“Blue Falcon” Meaning, Origin and Examples

What does Blue Falcon mean? There are many slang terms used today that have become an acceptable part of everyday informal communication. One term you may encounter often is the slang phrase “blue falcon.” In the article below, you will find the meaning of this slang term and information on where the term came from.

Other meanings will also be highlighted if any exist. Lastly, you will see conversation examples to show the proper use of this term in everyday communication and explore different ways you can convey the same meaning.

“Blue Falcon” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The slang term “blue falcon” means the one guy who is always screwing over his friends in any given situation.
Blue Falcon Meaning
Blue Falcon Meaning – Created by 7ESL

“Blue Falcon” Meaning

In military slang, “Blue Falcon” is a term used to describe someone who betrays or lets down their comrades, often prioritizing their own interests over the group’s well-being. The term “Blue Falcon” is a humorous or ironic twist on “Buddy F*er”** (BF), meaning someone who “screws over” their buddy, hence “Blue Falcon.” It’s commonly used in the U.S. military to refer to someone who behaves selfishly, tattles on others, or causes unnecessary trouble for teammates.

For example:

  • “He ratted out the whole squad to look good in front of the sergeant—what a Blue Falcon.”
  • “Don’t be a Blue Falcon and leave your teammates hanging.”

Origin of Blue Falcon

Although specifics of the origin are unknown in regards to the year, this slang term originated in the military. The term “Blue Falcon” was used by military personnel to refer to other members of their unit that always did things wrong and got the whole platoon into some sort of trouble for their mistakes.

The phrase is said to have originally come from the civilian term “buddy f#@$er” or commonly shortened to just “bf.” To make the term military friendly and respectful, the abbreviation was used to create “Blue Falcon.” Today the term is used not only by the military but also by the police and civilians.

Usage of Blue Falcon

The term “Blue Falcon” is military slang used to describe a service member who betrays or undermines their comrades, often for personal gain. It’s a euphemism for “buddy f***er,” highlighting actions that compromise unit cohesion and trust.

In a military setting:

  • “Private Smith was caught taking credit for Sergeant Johnson’s work. He’s a real Blue Falcon.”
  • This indicates that Private Smith undermined Sergeant Johnson to benefit himself.

During a team project:

  • “We all stayed late to finish the report, but Mark left early and let us handle the presentation. Classic Blue Falcon move.”
  • Mark’s actions reflect a lack of teamwork and consideration for his colleagues.

In a workplace environment:

  • “When the boss asked who was responsible for the mistake, Lisa pointed to Tom without hesitation. That’s a Blue Falcon behavior.”
  • Lisa’s quickness to blame Tom shows a betrayal of trust and accountability.

In a social context:

  • “I shared my personal plans with her, and she told everyone. That’s a Blue Falcon move.”
  • Sharing confidential information without consent is a form of betrayal.

In a sports team scenario:

  • “During the game, he ignored the playbook and did his own thing, costing us the match. Total Blue Falcon.”
  • Ignoring team strategy for personal reasons undermines the team’s success.

Other Meanings

There does not appear to be any other meaning. However, there is a recent game to the market called Blue Falcon where players compete against one another by drawing as many cards as they can before their friends to get a blue falcon from the deck.

When a blue falcon is found, the card can be laid down on the table to screw over their friends and eliminate them from play. The last player left wins and is declared the ultimate Blue Falcon. There is also an internet organization called the bluefalcons.org that helps former and current military members keep in contact with one another after serving together.

Related Terms to “Blue Falcon”

  • Buddy F*er (BF)**: A direct term for someone who betrays or fails their friends or teammates.
  • Snitch: Someone who tattles or informs on others, often for personal gain.
  • Backstabber: A person who betrays someone, typically in a deceitful or underhanded way.
  • Rat: Slang for someone who tells on or betrays others.
  • Turncoat: Refers to someone who switches sides or betrays their group.
  • Sellout: A person who sacrifices their loyalty or values, often for personal gain.
  • Traitor: Someone who betrays their team, group, or country.
  • Double-crosser: A person who deceives or betrays someone they were supposed to be loyal to.
  • Snake: Slang for a deceitful or untrustworthy person.
  • Judas: A reference to betrayal, derived from the biblical figure who betrayed Jesus.

Alternatives to “Blue Falcon”

Some alternatives to the slang term “Blue Falcon” that means the same thing include:

  • buddy f#$%er
  • bf
  • screw-up

Blue Falcon Examples

Sentence Examples

  • “I can’t believe he threw us under the bus like that—what a Blue Falcon.”
  • “Nobody trusts him anymore since he pulled a Blue Falcon move on the team.”
  • “Don’t be a Blue Falcon; stick with the squad and help out.”
  • “She turned out to be a real Blue Falcon, reporting everything we did to the higher-ups.”
  • “Everyone respects loyalty here, so don’t be a Blue Falcon.”
  • “We needed his help, but he bailed on us last minute like a total Blue Falcon.”
  • “In the military, being labeled as a Blue Falcon can ruin your reputation.”

Conversation Examples

A conversation between two co-workers in the office at a local bar:

  • Co-worker 1: Coming here was all Pete’s idea.
  • Co-worker 2: I kind of thought so considering he was the first to leave. That’s become his MO!
  • Co-worker 1: Yeah, he is one hell of a Blue Falcon!

A conversation between two friends walking home from school:

  • Friend 1: I still can’t believe Ben asked Miranda out on a date when he knew I was interested in her.
  • Friend 2: I completely agree! It was a real dick move on his part, even for him.
  • Friend 1: Well, it’s the final proof I needed to know that guy is a Blue Falcon for sure!
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