Learning English can be both fun and interesting, especially when it involves animals. This reference will help vocabulary learners discover animals that start with the letter D. Whether it’s wild animals, domestic pets, or sea creatures, you’ll get to know them all with their names, facts, and pictures included.
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Animals that Start with D
Names of Common Animals that Start with D
Here, you can see a list of animals that start with D in English.
- Dabra Goby
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Damselfish
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Darwin’s Frog
- Dassie Rat
- Deer
- Degu
- Desert Tortoise
- Deutsche Bracke
- Dhole
- Dik-Dik
- Dingo
- Dipper
- Discus
- Doberman Pinscher
- Dodo
- Dog
- Dogo Argentino
- Dogue De Bordeaux
- Dolphin
- Donkey
- Dormouse
- Dotterel
- Dove
- Dragonfish
- Drever
- Dromedary Camel
- Drongo
- Drum Fish
- Duck
- Dugong
- Dunker
- Dung Beetle
- Dunlin
- Dusky Dolphin
- Dwarf Crocodile
Common Animals that Start with D | Facts and Pictures
Dabra Goby
Fish located in the Western Pacific
The first Olympic mascot and was bred to hunt badgers
Their origins are a mystery and fire departments used them as coach dogs
Used to break in new aquariums and some even are cannibals
Dark-eyed Junco
They puff up in winter and are often called snowbirds
Darwin’s Frog
Named after Charles Darwin, who also founded them
Dassie Rat
Babies are full of fur and can start running within hours
Each year their antlers fall off and regrow, and a male deer is called a buck
Used in diabetes research because they don’t tolerate sugars
Desert Tortoise
Females can give birth for up to fifteen years after initial mating
Deutsche Bracke
Hunting hound from Germany that is very energetic
Wild dogs are native to East and Southeast Asia
Tiny antelopes that make them great for a number of predators
The largest fence in the world was built to keep them out
Only songbird that can swim underwater
Very sociable fish and is found in large groups called schools
Doberman Pinscher
Amix of a lot of different breeds of dogs and was first bred by a tax collector
An extinct bird that was flightless and was endemic to an island near Madagascar
Three dogs survived the Titanic sinking and their ability to smell is at least 40x better than humans
Dogo Argentino
Weighs around 80-100 pounds
Dogue De Bordeaux
Their loose skin results in wrinkles and folds on its face
Has two stomachs and they never chew their food
Stronger than a horse of the same size
A small, nocturnal rodent that lives in trees
The female is more colorful than the male
Pigeons and doves belong to the same family
The only known creature to have chlorophyll in its eyes
The first choice for deer hunting and originates from Sweden
Dromedary Camel
Can travel up to 100 desert miles without water
Can mimic calls of other animals, which is used to distract its hosts
Drum Fish
Only North American fish that inhabits freshwater its whole life
A male duck is called a drake, a female duck is called a hen and a baby duck is called a duckling
The closest land relative is the elephant and their diet consists solely of seagrass
Originated in Norway and also known as a Norwegian Hound
Dung Beetle
The world’s strongest insect, due to its ability to move objects 50 times its weight
A bird species that is eight inches long
Dusky Dolphin
Known for being incredible acrobats
Dwarf Crocodile
Smallest species of crocodile
Animals Beginning with D (by Locations)
Wild Animals that Start with D
- Dingo
- Dolphin
- Donkey
- Dassie Rat
- Dhole
- Dusky Dolphin
- Diamondback Terrapin
- Dwarf Mongoose
- Desert Tortoise
- Dugong
- Dark Kangaroo Mouse
- Dusky Leaf Monkey
- Dusky Pademelon
- Damara Mole Rat
- Desert Bighorn Sheep
- Dwarf Caiman
- Damaraland Mole Rat
- Desert Iguana
- Desert Kit Fox
- Desert Monitor
- Desert Sand Fox
- Desert Spiny Lizard
- Desert Tortoise
- Desert Warthog
- Dickinson’s Kestrel
- Dik-Dik
- Dipper
- Dodo
- Dormouse
- Drake Pintail Duck
- Duckbill Platypus
- Dung Beetle
- Dunnock
- Dwarf African Frog
Related: Wild Animals in English
Domestic Animals Beginning with D
- Dog
- Donkey
- Dairy Cow
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Danio
- Dapple Gray
- Dartmoor Pony
- Deerhound
- Devon Rex
- Dexter
- Dhole
- Dingo
- Doberman Pinscher
- Docile Sheep
- Dorper Sheep
- Draft Horse
- Dutch Belted
- Dutch Shepherd
- Dapple Grey
- Dapple Grey Pony
- Danish-Swedish Farmdog
- Dartmoor Pony
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- Dark Bay
- Dark Brown Icelandic Sheep
- Dassie Rat
- Dapple Dachshund
- Deccani Sheep
- Deerhound
Related: Farm and Domestic Animals in English
Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with D
- Dab
- Dagger-Toothed Moray Eel
- Daisy Brittle Star
- Dall’s Porpoise
- Damselfish
- Dancer Shrimp
- Dappled Boxer Crab
- Dartfish
- Darter
- Deep-Sea Dragonfish
- Deep-Sea Hatchetfish
- Deep-Sea Lizardfish
- Deep-Sea Smelt
- Deep-Sea Squid
- Deer Cowrie
- Demersal Grenadier
- Denison Barb
- Dentex
- Derbio
- Devil Ray
- Devilfish
- Diamond Tetra
- Diodon Holocanthus
- Diver Scallop
- Dogfish Shark
- Dolphin
- Dorado
- Dragonet
- Dragonfly Nymph
- Dragonfish
- Drawnbonnet
- Dromedary Jumping Crab
- Drum Fish
- Drunkard Fish
- Duckbill Eel
- Dusky Dolphin
- Dwarf Goby
- Dwarf Seahorse
- Dwarf Spiny Lobster
- Dwarfgoby
- Dynamite Sculpin
- Dungeness Crab
- Dusky Shark
- Duskytail Grouper
- Dusty Grouper
Related: Sea and Ocean Animals in English
Zoo Animals that Start with D
- Dama Gazelle
- Dassie Rat
- Dassie Snake
- Dassiehound
- Dhole
- Dingo
- Diprotodon
- Dik-Dik
- Dingo
- Dingo Rat
- Dodo Bird
- Douroucouli
- Douc Langur
- Draco Lizard
- Drake
- Drongo
- Dromedary Camel
- Dugong
- Duiker
- Dwarf Crocodile
- Dwarf Mongoose
- Dwarf Rabbit
- Dwarf Zebu
- Dusky Leaf Monkey
- Dusky Titi Monkey
- Dwaft Loris
Related: Zoo Animals in English
Animals with D (by Types)
Mammals that Start with D
- Dama Gazelle
- Dama Wallaby
- Damaraland Mole Rat
- Damaraland Dik-Dik
- Dama Wallaby
- Dassie Rat
- Dassiehound
- Dasyure
- Daurian Hedgehog
- Deer Mouse
- Deerman’s Shrew
- Defassa Waterbuck
- Degu
- Delmarva Fox Squirrel
- Denali Flying Squirrel
- Desmarest’s Hutia
- Deville’s Pika
- Diademed Sifaka
- Dingo
- Diprotodon
- Djeiran Gazelle
- Dobson’s Horseshoe Bat
- Dog
- Dog-Faced Bat
- Dohrn’s Flying Lemur
- Dolphin
- Douroucouli
- Draco Lizard
- Dromedary Camel
- Dugong
- Duiker
- Dwaft Loris
Related: Mammals in English
Insects that Start with D
- Daddy Longlegs
- Damselfly
- Dart Moth
- Death’s-Head Hawkmoth
- Deer Bot Fly
- Desert Locust
- Diamond-Backed Moth
- Diamond Weevil
- Digging Wasp
- Diptera
- Dog Day Cicada
- Dogwood Borer
- Doodlebug
- Dorsal Oak Gall Wasp
- Dot-Dash Whiteface
- Dragonfly
- Drosophila
- Drone Fly
- Drowned Worm Fly
- Drywood Termite
- Dusky Longwing Butterfly
- Dust Mite
Related: Insects in English
Birds that Start with D
- Dabchick
- Dalmatian Pelican
- Dark-Eyed Junco
- Darter
- Demoiselle Crane
- Desert Sparrow
- Diamond Dove
- Dickinson’s Kestrel
- Dickcissel
- Dipper
- Dotterel
- Double-Collared Sunbird
- Downy Woodpecker
- Dromedary Patridge
- Drumming Snipe
- Duck
Related: List of Birds in English
Reptiles that Start with D
- Dabb Lizard
- Dainty Green Tree Dragon
- Dalmatian Crested Gecko
- Damaraland Mole Skink
- Dancer Gecko
- D’Appollonia’s Gecko
- Dark Tegu
- Darlington’s Snake
- Daudin’s Snake
- Day Gecko
- Death Adder
- Deiroptyx Lizard
- Delma’s Gecko
- Desert Iguana
- Desert Horned Lizard
- Desert Tortoise
- Diamond Python
- Diplodactylus Gecko
- Dipsadine Snake
- D’Orbigny’s Skink
- Dotted Gecko
- Dotted Turtle
- Dumeril’s Boa
- Dunn’s Gecko
Related: Reptiles in English
Animals Starting with the Letter “D” for Kindergarten
- Deer
- Dolphin
- Dog
- Duck
- Donkey
- Dragonfly
- Dingo
- Duckling
- Dove
- Dragon
- Dipper
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