Amature Meaning, Origin and Examples

The slang term “amature” is not often seen and in some cases may just be a misspelling of an actual word. However, if you have come across this phrase being used and were wondering what it meant after the person has assured you it is not a typo, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find the meaning of this term, details about its origin if they are available, and some other meanings if there are any to be found.

Example conversations are seen here for your convenience as well that highlight the proper usage of this term and to help you better understand its meaning. Finally, you will learn some similar words that share the same meaning and can be used in place of the original term to convey the same message.

Amature Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • If “amature” is being used to describe someone who is not mature, it is likely a creative or incorrect spelling intended to combine “amateur” and “immature.” However, the correct term for someone who lacks maturity would be “immature.”
Amature Meaning
Amature Meaning – Created by 7ESL

What Does Amature Mean?

This slang term is used to describe someone who is not mature. It is a common replacement in text and online chatting today for the term immature. It is often considered a misspelling of the word “amateur” but this term has a different meaning.

Origin of Amature

There are no specific details that can be found regarding this slang term. However, it can be said that this word has been used in the sense of the meaning stated above at least since 2007.

Usage of Amature

In Informal Conversations

Use it when casually describing someone behaving in a way that lacks maturity.

  • “Stop acting so amature and take this seriously!”

In Texting or Online Chats

Use it in playful or humorous exchanges with friends.

  • “He forgot his own birthday… so amature!”
  • “Throwing a fit over losing a game? That’s amature behavior.”

To Tease Someone Lightly

Use it to poke fun at someone’s childish or silly actions in a non-offensive way.

  • “You’re mad because you didn’t get ice cream? Amature move!”

As a Creative or Ironic Expression

Use it to intentionally misspell “immature” for comedic or dramatic effect.

  • “She’s being so amature right now, it’s hilarious.”

Related Terms to Amature

  • Childish: Describes someone behaving like a child, often used as a light criticism.
  • Petty: Refers to someone who is overly concerned with trivial matters or small-minded.
  • Juvenile: Often used to describe immature or overly simplistic behavior.
  • Goofy: Playful or silly behavior, but sometimes perceived as immature.
  • Drama Queen: Someone who overreacts or exaggerates situations.
  • Immature: Lacking emotional or social development, not appropriate for someone’s age.
  • Naive: Refers to someone who is inexperienced or overly trusting.
  • Inexperienced: Lacking the maturity that comes from exposure or practice.
  • Irresponsible: Failing to act with the seriousness required for the situation.
  • Clown: Someone who acts foolishly or embarrassingly.
  • Noob: Often used in gaming, but can describe inexperience or lack of skill in general.
  • Crybaby: Someone who complains or reacts emotionally in trivial situations.
  • Softie: Someone who is overly sensitive or emotional.
  • Extra: Being overly dramatic or attention-seeking.

Synonyms for Amature

There are several words that you could use to replace this slang word that would convey the same message and meaning. Some other words you could use in its place include:

  • immature
  • childish
  • juvenile

Examples of Amature

A conversation via text message between two friends.

  • Friend 1: Becky is so amature.
  • Friend 2: I think you mean she is so immature or such an amateur.
  • Friend 1: No, I meant what I said.
  • Friend 2: There is no such word?
  • Friend 1: Yes there is. Although it does mean immature so basically I was saying she is so immature.
  • Friend 2: LOL! Just say that then!

An online conversation between two Twitter users.

  • User 1: If you are just going to be amature than you can see yourself off of my feed.
  • User 2: Amature? You mean immature?
  • User 1: No, but that is what it mans. Bye!
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