BDE Meaning, Origin and Examples

The slang acronym “BDE” has become a popular term in the few short years that it has been in existence. If you have heard or seen this term used and came here pondering what it could mean, then look no further because your search is over.

On this page, you will find the meaning of this slang, details regarding its first usage, and some alternate meanings if there are any. Conversation examples are offered further into the article to help you better understand its meaning and proper usage. Finally, you will learn some other words or phrases that can be used in place of this term without changing the meaning of the original term.

BDE Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • This acronym is most commonly used on the internet and in all other forms of electronic messaging to represent the slang phrase “big d*** energy.” This is the term used to describe someone who has and exudes an incredible amount of confidence without being cocky.
What Does BDE Mean?
What Does BDE Mean? – Created by 7ESL

What Does BDE Mean?

“BDE” stands for “Big D* Energy,”** a slang term used to describe someone who exudes quiet confidence, charisma, and self-assurance without arrogance. It doesn’t necessarily refer to physical traits; instead, it’s about an unshakable inner confidence that feels natural and effortless.

  • “She walked into the room with such BDE—everyone noticed her calm confidence.”
  • “He’s got that BDE; he never brags but always gets things done.”

BDE is often used in a positive way to highlight someone’s magnetism and self-assured attitude. It gained popularity through social media and internet culture and is now commonly used to describe people who inspire admiration without trying too hard.

Origin of BDE

This acronym and the slang phrase that it is used to represent are one of the newer trending terms to be used in social media. Its first recorded usage did not occur until June of 2018. It was first used as an entire phrase, but thanks to social media sites such as Twitter that limit the number of characters someone can use, the phrase was shortened to this acronym for representation.

Usage of “BDE”

Here’s how it is commonly used:

Social Media and Pop Culture

  • To describe celebrities or public figures who exhibit natural charisma. Example: “That actor has serious BDE—always cool and collected on and off-screen.”
  • Used in captions or comments to praise someone’s confidence. Example: “Just aced that presentation, feeling some BDE right now!”

Conversations Among Friends

  • To compliment someone’s self-assurance or the way they handled a situation. Example: “You totally nailed that interview with BDE.”
  • Used playfully to recognize someone’s calm demeanor in tough situations. Example: “She just walked in like she owned the place—BDE for sure.”

Workplace (Informal)

  • In relaxed or startup environments, BDE might be used to commend a colleague’s bold or confident move. Example: “Closing that deal with ease—pure BDE.”
  • Sometimes used humorously to describe a team or project’s confident approach. Example: “We’re going into this pitch with full BDE energy!”

Texting and Instant Messaging

  • Used to give friends a confidence boost or as encouragement. Example: “You’ve got this! Just bring that BDE!”
  • To describe someone’s attitude in a way that implies coolness without trying too hard. Example: “He just shrugged off that setback—real BDE vibes.”

Memes and Internet Jargon

  • In memes and online humor, BDE is often attributed to people, animals, or characters who seem effortlessly cool. Example: A cat lounging in a relaxed pose with the caption, “This cat has BDE.”

Other Meanings

This slang term is similar to every other acronym in the fact that it can also stand for many other things as well. Some of the other things that it can stand for are “Beginner Driver Education,” “Bulk Data Encryption,” “Basic Data Entry,” “Bus Driver Error,” and “Basic Design Engineering.” As you can see, most of these terms relate to and are used in more specific scenarios.

Related Terms to BDE

SWAGGER – Refers to a cool, self-assured way of carrying oneself. Example: “She walked in with such swagger; you could feel her confidence.”

Boss Energy – Indicates the confidence and command typically associated with someone in control or authority. Example: “He took control of the situation with total boss energy.”

Vibe Check – A phrase used to assess or confirm someone’s energy or attitude in a given situation, often to see if they have a calm and collected vibe. Example: “He passed the vibe check—super chill and confident.”

Aura – Often used to describe the natural, intangible energy someone projects. Example: “She has an aura that draws people in—total BDE.”

Charisma – A term for natural charm or appeal, often exuding confidence. Example: “He’s got this charisma that makes everyone feel at ease around him.”

Calm Confidence – Emphasizes self-assurance that doesn’t need to be loud or showy. Example: “Her calm confidence speaks volumes—she doesn’t need to try too hard.”

Alpha Energy – Often used to describe a dominant, confident personality, particularly someone who naturally takes the lead. Example: “His alpha energy was obvious in every meeting.”

Low-Key Power – Implies strength and influence without an over-the-top attitude. Example: “She’s all about that low-key power—quiet but impactful.”

Game – Describes someone’s charm or ability to attract and impress. Example: “He’s got serious game, always smooth and confident.”

Self-Assurance – Reflects a deep, stable sense of confidence in oneself. Example: “Her self-assurance is inspiring; she knows exactly who she is.”

Synonyms of BDE

There are several words or phrases that you could use without using this phrase or this acronym that would still express the same meaning. Some of the other things you could say instead include:

  • confidence
  • conviction
  • positive self-esteem

BDE Examples

In Conversations

A conversation between two friends using text messaging.

  • Friend 1: Tyler has BDE! I think that is why I like him so much!
  • Friend 2: What are you talking about?! Tyler is so cocky!
  • Friend 1: I don’t think he is cocky as all, he is just confident!

An online conversation between two Facebook users.

  • User 1: A lot of women think I am cocky. However, I have BDE! I am not cocky, I am just confident!
  • User 2: Preach brother! I hate women who can say they are confident, but if men have the same energy, we are cocky.
  • User 1: I know right?!

In Texting and Social Posts

Big Dick Energy, or BDE, is a term that has gained popularity in texting and social media posts as a way to describe someone’s confidence or swagger. It originated in 2018 and became particularly popular on platforms like Twitter. BDE is not limited to men or even individuals with any specific physical attributes; it is an attitude that transcends gender and physicality.

One notable example of BDE surfaced when the internet deemed comedian Pete Davidson as possessing this elusive trait. His relationship with singer Ariana Grande further solidified his status as the poster child for BDE, sparking numerous memes and discussions on social media.

In addition to Pete Davidson, several other celebrities have been hailed as exemplifying BDE – such as Rihanna, Cate Blanchett, and even some men who openly advocated for feminism. These individuals exude a sense of self-assuredness and confidence, but in a subtle way that doesn’t come across as cocky or arrogant.

Conversations and posts about BDE often take place on Twitter and other social media platforms. Users compare and contrast various celebrities and public figures, debating who embodies that intangible aura of confidence.

BDE has also sparked discussions about masculinity and misogyny, as it challenges traditional stereotypes about what it means to be “masculine” or “feminine.” By attributing this energy to both men and women, it breaks down some of the barriers associated with gender norms and expectations.