Alum vs. Alumni: Exploring the Key Differences

When it comes to discussing graduates, the terms “alum,” “alumni” may be encountered. Understanding the difference between these terms is essential, as they are used to refer to individuals with a shared experience of a particular educational institution.

The Main Difference Between Alum and Alumni

Alum vs. Alumni: Key Takeaways

  • Alum is an informal term, referring to a single graduate, regardless of gender.
  • Alumni is the plural form, referring to a group of male graduates or a mixed group of male and female graduates.
Alum vs. Alumni
Alum vs. Alumni – Created by 7ESL

Alum vs. Alumni: The Definition

What Does Alum Mean?

Alum is a short, informal version of the terms alumnus and alumna. It can be used in casual settings to refer to an individual graduate, regardless of gender. If you need a word to address a group of graduates informally, you can use alums.

What Does Alumni Mean?

The word alumni is the plural form of alumnus. It is used to describe a group of male graduates or a mixed group of male and female graduates. The term follows traditional Latin grammar rules where the masculine plural form also encompasses mixed groups.

To better understand the differences between alum and alumni, consider these examples:

  1. Lisa is an alum of XYZ University. – Here, Lisa is a single graduate, so the informal term alum is used.
  2. The alumni association organized an event for the graduates. – In this case, the group of graduates could be either male or a mix of male and female, so the term alumni is used.

Tips to Remember the Differences

Here are some confident, knowledgeable, neutral, and clear tips to help you remember the differences between alum and alumni.

  1. Alum: This is a gender-neutral, informal term for a former student or graduate of a specific school or university. Feel free to use this when you are unsure of the gender or when referring to an individual indiscriminately.
  2. Alumni: This term refers to a group of former students or graduates of the same institution. Although technically the masculine plural form of the noun, you can use alumni for both a group of mixed gender or a group of men. Remember that when referring to a group, use the plural form alumni.

Keep these tips in mind:

Term Usage
Alum Gender-neutral, informal, individual
Alumni Group of mixed gender or group of men

Alum vs. Alumni: Examples

Example Sentences Using Alum

  1. Sarah is an alum of the prestigious Ivy League university.
  2. They met at their 10-year reunion, realizing they were both alums of the same college.
  3. In conversation, it’s not uncommon for someone to say, “I’m an alum of XYZ University.”

Remember that “alum” is a shorthand, non-gender specific term that is often used informally.

Example Sentences Using Alumni

  1. The college hosted a gathering to celebrate its alumni and their achievements.
  2. This year’s alumni newsletter highlighted the diverse and distinguished careers of the graduates.
  3. The university’s alumni network is essential for building connections in your chosen field.

Related Confused Words

When discussing graduates, it’s common to encounter confusion with terms like alumalumnialumna, and alumnae. To better understand these terms, let’s break them down based on gender and plurality.

  1. Alumna (singular, female): Refers to a single female graduate of an educational institution.
  2. Alumnus (singular, male or gender-neutral): Refers to a single male graduate or used as a gender-neutral term for an individual graduate.
  3. Alumnae (plural, female): Refers to a group of female graduates.
  4. Alumni (plural, male or gender-neutral): Refers to a group of male graduates or a mixed-gender group of graduates.

Here are some examples for a clearer understanding:

  • “Jane is an alumna of Harvard University.”
  • “John is an alumnus of Stanford University.”
  • “The alumnae gathered for their 10-year reunion at the all-girls school.”
  • “The alumni of the college returned for a weekend of events and celebrations.”

In informal contexts, it’s common to see people using alum as a gender-neutral abbreviation for both alumnus and alumna, while alums is used as the gender-neutral plural form. However, this usage may be considered less formal by some.

  • “Sam is an alum of Yale University.”
  • “The alums met up for a social networking event.”