Psychology Terms

Psychologists use terms like “ego,” “anxiety,” and “cognitive processes” to explain various aspects of human thought and behavior. These psychology terms are essential for anyone looking to understand how the mind works and how our mental processes shape actions and interactions.

What Are Psychology Terms?

Psychology terms are specific words and phrases used to describe concepts, phenomena, and conditions related to the mind and behavior. These terms include vocabulary for psychological conditions, processes such as perception and cognition, and therapeutic techniques.

Examples include cognition, which refers to mental processes like thinking and memory, and behavior, which describes actions and reactions of individuals. Familiarity with these terms can aid in discussions and studies in the field of psychology.

List of Psychology Terms

Psychology encompasses an array of terms that can help you better understand the mind and behavior. Here is a list of some essential psychology terms:

  1. Abnormal Psychology
  2. Affect
  3. Aggression
  4. Anxiety
  5. Behaviorism
  6. Cognition
  7. Conditioning
  8. Cognitive Dissonance
  9. Defense Mechanism
  10. Developmental Psychology
  11. Empathy
  12. Freudian Slip
  13. Humanistic Psychology
  14. Id, Ego, Superego
  15. Intelligence
  16. Motivation
  17. Neurotransmitters
  18. Operant Conditioning
  19. Personality
  20. Phobia
  21. Psychoanalysis
  22. Psychotherapy
  23. Resilience
  24. Self-Actualization
  25. Social Psychology
  26. Stress
  27. Unconscious
  28. Validity
  29. Attachment Theory
  30. Attribution Theory
  31. Behavioral Neuroscience
  32. Biofeedback
  33. Bystander Effect
  34. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  35. Collective Unconscious
  36. Conditioned Response
  37. Conformity
  38. Dissociation
  39. Ego Defense Mechanisms
  40. Emotional Intelligence
  41. Forensic Psychology
  42. Groupthink
  43. Habituation
  44. Heuristics
  45. Implicit Memory
  46. Learned Helplessness
  47. Locus of Control
  48. Mindfulness
  49. Neuroplasticity
  50. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  51. Positive Reinforcement
  52. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  53. Projection
  54. Psychosomatic
  55. Reciprocal Determinism
  56. Schema
  57. Self-Efficacy
  58. Social Facilitation
  59. Social Learning Theory
  60. Transference

These terms only scratch the surface of psychological vocabulary, but they are fundamental to the field. Whether you are a student or someone interested in psychology, knowing these terms can deepen your understanding.

Common Psychology Terms with their Meanings

Understanding psychology terms can help you grasp the basics of how the mind works. Here are some common terms you might encounter:

Cognition: The mental processes of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Addiction: A psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or behavior. It affects both mental and physical health.

Cognitive Psychology: This field focuses on internal mental processes such as memory, thinking, problem-solving, and language.

Developmental Psychology: This branch studies the social and mental development of individuals throughout their life, especially in childhood.

Behavioral Psychology: Also known as behaviorism, this area examines how people learn and how they behave based on interactions with the environment.

Insomnia: A condition characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep. It can impact daily functioning and overall health.

Perception: The process by which individuals organize and interpret sensory information to understand their environment.

Motivation: The driving force behind actions, desires, and needs. It explains why people initiate, continue, or stop behavior.

Emotion: Complex reactions that involve physical and psychological responses to experiences.

Personality: The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s unique character.

Attention: The cognitive process of focusing on specific stimuli while ignoring others.

Experimental Psychology: Uses scientific methods to study psychological issues through controlled experiments.

Absolute Threshold: The minimum level of stimulus intensity needed for a stimulus to be detected 50% of the time.

Action Potential: A brief electrical charge that travels down a neuron, enabling it to communicate with other neurons.

Adaptation: The process through which organisms adjust to new environments or changes in their current environment.

Infographics of Common Psychology Terms

Insatiable Meaning

Insatiable meaning

Spontaneity Meaning

Spontaneity Meaning

Grateful Meaning

Grateful Meaning

Discernment Meaning

Discernment Meaning

Weary Meaning

Weary meaning

Cathartic Meaning

Cathartic Meaning

Hopeless Romantic Meaning

Hopeless Romantic Meaning

Clever Meaning

Clever Meaning

ADHD Meaning

ADHD Meaning

Adversity Meaning

Adversity Meaning

Leniency Meaning

Leniency Meaning

Forbearance Meaning

Forbearance Meaning

Virtue Meaning

Virtue Meaning

Mourning Meaning

Mourning Meaning

PTSD Meaning

PTSD Meaning

OCD Meaning

OCD Meaning

CBT Meaning

CBT Meaning

DBT Meaning

DBT Meaning

MBT Meaning

MBT Meaning

Prejudice Meaning

Prejudice Meaning

Humanity Meaning

Humanity Meaning

Pity Meaning

Pity Meaning

Kindness Meaning

Kindness Meaning

Mercy Meaning

Mercy Meaning

Tenderness Meaning

Tenderness Meaning

Bliss Meaning

Bliss Meaning

Sorrow Meaning

Sorrow Meaning: What's the Meaning of this Term?

Grief Meaning

Grief Meaning

Affection Meaning

Affection Meaning

Sympathy Meaning

Sympathy Meaning

Commonly Confused Psychology Terms

Sensing vs. Intuition

Sensing vs. Intuition

Psychologist vs. Therapist

Psychologist vs. Therapist

Left vs. Right Brain

Left vs. Right Brain

Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal

Interpersonal vs. Intrapersonal

Psychology vs. Psychiatry

Psychology vs. Psychiatry

Pink Noise vs. White Noise

Pink Noise vs. White Noise



Compassion vs. Empathy

Compassion vs. Empathy

Lust vs. Love

Lust vs. Love