This reference covers an interesting aspect of the English language, focusing on AN words. You will discover words that start with AN and words that end with AN. This useful knowledge could help you expand your vocabulary and impress others with your linguistic skills. Whether for academic purposes or everyday conversation, knowing more -AN words is always beneficial.
AN Words
What Are AN Words?
The suffix -an usually signifies an action to be taken or an adjective that can form a noun.
The prefix -an has Persian roots. it is typically used when determining a location, making a plural noun, or forming adverbs.
Below are some An words in English!
Words that Start with An
3 Letter Words that Start with An
- And
- Any
- Ant
- Ane
- Ani
- Ana
Learn more: 3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words that Start with An
- Anna
- Anti
- Anew
- Anus
- Anon
- Ankh
- Anoa
- Anta
- Anil
- Ante
- Anal
- Anas
- Ants
- Anga
- Ansa
Study more: 4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words that Start with An
- Anent
- Anile
- Anele
- Ankus
- Annas
- Ansae
- Anils
- Ankhs
- Anear
- Andro
- Anted
- Antis
- Antes
- Angas
- Anglo
- Animi
- Angry
- Anger
- Angle
- Angel
- Ankle
- Angst
- Anvil
- Antsy
- Annul
- Anise
- Antic
- Anima
- Antra
- Anime
- Annex
- Annoy
- Anode
- Anion
- Ancho
- Annal
- Ancon
- Anole
- Antre
- Antae
- Anomy
Find out more: 5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words that Start with An
- Answer
- Anthem
- Analog
- Angler
- Anomie
- Antler
- Anyhow
- Anoxia
- Anuria
- Anther
- Anklet
- Anlage
- Angina
- Annual
- Anyone
- Animal
- Anyway
- Anchor
- Anemia
- Anemic
- Animus
- Antrum
- Annexe
- Anneal
- Anoint
- Anorak
- Anergy
- Anuran
- Annuli
- Anonym
- Anatto
- Anarch
- Anadem
- Angary
- Ansate
- Anlace
- Ankush
- Annona
- Anodal
- Anodic
- Anopia
- Anomic
- Anoxic
- Anisic
- Anilin
- Angora
- Ancone
- Ananke
- Antick
- Antiar
- Anural
- Anuric
- Antral
Learn more: 6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words that Start with An
- Annoint
- Ankling
- Aniseed
- Annuals
- Annoyed
- Anolyte
- Annoyer
- Anlages
- Anlases
- Anosmic
- Anoxias
- Anomies
- Anoraks
- Anlagen
- Anlaces
- Annexed
- Anapest
- Annelid
- Andiron
- Animato
- Antbear
- Anaphor
- Angerly
- Angrily
- Anglers
- Animals
- Anginas
- Anglice
- Angrier
- Annulet
- Antigen
- Analyse
- Antenna
- Anarchy
- Animate
- Antiwar
- Anemone
- Antacid
- Anodyne
- Annular
- Anagram
- Anchovy
- Android
- Anthrax
- Anguish
- Another
- Anybody
- Ancient
- Analyst
- Anxiety
- Anxious
- Analyze
- Anymore
- Antique
- Analogy
- Anytime
- Anatomy
- Annuity
- Anomaly
- Angular
- Angling
- Anaemia
- Aniline
- Animism
- Andante
- Annulus
- Anaemic
- Anthill
- Anatase
- Antonym
- Anosmia
- Annatto
- Aneroid
- Antilog
- Anodize
- Angioma
- Anhinga
- Anergia
- Anchusa
- Antefix
- Anywise
- Anurous
- Anagoge
- Anguine
- Anginal
- Animist
- Anionic
- Anility
- Animacy
- Anisole
- Anorexy
Study more:7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words that Start with An
- Anaglyph
- Antipode
- Annalist
- Anaphase
- Anestrus
- Antinuke
- Anthesis
- Antismog
- Antinode
- Antitype
- Anisette
- Antiquer
- Antelope
- Anterior
- Ancestry
- Anything
- Announce
- Animated
- Anywhere
- Antidote
- Anecdote
- Angelica
- Anarchic
- Anyplace
- Anorexia
- Antipthy
- Analysis
- Antibody
- Analytic
- Analogue
- Ancestor
- Anathema
- Androgen
- Anorexic
- Antimony
- Animator
- Angstrom
- Annotate
- Aneurysm
- Andesite
- Anaconda
- Antilock
- Antitank
- Antihero
- Anteroom
- Anthemic
- Anteater
- Anaphora
- Anechoic
- Ankerite
- Antinomy
- Analects
- Antedate
- Antiphon
- Anaerobe
- Anabaena
- Anabasis
- Antipope
- Antiatom
- Anserine
- Analemma
- Anasarca
- Antecede
- Antinome
- Antilogy
- Antimere
- Anticity
- Antrorse
- Anuresis
- Analcime
- Anabatic
- Anoxemia
- Ankylose
- Annulate
- Angulate
- Angulose
- Angulous
- Anhingas
- Anginose
- Anginous
- Anglepod
- Animalic
- Annulose
Find out more: 8 Letter Words
9 Letter Words that Start with An
- Analytics
- Anonymous
- Ancillary
- Antivirus
- Anthology
- Antiquity
- Anchorage
- Announcer
- Anarchist
- Analgesic
- Antiviral
- Annoyance
- Anguished
- Animation
- Analogous
- Anonymity
- Anomalous
- Antitrust
- Anecdotal
- Ancestral
- Animosity
- Antipathy
- Anhydrous
- Antisense
- Analgesia
- Antitumor
- Antenatal
- Annulment
- Antiserum
- Andromeda
- Anhydride
- Anchorman
- Anatomist
- Anticline
- Anarchism
- Angiogram
- Antipasto
- Angelfish
- Annuitant
- Anthropic
- Angostura
- Andouille
- Angiology
- Animality
- Anhydrite
- Antiquary
- Antitoxin
- Annualize
- Anamnesis
- Antiquark
- Aneuploid
- Anchoress
- Androgyne
- Analogize
- Anticrime
- Antitheft
- Analysand
- Antipodal
- Antivenin
- Anthelion
- Antiphony
- Anticodon
- Anhedonia
- Animalism
- Anabolism
- Anaplasia
- Anatomize
- Anorectic
- Anthurium
- Antiknock
- Antitrade
- Anklebone
- Anchorite
- Anestrous
- Anilingus
- Anorthite
- Antitoxic
- Antiquate
- Antinoise
- Antennule
- Anecdotic
- Andantino
- Analeptic
- Anarthria
- Anchoveta
- Andradite
- Anovulant
- Animalize
- Anglesite
- Anthemion
- Anthozoan
- Antechoir
- Antichlor
Study more: 9 Letter Words
10 Letter Words that Start with An
- Antibiosis
- Antitrades
- Antigrowth
- Antifamily
- Antimarket
- Antimerger
- Antinature
- Antierotic
- Antiheroic
- Antiherpes
- Antilifers
- Anticipate
- Antibiotic
- Anticancer
- Anesthetic
- Antithesis
- Antiseptic
- Antisocial
- Anesthesia
- Anatomical
- Antagonism
- Antifungal
- Annotation
- Antebellum
- Antecedent
- Answerable
- Antistatic
- Annihilate
- Anthracite
- Antagonize
- Antifreeze
- Analogical
- Anaplastic
- Antimatter
- Anticlimax
- Anamorphic
- Angularity
- Aneuploidy
- Anthracene
- Anticlinal
- Antinomian
- Antiphonal
- Anemometer
- Anthropoid
- Anadromous
- Antiproton
- Anxiolytic
- Angulation
- Antemortem
- Angelology
- Annunciate
- Antimonial
- Anglerfish
- Andalusite
- Ancestress
- Angiosperm
- Antipyrine
- Antecessor
- Antidromic
- Anastomose
- Anemometry
- Anecdotage
- Animadvert
- Ankylosaur
- Annalistic
- Annulation
- Animalcule
- Anecdotist
- Anemograph
- Androecium
- Anastigmat
- Anastrophe
- Anatropous
- Anagenesis
- Antechapel
- Antepenult
- Anticipant
- Antilitter
- Antihunter
- Antihijack
- Antifemale
- Antimonide
- Antinausea
Learn more: 10 Letter Words
11 Letter Words that Start with An
- Antelbellum
- Antenuptial
- Antineutron
- Animalities
- Anfractuous
- Antependium
- Antistrophe
- Animalistic
- Anaesthesia
- Antinuclear
- Antigravity
- Antismoking
- Anchorwoman
- Antimissile
- Anesthetist
- Anthracnose
- Angiotensis
- Androgynous
- Anniversary
- Angioplasty
- Antislavery
- Anachronism
- Angiography
- Anaesthetic
- Antioxidant
- Antiquarian
- Angiotensin
- Anisotropic
- Antipoverty
- Antechamber
- Anorthosite
- Anesthetize
- Antianxiety
- Antipyretic
- Annunciator
- Anovulatory
- Anthocyanin
- Anthologize
- Antitussive
- Antiphonary
- Antimitotic
- Anticyclone
- Antonomasia
- Anacoluthon
- Anadiplosis
- Antecedence
- Antiheroine
- Antinucleon
- Antivitamin
- Antiphrasis
- Antirrhinum
- Antheridium
- Aniseikonia
- Aniseikonic
- Anisogamous
- Animateness
- Animatronic
- Animalculum
- Angiomatous
- Anodization
- Annihilator
- Anacreontic
- Anachronous
- Anacoluthic
- Analyticity
- Analyzation
Find out more: 11 Letter Words
12 Letter Words that Start with An
- Androgenetic
- Analytically
- Anagrammatic
- Anaesthesias
- Anaesthetics
- Anagogically
- Anatomically
- Androgenesis
- Angelologist
- Anastomosing
- Antiabortion
- Anthelmintic
- Announcement
- Anticipation
- Anthropology
- Annihilation
- Angiogenesis
- Antithetical
- Annunciation
- Antiaircraft
- Antimalarial
- Anticlerical
- Antifeminist
- Antiparallel
- Antediluvian
- Antipathetic
- Antiparticle
- Androcentric
- Antineutrino
- Antibusiness
- Antitakeover
- Anchorperson
- Anaerobiosis
- Anathematize
- Androsterone
- Antipruritic
- Antielectron
- Anthranilate
- Antimacassar
- Analphabetic
- Antimagnetic
- Antirachitic
- Anthophilous
- Anastigmatic
- Anemophilous
- Anelasticity
- Anencephalic
- Anecdotalist
- Anecdotalism
- Andouillette
- Anaphylactic
- Anchorpeople
- Annunciatory
- Annihilatory
- Annexational
- Ankylosaurus
- Anorexigenic
- Anorthositic
- Angiographic
- Anisotropism
- Anticipatory
Study more: 12 Letter Words
13 Letter Words that Start with An
- Anarchiacally
- Antimicrobial
- Antibacterial
- Antipsychotic
- Antisubmarine
- Anthropogenic
- Anticoagulant
- Antihistamine
- Antiterrorist
- Antipersonnel
- Anthropometry
- Anticlockwise
- Antinomianism
- Antispasmodic
- Antipollution
- Antiparasitic
- Anthraquinone
- Antidiarrheal
- Anthroposophy
- Antisymmetric
- Antisatellite
- Antirejection
- Anticollision
- Antifertility
- Antilogarithm
- Animadversion
- Anisometropia
- Anagrammatize
- Anfractuosity
- Antiscorbutic
- Antiritualism
- Antirecession
- Antipolitical
- Antiterrorism
- Antisocialist
- Antiguerrilla
- Antiepileptic
- Antiformalist
- Antipesticide
- Antiobscenity
- Antimetabolic
- Antimechanist
- Antimarijuana
- Antimodernist
- Antinarrative
- Anticlimactic
- Anticlassical
- Anticellulite
- Anticigarette
- Anticipatable
- Antidesiccant
- Anticorporate
- Anticorrosion
- Anticorrosive
- Anticommunism
- Anthropophagi
- Anthropophagy
- Anthropomorph
- Antiauthority
- Antibillboard
- Antiarthritic
- Anthophyllite
Discover more: 13 Letter Words
14 Letter Words that Start with An
- Anesthesiology
- Antidepressant
- Antiarrhythmic
- Anticonvulsant
- Antiperspirant
- Antineoplastic
- Antimetabolite
- Antiphlogistic
- Antiderivative
- Anthropologist
- Anthropometric
- Antiallergenic
- Antialcoholism
- Antiaggression
- Antidepression
- Antidefamation
- Antidemocratic
- Anticonvulsive
- Anticorrosives
- Anticorruption
- Anticapitalist
- Anticarcinogen
- Anticensorship
- Anticommercial
- Antifilibuster
- Antigovernment
- Antihistaminic
- Antihistorical
- Antihomosexual
- Antihumanistic
- Antiliberalism
- Antimanagement
- Antimonopolist
- Antimonarchist
- Antimilitarism
- Antimilitarist
- Antiuniversity
- Antitubercular
- Antitechnology
- Antisubversive
- Antisubversion
- Antisyphilitic
- Antiradicalism
- Antiregulatory
- Antiseparatist
- Antiscientific
- Antiquarianism
- Anagrammatical
Explore more: 14 Letter Words
15 Letter Words that Start with An
- Anticompetitive
- Anticholinergic
- Anthropocentric
- Antepenultimate
- Antivivisection
- Anthropopathism
- Ankylostomiasis
- Anthropomorphic
- Anthropophagous
- Anthropological
- Antiaphrodisiac
- Anticlimactical
- Anticlericalism
- Anticolonialism
- Anticolonialist
- Antidevelopment
- Antieducational
- Antiegalitarian
- Antituberculous
- Antitraditional
- Antispeculation
- Antispeculative
- Antitheoretical
- Antipornography
- Antiprogressive
- Antirationality
- Antirationalist
- Antirationalism
- Antisegregation
- Antisentimental
- Antiromanticism
- Antimaterialist
- Antimaterialism
- Antimonarchical
- Antinationalist
- Antiferromagnet
- Antifashionable
- Antiforeclosure
- Antilibertarian
Words that End in An
3 Letter Words that End in An
- Can
- Van
- Tan
- Fan
- Pan
- Ban
- Gan
- Man
4 Letter Words that End in An
- Roan
- Pean
- Yean
- Flan
- Guan
- Wean
- Scan
- Span
- Lean
- Bean
- Jean
5 Letter Words that End in An
- Tolan
- Liman
- Titan
- Ratan
- Lauan
- Pavan
- Sewan
- Ulpan
- Octan
- Daman
- Cotan
- Pyran
- Soman
- Witan
- Pyran
- Reman
- Honan
- Adman
- Arman
- Organ
- Groan
- Hogan
- Rowan
- Sedan
- Glean
- Xylan
- Vegan
- Avian
- Roman
- Pagan
6 Letter Words that End in An
- Minyan
- Ashcan
- Soudan
- Titman
- Ragman
- Anuran
- Sampan
- Legman
- Desman
- Longan
- Eolian
- Raglan
- Iceman
- Kanban
- Hetman
- Oilman
- Seitan
- Lawman
- Prolan
- Firman
7 Letter Words that End in An
- Wingman
- Plowman
- Sandman
- Newsman
- Caveman
- Bellman
- Capstan
- Kirkman
- Packman
- Soybean
- Deadpan
- Snowman
- Mailman
- Pullman
- Doorman
- Pelican
- Unclean
- Batsman
8 Letter Words that End in An
- Brakeman
- Bondsman
- Laywoman
- Soundman
- Woodsman
- Townsman
- Madwoman
- Clansman
- Metazoan
- Radioman
- Logician
- Subhuman
- Landsman
- Viridian
- Spaceman
- Corpsman
- Trimaran
- Henchman
- Turbofan
- Pitchman
- Rifleman
- Optician
- Pressman
- Houseman
- Waterman
- Salesman
- Musician
- Guardian
- Chairman
- Civilian
- Suburban
9 Letter Words that End in An
- Vulgarian
- Switchman
- Steersman
- Lumberman
- Selectman
- Kinswoman
- Dystopian
- Tactician
- Quotidian
- Courtesan
- Carnelian
- Anchorman
- Yachtsman
- Signalman
- Newswoman
- Mortician
- Tribesman
- Forewoman
- Collegian
- Sportsman
- Clergyman
- Patrician
- Barbarian
- Cameraman
- Minuteman
- Middleman
- Draftsman
- Statesman
- Beutician
10 Letter Words that End in An
- Technician
- Theologian
- Journeyman
- Vegetarian
- Republican
- Defenseman
- Politician
- councilman
- Technician
- Pedestrian
- Prefeshman
11 Letter Words that End in An
- Craftswoman
- Churchwoman
- Camerawoman
- Chiropteran
- Mechanician
- Orthopteran
- Radiolarian
- Callipygian
- Deliveryman
- Crossbowman
- Ctenophoran
- Arthropodan
- Hyperborean
- Cornucopian
- Procrustean
- Cordilleran
- Malapropian
So now you know at least 1116 words that either start of end with -an! Which ones did you know already and which ones were new?
Common Words with AN with Meaning and Examples
- A living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous systems.
- The zoo has a wide variety of animals, including lions and elephants.
- Occurring once every year
- The annual festival attracts thousands of visitors.
- A response or reply to a question or statement
- She didn’t know the answer to the math problem.
- Belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence
- They visited the ancient ruins during their trip to Greece.
- The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
- The angle of the triangle was 90 degrees.
- A heavy object attached to a cable or chain and used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom
- The ship dropped its anchor near the shore.
- A long curved fruit that grows in clusters and has soft pulpy flesh and yellow skin when ripe
- She ate a banana for breakfast.
- A financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit
- She went to the bank to deposit her paycheck.
- To decide or announce that a planned event will not take place
- They had to cancel the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.
- A sweet food made with sugar or syrup combined with fruit, chocolate, or nuts
- The children were excited to receive candy on Halloween.
Related resources:
- Words that Start with A
- Words that End in N
- 5 Letter Words that Start with A
- 5 Letter Words Ending in N
- 5 Letter Words with A
- 5 Letter Words with N
- 5 Letter Words Ending in ANT
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