11 Cool Animals that Start with X in English

Ever wondered about animals that start with the letter X? In this English reference, you’ll discover a variety of unique creatures whose names begin with this uncommon letter. By exploring these fascinating examples, you can expand your English vocabulary and get a glimpse into the diverse world of animals that start with the letter X.

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Animals that Start with X

Animals that Start with X
Animals that Start with X – Created by 7ESL

Common Names of Animals Starting with X

  • X-Ray Tetra
  • Xantic Sargo
  • Xantus’s Hummingbird
  • Xantus Murrelet
  • Xenarthra
  • Xenopoecilus
  • Xenops
  • Xerus
  • Xingu River Ray
  • Xolmis
  • Xoloitzcuintli

Common Animals that Start with X | Interesting Facts and Pictures

X-Ray Tetra

This fish has a transparent layer of skin that makes its backbone completely visible. Due to this layer of skin, this fish is also referred to as the Water Goldfinch and the Golden Pristella Tetra. Their biggest threat is water pollution. This fish is found in South America and can also tolerate brackish water.

X-Ray Tetra

Xantic Sargo

These fish have pharyngeal teeth that are located at the back of their throat. These teeth are used to chomp crustaceans, mollusks, and filter-feeding moss animals. The xantic sargo is a popular sport fish and is also commonly eaten.

Xantus’s Hummingbird

This mid-sized hummingbird is only found in Baja California, which is a state in the north-west of Mexico. Like all hummingbirds, they hover near flowers and use their long bill and extendable tongue to sip nectar. Their calls are very loud and deep.

Xantus’s Hummingbird

Xantus Murrelet

A group of birds found in California, Canada, Mexico, and Washington. These small seabirds are threatened by predators introduced to their breeding colonies and by oil spills.

Xantus Murrelet


A group of mammals consists of anteaters, sloths, and armadillos. Xenarthra means ‘strange joints’ which refers to the unique joints of these animals’ spinal cords. They are only found in the Americas. This group of mammals also have a very low metabolism.


Xenarthra: Anteaters


Xenarthra: Sloths


Xenarthra: Armadillos


These small fish are endemic to lakes in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The number of these fish has fallen due to pollution and the appearance of other fish coming into the lakes.


These birds are found in Mexico, Central America, and South America. The most common place to find them is in tropical rainforests.



A group of squirrels more commonly referred to as African ground squirrels. There are four species in this group of squirrels, all of which are burrowing animals. They live in a variety of different habitats such as grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands.


Xingu River Ray

This species of freshwater fish is endemic to the Xingu River in Brazil. They are also known as the White-blotched River Stingray or the Polka-dot Stingray. Their average litter consists of seven or eight pups.

Xingu River Ray


South American birds are large flycatchers. They are commonly found in open habitats. These birds are black, grey, and white.



This dog breed has been around for 3,000 years, originating back to Aztec times in ancient Mexico, making them the national dog of Mexico. The Aztecs considered these dogs very sacred and would use them for mystical healing abilities. These dogs come in different sizes, colors, and some are hairless while others have hair!


Animals Beginning with X (by Locations)

Domestic Animals Beginning with X

  1. Xoloitzcuintli (a dog breed)
  2. Xenopus (a type of aquatic frog that can be kept in captivity)
  3. X-Ray Tetra (a small freshwater fish that is sometimes kept in aquariums)

RelatedFarm and Domestic Animals in English

Zoo Animals that Start with X

  1. Xenarthra (an order of mammals that includes armadillos, anteaters, and sloths)
  2. Xerus (a genus of African ground squirrels)
  3. Xantus (a type of hummingbird)

RelatedZoo Animals in English

Animals with X (by Types)

Mammals that Start with X

  1. Xenarthra – a group of mammals that includes armadillos, anteaters, and sloths
  2. Xenocyon – an extinct genus of wild dogs
  3. Xenorhynchus – a genus of bats found in South America
  4. Xerus – a genus of ground squirrels found in Africa

RelatedMammals in English

Birds that Start with X

  1. Xenicus gilviventris (Yellowhead)
  2. Xenicus longipes (Bush Wren)
  3. Xenicus lyalli (Lyall’s Wren)

Related: List of Birds in English

Animals Starting with the Letter “X” for Kindergarten

  1. X-ray tetra
  2. Xenopus
  3. Xerus
  4. Xantus
  5. Xenarthra
  6. Xenops
  7. Xema
  8. Xylocopa
  9. Xantusiidae
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