In this articles worksheet, we will explore the intricacies and nuances of using articles in the English language. Through a series of educational exercises and examples, this worksheet will help learners understand when to use “a,” “an,” and “the,” as well as when it is appropriate to omit an article altogether.
Be sure to consult the subsequent list of articles to deepen your understanding of articles:
Articles Worksheet
Articles Exercises
Article Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks
- I saw ___ eagle soaring high above ___ mountains.
- She wants to be ___ engineer and work for ___ innovative tech company.
- ___ sun sets in ___ west.
- We adopted ___ cat from ___ animal shelter.
- ___ honesty is ___ best policy.
- He gave me ___ apple from ___ basket on ___ table.
- ___ Pacific Ocean is ___ largest ocean in ___ world.
- I need to buy ___ new pair of shoes for ___ wedding I’m attending.
- ___ knowledge you gain from reading is invaluable.
- Can you pass me ___ salt, please?
- There’s ___ unusual smell coming from ___ kitchen.
- ___ Queen of England lives in ___ Buckingham Palace.
- ___ apple ___ day keeps ___ doctor away.
- She is ___ first woman to win ___ Nobel Prize in Physics.
- ___ Earth revolves around ___ sun.
- He is ___ honest man who always tells ___ truth.
- ___ children need ___ education to succeed in ___ life.
- ___ Great Wall of China is one of ___ Seven Wonders of ___ World.
- We went on ___ safari and saw ___ lion.
- ___ history is ___ fascinating subject that can teach us about ___ past.
- an, the
- an, an
- The, the
- a, an
- Honesty, the
- an, the, the
- The, the, the
- a, the
- The
- the
- an, the
- The, –
- An, a, the
- the, a
- The, the
- an, the
- Children, an, –
- The, the, the
- a, a
- History, a, the
Article Exercise 2: Correct the Mistakes
1. I have a apple in my bag.
Correct: _____________
2. She is the best singer in an choir.
Correct: _____________
3. We are looking for an hotel to stay in.
Correct: _____________
4. He gave me an advice that I’ll never forget.
Correct: _____________
5. Can you see the moon in a sky tonight?
Correct: _____________
6. She wants to be a engineer when she grows up.
Correct: _____________
7. They live in old house near the lake.
Correct: _____________
8. I bought a umbrella because it was raining.
Correct: _____________
9. He is looking for the job in the field of marketing.
Correct: _____________
10. The Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Correct: _____________
11. I need an USB stick to save my files.
Correct: _____________
12. It is important to respect a law.
Correct: _____________
13. Incorrect: Can you play an violin?
Correct: _____________
Question 14. I met a European man who could speak six languages.
Correct: _____________
15. She has an experience in customer service.
Correct: _____________
1. I have an apple in my bag.
2. She is the best singer in the choir.
3. We are looking for a hotel to stay in.
4. He gave me advice that I’ll never forget. (Note: “advice” is uncountable and doesn’t take an article here.)
5. Can you see the moon in the sky tonight?
7. They live in an old house near the lake.
8. I bought an umbrella because it was raining.
9. He is looking for a job in the field of marketing.
10. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (Note: “Mount” or “Mt.” can be used before “Everest,” but “The” is not used.)
11. I need a USB stick to save my files.
12. It is important to respect the law.
13. Can you play the violin?
14. I met a European man who could speak six languages. (This sentence is actually correct as is.)
15. She has experience in customer service. (Note: “experience” is uncountable and doesn’t take an article here.)
Article Exercise 3: Complete the paragraph
Paragraph 1:
In (1) ____ small town of Greenwood, there is (2) ____ old library that holds more than just books. Within its walls are (3) ____ secrets of (4) ____ town’s history. (5) ____ librarian, Mrs. Thompson, is (6) ____ keeper of these tales and has been for (7) ____ last thirty years. One day, (8) ____ young girl named Emily discovered (9) ____ hidden room behind (10) ____ shelves in (11) ____ back corner of (12) ____ library.
Paragraph 2:
During (1) ____ summer vacation, (2) ____ group of friends decided to start (3) ____ band. They found (4) ____ old garage where they could practice and started looking for (5) ____ equipment they would need. (6) ____ first item on their list was (7) ____ drum set. After searching for (8) ____ few days, they came across (9) ____ advertisement for (10) ____ used set that was within their budget. With (11) ____ excitement, they pooled their money and made (12) ____ purchase, unaware that it would be (13) ____ beginning of (14) ____ incredible journey for (15) ____ five of them.
Paragraph 1:
- The – Refers to a specific town known to the reader.
- An – “Old” starts with a vowel sound.
- The – Refers to specific secrets.
- The – Refers to the specific history of the town.
- The – Refers to a specific librarian known to the reader.
- The – Refers to a specific role or title.
- The – Refers to a specific time period.
- A – “Young” starts with a consonant sound and introduces a new singular noun.
- A – Introduces a new singular noun (hidden room).
- The – Refers to specific shelves in the library.
- The – Refers to a specific corner of the library.
- The – Refers to the specific library mentioned earlier.
Paragraph 2:
- The – Refers to a specific vacation period.
- A – Introduces a new group of friends.
- A – Introduces a new singular noun (band).
- An – “Old” starts with a vowel sound.
- The – Refers to specific equipment that they need.
- The – Refers to the first item on a specific list.
- A – Introduces a new singular noun (drum set).
- A – “Few” starts with a consonant sound and is nonspecific.
- An – “Advertisement” starts with a vowel sound.
- A – Introduces a new singular noun (used set).
- With – No article needed before “excitement” (abstract noun used without an article in this context).
- The – Refers to a specific purchase that they made.
- The – Refers to a specific point in time (beginning of their journey).
- An – “Incredible” starts with a vowel sound.
- The – Refers to the specific group of five friends.
- Active vs. Passive Voice Exercises – Active vs. Passive Voice Worksheet - December 25, 2023
- Phrase Exercises – Phrase Worksheet - December 23, 2023
- Sentence Exercises – Sentence Worksheet - December 23, 2023