Ageing vs. Aging: Understanding the Spelling Difference and Implications

When discussing the process of growing older, you might have come across two different spellings: “ageing” and “aging.” At first glance, it might seem like a mere difference in spelling, but whether they are the same or not? Join us in this article to decode the puzzle of “ageing” and “aging.”

The Main Difference Between Ageing And Aging

Ageing vs. Aging
Ageing vs. Aging – Created by 7ESL

Ageing Vs. Aging: Key Takeaways

  • Ageing is the preferred spelling in British English.
  • Aging is the preferred spelling in American English.

Ageing Vs. Aging: The Definition

What Does Ageing Mean?

Ageing is used in British English and other English dialects outside of North America. As an adjective, it describes something that is getting older. As a verb, it refers to the action of getting older.


The ageing professor shared his vast knowledge with his students.

What Does Aging Mean?

Aging is used in American and Canadian English. Similar to ageing, it can be used as an adjective pointing to something getting older or as a verb indicating the process of getting older.


The aging infrastructure needed significant repairs.

Ageing Vs. Aging: Usage

Context British English (Ageing) American English (Aging)
Adjective The ageing population is a common concern for many nations. The aging population is a common concern for many nations.
Verb The cheese is ageing to reach its peak flavor. The cheese is aging to reach its peak flavor.

Tips To Remember The Differences

  1. Spelling: “Aging” is the preferred spelling in American English, while “ageing” is commonly used in British English and other international variants.
  2. Consistency: Choose the appropriate spelling based on your audience and maintain consistency throughout your writing.

Ageing Vs. Aging: Examples in Different Contexts

Example Sentences Using Ageing

  • Ageing population: The UK government must address the challenges of an ageing population, such as the growing demand for healthcare services and the strain on social security systems.
  • Ageing gracefully: Adopting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining mental wellness can help individuals in ageing gracefully.
  • Ageing infrastructure: Governments worldwide are investing in maintenance and replacement of ageing infrastructure to ensure the safety and efficiency of transportation systems.

Example Sentences Using Aging

  • Aging process: Research studies suggest that a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can slow down the aging process.
  • Aging workforce: Companies are seeking ways to address the challenges posed by an aging workforce, such as knowledge transfer and promoting age diversity.
  • Aging skin: Many skincare products claim to target common concerns associated with aging skin, like wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Related Confused Words

As a writer, you might come across other words that can be easily confused with ageing or aging. Here are some examples to help you differentiate between these words and use them accurately.

  1. Aged vs AgedAged can represent two distinct meanings depending on its usage. In one sense, it refers to the process of growing old (aged cheese). In another context, it may replace the word “old” when describing someone’s age (The aged man sat on the bench).
  2. Elderly vs ElderElderly is an adjective used to describe people who are past middle age, while elder is a descriptive term for someone older than others. Elder can also be a noun in some cases, such as a religious leader.

A comparison between these words can be illustrated in a table:

Confused Words Example 1 Example 2
Aged / Aged Aged cheese The aged woman
Elderly / Elder The elderly couple Her elder brother