Apart vs. A Part: Know the Difference!

Understanding the difference between “apart” and “a part” can be challenging, even for native English speakers. These two terms look almost identical but have distinct meanings and uses. In this reference, you’ll find definitions, and tips on how to use “apart” and “a part” correctly. Examples in sentences will help clarify their proper usage.

Apart vs. A part: Understanding the Difference

Key Distinctions:

  • Apart: Refers to separation or distance (either physically or metaphorically).
    • Example: “They live far apart from each other.”
  • A Part: Refers to being a component or member of something larger.
    • Example: “She feels like a part of the community.”
Apart vs. A Part
Apart vs. A Part – Created by 7ESL

Apart vs. A Part: Definition, Usage

Apart (One word):

  • Meaning: Refers to separation, distance, or being away from something or someone.
  • Use: Functions as an adverb or preposition to indicate separation or a difference.
  • Examples:
    • “The two houses are miles apart.”
    • “They grew apart over the years.”
  • Explanation: “Apart” is used when referring to things being separated or distanced from each other, either physically or emotionally.

A Part (Two words):

  • Meaning: Refers to a single piece or element of something larger.
  • Use: A noun phrase where “part” is a noun, and “a” is an article. It indicates that something is a component or member of a larger whole.
  • Examples:
    • “He wants to be a part of the team.”
    • “This is a part of the solution.”
  • Explanation: “A part” refers to a piece or section of something bigger, or being included in a group or activity.

How to Use Apart or A Part Correctly?

How to Use Apart

When you’re talking about two things that are separated from each other, be it in time, literally or figuratively, you need to use apart as one word. An example would be when you say, “The two sisters have never spent more than a week apart from each other”.

You can also use apart when you’re talking about rendering something to pieces. For instance, you can say that there was a very close and friendly community at your school but the new headmaster tore everyone apart.

Finally, instead of saying except for, you can say apart from. For example, apart from the cucumbers in the salad that tasted funny, the meal was excellent”.

How to Use A Part

When it comes to a part as two words, it can also be used in different contexts. You might ask someone for a part of their sandwich. You might say that you feel as if your closest friend was a part of your family now. Or, you might state that tomorrow you will audition for a part in the school play.

Apart vs. A Part: Common Mistakes

Using “apart” instead of “a part” for inclusion:

  • Incorrect: “He wants to be apart of the group.”
  • Correct: “He wants to be a part of the group.”
  • Explanation: “A part” is correct because it refers to being included in something.

Using “a part” instead of “apart” for separation:

  • Incorrect: “They’ve been living a part for years.”
  • Correct: “They’ve been living apart for years.”
  • Explanation: “Apart” is correct because it refers to physical or emotional separation.

Helpful Tips

How do you remember the difference? There are two things you can do. Your first option is to remember the prepositions that usually go together with each word. Apart is often accompanied by from, e.g. “Everyone in the room was quiet, apart from Mary”, while a part often goes with of, e.g. “Once I came to the new city, I started feeling like a part of the community”.

The second option that you have is to check whether you can remove from the sentence. If you do that and the sentence still makes sense, you need to use a part; otherwise, use apart. For instance, you can say, “I want to become part of this club” instead of “I want to become a part of this club”, but you can’t say, “We split part two years ago” instead of “We split apart two years ago”.

Apart vs. A Part Examples in Sentences

Examples of “Apart” in Sentences

  1. They decided to live apart for a while to sort out their differences.
  2. The magnets snapped apart when they were forcibly pulled.
  3. Keep the fragile items apart to prevent them from breaking during the move.
  4. His distinct style sets him apart from other artists in his genre.
  5. The two friends grew apart after going to different colleges.

Examples of “A Part” in Sentences

  1. She played a part in the school play.
  2. Being a part of a community gives one a sense of belonging.
  3. The engine needs a new part to run properly.
  4. He couldn’t imagine life without being a part of the team.
  5. Each member is a part of the project’s success.

Examples of Sentences that Use Both “Apart” and “A Part

  1. The twins were inseparable as children, but as adults, they lived apart and each became a part of different social circles.
  2. The machine fell apart because a part of it was not installed correctly.
  3. Their collaboration set them apart in the industry, and each contributed a part to the project’s innovation.
  4. After the argument, they took some time apart to reflect on what being a part of the relationship meant to them.
  5. The antique clock was taken apart by the expert, who carefully examined each part to ensure proper restoration.

Apart vs. A Part: Practices

Multiple Choice

For each sentence, choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

  1. The twins hate being (A) apart (B) a part from each other for too long.
  2. She is (A) apart (B) a part of the local book club.
  3. The machine was taken (A) apart (B) a part to be cleaned and serviced.
  4. Being (A) apart (B) a part of a community gives people a sense of belonging.
  5. The siblings stood (A) apart (B) a part from the crowd, not wanting to mingle.
  6. To fix the issue, you need to order (A) apart (B) a part specifically designed for this model.
  7. He always sets time (A) apart (B) a part for his family despite his busy schedule.
  8. The success of the project is (A) apart (B) a part due to the hard work of the entire team.
  9. The island is set (A) apart (B) a part by its unique flora and fauna.
  10. She played (A) apart (B) a part in the school play that was memorable for everyone who saw it.


  1. A) apart
  2. B) a part
  3. A) apart
  4. B) a part
  5. A) apart
  6. B) a part
  7. A) apart
  8. B) a part
  9. A) apart
  10. B) a part
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