Are you interested in learning new English vocabulary related to animals? This reference is designed to teach you about animals that start with the letter “K.” You will find interesting facts, pictures, and even information on where these animals live. Start expanding your animal vocabulary today!
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Animals that Start with K
List of Common Animals Starting with K
Below are some animals that start with K in English.
- Kagu
- Kakapo
- Kangaroo
- Kangaroo Rat
- Katydid
- Keel-Billed Toucan
- Keeshond
- Kestrel
- Killer Whale
- King Cobra
- King Crab
- King Penguin
- Kingfisher
- Kinkajou
- Kirk’s Dik-Dik
- Kite
- Kivu Shrew
- Kiwi
- Klipspringer
- Knifefish
- Koala
- Kob
- Kodkod
- Komodo Dragon
- Kookaburra
- Korean Field Mouse
- Korean Hare
- Korinch’s Rat
- Kouprey
- Kowari
- Krill
- Kudu
- Kulan
Common Animals that Start with K | Facts & Pictures
A bird that is only found on the islands of New Caledonia which is a French territory in the Pacific Ocean.
A large flightless bird that is only found in New Zealand and is also known as the owl parrot.’
They belong to the animal family Macropus, which literally means “bigfoot.”
Kangaroo Rat
These creatures move around by hopping.
They hear each other with ears on their front legs.
Keel-Billed Toucan
The national bird of Belize.
This dog breed is better suited for colder weather than heat.
Are falcons that are able to hover in one place while hunting for food.
Killer Whale
Are apex predators which means they’re top of the food chain.
King Cobra
Their main predator in a mongoose because the mongoose is immune to its venom.
King Crab
Their blood is blue and they’re considered dedicated mothers.
King Penguin
Has the longest breeding cycle of all the penguin species and they don’t build nests.
These birds close their eyes as they dive into the water.
Also known as honey bear’ because it looks like a bear cub that enjoys honey.
Kirk’s Dik-Dik
One out of the four small antelopes.
The most populous species of raptor with about six million in the world. You can find them in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Kivu Shrew
Found in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
These birds are only found in New Zealand, and when they evolved, there were no predatory land mammals in New Zealand.
An extremely small African antelope species, weighing between 22 and 40 pounds.
Most knifefish use electricity to find their way around and to find their prey.
Despite their appearances, they aren’t bears.
A species of antelope native to more than fifteen African countries.
A species of rare feline that is found in the wilderness of South America.
Komodo Dragon
Their name came from rumors of a large dragon-like lizard appearing in the Lesser Sunda Islands.
Found in Australia and New Guinea.
Korean Field Mouse
Also known as the Korean wood mouse.’
Korean Hare
A species of hare found in the Korean Peninsula and adjoining parts of Northeastern China.
Korinch’s Rat
A rodent only found in western Sumatra and Indonesia.
A critically endangered species of wild cattle that’s found in Southeast Asia.
This animal doesn’t need to find a source of water because it gets all of its moisture from prey.
Swarms of krill are visible from space. They also have the largest biomass on Earth.
These antelopes have horns that are shaped like spirals.
Wild donkeys are found in zoos and safari parks.
Animals Beginning with K (by Locations)
Wild Animals that Start with K
- Kangaroo
- Koala
- Kodiak bear
- Kudu
- King cobra
- Komodo dragon
- Killer whale
- Kinkajou
- Kit fox
- Kookaburra
- Keel-billed toucan
- Kemp’s ridley sea turtle
- Kentucky warbler
- Kiang
- Kalahari scrub robin
- Karoo prinia
- Kestrel
- Key deer
- Kipunji
- Kite
- Knobbed hornbill
- Kondana soft-furred rat
- Korean hare
- Kori bustard
- Kouprey
- Kuhl’s flying gecko
- Kuhl’s pipistrelle
- Kumbara nightjar
- Kunekune pig
- Kuril seal
Related: Wild Animals in English
Domestic Animals Beginning with K
- Kangaroo (yes, some people keep them as pets, though they are not typically considered domestic animals)
- Karakachan dog
- Karakul sheep
- Katahdin sheep
- Kiko goat
- King pigeon
- Kintamani dog
- Kishu dog
- Kitten
- Kiwi bird (occasionally kept in zoos or as pets)
- Komondor dog
- Kooikerhondje dog
- Korean Jindo dog
- Korat cat
- Kudu cow (a breed of cattle)
- Kunekune pig
- Kurilian Bobtail cat
- Kuvasz dog
Related: Farm and Domestic Animals in English
Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with K
- Kelp (not an animal, but a type of seaweed)
- Kemp’s ridley sea turtle
- King crab
- King eider
- King penguin
- Kingfish
- Kissing gourami
- Kitefin shark
- Klipspringer fish
- Knifefish
- Knot (bird)
- Koi fish
- Krill
- Kuhl’s stingray
- Kelp bass
- Killer whale
- Keelback sea snake
- Kelp greenling
- Keeltail needlefish
- King angelfish
- Knobbed sea star
- Knysna seahorse
- Knifetooth sawfish
- Knobbed whelk
- Kelp snail
- Karwar fish
- Kelp surfperch
- King ragworm
- Kangaroo fish
- Kelp crab
Related: Sea and Ocean Animals in English
Zoo Animals that Start with K
- Kangaroo (typically found in zoos and wildlife parks)
- Kestrel (sometimes kept in zoos for educational purposes)
- King Cobra
- King Penguin
- Kinkajou
- Koala
- Komodo Dragon
- Kookaburra
- Kodiak Bear
- Kudu
- Key Deer
- Kiang
- Kestrel
- Kipunji
- Kit Fox
- Knobbed Hornbill
- Koel
- Kyrgyz Tarpan
- Kiwi Bird
- Kalahari Meerkat
- Karoo Prinia
- Kavango Coppery Sunbird
- Kenyan Sand Boa
- Killdeer
- Komati River Frog
- Korean Water Deer
- Kori Bustard
- Kuhl’s Flying Gecko
- Kuhl’s Pipistrelle
- Kunekune Pig
Related: Zoo Animals in English
Animals with K (by Types)
Mammals that Start with K
- Kangaroo
- Koala
- Kudu
- Kodiak bear
- Killer whale
- Kinkajou
- Kit fox
- Kookaburra
- Kestrel
- Key deer
- Kipunji
- Kiang
- Kangaroo rat
- Knob-tailed gecko
- Karakul sheep
- Kaibab squirrel
- Kuhl’s flying squirrel
- Kanchil
- Komondor
- Koolie
- Kyrgyz horse
- King colobus
- Kuril seal
- Kitti’s hog-nosed bat
- Kashmir musk deer
- Kafue lechwe
- Kelaart’s long-clawed shrew
- Korean hare
- Kitlope grizzly
- Kwongan dunnart
Related: Mammals in English
Insects that Start with K
- Katydid
- Kissing bug
- Kelp fly
- Kamehameha butterfly
- Karner blue butterfly
- Koa bug
- Killer bee
- Kilifia acuminata ant
- King Cricket
- Kinzelbach’s spider
- Kirkaldy’s leafhopper
- Knight moth
- Knot-horned sawfly
- Koa bug
- Kusnezov’s ant
- Koa seedworm
- Kiwi fruit bug
- Klamath weed beetle
- Koa bug
- Kenk’s amphipod
- Kraatzian leaf beetle
- Kauri snout beetle
- Kalligrammatid lacewing
- Keyhole wasp
- Kibale red swallowtail
- Kuroko honey bee
- Kinnaridae (walking stick insect family)
- Knobbed weevil
- Kipunji skipper
- Khasi pine blue butterfly
Related: Insects in English
Birds that Start with K
- Kagu
- Kestrel
- Kingfisher
- Kookaburra
- Kite
- Kakapo
- Killdeer
- Kiwi
- Kori Bustard
- Kittiwake
- Keel-billed Toucan
- Kentish Plover
- Kurrajong Tree
- Kokako
- Kumlien’s Gull
- Kentucky Warbler
- Key West Quail-Dove
- Kelp Gull
- Kashmir Flycatcher
- Kentucky Warbler
- Kite
- Kori Bustard
- Kea
- Kakariki
- King Vulture
- Keel-billed Toucan
- Karoo Lark
- Karoo Thrush
- Klaas’s Cuckoo
- Kroyer’s Deep-Sea Anglerfish
Related: List of Birds in English
Animals Starting with the Letter “K” for Kindergarten
- Kangaroo
- Koala
- Kingfisher
- Kinkajou
- Kitten
- Kiwi
- Komodo dragon
- Kudu
- Killer whale
- Kakapo
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