
Timely | The timely rain provided much-needed water for the crops. |
Tireless | The tireless athlete trained for hours every day to prepare for the competition. |
Tolerable | The pain was tolerable with the help of painkillers. |
Tolerant | The tolerant community welcomed people from all backgrounds and cultures. |
Top | The restaurant was top-rated for its delicious food and excellent service. |
Traditional | The traditional ceremony included rituals passed down from generation to generation. |
Trained | The trained chef prepared a |
Training | The athlete’s rigorous training schedule helped her to become a champion. |
Transcendent | The music was so transcendent that it moved the audience to tears. |
Transcendental | The transcendental meditation technique helped the practitioner to achieve inner peace. |
Transformative | The transformative experience of traveling to a new country changed the traveler’s perspective on life. |
Transformed | The dilapidated building was transformed into a modern office space. |
Transparent | The company’s transparent accounting practices helped to build trust with investors. |
Treasured | The treasured family heirloom had been passed down for generations. |
Treatable | The doctor reassured the patient that her illness was treatable with medication. |
Tremendous | The company’s tremendous growth in revenue exceeded all expectations. |
Trendy | The trendy clothing store attracted a young and hip clientele. |
Triumphant | The triumphant athlete raised her arms in celebration as she crossed the finish line. |
True | The true friendship between the two women lasted for decades. |
Trusting | The trusting child believed that the stranger was there to help her. |
Trustworthy | The trustworthy employee was entrusted with the company’s most sensitive information. |
Trusty | The trusty old car had never let the owner down. |
Tuneful | The tuneful melody of the song stayed in my head for hours. |
Twinkling | The stars were twinkling brightly in the clear night sky. |
Typical | The typical breakfast in this country consists of eggs, toast, and coffee. |
Negative Adjectives that Start with T
Below are 50 adjective words that start with T that indicate something negative.
Adjective | Definition |
Taboo | Forbidden, prohibited |
Tacky | Cheap, showy, lacking style or taste |
Tactless | Insensitive, lacking in diplomacy |
Tardy | Late, delayed |
Targeted | Focused on a specific person or group |
Tarnished | Stained, discolored, damaged |
Tart | Sour, sharp-tasting |
Tasteless | Lacking flavor, dull |
Tattered | Worn out, torn, shabby |
Taunt | Mocking, ridiculing |
Taunting | Provoking, teasing |
Taxing | Physically or mentally demanding, difficult |
Tearing | Ripping, shredding |
Teasing | Mocking, provoking |
Temperamental | Moody, easily agitated |
Temporary | Not permanent, lasting for a limited time |
Tempted | Having the desire to do something wrong |
Tenacious | Stubborn, persistent |
Tense | Nervous, anxious |
Tepid | Lukewarm, unenthusiastic |
Terrible | Extremely bad, awful |
Terse | Abrupt, curt, brief |
Thievish | Given to stealing, dishonest |
Thorny | Difficult, complicated |
Thrashed | Beaten, battered |
Threatened | Endangered, in danger |
Threatening | Menacing, ominous |
Thrifty | Cheap, stingy |
Thunderous | Loud, booming |
Tightfisted | Stingy, unwilling to spend money |
Timid | Shy, easily frightened |
Tiring | Exhausting, fatiguing |
Toneless | Monotonous, lacking in expression |
Tormented | Tortured, plagued by distress or suffering |
Torpid | Lethargic, sluggish |
Torrential | Heavy, pouring in large quantities |
Torrid | Extremely hot, scorching |
Torturous | Painful, causing torment |
Toxic | Poisonous, harmful |
Tragic | Sad, catastrophic |
Trapped | Unable to escape, confined |
Trashed | Ruined, destroyed |
Trashy | Cheap, of poor quality |
Traumatic | Causing emotional or physical distress |
Treacherous | Unreliable, dangerous, likely to betray |
Tricky | Difficult, complicated, deceptive |
Trivial | Unimportant, insignificant |
Tuneless | Lacking melody or harmony, off-key |
Twitchy | Nervous, jumpy, prone to sudden movements |
Tyrannical | Abusive, oppressive, controlling in a harsh way |
Personality Adjectives that Start with T
Below are 30 adjectives that start with T that describe a personality.
Tactful | Diplomatic and considerate in dealing with others |
Tactless | Lacking in sensitivity and not considerate of others’ feelings |
Tense | Anxious or nervous, often due to stress or worry |
Testy | Easily irritated or annoyed |
Tender | Gentle, caring, and affectionate towards others |
Thankful | Expressing or feeling gratitude and appreciation |
Thorough | Comprehensive, complete, and detailed |
Thrilled | Extremely excited or happy |
Timid | Shy, lacking in confidence or courage |
Tolerant | Willing to accept or tolerate different opinions or behaviors |
Touchy | Sensitive and easily offended or upset |
Tranquil | Calm, peaceful, and free from disturbance |
Transfixed | Completely motionless and fixed in attention |
Trusting | Willing to believe or trust others |
Tricky | Difficult to deal with or requiring skill and care |
Truthful | Honest and sincere in speech and behavior |
Trustful | Easily trusting or having faith in others |
True | Loyal, sincere, and faithful to commitments |
Tacky | Lacking in style, taste, or sophistication |
Troublesome | Causing problems or difficulties |
Talkative | Fond of talking and inclined to speak at length |
Tenacious | Determined and persistent in pursuing goals |
Territorial | Protective of one’s own territory or possessions |
Terse | Brief and to the point in speech or writing |
Temperamental | Unpredictable and prone to sudden changes in mood or behavior |
Temperate | Mild and moderate, not excessive or extreme |
Tempted | Having a desire or inclination towards something |
Theatrical | Exaggerated and melodramatic in behavior or style |
Thriftless | Wasteful and lacking in financial responsibility |
Transcendent | Beyond or above the range of normal human experience or knowledge |
Adjectives that Start with T to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Adjective | Meaning |
Tan | Having darkened skin from exposure to the sun |
Tantalizing | Tempting or teasing with something desired but out of reach |
Talented | Possessing natural aptitude or skill in a particular area |
Tall | Having a greater than average height |
Tedious | Boring or monotonous |
Terrible | Extremely bad or unpleasant |
Tearful | Filled with or causing tears |
Tempting | Alluring or enticing |
Teasing | Playfully mocking or provoking |
Tender | Showing gentleness or affection |
Terrifying | Causing extreme fear or dread |
Tense | Nervous or anxious |
Thriving | Flourishing or successful |
Threatening | Expressing a potential danger or harm |
Thankless | Not receiving gratitude or appreciation |
Thwarted | Prevented from achieving a goal or desire |
Thinking | Engaged in mental contemplation or reflection |
Thoughtless | Acting without consideration or regard for others |
Threatened | Feeling or being in danger or vulnerable to harm |
Tired | Fatigued or lacking energy |
Tight | Fitting closely or snugly |
Tightlipped | Refusing to speak or reveal information |
Tiring | Fatiguing or exhausting |
Touching | Evoking strong emotions, especially empathy or sympathy |
Touched | Affected emotionally or mentally |
Tough | Resilient or difficult to overcome |
Troubling | Causing worry or concern |
Trustworthy | Reliable or deserving of trust |
Treasured | Highly valued or cherished |
Trusted | Regarded as reliable or trustworthy |
Tremendous | Enormous or awe-inspiring |
Turbulent | Unstable or chaotic |
Tumultuous | Marked by disturbance or unrest |
Teen | Relating to or being in the age range between 13 and 19 |
Teenage | Relating to or being in the age range between 13 and 19 |
Teenaged | Relating to or being in the age range between 13 and 19 |
Terrific | Extremely good or impressive |
Thick | Having a large distance between opposite surfaces |
Thickset | Having a stocky or sturdy build |
Thin | Having a small distance between opposite surfaces |
Tiny | Very small in size or amount |
Tousled | Messy or disheveled, usually referring to hair |
Traditional | Adhering to long-established customs or beliefs |
Taiwanese | Relating to or coming from Taiwan |
Thai | Relating to or coming from Thailand |
Tibetan | Relating to or coming from Tibet |
Tunisian | Relating to or coming from Tunisia |
Turkish | Relating to or coming from Turkey |
Tattooed | Having one or more tattoos on the body |
Tattooing | The process of creating tattoos on the body |
T Adjectives | Image
List of 500+ Adjectives that Start with T
Adjectives that Start with Ta
- Tabbed
- Tabby
- Taboo
- Tabu
- Tabular
- Tacit
- Taciturn
- Tackled
- Tacky
- Tactful
- Tactical
- Tactile
- Tactless
- Tactual
- Tagged
- Tahitian
- Tai
- Tailed
- Tailless
- Taillike
- Tailored
- Tainted
- Taintless
- Taiwanese
- Tajikistani
- Take-charge
- Taken
- Takeout
- Taking
- Talebearing
- Talented
- Talentless
- Taliped
- Talismanic
- Talkative
- Talky
- Tall
- Tallish
- Taloned
- Tamable
- Tame
- Tameable
- Tamed
- Tameless
- Tamil
- Tan
- Tangent
- Tangential
- Tangerine
- Tangible
- Tangled
- Tangly
- Tangy
- Tanned
- Tannic
- Tannish
- Tantalising
- Tantalizing
- Tantamount
- Tantric
- Tantrik
- Tanzanian
- Taoist
- Taped
- Taper
- Tapered
- Tapering
- Tapestried
- Tapped
- Tardive
- Tardy
- Targeted
- Tarnished
- Tarry
- Tarsal
- Tart
- Tartan
- Tartarean
- Tartaric
- Tarty
- Tasmanian
- Tasseled
- Tasselled
- Tasteful
- Tasteless
- Tasty
- Tatterdemalion
- Tattered
- Tattling
- Tattooed
- Tattooing
- Tatty
- Taunt
- Taunting
- Taupe
- Taurine
- Taut
- Tautologic
- Tautological
- Tawdry
- Tawny
- Tax-free
- Taxable
- Taxidermic
- Taxing
- Taxonomic
- Taxonomical
- Taxpaying
Adjectives that Start with Te
- Teachable
- Teal
- Tearaway
- Tearful
- Tearing
- Tearless
- Teary
- Teased
- Teasing
- Technic
- Technical
- Technocratic
- Technologic
- Technological
- Technophilic
- Technophobic
- Techy
- Tectonic
- Tedious
- Teeming
- Teen
- Teen-age
- Teenage
- Teenaged
- Teensy
- Teensy-weensy
- Teentsy
- Teeny
- Teeny-tiny
- Teeny-weeny
- Teetotal
- Tegular
- Telegnostic
- Telegraphic
- Telekinetic
- Telemetered
- Teleological
- Telepathic
- Telephonic
- Telescoped
- Telescopic
- Televisual
- Tell-all
- Tellable
- Telling
- Telltale
- Tellurian
- Telluric
- Telocentric
- Temerarious
- Temperamental
- Temperate
- Tempered
- Tempering
- Tempestuous
- Temporal
- Temporary
- Temptable
- Tempted
- Tempting
- Ten
- Ten-minute
- Ten-speed
- Tenable
- Tenacious
- Tenantable
- Tenanted
- Tend
- Tendencious
- Tendentious
- Tender
- Tender-hearted
- Tender-minded
- Tenderfoot
- Tenderhearted
- Tenderised
- Tenderized
- Tending
- Tendinous
- Tenebrific
- Tenebrious
- Tenebrous
- Tenfold
- Tenor
- Tense
- Tensed
- Tensile
- Tensional
- Tensioned
- Tensionless
- Tentacled
- Tentacular
- Tentative
- Tented
- Tenth
- Tenuous
- Tenured
- Tepid
- Teratogenic
- Terefah
- Terete
- Termagant
- Terminable
- Terminal
- Terminated
- Terminative
- Terminological
- Termly
- Ternary
- Ternate
- Terpsichorean
- Terrene
- Terrestrial
- Terrible
- Terrific
- Terrified
- Terrifying
- Territorial
- Terroristic
- Terse
- Tertian
- Tertiary
- Tessellated
- Testable
- Testaceous
- Testamentary
- Testate
- Tested
- Testicular
- Testimonial
- Testing
- Testy
- Tetanic
- Tetchy
- Tethered
- Tetragonal
- Tetramerous
- Tetrametric
- Tetravalent
- Teutonic
- Texan
- Text-based
- Textbook
- Textile
- Textual
- Textural
- Textured
Adjectives that Start with Th
- Thai
- Thalamocortical
- Thalassic
- Thalloid
- Thallophytic
- Thankful
- Thankless
- That
- Thawed
- Theatric
- Theatrical
- Theban
- Thee
- Their
- Theist
- Theistic
- Theistical
- Thematic
- Themed
- Then
- Thenal
- Thenar
- Theocratic
- Theological
- Theoretic
- Theoretical
- Theosophical
- Therapeutic
- Therapeutical
- Thermal
- Thermic
- Thermionic
- Thermodynamic
- Thermodynamical
- Thermoelectric
- Thermoelectrical
- Thermogravimetric
- Thermohydrometric
- Thermolabile
- Thermometric
- Thermonuclear
- Thermoplastic
- Thermoset
- Thermosetting
- Thermostatic
- These
- Thespian
- Thick
- Thick-headed
- Thick-skinned
- Thick-skulled
- Thick-witted
- Thickened
- Thickening
- Thicketed
- Thickheaded
- Thickset
- Thickspread
- Thieving
- Thievish
- Thigh-high
- Thin
- Thin-skinned
- Thinkable
- Thinking
- Thinly
- Thinned
- Third
- Third-class
- Third-degree
- Third-party
- Third-person
- Third-rate
- Third-string
- Thirdhand
- Thirsty
- Thirteen
- Thirteenth
- Thirtieth
- Thirty
- Thirtyish
- This
- This-worldly
- Thistlelike
- Thixotropic
- Thoracic
- Thoreauvian
- Thoriated
- Thornless
- Thorny
- Thorough
- Thoroughbred
- Thoroughgoing
- Those
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtless
- Thousand
- Thousandth
- Thracian
- Thrashed
- Threadbare
- Threaded
- Threadlike
- Thready
- Threatened
- Threatening
- Three
- Three-dimensional
- Three-eighths
- Three-phase
- Three-quarter
- Three-square
- Three-tiered
- Three-way
- Threefold
- Threepenny
- Threescore
- Thriftless
- Thrifty
- Thrilled
- Thrillful
- Thrilling
- Thriving
- Throated
- Throaty
- Throbbing
- Thrombosed
- Thrombotic
- Throng
- Thronged
- Through
- Throw-away
- Throwaway
- Throwback
- Thrown
- Thudding
- Thuggish
- Thumbed
- Thumping
- Thundering
- Thunderous
- Thunderstruck
- Thundery
- Thwart
- Thwarted
- Thwarting
- Thwartwise
- Thyroid
- Thyroidal
- Thyrotoxic
Adjectives that Start with Ti
- Tibetan
- Tibial
- Ticketless
- Ticking
- Tickling
- Ticklish
- Tidal
- Tiddly
- Tidy
- Tied
- Tied-up
- Tieless
- Tiered
- Tigerish
- Tight
- Tightfisted
- Tightfitting
- Tightlipped
- Tiled
- Tillable
- Tilled
- Tilted
- Timbered
- Time-consuming
- Time-dependent
- Time-independent
- Time-lapse
- Time-like
- Time-saving
- Time-serving
- Time-tested
- Timed
- Timeless
- Timely
- Timesaving
- Timeserving
- Timeworn
- Timid
- Timorese
- Timorous
- Tin-glazed
- Tin-pot
- Tined
- Tingling
- Tinkling
- Tinkly
- Tinned
- Tinny
- Tinpot
- Tinseled
- Tinselly
- Tinted
- Tiny
- Tip-top
- Tipped
- Tippy
- Tipsy
- Tiptoe
- Tiptop
- Tired
- Tireless
- Tiresome
- Tiring
- Tissued
- Tit-for-tat
- Titanic
- Titian
- Titillated
- Titillating
- Titled
- Tittering
- Titular
- Titulary
Adjectives that Start with To
- Toad-like
- Toadyish
- Toasted
- Toasty
- Tobagonian
- Tod
- Toe-to-toe
- Toed
- Toeless
- Together
- Togged
- Togolese
- Toiling
- Toilsome
- Token
- Tokenish
- Tokenistic
- Tolerable
- Tolerant
- Toll-free
- Tomboyish
- Tomentose
- Tomentous
- Tonal
- Tone-deaf
- Toned
- Toneless
- Tonetic
- Tongan
- Tongued
- Tongueless
- Tonguelike
- Tonic
- Tonsorial
- Tonsured
- Tooled
- Toothed
- Toothless
- Toothlike
- Toothsome
- Toothy
- Top
- Top-class
- Top-down
- Top-flight
- Top-heavy
- Top-hole
- Top-level
- Top-priority
- Top-quality
- Top-shelf
- Topiary
- Topic
- Topical
- Topknotted
- Topless
- Topmost
- Topnotch
- Topographic
- Topographical
- Topologic
- Topological
- Topped
- Topping
- Toppy
- Tops
- Tormented
- Torn
- Toroidal
- Torpid
- Torrential
- Torrid
- Torsional
- Tortious
- Tortuous
- Tortured
- Torturesome
- Torturing
- Torturous
- Torulose
- Total
- Totaled
- Totalistic
- Totalitarian
- Totemic
- Totipotent
- Tottering
- Tottery
- Touch-first
- Touch-tone
- Touchable
- Touched
- Touching
- Touchy
- Tough
- Toughened
- Toupeed
- Touristed
- Touristic
- Touristy
- Tousled
- Towering
- Towheaded
- Towy
- Toxic
- Toxicant
- Toxicologic
- Toxicological
Adjectives that Start with Tr
- Trabeate
- Trabeated
- Trabecular
- Trabeculate
- Traceable
- Traceless
- Tracheal
- Trackable
- Tracked
- Trackless
- Tractable
- Tractile
- Tractive
- Trademarked
- Traditional
- Traditionalist
- Traditionalistic
- Tragic
- Tragical
- Tragicomic
- Tragicomical
- Trainable
- Trained
- Training
- Traitorous
- Tralatitious
- Tramontane
- Trampy
- Trancelike
- Tranquil
- Tranquilising
- Tranquilizing
- Tranquillising
- Tranquillizing
- Transactinide
- Transalpine
- Transatlantic
- Transcendent
- Transcendental
- Transcontinental
- Transcribed
- Transcultural
- Transcutaneous
- Transdermal
- Transdermic
- Transeunt
- Transferable
- Transferrable
- Transfinite
- Transfixed
- Transformable
- Transformational
- Transformative
- Transformed
- Transgender
- Transgendered
- Transient
- Transistorised
- Transistorized
- Transitional
- Transitive
- Transitory
- Translatable
- Translational
- Translucent
- Translunar
- Translunary
- Transmissible
- Transmissive
- Transmittable
- Transmitted
- Transmontane
- Transmundane
- Transmutable
- Transnational
- Transoceanic
- Transonic
- Transparent
- Transpiring
- Transplacental
- Transplantable
- Transplanted
- Transpolar
- Transportable
- Transposable
- Transposed
- Transsexual
- Transuranic
- Transversal
- Transverse
- Transvestic
- Transvestite
- Trapezoidal
- Trappable
- Trapped
- Trashed
- Trashy
- Traumatic
- Travelable
- Traveled
- Travelled
- Traversable
- Treacherous
- Treacly
- Treaded
- Treasonable
- Treasonous
- Treasurable
- Treasured
- Treatable
- Treated
- Treble
- Treed
- Treeless
- Treelike
- Tref
- Trembling
- Tremendous
- Tremulous
- Trenchant
- Trenchless
- Trendless
- Trendsetting
- Trendy
- Trepid
- Trespassing
- Triangular
- Triangulate
- Triassic
- Tribadistic
- Tribal
- Tributary
- Tricentenary
- Tricentennial
- Trichromatic
- Trichrome
- Trick
- Tricksy
- Tricky
- Triclinic
- Tricolor
- Tricuspid
- Tricuspidate
- Tricyclic
- Tried
- Triennial
- Trifid
- Trifling
- Trifoliate
- Trifoliated
- Trifoliolate
- Trig
- Trigonal
- Trigonometric
- Trihydroxy
- Trilateral
- Trilingual
- Trilled
- Trillion
- Trillionth
- Trilobate
- Trilobated
- Trilobed
- Trim
- Trimmed
- Trimotored
- Trine
- Trinidadian
- Trinuclear
- Trinucleate
- Trinucleated
- Tripartite
- Tripinnate
- Tripinnated
- Tripinnatifid
- Triple
- Triplex
- Triploid
- Tripping
- Trippy
- Tritanopic
- Trite
- Triumphal
- Triumphant
- Triune
- Trivalent
- Trivial
- Trochaic
- Troglodytic
- Trojan
- Trophic
- Trophoblastic
- Trophotropic
- Tropic
- Tropical
- Trouble-free
- Troubled
- Troublesome
- Troubling
- Troublous
- Trousered
- Truant
- Trucial
- Truculent
- True-blue
- True-born
- True-hearted
- True-life
- Trueborn
- Truehearted
- Truncate
- Truncated
- Trussed
- Trusted
- Trustful
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Trusty
- Truthful
- Trying
Adjectives that Start with Ts, Tu
- Tsarist
- Tsaristic
- Tubal
- Tubby
- Tubed
- Tubeless
- Tubelike
- Tubercular
- Tuberculate
- Tuberculoid
- Tuberculous
- Tuberous
- Tubular
- Tucked
- Tudor
- Tuff
- Tufted
- Tufty
- Tulip-eared
- Tumescent
- Tumid
- Tumorigenic
- Tumorous
- Tumultuous
- Tunable
- Tuneful
- Tuneless
- Tunisian
- Tuppeny
- Turbaned
- Turbid
- Turbinate
- Turbulent
- Turfy
- Turgid
- Turkey-like
- Turkic
- Turkish
- Turkmen
- Turned
- Tuscan
- Tusked
- Tutelar
- Tutelary
- Tutorial
- Tuxedoed
Adjectives that Start with Tw
- Twee
- Tweedy
- Tween
- Twelfth
- Twelve
- Twentieth
- Twenty
- Twiggy
- Twiglike
- Twilight
- Twilit
- Twilled
- Twin
- Twinkling
- Twinkly
- Twinned
- Twinning
- Twisted
- Twisting
- Twisty
- Twitchy
- Twitter-pated
- Two
- Two-ply
- Two-sided
- Two-thirds
- Two-tier
- Two-time
- Two-tone
- Two-up
- Two-way
- Two-wheeled
- Twofold
- Twopenny
- Twoscore
Adjectives that Start with Ty
- Tympanic
- Tympanitic
- Typeset
- Typic
- Typical
- Typographic
- Typographical
- Typological
- Tyrannic
- Tyrannical
- Tyrannous
- Tyrolean
- Tyrolese
- Tzarist
Plus, discover more adjectives that start with…
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