Business Idioms

Business idioms are a quirky yet crucial part of our professional language, allowing us to convey complex ideas succinctly and with a dash of personality. By understanding and using these phrases appropriately, we enhance our ability to connect with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. So, as we dive into the realm of business idioms, let’s prepare to expand our professional vocabulary and add an extra layer of sophistication to our everyday interactions.

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Business Idioms

Business Idioms
Business Idioms – Created by 7ESL

Idioms for Making Decisions | Business Idioms

List of common business sayings and idioms for making decisions:

  • (Give Someone) Carte Blanche: Allow someone complete freedom; entrust a decision to someone
  • All Things Being Equal: In the event that all aspects of a situation remain the same
  • Up for Grabs: Available
  • On the Bubble: One of a group that may be selected for the last spot in a competition
  • All Told: With everything taken into consideration
  • All Things Considered: Taking all factors into consideration
  • Up in the Air: Not yet decided
  • Raise Red Flags: Warn of trouble ahead
  • Rubber-Stamp (v.): Approve something without consideration, as a formality
  • Take It or Leave It (command): You must decide now whether you will accept this proposal
  • Out of the Loop: Not part of a group that’s kept informed about something
  • On the Same Page: Understanding a situation in the same way
  • Hobson’s Choice: A choice among bad options
  • Flip-Flop (v. or n.): To vacillate between two choices, to be indecisive
  • Fish or Cut Bait (usually an exclamation): Make a decision or give someone else a chance
  • (Have One’s) Back Against the Wall: Have few choices, be cornered
Idioms for Making Decisions
Idioms for Making Decisions – Created by 7ESL

Jobs Idioms | Business Idioms

List of useful business phrases and idioms about jobs in English:

  • Learn the Ropes: Become more familiar with a job or field of endeavor; be trained
  • Get the Sack, Be Sacked: To be fired
  • Off the Hook: Free from blame or responsibility to do something
  • Hanging by a Thread: In great danger of elimination or failure
  • Burn the Candle at Both Ends: Work very long hours
  • Rank and File: The ordinary members of an organization
  • Pink Slip: A layoff notice; loss of a job, typically because of layoffs
  • Out of Work: Unemployed
  • Move Up in the World: Become more successful
  • Give Someone The Old Heave-Ho: Fire someone, remove someone from a group or team
  • All In A Day’s Work (Excl.): That’s what I’m here for; although I have accomplished something, it is part of what I’m expected to do
  • Heads Will Roll (Are Going to Roll): People will be fired
Idioms about jobs
Idioms about jobs – Created by 7ESL

Finance Idioms | Business Idioms

List of business expressions and idioms about finance in English:

  • Banner Year: A year marked by strong successes
  • In the Red: Losing money; (of a market index) below a specified starting point
  • Nest Egg: Retirement savings; wealth saved for a future purpose
  • Crunch the Numbers: Do calculations before making a decision or prediction
  • You Can Take It to the Bank: I absolutely guarantee this
  • Have Skin in the Game: Be risking something in an undertaking
  • Poison Pill: A provision or feature added to a measure or an entity to make it less attractive, an undesirable add-on

Money Idioms | Business Idioms

List of important business phrases and idioms about money in English:

  • Nickel and Dime: To negotiate over very small sums; to try to get a better financial deal, in a negative way
  • A Penny Saved is A Penny Earned: Every small amount helps to build one’s savings
  • Pinch Pennies: To be careful with money, to be thrify
  • Pretty Penny: A lot of money; too much money (when referring to the cost of something)
  • Sticker Shock: Surprise at the high price of something
  • Cash-Strapped: In need of money
  • For a Song: At very low cost
  • Blank Check: Permission to spend or do whatever one wishes; carte blanche
  • Turn on a Dime: Quickly reverse direction or position
  • Nice Chunk of Change: A large amount of money
  • Give One’s Two Cents (That’s My Two Cents): Offer an opinion, suggest something
  • Honor System: A system of payments that relies on the honesty of those paying
  • Bang for Your Buck: Value for your money
  • Make Ends Meet: Have enough money to cover basic expenses
  • In For a Penny, In for a Pound: Committed to something even though the risks are increasing
  • Double-Dip: Improperly get income from two different sources
  • Feather One’s (Own) Nest: Use one’s influence or power improperly for financial gain
  • Take a Flyer: To take a rise; especially to make a speculative investment
  • Two a Penny: Ordinary, inexpensive
  • Ten a Penny: Ordinary, inexpensive
  • Pay Through the Nose (For Something): Pay a large amount of money
  • A Penny for Your Thoughts: What are you thinking?
  • Penny-Pinching: Frugal, avoiding expenses whenever possible
  • Pick Up the Tab: To pay a bill presented to a group, especially in a restaurant or bar
  • Bang for Your Buck: Value for money
  • Pass the Buck: Transfer a problem to someone else
  • (To Go) From Rags To Riches: Earn a fortune after being poor early in life
  • Flat Broke: Having no money at all
  • Deep Pockets: The new owner has deep pockets, so fans are hoping the football team will improve next year with new players
  • (A) Day Late and a Dollar Short: Too little, too late; both late and insufficient
  • (A) Dime a Dozen: Very cheap; easily obtained
  • Bet One’s Bottom Dollar (On Something): Be certain that something will happen
  • And Change: And an additional amount of money that’s less than the next round number
  • A Day Late And A Dollar Short: Too delayed and insignificant to have much effect
Idioms about Money
Idioms about Money – Created by 7ESL

Sales & Marketing Idioms | Business Idioms

List of common business phrases and idioms about sale and marketing in English:

  • All It’s Cracked Up To Be: As good as claims or reputation would suggest
  • Deliver the Goods: Provide what is expected
  • In the Pipeline: Being prepared for the marketplace, being worked on
  • Out the Door: With everything included (said of a price)
  • Price Yourself Out of the Market: Try to sell goods or services at such a high price that nobody buys them.
  • Sell (Someone) a Bill of Goods: Trick someone; be deceptive
  • Selling Point: An attractive feature of something for sale
  • Sold On (Something): Convinced of something
  • TLC: Tender Loving Care
idioms about sales and marketing
idioms about sales and marketing – Created by 7ESL

Negotiation Idioms | Business Idioms

List of English business expressions and idioms for negotiation:

  • Agreement In Principle: In a negotiation, an agreement in which not all details have been worked out
  • An Offer One Can’t Refuse: An extremely attractive offer
  • Back And Forth: Dialogue, negotiations
  • Come to Terms With (Something): Feel acceptance toward something bad that has happened
  • Draw a Line in the Sand: Issue an ultimatum; specify an absolute limit in a conflict
  • Drive a Hard Bargain: To negotiate effectively
  • Drive a Wedge Between: Try to split factions of a united group by introducing an issue on which they disagree
  • Give and Take: Negotiations, the process of compromise
  • Stand One’s Ground: Refuse to back down; insist on one’s position
  • Sweeten the Deal: Add something to an offer during a negotiation
  • Trial Balloon: A test of someone’s or the public’s reaction
  • Big Deal: An important event or accomplishment
  • Yes Man: The idiom “yes man” refers to a person who always agrees with others, especially with his or her boss.
idioms for negotiation
idioms for negotiation – Created by 7ESL

Problem Idioms | Business Idioms

List of business sayings and idioms for problems and difficulties:

  • (An) Uphill Climb: A difficult process
  • (The) Last Straw: A problem or insult that finally demands a response
  • Above Water: Not in extreme difficulty. Especially said of finances
  • Come Out in the Wash: To be resolved with no lasting negative effect
  • Cut Corners: Economize by reducing quality; take shortcuts
  • In a Jam: In need of help, in a difficult spot
  • Cut the Gordian Knot: To solve a complex problem in a simple way
  • Get To Grips With: To begin to understand and deal with something
  • Head (Go) South: Decline, get worse
  • In Hot Water: In need of help; in trouble
  • Red Tape: Bureaucracy; difficult bureaucratic or governmental requirements
  • Start with a Clean Slate: To start (something) again with a fresh beginning; to work on a problem without thinking about what has been done before
  • Stumbling Block: An obstacle, physical or abstract
  • Think Outside the Box: Try to solve a problem in an original way; think creatively
  • Finger-Pointing: Blame; a situation within a group where each member attempts to blame others
idioms for problem solving
idioms for problem solving – Created by 7ESL

Review Idioms | Business Idioms

List of common business expressions and idioms for review in English:

  • Mind One’s P’s and Q’s: Be attentive to details; be on one’s best behavior
  • All Over The Place: Everywhere; in many different locations
  • Read Between the Lines: Perceive what is not explicitly stated
  • Across The Board: In relation to all categories, for everyone
  • All Over The Board: Everywhere, in many different locations
  • All Over The Map: Everywhere; in many different locations

Schedule Idioms | Business Idioms

List of essential business phrases and idioms for scheduling in English:

  • Against The Clock: Forced to hurry to meet a deadline
  • Busman’s Holiday (UK): A working vacation
  • Burn the Midnight Oil: Working late into the night
  • Pencil Something In: Make tentative arrangements
  • Back to the Drawing Board: Forced to begin something again
  • Eleventh Hour: The last minute
  • In the Works: Under development; coming soon
  • (Do Something) By the Book: According to established procedure
  • Cut It Fine: To do something at the last moment
  • After The Fact: Too late; after something is completed or finalized
  • Sit On (Something): Delay revealing or acting on something
  • Back to the Salt Mines: It’s time for me (us) to go back to work
  • Take Five (Ten): Take a short break of five (ten) minutes
  • Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF): Let’s be happy that the workweek is over!
  • Kick the Can Down the Road: Postpone an important decision
  • (In the) Fullness of Time: Eventually, when appropriate; after you wait patiently
  • Call It a Day: Decide that one has worked enough on something for the day
  • Burn the Candle at Both Ends: To work too hard, with possible bad consequences for one’s health
  • Sneak Peek: A sneak peek is an opportunity to view something in advance of its official opening or debut
  • Ahead Of The Game: Making faster progress than anticipated; ahead of schedule
  • Crunch Time: A period of high pressure when one has to work hard to finish something
  • Business as Usual: A normal situation (whether related to business or not), typically restored after some change
  • You Snooze, You Lose: If you delay or are not alert, you will miss opportunities
  • On the Spur of the Moment: Without advance planning, spontaneously
  • Elevator Pitch: A brief presentation of an idea, one short enough to be delivered in an elevator
  • Back to Square One: Forced to begin something again
  • Right-Hand Man: Chief assistant
  • Ahead Of One’s Time: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative
  • Think Tank: A group of experts engaged in ongoing studies of a particular subject; a policy study group
idioms for business scheduling
idioms for business scheduling – Created by 7ESL

Leadership Idioms | Business Idioms

List of commonly used business expressions and idioms about leadership in English:

  • (The) Man: The boss; authority in general
  • Big Picture: A wide perspective; a broad view of something
  • Call the Shots: Make the important decisions in an organization
  • Changing of the Guard: A change in leadership at an organization
  • Movers and Shakers: Influential people, especially in a particular field
  • On Point: Good, well done, effective
  • Cut Someone Some Slack: Avoid treating someone strictly or severely
  • Light a Fire Under Someone: Inspire someone to work very hard
  • Rake Someone Over the Coals: Scold severely
  • Put Someone on the Spot: Force someone to answer a question or make a decision immediately
  • Ahead Of The Curve: Offering ideas not yet in general circulation; highly creative
  • Cut to the Chase: Get to the point; explain the most important part of something quickly; skip the preliminaries
  • Da Man (Slang): An accomplished or skillful person. Generally used in the compliment “”You da man!””
  • The Powers That Be: People in charge, often used when the speaker does not want to identify them.
  • After The Lord Mayor’s Show (UK): Anticlimactic; occurring after something impressive
  • (To Be at Someone’s) Beck And Call: To be under someone’s total command, to be forced to fulfill someone’s orders or whims
  • Too Many Chiefs and Not Enough Indians: Everyone wants to be a leader, and no one wants to do the actual work
  • (To) Cross All Your T’s And Dot All Your I’s: To take care of every detail, including the minor ones
  • A Little from Column A, a Little from Column B: A course of action drawing on several different ideas or possibilities
idioms about leadership
idioms about leadership – Created by 7ESL

Deadline Idioms | Business Idioms

List of deadline idioms in English:

  • Burn the Midnight Oil: To work late into the night
  • Race Against Time: To rush to meet a deadline, to be forced to do something very quickly

Meeting Idioms | Business Idioms

List of meeting idioms in English:

  • Hit the Nail on the Head: To be absolutely correct (said of an utterance)
  • Take the Edge Off (of Something): To slightly improve something negative

Using Idioms in Business Communication

We often use idioms to express complex ideas in a few words. They can add color to our conversations and help convey our message with a shared understanding, fostering better business relationships.

Idioms in Business
Idioms in Business – Created by 7ESL

Contextual Usage of Idioms

Selecting the Right Moment: We ensure that idioms are used in applicable situations to make communication more effective. For instance, we say an idea is “on the back burner” when it’s not an immediate priority, implying that it’s something we will come back to later.

Achieving Clarity: It’s crucial for us to use idioms that enhance understanding. For example, when a concept is within acceptable limits, we might say it’s “in the ballpark,” indicating that while not exact, the estimation is close enough for further discussion.

Cultural Considerations

International Awareness: We are mindful of the global business environment, where idioms might not translate well across cultures. We avoid using idioms in international contexts unless we are certain they will be understood, such as “breaking the ice”, which is widely recognized as a means of starting a conversation.

Respect for Diversity: We recognize the importance of inclusivity in our language choices. This means we consciously choose idioms that are non-offensive and consider the diverse backgrounds of our team and partners.

Idioms in Digital Communication

Clear Communication Online: We apply idioms judiciously in emails and messaging, ensuring they are well-known and unlikely to cause confusion, such as “touch base,” which means to briefly make or renew contact with someone.

Tone in Text: Since idioms can add a casual or informal tone, we use them strategically to maintain the intended level of formality. For instance, inviting a colleague to “think outside the box” in a brainstorming email can signal encouragement for creativity.

The Impact of Idioms on Business Relationships

In the world of business, we recognize that communication extends beyond charts and formal reports. It’s often the casual, idiomatic language that cements our relationships. Employing business idioms allows us to express complex ideas succinctly and connect with colleagues on a more personal level.

We’ve all heard phrases like thinking outside the box or getting the ball rolling. These idioms aren’t just about adding color to our language; they’re a form of shorthand that conveys our thoughts effectively. When we use idioms correctly, we demonstrate our understanding of the business culture, which can be especially valuable in making non-native English speakers feel included.

Here are the ways idioms impact our business relationships:

  • Building Rapport: Shared language creates a sense of camaraderie.
  • Expressing Ideas: Idioms can encapsulate strategic concepts quickly.
  • Enhancing Persuasion: An apt idiom can make our proposals more compelling.

However, we must be cautious. Misunderstanding idioms can lead to confusion.

As we integrate these idioms into our daily interactions, they’re more than just words; they become the glue in our business relationships. They allow us to relate on a more personal level, fostering stronger, more dynamic partnerships. It’s crucial we understand and utilize them thoughtfully to maintain clarity and avoid potential misunderstandings.

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