This reference aims to introduce English learners to a variety of animals that start with the letter “P”. From penguin to panda, there are numerous interesting creatures to discover. By understanding their unique characteristics and habitats, you can enrich your English vocabulary while enjoying the diversity of the animal kingdom.
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Animals that Start with P
Names of Common Animals Starting with P
- Paddlefish
- Pademelon
- Pangolin
- Panther
- Parrot
- Patas Monkey
- Peacock
- Pekingese
- Pelican
- Penguin
- Pere David’s Deer
- Peregrine Falcon
- Persian
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
- Pheasant
- Pied Tamarin
- Pig
- Pika
- Pike Fish
- Pink Fairy Armadillo
- Piranha
- Platypus
- Pointer
- Poison Dart Frog
- Polar Bear
- Pond Skater
- Poodle
- Pool Frog
- Porcupine
- Porpoise
- Possum
- Prawn
- Proboscis Monkey
- Pufferfish
- Puffin
- Pug
- Puma
- Purple Emperor Butterfly
- Puss Moth
- Pygmy Hippopotamus
- Pygmy Marmoset
Common Animals that Start with P | Facts & Pictures
They have skeletons composed of cartilage.
Nocturnal marsupials typically live in bushland habitats in coastal areas.
This creature is also known as the scaly anteater and is the only mammal in the world to be covered in keratin scales.
They’re capable of leaping up to 20 feet to catch their prey, which includes deer, monkeys, and rabbits.
The only birds that can eat with their feet.
Patas Monkey
The world’s fastest primate who can run up to 34 mph.
Their feathers are called a ‘train’.
This dog breed enjoys cold temperatures.
They dive into the water from as high as 65 feet.
A group of penguins in the water is called a ‘raft’ but on land, they’re called a ‘waddle’.
Pere David’s Deer
A very rare deer that’s found in Asia.
Peregrine Falcon
The fastest diving birds.
This cat was popular among the French nobility.
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
They came to the United States in the 1970s.
They use their excellent eyesight and sense of hearing to detect predators.
Pied Tamarin
A small monkey that’s found in the tropical forests of Brazil.
These animals are unable to sweat and are naturally very clean.
The smallest member of the rabbit family.
Pike Fish
They can swim up to ten mph.
Pink Fairy Armadillo
This creature can burrow through the soil as quickly as a fish swimming in the water.
Have lived in South America for millions of years.
They have a body like an otter, a bill and webbed feet like a duck, and a tail like a beaver.
Good companions for children.
Poison Dart Frog
In the wild, their poison is created from their diet.
Polar Bear
They face more threats than climate change.
Pond Skater
These bugs can skate, jump, and fly.
They first originated in Germany.
Pool Frog
They have longer legs and a more pointed head than common frogs.
They have poor vision, but their sense of smell is excellent.
They’re related to dolphins and whales.
They usually have abnormally short tails due to frostbite.
They have five pairs of legs.
Proboscis Monkey
Known to leap from high branches and into water.
They are able to puff up to two or three times their normal size.
There are four species of puffins, and their beak changes color during the year.
A group of pugs is called a ‘grumble’.
Also known as the cougar and the mountain lion.
Purple Emperor Butterfly
They only come down from the trees when they’re laying eggs.
Puss Moth
They have a soft furry texture.
Pygmy Hippopotamus
They are hard to spot in the wild.
Pygmy Marmoset
Tiny animals that can fit into a human’s palm.
Animals Beginning with P (by Locations)
Wild Animals that Start with P
- Panther
- Polar Bear
- Penguin
- Puma
- Porcupine
- Pronghorn
- Platypus
- Python
- Pheasant
- Peccary
- Paddlefish
- Pacific Walrus
- Peregrine Falcon
- Pangolin
- Painted Turtle
- Pacific White-Sided Dolphin
- Patagonian Mara
- Plains Zebra
- Philippine Tarsier
- Pink River Dolphin
- Puffin
- Proboscis Monkey
- Pied Avocet
- Pink Flamingo
- Palawan Peacock-Pheasant
- Parrotfish
- Pine Marten
- Poison Dart Frog
- Pink-tailed Worm Lizard
- Pygmy Slow Loris
Related: Wild Animals in English
Domestic Animals Beginning with P
- Pig
- Poodle
- Parrot
- Pekingese
- Persian cat
- Pigeon
- Paint horse
- Palomino horse
- Percheron horse
- Pygmy goat
- Polled Hereford cattle
- Plymouth Rock chicken
- Pomeranian
- Pointer dog
- Pug
- Polish chicken
- Pot-bellied pig
- Painted turtle (sometimes kept as a pet)
- Papillon
- Pelican (kept in captivity in some zoos or sanctuaries)
- Peking duck (sometimes kept as a backyard pet)
- Pyrenean mountain dog
- Paddock sheep
- Padua goose (sometimes kept as a pet for their meat and eggs)
- Philippine deer (kept in some exotic animal collections)
Related: Farm and Domestic Animals in English
Sea and Ocean Animals that Start with P
- Pacific halibut
- Pacific herring
- Pacific lamprey
- Pacific salmon
- Pacific saury
- Pacific spiny lumpsucker
- Pacific viperfish
- Paddlefish
- Painted comber
- Painted frogfish
- Painted greenling
- Painted sweetlips
- Palometa
- Pampanito
- Panga
- Panther grouper
- Paper nautilus
- Parrotfish
- Pasque sole
- Patagonian toothfish
- Peacock flounder
- Peacock rockcod
- Pearl danio
- Pearl perch
- Pearlfish
- Pelagic cod
- Pelagic thresher shark
- Pelican eel
- Pencil urchin
- Pencilfish
- Penguin fish
- Pennant coralfish
- Peppered moray
- Perch
- Peruvian horse mackerel
- Petrale sole
- Pharaoh cuttlefish
- Pigeon guillemot
- Pigeye shark
- Piked dogfish
- Pike conger
- Pike eel
- Pikeblenny
- Pilchard
- Pilot fish
- Pink salmon
- Pink whipray
- Pipefish
- Pirate perch
- Pitbull shark
- Plainfin midshipman
- Plaice
- Planktonic copepod
- Plantonivorous jellyfish
- Platessa
- Plumed seahorse
- Pocket shark
- Polka-dot ribbonfish
- Pomfret
- Pompano
- Porbeagle shark
- Porcupinefish
- Portuguese dogfish
- Pouting
- Powder blue surgeonfish
- Prickly shark
- Prickly sea cucumber
- Prickleback
- Prince Barracuda
- Prionace glauca
- Pristella tetra
- Pristidactylus argyropleuron
- Pseudochromis diadema
- Pseudocrenilabrus philander
- Pseudogastromyzon myersi
- Pseudohemiodon apithanos
- Pseudotropheus crabro
- Psittacofulvimarinae
- Pufferfish
- Pughead pipefish
- Puma ribbonfish
- Purpleback flying squid
- Purplemouth moray
- Purple-spotted bigeye
- Pygmy killer whale
- Pygmy shark
- Pyjama cardinalfish
- Pyrosome
Related: Sea and Ocean Animals in English
Zoo Animals that Start with P
- Panda
- Pangolin
- Panther
- Parrot
- Peacock
- Pelican
- Penguin
- Pheasant
- Pig
- Platypus
- Polar Bear
- Porcupine
- Prairie Dog
- Pronghorn
- Puma
- Python
Related: Zoo Animals in English
Animals with P (by Types)
Mammals that Start with P
- Pangolin
- Panda
- Puma
- Platypus
- Porcupine
- Polar bear
- Prairie dog
- Possum
- Pine marten
- Peccary
- Pacific white-sided dolphin
- Pacific pocket mouse
- Pika
- Pampas cat
- Pygmy hippopotamus
- Pygmy mouse
- Pygmy shrew
- Proboscis monkey
- Pocket gopher
- Potto
- Palm civet
- Pallas’s cat
- Philippine tarsier
- Pig
- Pilot whale
- Pacific flying fox
- Puma
- Pale-throated three-toed sloth
- Parma wallaby
- Plains zebra
Related: Mammals in English
Insects that Start with P
- Paper Wasp
- Parasitic Wasp
- Pavement Ant
- Peach Tree Borer
- Pea Weevil
- Pea Aphid
- Peacock Butterfly
- Peacock Fly
- Pearl-bordered Fritillary
- Pearl Onion Thrips
- Pearly Underwing Moth
- Pepper Weevil
- Peppered Moth
- Pine Cone Gall Midge
- Pineapple Mealybug
- Pineapple Weevil
- Pink Bollworm
- Pink Hibiscus Mealybug
- Pipevine Swallowtail
- Plains Lubber Grasshopper
- Plant Bug
- Plum Curculio
- Plum Fruit Moth
- Plum Sawfly
- Poinsettia Hornworm
- Pond Skater
- Potato Aphid
- Potato Beetle
- Potato Leafhopper
- Potato Tuber Moth
- Praying Mantis
- Predatory Stink Bug
- Preying Mantid
- Psocid
- Psyche Caterpillar
- Pupa Fly
- Purple Hairstreak Butterfly
- Purple Mint Moth
- Purple Pitcher Plant Mosquito
- Purple Tiger Moth.
Related: Insects in English
Birds that Start with P
- Pacific Loon
- Pacific Wren
- Painted Bunting
- Painted Redstart
- Palm Warbler
- Pallas’s Bunting
- Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler
- Pallas’s Sandgrouse
- Pallas’s Warbler
- Pale-vented Bush Tit
- Pale-billed Woodpecker
- Pale-breasted Illadopsis
- Pale-chinned Flycatcher
- Pale-footed Swallow
- Pale-headed Brush Finch
- Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
- Pale-naped Brush Finch
- Pale-throated Serra Finch
- Pale-winged Trumpeter
- Palm-nut Vulture
- Paradise Tanager
- Parrot Crossbill
- Parrot-billed Sparrow
- Parrotfinch
- Patagonian Mockingbird
- Pavonine Cuckoo
- Paynter’s Fruit Dove
- Peach-fronted Parakeet
- Pearl Kite
- Pearl-spotted Owlet
- Pearly Antshrike
- Pectoral Sandpiper
- Pelagic Cormorant
- Pel’s Fishing Owl
- Pennant-winged Nightjar
- Peregrine Falcon
- Peruvian Booby
- Peruvian Meadowlark
- Petrel
- Philippine Eagle
- Philippine Frogmouth
- Philippine Hawk-Eagle
- Pied Avocet
- Pied Crow
- Pied Harrier
- Pied Heron
- Pied Kingfisher
- Pied Wagtail
- Pine Grosbeak
- Pine Siskin
- Pink Pigeon
- Pink-footed Goose
- Pin-tailed Sandgrouse
- Plain Chachalaca
- Plain-capped Starthroat
- Plain-tailed Warbling Finch
- Plain-throated Antwren
- Plains-wanderer
- Plumbeous Pigeon
- Plumbeous Rail
- Plumbeous Seedeater
- Plumbeous Vireo
- Plover
- Piping Plover
- Pitta
- Plain-backed Thrush
- Plumbeous Redstart
- Pygmy Owl
- Pygmy Sunbird
- Pyrrhuloxia
Related: List of Birds in English
Reptiles that Start with P
- Panther Chameleon
- Puff Adder
- Painted Turtle
- Pine Snake
- Papuan Python
- Philippine Sailfin Lizard
- Perentie Lizard
- Parson’s Chameleon
- Prehensile-tailed Skink
- Pacific Sea Turtle
- Paradise Tree Snake
- Pit Viper
- Pygmy Chameleon
- Plumed Basilisk
- Prickly Skink
- Pygmy Rattlesnake
- Pug-nosed Anole
- Parrot Snake
- Pygmy Gecko
- Puff-faced Water Snake
Related: Reptiles in English
Animals Starting with the Letter “P” for Kindergarten
- Panda
- Penguin
- Pig
- Peacock
- Parrot
- Pelican
- Polar bear
- Puma
- Platypus
- Porcupine
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