Adjectives that start with U can add variety to your vocabulary. You can find categories like descriptive, positive, and negative adjectives. There’s also a section specifically for personality adjectives and those that describe a person. You will explore a list of over 1700 adjectives starting with U and see examples such as “umbrous” or “uncanny.” The reference includes helpful images and related resources to support your learning journey.
Adjectives that Start with U
Descriptive Adjectives that Start with U
Below are 100 descriptive adjectives that start with U.
Adjective | Example Sentence |
Ubiquitous | Social media has become ubiquitous in our daily lives. |
Ultimate | Winning the championship was the ultimate goal for the team. |
Ultra | The ultra-rich have private jets and yachts. |
Umber | The artist used umber paint to create shadows in the landscape. |
Unable | She was unable to attend the meeting due to illness. |
Unacceptable | His behavior was unacceptable and caused him to lose his job. |
Unactive | The cat was unactive during the day but became lively at night. |
Unadvisable | It is unadvisable to invest all your savings in one stock. |
Unargued | Her theory remained unargued and was dismissed by the scientific community. |
Unarmed | The unarmed civilians were in danger during the conflict. |
Unasked | He gave unasked advice that nobody wanted. |
Unbecoming | Her behavior was unbecoming of a professional. |
Unbelievable | The story was so unbelievable that nobody took it seriously. |
Unbelieved | Despite the evidence, the claim remained unbelieved by some. |
Unbidden | The unbidden guest showed up at the party and caused a scene. |
Unblemished | Her skin was unblemished and smooth. |
Unborn | The unborn child was already loved by its parents. |
Unbuttoned | His shirt was unbuttoned and his tie was loose. |
Uncanny | The uncanny resemblance between the twins was eerie. |
Uncertain | The outcome of the election was uncertain until the final count. |
Uncompromising | The union took an uncompromising stance during contract negotiations. |
Unconditional | A mother’s love is often said to be unconditional. |
Uncontested | The athlete won the race uncontested. |
Uncurable | The disease was deemed uncurable by the doctors. |
Uncut | The director preferred the uncut version of the film. |
Underage | The club did not allow underage patrons to enter. |
Undercurrent | There was an undercurrent of tension in the room. |
Underdressed | She felt underdressed for the wedding in her casual outfit. |
Underground | The resistance movement operated underground to avoid detection. |
Underhand | His underhand tactics were exposed by the media. |
Underhanded | The salesman’s underhanded tactics made the customer uneasy. |
Undirected | His undirected anger was causing problems in his personal life. |
Undisclosed | The company’s undisclosed financial problems were a surprise to investors. |
Undone | The project was left undone due to lack of resources. |
Undue | The company charged an undue amount for their services. |
Unearthed | The archaeologists unearthed a treasure trove of ancient artifacts. |
Uneasy | She felt uneasy walking alone at night in the city. |
Unemployed | The unemployed workers were struggling to make ends meet. |
Unerring | Her unerring sense of direction led her to the right location every time. |
Unfailing | His unfailing optimism was a source of inspiration for his friends. |
Unfaithful | The unfaithful partner cheated on their significant other. |
Unfavorable | The weather conditions were unfavorable for outdoor activities. |
Unfilled | The unfilled job position remained vacant for months. |
Unfirm | The unfirm ground made it difficult to walk. |
Unfit | He was deemed unfit for the job due to his lack of experience. |
Ungainly | The ungainly dancer stumbled on stage during the performance. |
Unglued | The unglued book cover was flapping in the wind. |
Ungovernable | The unruly child was considered ungovernable by his parents. |
Ungraceful | The ungraceful movements of the new dancer were noticeable. |
Unhappy | She was unhappy with her current job and wanted to find a new one. |
Unheard | The concerns of the workers went unheard by the management. |
Unified | The two companies merged to create a unified organization. |
Uniform | The students wore a uniform to school every day. |
Unilateral | The decision was made unilaterally by the CEO without consulting the board. |
United | The team was united in their pursuit of the championship. |
Universal | The universal truth that hard work pays off is often quoted. |
Unjust | The punishment was considered unjust by the defendant. |
Unkind | The unkind comments hurt her feelings. |
Unknown | The new student was unknown to the rest of the class. |
Unlike | The two siblings were unlike in their personalities. |
Unlimited | The internet provides unlimited access to information. |
Unloved | The abandoned puppy was unloved and neglected. |
Unmade | The unmade bed was a sign of a lazy morning. |
Unmerciful | The unmerciful ruler punished his subjects harshly. |
Unmistakable | The unmistakable scent of freshly baked bread filled the room. |
Unnatural | The chemical used in the food was deemed unnatural by health |
Unneighborly | The unneighborly behavior of the residents caused tension in the community. |
Unparalleled | His talent for playing the piano was unparalleled. |
Unpassable | The road was unpassable due to heavy snowfall. |
Unpredictable | The weather can be unpredictable during the spring season. |
Unqualified | The unqualified candidate was not selected for the job. |
Unquestionable | The evidence presented was unquestionable and proved his innocence. |
Unread | The unread emails in his inbox were piling up. |
Unreal | The special effects in the movie made the scenes seem unreal. |
Unremitting | The unremitting rain caused flooding in the area. |
Unripe | The unripe fruit was sour and not sweet. |
Unrivaled | The beauty of the sunset at the beach was unrivaled. |
Unruly | The unruly crowd became violent and started throwing objects. |
Unseen | The danger was unseen until it was too late. |
Unsettling | The unsettling news about the pandemic caused widespread anxiety. |
Unsorted | The unsorted papers on his desk made it difficult to find important documents. |
Unstable | The economy was unstable due to fluctuations in the stock market. |
Unstudied | Her unstudied performance was raw and emotional. |
Unsubstantiated | The claim was unsubstantiated and lacked credibility. |
Unsuitable | The clothes were unsuitable for the formal event. |
Unthinkable | The idea of harming innocent people was unthinkable to her. |
Unthinking | His unthinking actions caused harm to others. |
Untitled | The painting was left untitled by the artist. |
Untrue | The rumors about her were untrue and hurtful. |
Unusual | The unusual weather pattern caused concern among meteorologists. |
Unwashed | The unwashed dishes in the sink were piling up. |
Unwell | She stayed home from work because she was feeling unwell. |
Unwieldy | The unwieldy package was too heavy to lift. |
Unwilling | He was unwilling to compromise on his beliefs. |
Unwise | The unwise decision resulted in negative consequences. |
Unwitting | The unwitting witness had no knowledge of the crime. |
Unworkable | The plan was unworkable due to logistical issues. |
Unworthy | His actions were deemed unworthy of his position. |
Unwritten | The rules of the game were mostly unwritten and passed down through oral tradition. |
Positive Adjectives that Start with U
Below are 70 adjectives that start with U that indicate something positive.
Adjective | Example |
Unabashed | She was unabashed by her mistake. |
Unadorned | The room was unadorned but comfortable. |
Unadulterated | He prefers unadulterated coffee. |
Unaffected | He remained unaffected by her comments. |
Unafraid | She was unafraid of the dark. |
Unanimous | The committee was unanimous in their decision. |
Unassailable | His argument was unassailable. |
Unassisted | She did the work unassisted. |
Unbeatable | His skills were unbeatable. |
Unbeaten | The record remains unbeaten. |
Unbiased | The judge was unbiased in his ruling. |
Unblemished | Her skin was unblemished and smooth. |
Unbreakable | The vase was unbreakable. |
Unceasing | The rain was unceasing all night. |
Uncluttered | The minimalist design was uncluttered. |
Unconcerned | She was unconcerned about the outcome. |
Unconditional | Her love for him was unconditional. |
Unconstrained | The artist had an unconstrained creative approach. |
Unconventional | His fashion sense was unconventional. |
Uncritical | He was uncritical of her cooking. |
Undaunted | She remained undaunted despite the challenges. |
Undefeated | The team remained undefeated throughout the season. |
Undeniable | The evidence was undeniable. |
Understanding | She was understanding of his situation. |
Understood | The instructions were easily understood. |
Undisputed | Her talent was undisputed. |
Undivided | He had the undivided attention of the audience. |
Undoubted | His skills were undoubted. |
Unencumbered | He felt unencumbered after completing his work. |
Unending | The road seemed unending and never-ending. |
Unequivocal | His response was unequivocal and direct. |
Unerring | Her aim was unerring and precise. |
Uneventful | The day was uneventful and quiet. |
Unfailing | His memory was unfailing and accurate. |
Unforgettable | The view was unforgettable. |
Uniform | The soldiers wore uniform clothes. |
Uninjured | The driver was uninjured after the accident. |
Uninterrupted | The movie was watched uninterrupted. |
Unique | The painting was unique and unmatched. |
United | The team was united in their goal. |
Universal | The theory was universally accepted. |
Unmasked | The truth was unmasked by the investigation. |
Unmatched | Her beauty was unmatched by any other in the room. |
Unmistakable | His voice was unmistakable. |
Unopposed | The candidate was unopposed in the election. |
Unperturbed | She remained unperturbed by the noise. |
Unprecedented | The event was unprecedented in the city. |
Unquestioning | He followed her orders unquestioning. |
Unrivaled | His skills were unrivaled and unbeatable. |
Unruffled | She remained unruffled despite the chaos around her. |
Unselfish | His actions were unselfish and admirable. |
Unsinkable | The boat was unsinkable and safe. |
Unspoiled | The beach was unspoiled and pristine. |
Unstoppable | His determination was unstoppable. |
Untainted | The water was pure and untainted. |
Untapped | The potential of the new market was untapped. |
Untroubled | She was untroubled and relaxed after the vacation. |
Unused | The equipment was unused and collecting dust. |
Upbeat | She had an upbeat attitude despite the circumstances. |
Upmost | The upmost priority was the safety of the passengers. |
Upper | The upper floor of the building had a better vie.w |
Upright | He was an upright and respectable member of society. |
Upward | The stock prices were moving upward. |
Urbane | His urbane manners impressed everyone in the room. |
Useful | The tool was useful for fixing the broken machine. |
Utopian | His vision for a utopian society was unrealistic. |
Utter | The silence in the room was utter. |
Negative Adjectives that Start with U
Adjective | Definition |
Ugly | Unpleasant or unattractive in appearance |
Unable | Not capable or proficient in a particular activity |
Unacceptable | Not satisfactory or allowable |
Unaccountable | Not responsible or accountable for one’s actions |
Unaccustomed | Not familiar or used to something |
Unacknowledged | Not recognized or admitted |
Unadvised | Not recommended or wise |
Unaffordable | Too expensive or costly to be able to afford |
Unanswerable | Unable to be answered or explained |
Unanticipated | Not expected or predicted |
Unapologetic | Not sorry or regretful for one’s actions or behavior |
Unappealing | Not attractive or interesting |
Unappetizing | Not appetizing or appealing to taste or smell |
Unappreciative | Not showing or feeling gratitude or appreciation |
Unapproachable | Not easy or comfortable to approach or communicate with |
Unattainable | Not able to be achieved or reached |
Unattractive | Not pleasing or attractive in appearance or character |
Unauthorized | Not given official permission or approval |
Unavailable | Not accessible or obtainable |
Unbearable | Intolerable or too difficult to endure |
Unbeatable | Impossible to defeat or surpass |
Unbecoming | Not appropriate or suitable for a particular person or role |
Uncaring | Not showing concern or empathy |
Uncertain | Not definite or sure |
Unclean | Dirty or not hygienic |
Uncommunicative | Not inclined to communicate or share information |
Uncomprehending | Not able to understand or grasp something |
Unconquerable | Impossible to conquer or overcome |
Unconscionable | Not morally or ethically acceptable or reasonable |
Unconscious | Not awake or aware of one’s surroundings |
Uncontrollable | Not able to be controlled or restrained |
Uncooperative | Not willing to cooperate or work together |
Uncoordinated | Not able to move or act in a smooth and efficient manner |
Uncouth | Lacking good manners or refinement |
Undefined | Not clearly defined or understood |
Underfunded | Not sufficiently financed or resourced |
Underhanded | Dishonest or deceitful |
Underrated | Not valued or recognized enough |
Undesirable | Not wanted or preferred |
Undignified | Not worthy of respect or honor |
Undiplomatic | Lacking tact or diplomacy |
Undisciplined | Not able to follow rules or orders |
Undistinguished | Not exceptional or outstanding |
Uneasy | Not comfortable or relaxed |
Uneducated | Lacking formal education or knowledge |
Unemployed | Not having a job or employment |
Uneven | Not level or consistent in surface or quality |
Unfair | Not just or impartial |
Unfaithful | Not loyal or faithful in a relationship or commitment |
Unfamiliar | Not known or recognized |
Unfashionable | Not stylish or fashionable |
Unfavorable | Not advantageous or helpful |
Unfeeling | Lacking emotion or empathy |
Unfilled | Not complete or lacking in something |
Unforeseeable | Not able to be predicted or anticipated |
Unforgettable | Impossible to forget or remember |
Unforgivable | Not able to be forgiven or excused |
Unforgiving | Not willing to forgive or show mercy |
Unfortunate | Having bad luck or unfortunate circumstances |
Unfriendly | Not kind or amicable |
Ungraceful | Lacking grace or elegance |
Unguarded | Not protected or defended |
Unhappy | Not satisfied or content |
Unhealthy | Not in good physical or mental condition |
Unheeded | Ignored or disregarded |
Unhelpful | Not helpful or useful |
Unimpressive | Not impressive or noteworthy |
Uninformed | Lacking knowledge or information |
Uninspired | Lacking creativity or originality |
Unintelligent | Not intelligent or clever |
Unintended | Not intended or planned |
Unjust | Not fair or equitable |
Unkempt | Messy or untidy in appearance or condition |
Unkind | Not kind or compassionate |
Unlawful | Not lawful or legal |
Unlicensed | Not having a license or permission |
Unlikable | Not likable or easy to like |
Unmerciful | Not showing mercy or compassion |
Unmitigated | Not lessened or moderated |
Unnatural | Not natural or occurring in the ordinary course of things |
Unnecessary | Not necessary or required |
Unobtainable | Not able to be obtained or acquired |
Unplanned | Not planned or scheduled |
Unprofessional | Not professional or not meeting professional standards |
Unraveled | Disorganized or confused |
Unreachable | Not able to be reached or accessed |
Unreadable | Not able to be read or comprehended |
Unrealistic | Not realistic or practical |
Unruly | Disorderly or difficult to control |
Unsafe | Not safe or secure |
Unsettled | Not stable or resolved |
Unsettling | Causing discomfort or anxiety |
Unsightly | Unpleasant or unattractive in appearance |
Unskilled | Lacking skill or proficiency |
Unsolvable | Not able to be solved or resolved |
Unsophisticated | Lacking sophistication or refinement |
Unsound | Defective or not reliable |
Unsuited | Not suitable or appropriate |
Unsure | Not certain or confident |
Untamed | Wild or not domesticated |
Personality Adjectives that Start with U
Below are 60 adjectives that start with U that describe a personality.
Adjective | Meaning |
Unafraid | Not scared or frightened |
Unapologetic | Not expressing regret or remorse |
Unappreciative | Not showing gratitude or recognition |
Unashamed | Not feeling shame or guilt |
Unassuming | Not pretentious or arrogant |
Unbelieving | Not accepting or having faith in something |
Unbendable | Not easily influenced or changed |
Unbiased | Not showing favoritism or prejudice |
Uncertain | Not sure or confident |
Uncharitable | Not showing kindness or generosity |
Uncomfortable | Not feeling comfortable or at ease |
Uncompassionate | Not showing empathy or sympathy |
Uncompromising | Not willing to make concessions or negotiate |
Unconcerned | Not interested or involved |
Unconformist | Not conforming to traditional or societal norms |
Uncooperative | Not willing to cooperate or work with others |
Uncouth | Not refined or polite |
Undaunted | Not intimidated or discouraged |
Understanding | Empathetic and comprehending |
Undiplomatic | Not tactful or diplomatic |
Unemotional | Not showing emotion or feeling |
Unenergetic | Lacking energy or enthusiasm |
Unfeeling | Not sensitive or compassionate |
Unflappable | Not easily upset or flustered |
Unflinching | Not showing fear or hesitation |
Unfriendly | Not amiable or sociable |
Ungentlemanly | Not gentlemanly or chivalrous |
Ungracious | Not showing courtesy or gratitude |
Ungrateful | Not showing gratitude or appreciation |
Unhappy | Not satisfied or content |
Unhelpful | Not providing assistance or aid |
Unimaginative | Lacking creativity or originality |
Uninspired | Lacking motivation or enthusiasm |
Unintelligent | Not smart or intellectual |
Unjust | Not fair or equitable |
Unmotivated | Lacking drive or ambition |
Unnerved | Feeling uneasy or intimidated |
Unpleasant | Not enjoyable or agreeable |
Unpredictable | Not able to be predicted or anticipated |
Unpretentious | Not showy or ostentatious |
Unprincipled | Not adhering to moral or ethical principles |
Unreceptive | Not open or responsive |
Unrepentant | Not regretful or remorseful |
Unromantic | Not romantic or sentimental |
Unscrupulous | Not ethical or honest |
Unselfish | Not selfish or self-centered |
Unstressed | Not experiencing stress or anxiety |
Unsullied | Not tarnished or soiled |
Unsure | Not certain or confident |
Unthankful | Not showing gratitude or appreciation |
Unthinking | Not thoughtful or reflective |
Untrue | Not accurate or truthful |
Untrusting | Not trusting or suspicious |
Unwary | Not cautious or alert |
Unwilling | Not willing or eager |
Unworried | Not anxious or concerned |
Unyielding | Not flexible or yielding |
Upbeat | Cheerful and optimistic |
Uproarious | Extremely loud or boisterous |
Uptight | Tense or anxious |
Adjectives that Start with U to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Adjective | Meaning |
Ugly | Unpleasant or unattractive in appearance |
Ukrainian | Relating to Ukraine or its people or language |
Unable | Not capable of doing something |
Unacceptable | Not satisfactory or allowable |
Unaccountable | Not responsible or answerable for something |
Unacknowledged | Not recognized or acknowledged |
Unaffected | Not influenced or changed by something |
Unattractive | Not pleasing or appealing to look at |
Unavailable | Not able to be obtained or reached |
Unbalanced | Not balanced or stable |
Unbeatable | Unable to be defeated or surpassed |
Unbelievable | Difficult or impossible to believe |
Unblemished | Free from imperfections or blemishes |
Unblinking | Not showing any emotion or reaction |
Unblushing | Not showing embarrassment or shame |
Unchangeable | Not capable of being changed or altered |
Uncivilized | Lacking in civilization or culture |
Uncommon | Rare or not ordinary |
Unconditional | Not subject to any conditions or limitations |
Unconscious | Not aware or responsive |
Undefeated | Not defeated in a contest or competition |
Underage | Not of legal age for a particular activity or law |
Underbred | Lacking in refinement or breeding |
Underprivileged | Lacking in the basic necessities of life |
Underqualified | Not having the required qualifications or skills |
Underrated | Not given enough credit or appreciation |
Undisputed | Not questioned or disputed |
Undoubted | Without doubt or uncertainty |
Unemployed | Without a job or employment |
Unfaithful | Not loyal or trustworthy |
Unfavorable | Not advantageous or beneficial |
Unfocused | Not able to concentrate or pay attention |
Unforgettable | Difficult to forget or memorable |
Unguarded | Not protected or defended |
Unharmed | Not injured or damaged |
Unholy | Not sacred or morally right |
Unhurt | Not physically or emotionally hurt |
Unimpeachable | Beyond doubt or reproach |
Unimpressive | Not making a strong or favorable impression |
Uninformed | Not having knowledge or information |
Uninjured | Not physically hurt or injured |
Unique | One of a kind or different from anything else |
United | Joined or brought together as one |
Unladylike | Not behaving in a way that is considered ladylike |
Unlucky | Having bad luck or fortune |
Unmanly | Not displaying qualities considered manly |
Unmatched | Not equalled or surpassed |
Unnoticeable | Not easily noticed or observed |
Unobjectionable | Not objectionable or offensive |
Unorthodox | Not conforming to traditional or usual standards |
Unpopular | Not liked or supported by many people |
Unpredictable | Not able to be predicted or foreseen |
Unprompted | Not suggested or initiated by someone |
Unqualified | Not having the necessary qualifications or skills |
Unrefined | Not having good manners or taste |
Unreliable | Not able to be |
Unresponsive | Not reacting or responding to something |
Unruly | Difficult to control or manage |
Unsafe | Not safe or secure |
Unscathed | Not harmed or injured |
Unsightly | Unpleasant or unattractive to look at |
Unsophisticated | Lacking in worldly experience or refinement |
Unspeakable | Too horrible to describe or express |
Unspoiled | In a natural or original state |
Unstable | Not steady or secure |
Unsuited | Not appropriate or well-matched |
Unsullied | Not tarnished or spoiled |
Unsupervised | Not being watched or supervised |
Unsupported | Not supported or backed up by evidence |
Untested | Not tried or proven |
Unthinking | Not thinking or considering carefully |
Untidy | Not neat or organized |
Untouchable | Not able to be touched or influenced |
Untrue | Not true or accurate |
Untrustworthy | Not trustworthy or reliable |
Untrusty | Not worthy of trust or confidence |
Unusual | Different or not typical |
Unwell | Not physically or mentally well |
Unwitting | Not aware or intentional |
Uppity | Behaving in a superior or arrogant manner |
Upright | Honest or morally good |
Upsetting | Causing distress or emotional disturbance |
Upstage | Behaving in a way that draws attention away |
Upstanding | Honest and respectable |
Urbane | Sophisticated and refined |
Used | Previously owned or employed |
Useful | Having a practical use or purpose |
Useless | Having no practical use or purpose |
Utopian | Idealistic or perfect but not realistic or practical |
U Adjectives Image
List of + 1700 Adjectives that Start with U
Adjectives that Start with Ub, Ug, Ul
- Uber
- Ubiquitous
- Ugandan
- Ugliest
- Ugly
- Ukrainian
- Ulcerated
- Ulcerative
- Ulcerous
- Ulnar
- Ult
- Ulterior
- Ultimate
- Ultimo
- Ultra
- Ultraconservative
- Ultramarine
- Ultramicroscopic
- Ultramodern
- Ultramontane
- Ultranationalistic
- Ultrasonic
- Ultraviolet
Adjectives that Start with Um
- Umbellar
- Umbellate
- Umbelliferous
- Umbelliform
- Umber
- Umbilical
- Umbilicate
- Umbrageous
- Umbrella
- Umbrellalike
- Umpteen
- Umpteenth
- Umptieth
- Umteen
- Umteenth
Adjectives that Start with Una
- Unabashed
- Unabated
- Unable
- Unabridged
- Unabused
- Unaccented
- Unacceptable
- Unaccepted
- Unaccessible
- Unaccommodating
- Unaccompanied
- Unaccountable
- Unaccredited
- Unaccustomed
- Unachievable
- Unacknowledged
- Unacquainted
- Unacquisitive
- Unactable
- Unactive
- Unadaptable
- Unadapted
- Unaddicted
- Unaddressed
- Unadjustable
- Unadjusted
- Unadoptable
- Unadorned
- Unadulterated
- Unadventurous
- Unadvisable
- Unadvised
- Unaerated
- Unaesthetic
- Unaffected
- Unaffecting
- Unaffectionate
- Unaffiliated
- Unaffixed
- Unaffordable
- Unafraid
- Unaged
- Unaggressive
- Unagitated
- Unaided
- Unaired
- Unairworthy
- Unalarming
- Unalert
- Unalienable
- Unalike
- Unalloyed
- Unalterable
- Unaltered
- Unambiguous
- Unambitious
- Unamended
- Unanalyzable
- Unanalyzed
- Unangry
- Unanimated
- Unanimous
- Unannealed
- Unannounced
- Unanswerable
- Unanswered
- Unanticipated
- Unapologetic
- Unappareled
- Unapparent
- Unappealable
- Unappealing
- Unappeasable
- Unappendaged
- Unappetising
- Unappetizing
- Unappreciated
- Unappreciative
- Unapprehensive
- Unapproachable
- Unarbitrary
- Unarguable
- Unargued
- Unargumentative
- Unarmed
- Unarmored
- Unarmoured
- Unarticulate
- Unarticulated
- Unartistic
- Unary
- Unascertainable
- Unascribable
- Unashamed
- Unasked
- Unassailable
- Unassertive
- Unassignable
- Unassigned
- Unassisted
- Unassuming
- Unassured
- Unasterisked
- Unattached
- Unattackable
- Unattainable
- Unattended
- Unattired
- Unattractive
- Unattributable
- Unauthentic
- Unauthorised
- Unauthorized
- Unavailable
- Unavailing
- Unavenged
- Unavoidable
- Unavowed
- Unawakened
- Unaware
- Unawed
Adjectives that Start with Unb
- Unbacked
- Unbaffled
- Unbalanced
- Unbalconied
- Unbanded
- Unbaptised
- Unbaptized
- Unbarred
- Unbarreled
- Unbarrelled
- Unbearable
- Unbeatable
- Unbeaten
- Unbecoming
- Unbefitting
- Unbeholden
- Unbeknown
- Unbeknownst
- Unbelievable
- Unbelieved
- Unbelieving
- Unbeloved
- Unbelted
- Unbendable
- Unbending
- Unbeneficed
- Unbent
- Unbiased
- Unbiassed
- Unbidden
- Unbigoted
- Unbitter
- Unbleached
- Unblemished
- Unblended
- Unblessed
- Unblinking
- Unbloody
- Unblushing
- Unbodied
- Unbolted
- Unbooked
- Unbordered
- Unborn
- Unbound
- Unbounded
- Unbowed
- Unbraced
- Unbrainwashed
- Unbranched
- Unbranching
- Unbranded
- Unbreakable
- Unbridgeable
- Unbridled
- Unbroken
- Unbrushed
- Unburdened
- Unburied
- Unburnished
- Unbuttoned
Adjectives that Start with Unc
- Uncamphorated
- Uncanny
- Uncapped
- Uncarbonated
- Uncaring
- Uncarpeted
- Uncarved
- Uncastrated
- Uncategorised
- Uncategorized
- Uncaulked
- Uncaused
- Unceasing
- Uncensored
- Unceremonial
- Unceremonious
- Uncertain
- Uncertified
- Unchained
- Unchallengeable
- Unchallenged
- Unchangeable
- Unchanged
- Unchanging
- Uncharacteristic
- Uncharged
- Uncharitable
- Uncharted
- Unchartered
- Unchaste
- Uncheckable
- Unchecked
- Uncheerful
- Unchewable
- Unchivalrous
- Unchristian
- Unchristianly
- Unchristlike
- Uncial
- Uncivil
- Uncivilised
- Uncivilized
- Unclad
- Unclaimed
- Unclassifiable
- Unclassified
- Unclean
- Uncleanly
- Unclear
- Uncleared
- Unclimbable
- Unclipped
- Unclogged
- Unclothed
- Unclouded
- Uncluttered
- Uncoated
- Uncoiled
- Uncollected
Uncollectible - Uncolored
- Uncoloured
- Uncolumned
- Uncombable
- Uncombed
- Uncombined
- Uncomely
- Uncomfortable
- Uncommercial
- Uncommercialised
- Uncommercialized
- Uncommitted
- Uncommon
- Uncommunicative
- Uncomparable
- Uncompartmented
- Uncompassionate
- Uncompensated
- Uncompetitive
- Uncomplaining
- Uncomplete
- Uncompleted
- Uncomplicated
- Uncomplimentary
- Uncompounded
- Uncomprehended
- Uncomprehending
- Uncomprehensible
- Uncompromising
- Unconcealed
- Unconcerned
- Unconditional
- Unconditioned
- Unconfessed
- Unconfined
- Unconfirmed
- Unconformable
- Unconformist
- Unconfused
- Uncongenial
- Unconnected
- Unconquerable
- Unconquered
- Unconscientious
- Unconscionable
- Unconscious
- Unconsecrated
- Unconsidered
- Unconsolable
- Unconsolidated
- Unconstipated
- Unconstitutional
- Unconstrained
- Unconstricted
- Unconstructive
- Unconsumed
- Unconsummated
- Uncontainable
- Uncontaminated
- Uncontaminating
- Uncontested
- Uncontrived
- Uncontrollable
- Uncontrolled
- Uncontroversial
- Unconventional
- Unconverted
- Unconvertible
- Unconvinced
- Unconvincing
- Uncooked
- Uncool
- Uncooperative
- Uncoordinated
- Uncordial
- Uncorrectable
- Uncorrected
- Uncorrelated
- Uncorroborated
- Uncorrupted
- Uncounted
- Uncoupled
- Uncousinly
- Uncouth
- Uncovered
- Uncrannied
- Uncreased
- Uncreative
- Uncritical
- Uncropped
- Uncrossed
- Uncrowded
- Uncrowned
- Uncrystallised
- Uncrystallized
- Unctuous
- Uncultivable
- Uncultivatable
- Uncultivated
- Uncultured
- Uncurable
- Uncurbed
- Uncured
- Uncurled
- Uncurtained
- Uncurved
- Uncurving
- Uncut
Adjectives that Start with Und
- Undamaged
- Undatable
- Undated
- Undaunted
- Undeceived
- Undecided
- Undecipherable
- Undeciphered
- Undeclared
- Undecomposable
- Undecomposed
- Undecorated
- Undedicated
- Undefeated
- Undefendable
- Undefended
- Undeferential
- Undefiled
- Undefinable
- Undefined
- Undelineated
- Undemanding
- Undemocratic
- Undemonstrative
- Undeniable
- Undenominational
- Undependable
- Undepicted
- Under
- Underactive
- Underage
- Underarm
- Underbred
- Underclass
- Underclothed
- Undercoated
- Undercooked
- Undercover
- Undercurrent
- Underdeveloped
- Underdone
- Underdressed
- Undereducated
- Underemployed
- Underfed
- Underfunded
- Underground
- Underhand
- Underhanded
- Underhung
- Underivative
- Underived
- Underlying
- Undermanned
- Undermentioned
- Undernourished
- Underpopulated
- Underprivileged
- Underqualified
- Underrated
- Undersea
- Undersealed
- Undersexed
- Undershot
- Undersize
- Undersized
- Underslung
- Understaffed
- Understandable
- Understanding
- Understated
- Understood
- Underwater
- Underway
- Underweight
- Undescended
- Undescriptive
- Undeserved
- Undeserving
- Undesigned
- Undesirable
- Undesired
- Undesiring
- Undesirous
- Undestroyable
- Undetectable
- Undetected
- Undeterminable
- Undetermined
- Undeterred
- Undeveloped
- Undeviating
- Undiagnosable
- Undiagnosed
- Undifferentiated
- Undigested
- Undignified
- Undiluted
- Undiminished
- Undimmed
- Undiplomatic
- Undirected
- Undiscerning
- Undischarged
- Undisciplined
- Undisclosed
- Undiscouraged
- Undiscoverable
- Undiscovered
- Undiscriminating
- Undisguised
- Undismayed
- Undisputable
- Undisputed
- Undissolved
- Undistinguishable
- Undistinguished
- Undistorted
- Undistributed
- Undisturbed
- Undiversified
- Undividable
- Undivided
- Undoable
- Undocumented
- Undogmatic
- Undogmatical
- Undomestic
- Undomesticated
- Undone
- Undoubted
- Undrained
- Undramatic
- Undraped
- Undrawn
- Undreamed
- Undreamt
- Undressed
- Undried
- Undrinkable
- Undue
- Undulant
- Undulate
- Undulatory
- Undutiful
- Undyed
- Undying
- Undynamic
Adjectives that Start with Une
- Uneager
- Unearned
- Unearthed
- Unearthly
- Uneasy
- Uneatable
- Uneconomic
- Uneconomical
- Unedifying
- Unedited
- Uneducated
- Uneffective
- Unelaborate
- Unelaborated
- Unembarrassed
- Unembellished
- Unembodied
- Unemotional
- Unemphatic
- Unemployable
- Unemployed
- Unenclosed
- Unencouraging
- Unencumbered
- Unended
- Unending
- Unendowed
- Unendurable
- Unenergetic
- Unenforceable
- Unenforced
- Unengaged
- Unenlightened
- Unenlightening
- Unenlivened
- Unenterprising
- Unenthusiastic
- Unentitled
- Unenviable
- Unequal
- Unequaled
- Unequalised
- Unequalized
- Unequalled
- Unequipped
- Unequivocal
- Unerasable
- Unerect
- Unerring
- Unessential
- Unestablished
- Unethical
- Uneven
- Uneventful
- Unexacting
- Unexampled
- Unexceeded
- Unexcelled
- Unexceptionable
- Unexceptional
- Unexchangeable
- Unexcitable
- Unexcited
- Unexciting
- Unexclusive
- Unexcused
- Unexhausted
- Unexpansive
- Unexpected
- Unexpendable
- Unexpended
- Unexpired
- Unexplainable
- Unexplained
- Unexploded
- Unexploited
- Unexplorative
- Unexploratory
- Unexplored
- Unexportable
- Unexpressed
- Unexpressible
- Unexpressive
- Unexpurgated
- Unextended
Adjectives that Start with Unf
- Unfaceted
- Unfading
- Unfailing
- Unfair
- Unfaithful
- Unfaltering
- Unfamiliar
- Unfashionable
- Unfastened
- Unfastidious
- Unfathomable
- Unfathomed
- Unfattened
- Unfavorable
- Unfavourable
- Unfearing
- Unfeasible
- Unfeathered
- Unfed
- Unfeeling
- Unfeigned
- Unfeminine
- Unfenced
- Unfermented
- Unfertile
- Unfertilised
- Unfertilized
- Unfettered
- Unfilled
- Unfilmed
- Unfinished
- Unfirm
- Unfit
- Unfitting
- Unfixed
- Unflagging
- Unflappable
- Unflattering
- Unflavored
- Unflavoured
- Unflawed
- Unfledged
- Unflinching
- Unfluctuating
- Unflurried
- Unflustered
- Unfocused
- Unfocussed
- Unfolded
- Unforbearing
- Unforced
- Unforceful
- Unforeseeable
- Unforeseen
- Unforesightful
- Unforested
- Unforethoughtful
- Unforfeitable
- Unforgettable
- Unforgivable
- Unforgiving
- Unformed
- Unfortunate
- Unfounded
- Unframed
- Unfree
- Unfrequented
- Unfretted
- Unfriendly
- Unfrightened
- Unfrosted
- Unfrozen
- Unfruitful
- Unfueled
- Unfulfilled
- Unfunctional
- Unfunded
- Unfunny
- Unfurnished
- Unfurrowed
Adjectives that Start with Ung
- Ungainly
- Ungallant
- Ungarbed
- Ungarmented
- Ungathered
- Ungeared
- Ungenerous
- Ungentle
- Ungentlemanlike
- Ungentlemanly
- Ungetatable
- Unglamorous
- Unglamourous
- Unglazed
- Unglued
- Ungodly
- Ungovernable
- Ungoverned
- Ungraceful
- Ungracious
- Ungraded
- Ungrammatical
- Ungrasped
- Ungrateful
- Ungratified
- Ungratifying
- Ungreased
- Ungregarious
- Ungroomed
- Ungrudging
- Ungual
- Unguaranteed
- Unguarded
- Unguiculate
- Unguiculated
- Unguided
- Ungulate
- Ungulated
- Ungummed
- Ungusseted
Adjectives that Start with Unh
- Unhallowed
- Unhampered
- Unhandsome
- Unhappy
- Unhardened
- Unharmed
- Unharmonious
- Unhatched
- Unhazardous
- Unheaded
- Unhealed
- Unhealthful
- Unhealthy
- Unhearable
- Unheard
- Unhearing
- Unheated
- Unheeded
- Unheeding
- Unhelpful
- Unheralded
- Unhesitating
- Unhewn
- Unhindered
- Unhinged
- Unholy
- Unhomogenised
- Unhomogenized
- Unhoped
- Unhopeful
- Unhuman
- Unhumorous
- Unhurried
- Unhurt
- Unhygienic
Adjectives that Start with Uni
- Uniate
- Unicameral
- Unicellular
- Unicuspid
- Unidentifiable
- Unidentified
- Unidimensional
- Unidirectional
- Unifacial
- Unified
- Unifilar
- Unifoliate
- Uniform
- Uniformed
- Unifying
- Unilateral
- Unilluminated
- Unilluminating
- Unimaginable
- Unimaginative
- Unimagined
- Unimodal
- Unimpaired
- Unimpassioned
- Unimpeachable
- Unimpeded
- Unimportant
- Unimposing
- Unimpregnated
- Unimpressed
- Unimpressionable
- Unimpressive
- Unimprisoned
- Unimproved
- Unincorporated
- Unindustrialised
- Unindustrialized
- Uninebriated
- Uninfected
- Uninflected
- Uninfluenced
- Uninfluential
- Uninformative
- Uninformed
- Uninhabitable
- Uninhabited
- Uninhibited
- Uninitiate
- Uninitiated
- Uninjectable
- Uninjured
- Uninominal
- Uninquiring
- Uninquisitive
- Uninspired
- Uninspiring
- Uninstructed
- Uninstructive
- Uninsurable
- Uninsured
- Unintegrated
- Unintelligent
- Unintelligible
- Unintended
- Unintentional
- Uninterested
- Uninteresting
- Uninterrupted
- Unintimidated
- Unintoxicated
- Unintrusive
- Uninucleate
- Uninventive
- Uninvited
- Uninviting
- Uninvolved
- Union
- Unionised
- Unionized
- Uniovular
- Uniovulate
- Uniparous
- Unipolar
- Unique
- Unique-
- Unironed
- Unisex
- Unisexual
- Unitarian
- Unitary
- United
- Univalent
- Univalve
- Universal
- Universalist
- Universalistic
- Univocal
Adjectives that Start with Unj, Unk
- Unjointed
- Unjust
- Unjustifiable
- Unjustified
- Unkempt
- Unkept
- Unkeyed
- Unkind
- Unkindled
- Unkindly
- Unknowable
- Unknowing
- Unknowledgeable
- Unknown
- Unlabeled
- Unlabelled
- Unlaced
- Unladylike
- Unlamented
- Unlatched
- Unlaureled
- Unlaurelled
- Unlawful
- Unleaded
- Unlearned
- Unleavened
- Unlettered
- Unlicenced
- Unlicensed
- Unlifelike
- Unlighted
- Unlikable
- Unlike
- Unlikeable
- Unlikely
- Unlimited
- Unlined
- Unlipped
- Unlisted
- Unlit
- Unliterary
- Unlittered
- Unlivable
- Unliveable
- Unliveried
- Unloaded
- Unlobed
- Unlocated
- Unlocked
- Unlogical
- Unlovable
- Unloved
- Unlovely
- Unloving
- Unlubricated
- Unlucky
Adjectives that Start with Unm
- Unmade
- Unmalicious
- Unmalleable
- Unmalted
- Unmanageable
- Unmanful
- Unmanlike
- Unmanly
- Unmanned
- Unmannered
- Unmannerly
- Unmapped
- Unmarked
- Unmarketable
- Unmarred
- Unmarried
- Unmasked
- Unmatchable
- Unmatched
- Unmated
- Unmeaning
- Unmeasurable
- Unmeasured
- Unmechanical
- Unmechanised
- Unmechanized
- Unmediated
- Unmedical
- Unmedicative
- Unmedicinal
- Unmelodic
- Unmelodious
- Unmelted
- Unmemorable
- Unmentionable
- Unmercenary
- Unmerchantable
- Unmerciful
- Unmerited
- Unmeritorious
- Unmethodical
- Unmilitary
- Unmindful
- Unmined
- Unmingled
- Unmistakable
- Unmitigable
- Unmitigated
- Unmixable
- Unmixed
- Unmoderated
- Unmodernised
- Unmodernized
- Unmodifiable
- Unmodified
- Unmodulated
- Unmolested
- Unmortgaged
- Unmotivated
- Unmotorised
- Unmotorized
- Unmourned
- Unmovable
- Unmoved
- Unmoving
- Unmown
- Unmusical
- Unmutilated
- Unmyelinated
Adjectives that Start with Unn
- Unnameable
- Unnamed
- Unnatural
- Unnaturalised
- Unnaturalized
- Unnavigable
- Unnecessary
- Unneeded
- Unneighborly
- Unneighbourly
- Unnerved
- Unnerving
- Unneurotic
- Unnotched
- Unnoted
- Unnoticeable
- Unnoticed
- Unnourished
- Unnumberable
- Unnumbered
- Unnumerable
Adjectives that Start with Uno
- Unobjectionable
- Unobjective
- Unobligated
- Unobliging
- Unobservable
- Unobservant
- Unobserved
- Unobstructed
- Unobtainable
- Unobtrusive
- Unobvious
- Unoccupied
- Unoffending
- Unofficial
- Unoiled
- Unopen
- Unopened
- Unopposable
- Unopposed
- Unordered
- Unorganised
- Unorganized
- Unoriented
- Unoriginal
- Unornamented
- Unorthodox
- Unostentatious
- Unowned
- Unoxygenated
Adjectives that Start with Unp
- Unpackaged
- Unpaid
- Unpainful
- Unpaintable
- Unpainted
- Unpaired
- Unpalatable
- Unparallel
- Unparalleled
- Unpardonable
- Unparented
- Unparliamentary
- Unpartitioned
- Unpassable
- Unpasteurised
- Unpasteurized
- Unpatented
- Unpatriotic
- Unpatronised
- Unpatronized
- Unpatterned
- Unpaved
- Unpeaceable
- Unpeaceful
- Unpeopled
- Unperceivable
- Unperceived
- Unperceiving
- Unperceptive
- Unperformed
- Unpermed
- Unpermissive
- Unperplexed
- Unpersuadable
- Unpersuaded
- Unpersuasive
- Unperturbed
- Unpictured
- Unpicturesque
- Unpierced
- Unpigmented
- Unpillared
- Unpitying
- Unplaced
- Unplanned
- Unplanted
- Unplayable
- Unplayful
- Unpleasant
- Unpleasing
- Unpledged
- Unploughed
- Unplowed
- Unplumbed
- Unpointed
- Unpolished
- Unpolitical
- Unpolluted
- Unpompous
- Unpopular
- Unpopulated
- Unportable
- Unposed
- Unpotted
- Unpowered
- Unpracticed
- Unpractised
- Unprecedented
- Unpredictable
- Unpredicted
- Unpredictive
- Unprejudiced
- Unpremeditated
- Unprepared
- Unprepossessing
- Unpresentable
- Unpresidential
- Unpressed
- Unpretending
- Unpretentious
- Unpreventable
- Unpriestly
- Unprincipled
- Unprintable
- Unproblematic
- Unprocessed
- Unprocurable
- Unproductive
- Unprofessional
- Unprofitable
- Unprogressive
- Unpromised
- Unpromising
- Unprompted
- Unpronounceable
- Unprophetic
- Unpropitious
- Unprotected
- Unprotective
- Unprovable
- Unproved
- Unproven
- Unprovocative
- Unprovoked
- Unprovoking
- Unpublishable
- Unpublished
- Unpunctual
- Unpunished
- Unpurified
Adjectives that Start with Unq, Unr
- Unqualified
- Unquantifiable
- Unquenchable
- Unquestionable
- Unquestioned
- Unquestioning
- Unquiet
- Unquotable
- Unraised
- Unranked
- Unratable
- Unratified
- Unraveled
- Unreachable
- Unreached
- Unreactive
- Unread
- Unreadable
- Unready
- Unreal
- Unrealised
- Unrealistic
- Unrealizable
- Unrealized
- Unreasonable
- Unreasoning
- Unreassuring
- Unreceptive
- Unreciprocated
- Unrecognisable
- Unrecognised
- Unrecognizable
- Unrecognized
- Unreconcilable
- Unreconciled
- Unreconstructed
- Unrecorded
- Unrecoverable
- Unredeemable
- Unredeemed
- Unreduced
- Unrefined
- Unreflected
- Unreflective
- Unreformable
- Unreformed
- Unrefreshed
- Unregenerate
- Unregenerated
- Unregistered
- Unregretful
- Unregretting
- Unregulated
- Unrehearsed
- Unrelated
- Unrelaxed
- Unreleased
- Unrelenting
- Unreliable
- Unrelieved
- Unremarkable
- Unremarked
- Unremedied
- Unremitting
- Unremorseful
- Unremunerative
- Unrenewable
- Unrenewed
- Unrentable
- Unrepaired
- Unrepeatable
- Unrepentant
- Unreplaceable
- Unreportable
- Unreported
- Unrepresentative
- Unrepresented
- Unrepressed
- Unreproducible
- Unrequested
- Unrequited
- Unresentful
- Unreserved
- Unresistant
- Unresisting
- Unresolvable
- Unresolved
- Unrespectable
- Unresponsive
- Unrested
- Unrestrained
- Unrestricted
- Unrestrictive
- Unretentive
- Unretrievable
- Unrevealed
- Unreverberant
- Unrevised
- Unrevived
- Unrewarded
- Unrewarding
- Unrhetorical
- Unrhymed
- Unrhythmic
- Unrhythmical
- Unrifled
- Unrigged
- Unrighteous
- Unrimed
- Unripe
- Unripened
- Unrivaled
- Unrivalled
- Unromantic
- Unroofed
- Unrouged
- Unruffled
- Unruly
Adjectives that Start with Uns
- Unsaddled
- Unsafe
- Unsaid
- Unsalable
- Unsalaried
- Unsaleable
- Unsalted
- Unsalvageable
- Unsanctified
- Unsanctioned
- Unsanded
- Unsanitary
- Unsaponified
- Unsarcastic
- Unsated
- Unsatiable
- Unsatiated
- Unsatisfactory
- Unsatisfiable
- Unsatisfied
- Unsatisfying
- Unsaturated
- Unsaved
- Unsavory
- Unsavoury
- Unscalable
- Unscathed
- Unscheduled
- Unscholarly
- Unschooled
- Unscientific
- Unscripted
- Unscrupulous
- Unsealed
- Unseamanlike
- Unseamed
- Unseasonable
- Unseasoned
- Unseaworthy
- Unsectarian
- Unsecured
- Unseductive
- Unseeable
- Unseeded
- Unseeing
- Unseemly
- Unseen
- Unsegmented
- Unsegregated
- Unselected
- Unselective
- Unselfconscious
- Unselfish
- Unsensational
- Unsent
- Unsentimental
- Unserviceable
- Unservile
- Unsettled
- Unsettling
- Unsexed
- Unsexy
- Unshackled
- Unshaded
- Unshadowed
- Unshakable
- Unshaken
- Unshaped
- Unshapely
- Unshapen
- Unshared
- Unsharpened
- Unshaved
- Unshaven
- Unsheared
- Unsheathed
- Unshelled
- Unshielded
- Unshockable
- Unshod
- Unshoed
- Unshorn
- Unshrinkable
- Unshrinking
- Unshuttered
- Unsighted
- Unsightly
- Unsigned
- Unsilenced
- Unsinkable
- Unsized
- Unskilled
- Unskillful
- Unsleeping
- Unsloped
- Unsmiling
- Unsmooth
- Unsmoothed
- Unsnarled
- Unsociable
- Unsocial
- Unsoiled
- Unsold
- Unsoldierly
- Unsolicited
- Unsoluble
- Unsolvable
- Unsolved
- Unsophisticated
- Unsorted
- Unsought
- Unsound
- Unsoundable
- Unsounded
- Unsoured
- Unsown
- Unspaced
- Unsparing
- Unspeakable
- Unspecialised
- Unspecialized
- Unspecific
- Unspecified
- Unspectacular
- Unspent
- Unspoiled
- Unspoilt
- Unspoken
- Unsporting
- Unsportsmanlike
- Unspotted
- Unstable
- Unstaged
- Unstained
- Unstarred
- Unstated
- Unstatesmanlike
- Unsteady
- Unsterilised
- Unsterilized
- Unstilted
- Unstimulating
- Unstinted
- Unstinting
- Unstirred
- Unstoppable
- Unstoppered
- Unstrained
- Unstratified
- Unstressed
- Unstructured
- Unstrung
- Unstuck
- Unstudied
- Unstudious
- Unstylish
- Unsuasible
- Unsubdivided
- Unsubduable
- Unsubdued
- Unsubmissive
- Unsubstantial
- Unsubstantiated
- Unsubtle
- Unsuccessful
- Unsufferable
- Unsugared
- Unsuitable
- Unsuited
- Unsullied
- Unsung
- Unsupervised
- Unsupportable
- Unsupported
- Unsupportive
- Unsuppressed
- Unsure
- Unsurmountable
- Unsurpassable
- Unsurpassed
- Unsurprised
- Unsurprising
- Unsusceptible
- Unsuspected
- Unsuspecting
- Unsuspicious
- Unsustainable
- Unswayed
- Unsweet
- Unsweetened
- Unswept
- Unswerving
- Unsworn
- Unsyllabic
- Unsyllabled
- Unsymbolic
- Unsymmetric
- Unsymmetrical
- Unsympathetic
- Unsympathising
- Unsympathizing
- Unsynchronised
- Unsynchronized
- Unsynchronous
- Unsystematic
Adjectives that Start with Unt
- Untactful
- Untagged
- Untainted
- Untalented
- Untalkative
- Untamable
- Untamed
- Untangled
- Untanned
- Untaped
- Untapped
- Untarnished
- Untasted
- Untaught
- Untaxed
- Untechnical
- Untellable
- Untempered
- Untempting
- Untenable
- Untenanted
- Untended
- Untested
- Untethered
- Unthankful
- Unthawed
- Untheatrical
- Unthematic
- Unthinkable
- Unthinking
- Unthought
- Unthoughtful
- Unthreatening
- Untidy
- Untied
- Untilled
- Untimbered
- Untimely
- Untipped
- Untired
- Untiring
- Untitled
- Untoasted
- Untold
- Untoothed
- Untouchable
- Untouched
- Untoughened
- Untoward
- Untraceable
- Untracked
- Untraditional
- Untrained
- Untrammeled
- Untrammelled
- Untransferable
- Untranslatable
- Untransmutable
- Untraveled
- Untravelled
- Untraversable
- Untraversed
- Untreated
- Untried
- Untrimmed
- Untrod
- Untrodden
- Untroubled
- Untrue
- Untrusting
- Untrustworthy
- Untrusty
- Untruthful
- Untucked
- Untufted
- Untuneful
- Unturned
- Untutored
- Untwisted
- Untypical
- Ununderstood
- Unusable
- Unuseable
- Unused
- Unusual
- Unutterable
- Unuttered
- Unvaccinated
- Unvalued
- Unvaned
- Unvanquishable
- Unvanquished
- Unvaried
- Unvarnished
- Unvarying
- Unveiled
- Unvendible
- Unvented
- Unventilated
- Unverbalised
- Unverbalized
- Unverifiable
- Unverified
- Unversed
- Unvigilant
- Unvindictive
- Unvitrified
- Unvoiced
- Unvoluntary
- Unvulcanised
- Unvulcanized
- Unwanted
- Unwarmed
- Unwarrantable
- Unwarranted
- Unwary
- Unwashed
- Unwatchable
- Unwatchful
- Unwavering
- Unwaxed
- Unweaned
- Unwearable
- Unwearied
- Unweary
- Unwearying
- Unweathered
- Unwebbed
- Unwed
- Unwedded
- Unwelcome
- Unwell
- Unwholesome
- Unwieldy
- Unwilled
- Unwilling
- Unwise
- Unwished
- Unwitting
- Unwomanly
- Unwonted
- Unwooded
- Unworkable
- Unworkmanlike
- Unworldly
- Unworried
- Unworthy
- Unwounded
- Unwoven
- Unwrapped
- Unwrinkled
- Unwritten
- Unyielding
Adjectives that Start with Up
- Up
- Upbeat
- Upbound
- Upcoming
- Upcountry
- Upcurved
- Upended
- Upfield
- Upfront
- Uphill
- Upland
- Uplifted
- Upmarket
- Upmost
- Upper
- Uppercase
- Uppermost
- Uppish
- Uppity
- Upraised
- Upright
- Uproarious
- Upscale
- Upset
- Upsetting
- Upstage
- Upstair
- Upstairs
- Upstanding
- Upstart
- Upstream
- Uptight
- Up-to-date
- Up-to-the-minute
- Uptown
- Upturned
- Upward
- Upwind
Adjectives that Start with Ur, Us, Ut
- Uraemic
- Urban
- Urbane
- Urbanised
- Urbanized
- Urceolate
- Uremic
- Urethral
- Urgent
- Uric
- Uricosuric
- Urinary
- Urogenital
- Ursine
- Uruguayan
- Usable
- Useable
- Used
- Useful
- Useless
- Usual
- Usufructuary
- Usurious
- Uterine
- Utile
- Utilised
- Utilitarian
- Utility
- Utilizable
- Utilized
- Utmost
- Utopian
- Utter
- Utterable
- Uttered
- Uttermost
- Uveal
- Uveous
- Uvular
- Uxorial
- Uxorious
- Uzbekistani
Plus, discover more adjectives that start with…
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