Looking for animals starting with the letter L? This reference is tailor-made for English learners eager to expand their vocabulary. By exploring this list, you will learn about several fascinating creatures, all neatly categorized by their unique names.
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Animals that Start with L
List of Common Animals Starting with L
- Labradoodle
- Labrador Retriever
- Lacewing
- Ladybug
- Lamb
- Lammergeier
- Lamprey
- Lapwing
- Leafcutter Ant
- Leaf-Tailed Gecko
- Leatherback Sea Turtle
- Leech
- Lemming
- Lemur
- Leopard
- Leopard Cat
- Leopard Seal
- Leopard Tortoise
- Liger
- Lion
- Lionfish
- Little Penguin
- Lizard
- Llama
- Loach
- Lobster
- Long-Eared Owl
- Long-Tailed Tit
- Longspur
- Loon
- Loris
- Lory
- Lovebird
- Lungfish
- Lynx
- Lyrebird
Common Animals that Start with L | Interesting Facts & Pictures
These dogs have a reputation for being energetic and social.
Labrador Retriever
Known as America’s favorite dog breed.
Can be active only during the night, or can be active during the day and the night.
A single ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime.
Their wool will never stop growing.
A bearded vulture who also identifies as the Huma bird or Homa bird in Iran and Northwest Asia.
These fish don’t have jaws or other bony structures, instead, they have a skeleton made of cartilage.
Surface-feeding birds benefit from a variety of cropping.
Leafcutter Ant
Endemic to South and Central America, Mexico, and parts of the southern United States.
Leaf-Tailed Gecko
These creatures are adapted to live in the trees.
Learn more: Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Leatherback Sea Turtle
The largest of all living turtles and is the fourth-heaviest modern reptile.
Not all leeches suck blood and they make good bait.
They live underground during the summertime.
Besides humans, lemurs are the only primates that have blue eyes.
Can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa, Northeast Africa, Central Asia, India, and China.
Leopard Cat
They have slightly webbed toes which facilitate swimming and movement on the slippery ground.
Leopard Seal
The only known seals to regularly hunt warm-blooded prey.
Leopard Tortoise
The only tortoise who doesn’t have a nuchal shield, which means it’s able to raise its head and swim.
There are fewer than 100 left in existence.
Mostly all wild lions live in Africa, but a small population exists in western India.
Their spines can deliver a venomous sting.
Little Penguin
The smallest penguin in the world stands at an average height of 13 inches. (33 cm)
Some lizards can detach their tails if caught by predators.
One of the ways they communicate is by humming.
Commonly found in aquariums.
They grow forever and they taste with their legs.
Long-Eared Owl
They hunt for small rodents during the night.
Long-Tailed Tit
When this bird is in flight, it’s said to look like a flying lollipop.
Their name refers to the elongated claw of the hind toe.
Known as incredibly good divers, who when searching for fish, can plunge over 200 feet below the water’s surface.
One of the rarest primates whose movements are snakelike.
There are over 50 species of lories.
These birds mate for life and are originally from Africa.
It grows up to six feet long and has a thick fleshy body covered with scales.
These wildcats make similar noises to domestic cats, such as purring, hissing, and meowing.
These birds are well known in Australia, in which they’ve become a common symbol and emblem.
Animals Beginning with L (by Locations)
Wild Animals that Start with L
- Lemming
- Lynx
- Lion
- Leopard
- Llama
- Lemur
- Liger
- Long-tailed weasel
- Least weasel
- Lappet-faced vulture
- Long-eared hedgehog
- Lake sturgeon
- Lamprey
- Limpet
- Lobster
- Land snail
- Leaf insect
- Ladybug
- Locust
- Lizard
- Long-eared jerboa
- Little egret
- Long-billed curlew
- Long-billed dowitcher
- Little blue heron
- Long-billed Thrasher
- Long-billed vulture
- Least flycatcher
- Lesser scaup
- Loggerhead shrike
- Long-nosed armadillo
- Lowland anoa
- Lynx spider
- Long-tailed macaque
- Least chipmunk
- Little brown bat
- Long-tailed chinchilla
- Leopard cat
- Long-finned pilot whale
- Least sandpiper
- Little grebe
- Long-toed salamander
- Lake whitefish
- Lesser spotted woodpecker
- Long-nosed bandicoot
- Little owl
- Large white butterfly
- Lesser flamingo
- Limpkin
- Long-tailed tit
- Leopard seal
- Long-fingered bat
- Largemouth bass
- Leopard gecko
- Long-billed corella
- Laughing gull
- Long-legged buzzard
- Lion-tailed macaque
- Lowland paca
- Long-beaked common dolphin
- Little penguin
- Leopard frog
- Long-horned orb-weaver spider
- Lark sparrow
- Laced Woodpecker
- Long-snouted seahorse
- Lesser kestrel
- Lycra lobster
- Long-nosed potoroo
- Lady Amherst’s pheasant
- Little spotted kiwi
- Large-billed crow
- Lesser kudu
- Lowland streaked tenrec
- Long-eared flying squirrel
Related: Wild Animals in English
Domestic Animals Beginning with L
- Labrador Retriever
- Llama
- Lhasa Apso
- Landrace pig
- Leghorn chicken
- Lincoln sheep
- Longhorn cattle
- Lop rabbit
- Lionhead rabbit
- LaMancha goat
- Large White pig
- Lakenvelder chicken
- Lakenfelder cattle
- Lusitano horse
- Lipizzan horse
- Lleyn sheep
- Lamancha goat
- Leicester Longwool sheep
- Limousin cattle
- Laying hen
- La Plata dolphin
- Longhaired Guinea Pig
- Lunkarya Guinea Pig
- Lohmann Brown chicken
- Lohmann Tierzucht chicken
- Lionfish (kept in aquariums)
- Lovebird (kept as a pet bird)
- Leopard gecko (kept as a pet reptile)
Related: Farm and Domestic Animals in English
Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with L
- Lobster
- Lionfish
- Leatherback turtle
- Limpet
- Lizardfish
- Lanternfish
- Lemon shark
- Longfin tuna
- Longnose gar
- Longnose sucker
- Longsnout seahorse
- Longtail tuna
- Longtooth grouper
- Lophelia coral
- Louvar
- Lumpsucker
- Loggerhead turtle
- Lancetfish
- Leafy sea dragon
- Little skate
- Long arm octopus
- Long arm squid
- Long barbel goatfish
- Long snouted pipefish
- Longspine squirrelfish
- Largehead hairtail
- Longfin mako shark
- Longnose lancetfish
- Luminous hake
- Luminous shrimp
Related: Sea and Ocean Animals in English
Zoo Animals that Start with L
- Lemur
- Lion
- Llama
- Leopard
- Lynx
- Lemming
- Liger (hybrid between lion and tiger)
- Langur (a type of monkey)
- Lapwing (a type of bird)
- Long-tailed tit (a type of bird)
- Least weasel
- Leaf-tailed gecko
- Long-billed corella (a type of parrot)
- Little penguin (also known as little blue penguin)
- Lowland anoa (a type of small buffalo)
- Long-nosed potoroo (a type of marsupial)
- Loggerhead sea turtle
- Lined seahorse
- Longhorn beetle (a type of insect)
- Longfin bannerfish (a type of fish)
Related: Zoo Animals in English
Animals with L (by Types)
Mammals that Start with L
- Lemur
- Lion
- Llama
- Leopard
- Lynx
- Lemming
- Liger (hybrid between lion and tiger)
- Langur (a type of monkey)
- Least weasel
- Long-nosed bandicoot
- Long-tailed chinchilla
- Long-eared jerboa
- Long-tailed macaque
- Long-tailed marmot
- Long-tailed mongoose
- Long-tailed planigale
- Long-tailed pocket mouse
- Long-tailed pygmy possum
- Long-tailed shrew
- Long-fingered bat
- Long-horned woodchuck
- Long-snouted dolphin
- Long-nosed armadillo
- Lesser kudu
- Little brown bat
- Llama-like guanaco
- Lowland paca
- Lowland tapir
- Large flying fox
- Long-tailed tree mouse
- Largemouthed kangaroo rat
Related: Mammals in English
Insects that Start with L
- Ladybird beetle
- Lacewing
- Leafhopper
- Lanternfly
- Longhorn beetle
- Louse
- Lappet moth
- Leaf beetle
- Leaffooted bug
- Lesser grain borer
- Lesser stag beetle
- Leafcutter bee
- Lesser water boatman
- Large milkweed bug
- Luna moth
- Locust
- Long-tailed mealybug
- Larder beetle
- Leaf miner
- Leatherjacket
- Litter beetle
- Loxostege sticticalis
- Leafhopper assassin bug
- Limestone brown
- Large carpenter bee.
Related: Insects in English
Birds that Start with L
- Lark
- Lapwing
- Loon
- Limpkin
- Long-tailed tit
- Lesser scaup
- Little egret
- Long-eared owl
- Laughing kookaburra
- Lesser flamingo
- Lemon dove
- Lilac-breasted roller
- Louisiana heron
- Long-billed curlew
- Least flycatcher
- Long-billed dowitcher
- Leach’s storm-petrel
- Lazuli bunting
- Little blue heron
- Levaillant’s cuckoo
- Long-tailed duck
- Little grebe
- Loggerhead shrike
- Little tern
- Black-bellied plover.
Related: List of Birds in English
Reptiles that Start with L
- Lizard
- Leatherback sea turtle
- Loggerhead sea turtle
- Leopard gecko
- Lake cumberland snake
- Long-nosed leopard lizard
- Long-tailed chinchilla lizard
- Laredo striped whiptail
- Litter skink
- Leaf-toed gecko
- Leaf-scaled sea snake
- Largehead gecko
- Lesser Antillean iguana
- Latastia longicaudata
- Long-nosed tree snake
- Laotian water dragon
- Little file snake
- Lined day gecko
- Louisiana pine snake
- Long-nosed snake
- Lichtenstein’s sand racer
- Long-tailed brush lizard
- Lesser earless lizard
- Lined snake
Related: Reptiles in English
Animals Starting with the Letter “L” for Kindergarten
- Lion
- Leopard
- Ladybug
- Lobster
- Lizard
- Lemur
- Lynx
- Lark
- Lamb
- Lemming
- Loon
- Land snail
- Longhorn
- Ladybird beetle
- Lemming
- Leafy sea dragon
- Little penguin
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